Reviews from

in the past

(Review from 2021) I really dig the vibe of this game. It makes really clever use of VR and generally feels quite satisfying. Some of the bigger heists and infiltrations feel incredible: you really get the energy of rushing into a compound spy-style. I only have two main gripes. The game tries to autocorrect the PSVR camera and it’s always inaccurate, so I end up facing somewhat left. There’s also a few missions with fairly critical bugs that cause issues. Would love to see another!

fun & cliché VR FPS with little bit of very basic adventure elements. Like a Guy Ritchie movie produced by Wish

Only thing holding it back was the PSVR, but its still a really good game with fun gunplay. Hoping for a PSVR2 sequel with free movement.

Edit: we’re not getting a sequel


Blood & Truth (2019): Muy bueno tiene que ser tu juego para compensar una historia tan infame, y aunque no está mal, tampoco es nada del otro mundo. Su principal problema es una tecnología (la VR) que aún no está pulida. El juego lo intenta, pero el hardware no da de sí (4,75)

Incredibly cinematic VR experience that turns you into the lead of an action blockbuster. The gameplay is quite varied for a first-person rail shooter, with extra actions like lockpicking, snipping wires, and climbing to spice things up. If you enjoyed the VR Worlds “London Heist” demo, you would definitely love it. The plot is as full of action movie clichés as it should be; nobody was expecting innovative storytelling from such a game.
My only complaint is that the NPCs all look like they are 120 cm tall, especially during cutscenes. I also encountered an annoying bug near the very end of the game that almost prevented me from clearing it.

One of the more dizzying VR games I've played, but there's some fun to be had with it. The action setpieces are realized very well in the VR.

Wanted more out of this game than just a longer run and gun vr game. The story is not good enough to make you want to learn more. The real issue with the game is how bad the guns feel aiming is too hard because the game was made for sitting and it is almost impossible to peek around corners. Many guns can be held with your other hand to stabilize them but it glitches out constantly causing more harm than good.

It’s and onrails shooter with a story…but why even bother with a story, when you won’t give it a conclusion…the ending was the most underwhelming shit I’ve seen in years in a video game

One of the very first games I played on my ps VR and it might not be the best but it definitely hold memories of me blowing myself up every five minutes

One night while I'm in the shower, the door gets knocked and I hear my dad shout "WHAT WAS THAT SHOOTING GAME I SAW ON THE TELLY?". After some confusing and loud back and forth, I realise it's this and tell him. "THANK YOU" is all I hear. The next day the game arrives. He'd immediately went on Amazon and got it for himself.

"Can you set up the virtual reality?"

I oblige, and he commandeers my chair, TV, and console for three solid hours. I spent a wee part of this time lying on the bed browsing my phone, listening to the game and looking up whenever he was getting particularly heated. He was having an absolute blast, and eventually I was enjoying just watching him experience this thing. You might say he was truly "In a world".

He so quickly went from weird arm flailing to precision reloads and headshots with shite one-liners. I watched my almost 60 year old dad become a real SAS dude. Childlike wonder from him experiencing full immersion, accompanied by patter like "Through his fuckin' eye" and "Go to sleep forever". At one point he was hanging from a window ledge 100 feet up on a building site, he drops one hand to his pistol, shoots a dude through the opening, leans in and grabs the fella's vape, takes a puff, chucks it and keeps climbing.

I barely remember what the game was about, but the live show I got to enjoy over three nights was incredible.

This game did not lie when they said you will feel like an action hero.

Hey kid, do you like the Crank movies.
Do you wish you could be like Jason Statham?
Do you also want a fantastic shooter for your PSVR that's most likely gaining dust because the mainstream has lost all interest in VR so now there's barely any games for the fucking thing?


It's fun to DJ while shooting a SMG in the air.

This would've been a terrible film but since I strapped a thing to my head and decided where the guns shot, it was actually very good.

Wanted to vomit every other second

A pretty good VR shooter. It tries to elevate it to AAA quality, and it does a pretty decent job of this, good production value, fun little side things to help it feel like a fuller experience, a decent soundtrack. It executes a fairly standard "london crime" story pretty well too. The biggest downfall is its platform.

Like other exclusive games for PSVR, Sony pumps a ton of money into it well before they have put out an effectively tracked device. Your hands fly off in random directions, no matter how ideal of a setup it is. It might be better on their Aim or ps4 controller. The Move, which seems like it would be the best for this game, can hardly stay put to the point that I would say all except maybe a couple of my failures in the game were due to being unable to position them for a reload or the gun being totally thrown off when requiring to shoot from the side. Or flying off a railing while both hands firmly gripped on in front of me. Or the gun barrel being way past a friendly NPC's body but still shooting them due to it glitching out and flying back 12 feet. A real shame because there's some great stuff in this, and it is unlikely to come to another platform. Maybe psvr2 will fix it.

One great thing it did in the Worlds demo (that was expanded on for this) is still very fun. A vape or a cigar you pick up in the world will listen to the mic for you to inhale or exhale, adding to the immersion, along with a couple fun collectables to play with.

The dialogue is usually pretty competent if not extremely interesting, but sometimes it is pretty uninspired. It doesn't go full tilt with utilizing some of the advantages of VR, but it does dip its toes in with some interesting sequences in an art gallery and a dream sequence, so I applaud it for that.

The game alone, probably would be a 3.5 star experience. The VR experience with the poor tracking is probably a 1.5.

Even if the gameplay is just simple point and shoot (you don't even move on your own) this game was one of the only vr games I've played that felt triple A, especially on Psvr. I'm a big fan of big set pieces and spectacle and this game has plenty of moments like that. And the comment at the beginning isnt to discredit the gameplay because even with it's simplicity I feel that it adds enough throughout to keep it interesting and fun. Also the story is solid to, it's not gonna blow your socks off but it's a very solid action flick storyline. Overall this game was a shit ton of fun in VR and if it weren't for PSVR to PSVR2 not having backwards compatibility I might even have replayed it in the future. But because of Sony this game will probably be lost to time unless you have a Psvr 1. (8/10)

Mostly a standard shooter with decent tracking. Gets wonky at points, which is annoying, given that you can die pretty easily on normal difficulty.

The area where the game shines is its set pieces; extravagant run and gun montages that lead to you jumping to your certain death, glass and debris hailing all around. Truly exciting and immersive moments. Your mileage may vary, depending on your ability to role play as a smarmy Brit with the grip strength of Nathan Drake.

I don’t think this game gets enough credit for its attention to detail to how the world reacts to your shots. I was having so much fun just seeing what would react. For instance you ride an elevator during one of the game’s chapters and some elevator music is playing. You can actually shoot the elevator’s speaker box and break it, causing the music to fade out. The greatest reactivity came from the final confrontation with the game’s villain. You can shoot him all over his body and he will react completely differently. I tried his head (instant death), shoulder, leg, stomach (instant death), and crotch. He has different voiced lines too for the locations I tried. It’s really cool and hilarious!

Similarly they have some fun easter eggs you can interact with that function based on the built in microphone. Some items I found were a cigar, numerous vape pens, and a whistle. I love when games include these small diversions. Makes the game more immersive.

As far the story goes, it’s unfortunately in one ear out the other. I did enjoy the voice acting though. Especially the gravelly-voiced bad guy. It feels like a show/movie you’d see on Crackle.

The best VR game to date! It's literally the story of Gangs of London and mixes in the fight choreography of the John Wick franchise. Another must play

A Guy Ritchie film in VR mixed with a bit of Uncharted. The story isn't anything special but the performances are great and it's well told. The game is a hell of a lot of fun though. I had a few times where I could tell the limitations of the PSVR caused some issues, but overall it worked really well. All of the guns felt really great, the pump-action shotgun being the highlight. I had never considered how fun a pump-action in VR would be. I would really love either a sequel or a port to PSVR2, I feel like it could really shine there. As it is now though, its still a really fun time. I would love to see more like this from London Studio.

A fantastic VR semi on-rails shooter filled with exciting set pieces and great gunplay. Sadly, the story is pretty crap and there's plenty of boring cutscenes to literally sit through, where your sister Dora the Explorer spouts exposition at you.

Luckily, missions are replayable from the menu with a multitude of weapons, some unlockable by earning stars. After doing everything at 5 stars, I felt satisfied for the 25 dollars I spent on it. The game looked good on PS4 and better on PS5, which is a rare game that got patched for next gen. But the tracking is always ass as it's PSVR. Worth a play regardless if you have the old dinosaur.

Very fun VR game that feels like a Guy Ritchie movie. Much of it feels slightly generic, but it is still good fun. While some of the shooting can feel unfair, some of the standout scenes include when you are in a heist. However, it feels almost like a demo and I wish it just expanded on many of the ideas it had.

Made by the same people who did the London Heist part of the PS-VR demo disc, sony did a good thing makkng this exclusiv to ps-vr. Nice gunplay, movement is like an arcade shooter, story was enjoyable and it's kinda replayable for collecting the skins and items

I've mentioned the curate's egg when talking about games before; here's another. The rotten core in this case is the PSVR hardware, or more specifically, the bits of it that had been hanging around for years before its release. But first, the positive bits!

When the tracking in this game works, it's fantastic. I've been banging on to friends about the times when you're trundling (and yes, you definitely trundle like BJ Blazkowicz at the start of Wolfenstein The New Colossus) through an exploosive action scene, popping the mooks with some incredibly fun akimbo weaponry. There's a sawn-off shotgun which is just apocalyptically powerful - point it roughly in the direction of an enemy, pull the trigger and he'll be yanked back like he's on a wire. The sub-machinegun is also excellent; clear feedback means that you're dialling in your aim in full auto, even when using two of them at once. Pistols also work nicely and there are a couple of stealthier areas where you can just headshot your way through with a silent 9mm - very fun.

The way the story's delivered works really nicely too. Your movement is limited and at times it feels a bit like a 90s FMV game with characters just talking to you but a lot of scenes, especially earlier on, let you fiddle with things nicely. There's a nice bit of choice at the end too.

Ultimately though, it doesn't work all the time, and it's a familiar problem - the PSVR tracking and move controllers. With the space I have, I can put my camera either straight in front of me or a bit above. Depending on the game a different position works better; I've been enjoying some Beat Saber recently (suspect it won't get a review as there's no way I'm finishing that campaign but that's a 5 if there ever was one) and the camera works best looking down from above. In that position in Blood and Truth, though, it results in quite a lot of headset swimming and the Move controller action becomes juddery. That rules that out. Playing with it in front isn't ideal either, though - while when using the guns in akimbo fashion works mostly fine, the tracking on the climbing works poorly, grabbing things is often frustrating, and basically as soon as you put one of the controllers in front of the helmet it basically stops working. This renders the long guns unusuable; you have to use them one handed. The rifle is just about usable as you can use it like a pistol, but the pump action shotgun is terible. And it should be amazing!

This is definitely a game I want to come back to next generation. I assume new hardware will help with the game resolution (even on PS4 Pro it's a bit blurry at times) but new VR hardware with more reliable tracking will make this a fantastic, if linear, experience. Of course, you might be fortunate enough to have a glitch-free PSVR setup - in which case add 2 to the score.

Virtual reality is still proving itself. Sony London even proved that it is still proving itself with PlayStation VR Worlds, a collection of proof of concepts that launched with the PSVR. Blood and Truth is the byproduct of those experiments, stemming from the London Heist demo that was the highlight of that compilation. Despite its humble origins, Blood and Truth goes far beyond tech demo territory and grows into a solid shooter that intelligently uses the technology it’s trying to prove.

Read the full review here:

The most solid rail shooter for VR that I've played, if you don't factor tracking accuracy into the equation. Couple of cool, if largely un-interactive setpieces and some not-even-really-puzzles break up the Time Crisis bits.

Whole thing felt a bit deflated after I finished, but only because there was space for a whole lot more without getting stale.

The best VR game I've played 5 times. A must-have for PSVR owners.