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Un DLC abbastanza deludente, ottimo se siete dei completisti come me, ma il livello 55 si raggiunge senza troppe difficoltà e poi diventi fin troppo OP.

This DLC took a while to complete, rich in story, a lot to explore (alongside four small afterlife locations), and many rewards such as weapons, outfits and a cool mount! Indeed this DLC is larger than The Hidden Ones one.

You will get to meet some fun characters, Anubis warriors, cursed pharaohs, and other new enemies. You will be able to upgrade your own gear more with these new grey shards, making Bayek more powerful than ever!

The best part of the entire DLC were those moments you step in the afterlife, the atmosphere and art direction of this places are top notch, the rest of it was not so great, another generic/boring story with character I barely remember and plenty of the worst boss fights in any game, my problem with the game's combat is just made 10 times worse with their half-ass Dark Souls fighting styles.

las zonas de los faraones son lo mas destacable

Batalhas de chefes são uma merda neste nogo.

Me gusto un poco más que el anterior pero no se como justificarlo ni explicarlo. Termino de una forma un poco decepcionante comparado al final del anterior DLC pero las peleas con faraones me gustaron muchísimo más que todo lo que haces en el de los ocultos so I guess es por eso

Cara, já é clubismo pq eu amo o jogo original, mas essa dlc é divertida demais.
Ja deixar ciente que os boss que são o atrativo disso não são muito bons, o jogo não comporta muito bem os duelos tanto q os da campanha principal são muito fáceis e o da outra dlc é estranho mas da pra seguir. Nesse caso só os números que são muito altos, todos os boss dão muito dano e tankam q nem o inferno, tive que upar bem os equipamentos e apelar pra umas mecânica meio roubada. E não, não é o difícil justo de Elden Ring, tem vez que é só frustrante mesmo.
A historia não é nada demais, mas as quests são legais e o mapa é ótimo, me fez ver o quão merda é o mapa da outra dlc.
O que mais pega nisso aqui é o misticismo e a maneira que aborda a mitologia egípcia, é lindo. Sem contar que os mundos do pós vida são MARAVILHOSOS, tem a influencia de um souls bem sem vergonha em alguns.
Curse of Pharaos não encerra a historia de Bayek e não agrega no roteiro. Mas é a mesma sensação do começo do jogo de explorar o mapa lindo e ajudar as pessoas de Thebas.
É melhor que Hidden Ones, mas só compensa se tu gostar mesmo do jogo original e conseguir num precinho legal.

The better DLC for AC Origins. Even though this is also a smaller repetitive edition of the base game in some way, it still brought new ideas with it. The story wasn't really interesting, but I enjoyed playing this DLC through more than the other one.

Não achei lá melhor que o Hidden Ones, mas pelo menos Tebas tem um cenário mais agradável, sua história é um tanto confusa mas revela um pouco mais sobre coisas que ficaram escondidas no jogo base


Even more of the same, there is literally nothing new here… and it’s starting to bore me more than The Hidden Ones did. They introduce four different afterlives which you can freely explore but what’s the point if they all have the same fetch quests and collectibles? — which are useless at this point in the story since you’re already going to have all the best weapons. The only reason you’d even do them would be to 100% which makes it feel more like a chore than something fun.

The actual map is quite boring too, everything is something you’ve already seen; rocky mountains, deserts, small villages and temples, with almost no unique variations. The Hidden Ones at least had a pretty cool theme with its setting; which was part of Egypt being built, with its massive quarry, under-construction pyramids, and flat plains that had lots of small camps; every single region was interlinked to show that they were all a part of something bigger and were striving towards a goal. You’ll find no such thing here, every region feels random in placement with nothing to say.

I also hate the fact that all the “new” enemies have the same moves as base-game enemies, so again, what’s the actual point of this? I noticed that there were a few more bugs in this DLC than the previous ones too which often left me frustrated, especially one that restricted my ability to climb things.

I’m REALLY hoping that this isn’t what Valhalla feels like as I’ve heard people have these exact complaints, and it being stretched into 100+ hours doesn’t seem all that fun.

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
DLC's - Ranked
2018 - Ranked

100% of trophies earned; all quests completed; all locations completed; all equipment upgrades. This is a substantial piece of additional content for Assassin's Creed: Origins, with an compelling plotline and, as a particular highlight, some really great variety in environments, which include several set in the afterlife. In terms of gameplay, while a few new skills are added with the expansion and the level cap is raised, it remains very much aligned with the base game - no bad thing, perhaps, as it was already enjoyable as it was

Man, I'm biased but holy shit ❤️👄❤️

Seeing the Mythical Egyptians lands as "real" places was SO cool.

Was better then the Hidden Ones with the amount of stuff you can do in it.

idk man its alright its not long so its not that bad

Curse of the Pharoahs was a bit strange but way more fun! The new areas are creative and enjoyable to explore. Each zone has its own "theme" which makes them unique.

The side quests were interesting because of the story. I'm glad I played this one. Huge step up from the first DLC.

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I liked each god's "world", they all felt different from each other, the fights against them were a bit bs sometimes, specially against tutankhamun, the story was okay too.

Very creative with all the unique underworlds

Another expansion that is fundamentally more of the same stuff as the base game, what helps Curse of the Pharaohs stand out are the weird magic elements as Bayek must delve into the afterlifes of some of Egypt's most famous Pharaohs. From the golden reeds of Nefertiti's palace to the blasted wartorn sands of Ramses II's grave, each one of the 4 afterlives is lusciously designed, and exploring them is a singular joy.

Au départ très prometteur, on y découvre l'entièreté de la map et on se dit qu'il va y avoir pas mal de choses à faire. Effectivement c'est le cas mais tout est répétitif et on se lasse vite de faire les mêmes mécaniques h24

slightly more interesting dlc woop

Better than the Hidden Ones but wanted it all to end by this point.

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Rameses II/Ozymandias

The Hidden Ones was a decent bite-sized DLC of Origins with nothing really new to show. The Curse of the Pharaohs is certainly a bit more Origins but they have something new to show, i.e the afterlife. Bayek ventures into the mythological lands and fights more fantastical creatures. At least in terms of visuals, it's certainly new for the series and the four different afterlifes all look great. That said, you're still doing all the same stuff you've already been doing throughout the main game. You're still climbing viewpoints, clearing out forts and doing fetch quests. I'm not entirely certain what was happening in the story in regards to the mythology. It may have been an all been an illusion but I'm not sure. I didn't find it particularly interesting regardless. I still had a decent fun but I was growing tired of the loop especially after having played so much of Origins.

A fantastic add-on that expands on what made Origins great. Thebes is an absolutely beautiful city, and the area surrounding it is also full of interesting architecture and natural locales. The four afterlife locations are mesmerizing places, especially Aaru and Aten: the fantastical visuals are balanced with the calm atmosphere that pefectly goes hand-in-hand with exploring these areas both as a gamer and an eager new learner of Egyptian mythology.

One gripe I have is the boss battle. Origins really never had good boss battles to begine with; its melee combat was simply not responsive nor refined enough. The Curse of the Pharaohs has bosses with more difficult (i.e. bullsh*t) patterns, especially the last one.

i played this 2+ years ago, and the main thing i remember is that the bosses were the most outrageous bullet sponges i'd ever seen in a game. otherwise it's more of the same from the base game.