Reviews from

in the past

welcome to absolute drift. drifting is too hard. make this game easier for people like me. this includes all games like dark souls and bloodborne.

Hate this. Sucks and the perspective makes me feel ill.

I could see myself getting "into" this game if it were the only game on my backlog. It requires a ton of time to really master the skills. Unfortunately, it is not the only game on my backlog so I will be moving on. This doesn't mean it's a bad game, just that I'd like to play more than only this game for the next month.

A calming game about messing up a line 15 times and not touching it for a year. Probably would have gotten into it more if I ever figured out the controls.

This is more of a first impression based on 2 hours of gameplay. I started playing the game in an effort to stick with it but it’s the kind of game that requires heavy investing before getting to the good part. The music and graphics are fine, although the music gets to feel similar after a while. The game seems to have nice challenges, some fun free roaming sections and it runs well on an iPad Pro 2020. I’ve played with a DualShock 4 controller. It’s probably best to play with a controller but it doesn’t make the challenges easier. The controls are very tricky and require precision. It doesn’t help that the challenges (tracks) do not mess around after the introductory world. After a while I did notice getting better, but it’s not the kind of game I feel like playing with a huge backlog waiting for me. There are moments where it felt like I was wasting my time for taking so long to master one simple thing. I might get back to it but it’s not a priority at them moment.

Easy 5 stars if you are into drifting and “frustration games”. The game is nails, it’s not pick up and play. It’s pick up, master the mechanics, start playing the game.

You have to get good at the basic mechanics before this game will be fun to play. If you don’t want to get over the learning curve, then you won’t find it enjoyable and you shouldn’t buy it.

The art style is pure class. It looks and feels like a giant canvas and your tyre marks are like paint brushes. Colour is sparsely used and highlights important obstacles / points of interest.

The drifting is spot on and when you hit the zen state of flowing through every corner effortlessly with the perfect throttle and angle you’ll be blown away by how simple and rewarding this game is.

Now, obviously this isn’t 5 stars in the same way a AAA game may be, but it’s 5 stars for it’s niche, gameplay loop and perfect execution of what this game set out to do.

Review may be super biased as I have the Platinum.

as engaging as watching paint dry

If you're not an experienced car gamer, you'll likely crash a lot, then call it quits after scoring low in the challenge lots/racetracks like I did. If you are a car gamer, Absolute Drift is a mechanically deep, realistic and appropriately challenging state-machine that rewards mastery, set to pretty minimalist visuals and flow-state inducing electronica soundtrack.

The game is very hard, as its about teaching you one of the hardest to master motorsports out there. But once you get it down, it is so satisfying. The game teaches you a new skill, and learning stuff can be fun, sometimes.

Muy divertida la conducción. Me encantaría probarla en un juego y no en un tutorial de wordpress.

The physics are really hard to master, It's not that kind of "no brainer car game". It's hard to even drive straight. Not in the mood, honestly

Great game. Absolutely must change the controls to manual shift. Even with a controller you need to use manual as it lets you sit in 2nd or 3rd gear longer and you can actually drift properly. Once you get it off auto shift you can glide around like a ballerina and it is extremely satisfying. I hated the game until I made this change. Then went on to 100% the game.

Great presentation and soundtrack. I'm sure gameplay is fun if you can take the time to learn the physics and master the game but I couldn't bring myself to spend any more time after trying a few missions/levels.

I've stopped giving games ratings but I picked this game back up again after getting distracted for a while and holy hell it should not be rated so low. This game is pretty hard to get even decent at, but that does not mean it's not great. Some of the tightest controls I've ever experienced. Hitting a really good lap with no crashes and clean drift lines is incredibly rewarding. If you are on the fence about this game, give it a try, and make an effort to get how it moves into your system.

I am not patient enough for this

Epic giveaway.
I wanted a good car game.
I didn't get it.

so many casuals reviewing this game