Reviews from

in the past

Took the mechanics from 2007 and improved on them and added some nice extra bits. Was the last wrestling game I owned on PS2, think it was potentially my second favourite WWE game on the system.

Stayed up all night at a sleepover once creating a single wrestler on this and then spent about five minutes in a match with him before getting bored and turning it off.

Bad - The beginning of the decline.
New fighting style gameplay mechanics and ECW match type gimmicks that left no lasting charm and weren't that fun. They completely overhauled traditional controls to accommodate the new analogue movement system which felt slow and sluggish. The presentation took a hit compared to 07's sports game aesthetic, now opting for unfitting moody lighting instead. The only thing worth revisiting is the GM mode... And the soundtrack.


muito bom, faz 13 anos q n jogo, mas qnd eu jogava era muito bom

refacherito pero los controles eran muy gimmicky en wii, por suerte en el 2011 eran más streamlined. ojalá siguiesen haciendo modos GM en los nuevos (bueno, ojalá los nuevos fuesen juegos funcionales de primeras)

one of my fave wrestling games ever. the changed made to the controls were great

Screwed the series up for me, 24/7 mode is a total mess, confusing outcomes and awful storylines, GM Mode brings some new stuff but with the addition of ECW, it really affects the experience, and the introducting of styles for each wrestler limitates the gameplay; don't like this game tbh.

Um dos jogos mais fracos da "série". Os estilos para cada lutador limita a jogabilidade, deixando as lutas meio iguais. Sistema de "reversal" MUITO ruim. Muito difícil acertar o reversal mesmo apertando na hora certa. A dificuldade das lutas contra a maquina aumenta por causa disso.
O "24/7 mode" que é o único modo história do jogo é fraquíssimo, principalmente se comparado ao "Smackdown vs RAW 2007" (jogo anterior). A história como lutador é extremamente repetitiva e confusa. O sistema de desbloquear lutador é muito ruim, você precisa "comprar" o lutador com o "salário" que ganha. Upar o lutador parece não mudar nada no jogo. A história como "GM" melhora um pouco por causa da adição da "ECW" no jogo, mas mesmo assim é bem repetitivo.
O roster e as escolhas que você pode fazer na história são as poucas coisas positivas desse game.

Depends on the version you get. The PSP, PS2, 360 and PS3 versions are alright, but a step down from previous games. The DS version is weird, but not terrible. The Wii version is trash, with less content than some of the GBA games. Ultimately, unless you're a big Kenny Dykstra fan, you're not getting much out of this game.

i'm having the worst mandela effect with this game

for some reason I remember this game having "hey oh" by red hot chilli peppers as its main menu theme and when I check every single soundtrack of any ps2 era wwe game there is no trace of "hey oh" by red hot chilli peppers

it's driving me crazy

After 2006 this series started spiraling downhill

The earliest memory I have of this game was with me and my cousins going at it with hell in a cell matches for hours and hours
Really miss those times WWE games were this fun

Loved GM mode but the gameplay was subpar at best.

I was obsessed with this game in more ways than i will EVER admit to anyone

O modo de criar personagem era mó daora...

I'm sure on the actual consoles this game isn't that bad but what a fucking piece of shit game it was on the DS. The fun experience I had with the PS2 games was mercilessly degraded and punted into this bite-sized piece of garbage with QTEs galore without feeling like you're in control of anything.

Adored this game as a kid, only now looking back do I realize how shit the gameplay mechanics were. It still deserves credit for the awesome branching career mode, way better than any story mode they've done since.

I just remember beating Ric Flair’s ass

Omg I had this lmao shoutouts. I definitely played it a lot but don’t remember like anything so I’m just assuming it’s bad, I think that’s a safe bet

A massive step down from SmackDown vs. Raw 2007, and definitely one of the weaker entries. There's a lot of negative to note upon playing this game, such as: the extremely limited roster, severe lack of moves, slow and sluggish almost sim-like gameplay, messy 24/7 mode that makes no sense, lack of moves in create-a-moveset, etc. One WWE game that can be skipped

This game ruined the series pretty much, has some novelty for the roster and gm mode/story mode but the gameplay is so much worse than earlier games

Lembro de ter jogado muito um wwe no ps2, não sei se foi esse e nem sei se tem modo história, mas vou acionar aqui por vai que.

Had an interessting Gimmick with the different Fighting Styles and the GM Mode was cool. But as with all WWE Games, the Gameplay is just bad

This was the best WWE game in my opinion. Absolutely loaded roster, fighting in the crowd, GM mode, it's just perfect.