Reviews from

in the past

some of the most noxious mobile game era art i've seen. fundamentally unfun in its simplicity, as opposed to 2011's wwe all stars which is this game's premise done well and without vbucks bloat and A button hammering on the mat. play a royal rumble and witness how janky the engine is

never thought you could make an arcady wrestling game unfun but here we are

It's like 'ok so we're going to make a childish wrestling game about...................... LITTLE PEOPLE'

It plays awful and looks awful with an absurd amount of microtransactions, no redeeming qualities

The character creator is fun. The wrestling game play isn't really what i want though (I want Ultimate Muscle).

you’ll never be wwe all-stars and it eats you alive

they just wanted to give us scraps waiting for 2k22

The worst game I've had the displeasure of playing on PS Plus. What the hell was this, Sony??

Primeiro jogo de wwe que eu joguei na vida. Jogar no teclado tirou toda minha expectativa de vida, foi dificil pra um caramba só terminei o modo campanha e chorando muito, depois do mexico vira um inferno

Ich mag das Design und das Over the Top Gameplay, bei dem man Gegner auch mal an Krokodile verfüttern oder sie mit einer ferngesteuerten Ziege attackieren kann. Schade, dass nur ein Kampagnencharakter interessant und alles mit Lootboxen verseucht ist.

one of the few games that rival 2k20 on the worst game of all time debate,along with like the new saints row and efootball,and is a sequel to damn 2k20,truly a dark age to be a wwe fan

It's so bad it gave me a legit headache after 3 matches and I uninstalled it immediately.

Meh game and by the numbers. Honestly, I barely could finish the tutorial and seeing this game is not for me. Very basic and ugly looking.

We've come a long way from Smackdown vs. Raw, huh?

Plays like pretty hot shit, with a really bizarre art style.

Its not bad for what it is trying to be but I miss the more realistic style,and universe mode.

I gotta say when I first saw this announced, I did not expect much from it. I treated this really harshly but I will be honest when I say: I actually consider this to be a decent game.

The gameplay's a lotta fun. Lot of chaos in the matches and the graphics are excellent. The matches they got are really cool especially the Cage match which for some reason give me good old CZW vibes for some reason so thats cool.

Only downside? Microtransactions. And the gameplay can get a little tedious and repetitive at times.

Overall, pretty good. It might just keep me going till 2K22. lol.

It's not terrible. It can be fun for a while but It just doesn't have the playability of a usual wrestling game. Once I've finished the campaign I can't see myself continuing to play or even come back and replay It In the future

Divertido no multiplayer local, terrível solo

This has to be one of the worst wrestling games ever. The only positives I can say are the controls are simple, and the combat is easy to pick up and play. During matches, you can get access to power-ups like health buffs, freeze your opponent, damage buffs, etc. Some of the environments are pretty cool like a chop shop, swamp and subway. It goes downhill from there. Every wrestler has the same move-set. Only difference is maybe one move and a finisher. Graphically, it's worse than WWE All-STARS, which looked way better. Severe lack of match types and glaring omissions (no Triple Threat or Fatal 4 Way Cage, no Ladder, no Elimination style modifier). No Create-a-Move-set. Create-a-Superstar/Woman is super bare bones, even more limited than WWF War Zone. Campaign mode is decent, with a comic book style story presentation. Too bad the difficulty ramps up to the extreme near the end and trades fun and skill for frustrating cheap tactics. There are a ton of playable characters including a lot that were added via post launch updates, but they are all so expensive with stingy in-game currency payouts that make it a boring grind. Not like it would be worth unlocking AJ Styles, Bray Wyatt, John Cena or anyone since they all play 99.9% identical to each other. Worse? Game would even crash and slow to a crawl at single digit frames in multi-man matches.

This would be perfectly serviceable PS2 fodder if not for one of the most vehemently ugly gaming art styles in recent memory and a 'campaign' with bland progression that becomes flat-out unplayable in the last couple sections. I mean seriously take one gameplay video of this and tell me what the hell I'm even looking at. Not sure why this needed to exist considering they gave up on quality of life support for it in like a nanosecond anyway. Also tons of stupid .png cutscenes. Can confidently call this distracting.

A filler arcade-style game released while 2K22 was wrapping up development. Nobody asked for this.