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Had a fun time with this one but it didn't completely blow my socks off like it seemed to do for other people. Sailing between islands and completing all of the challenges was pretty fun, but it did get a little repetitive towards the end. Still, it makes me look forward to what the next full-length 3D Mario game might have to offer.

This is how not to do an open world Mario game. I think what’s holding it back pretty much just goes back to one thing: if you fall, getting back up from the water is so annoying

A very quick dip into Mario, it feels a little bit of a throwaway experience. But nonetheless incredibly fun, as Mario pretty much always manages to be. I'm interested to see how this more open type of world, with isolated islands of challenges and collectables, carries over to the next Mario game. Can't wait.

I think Super Mario 3D World controls way worse than basically any other 3D Mario, but I still had fun with this. Always having something to do no matter where you go is great for the flow of the game.

It's a bit easy overall. The few missions that weren't easy were either tedious or used the one hit kill lava which is kinda eh.

It's a good little diversion. Obviously this wasn't intended to be the next Odyssey or anything so you have to meet it on the terms of it being a side game, but I do hope the next 3D Mario installment doesn't follow in this games footsteps - I much prefer the fleshed out worlds and player movement expression in 64/Sunshine/Odyssey.

feels like what everyone expected 3d world would be like at launch, and honestly, it's great. a short yet rewarding romp that feels pretty unique compared to other 3d mario games. it contrasts well with 3d world, and it's a great time for an afternoon. :)

Played this once before when it first came out, got about 70-something shines. This time I just got the required 50 to beat the game. My main purpose in replaying this is because of all of the rumors of the upcoming "open-world" 3D Mario game for Switch 2, I wanted to see the game that is the first foray into that kind of thing.

This really feels like Nintendo dipping their toes in the water with the idea of an open world Mario game. And I think they succeeded! This game is quite a bit on the short side, and that's really the only reason this falls a half star short of a perfect score. That and the weir Mario 3D World camera and controls. That being said, this is still 3D Mario so it controls a hell of a lot better than 99% of other video games.

I am a sucker for a good open world. And on the flipside I absolutely detest lazy open worlds. This proves that Nintendo knows what they're doing with this concept. This isn't a Unreal Engine 5 demo of Mario running around a massive empty green field "NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN" style, this is a big Mario world, a collection of individual levels seamlessly put together on an ocean you can ride around on the back of Yonka Dingo, and it's great! The main purpose and goal of Super Mario is to just be pure, unbridled fun, and there's no fun to be had in loading screens. So how's about we separate our levels with actual gameplay and traversal and platforming, instead of those lame, antiquated loading screens. That's what Nintendo's philosophy feels like in this game, and it's genius.

Dunkey put it best, "This is just an appetizer to some masterpiece off in the distance." Now that that masterpiece is rumored to be not so distant, here's hoping that 1) it's real and 2) it truly will be a masterpiece.

I love Mario games so much dude.

Bowser fury is such a well-made four hours.
It's a graceful blend of Mario 3D World and Odyssey with the charming seaside theme of Sunshine.
Fury Bowser is fun, but he feels a bit deemphasized. I'd usually collect most of the cat shines well he can't go away, it's really banging.

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O boss final devia ter sido o Fury Bowser

solid short and inventive mario platformer. super polished


Hopefully the switch 2 can fix the frame rate but yeah please more of this nintendo


Not much to say besides that it's really solid and it's just short and sweet Mario fun. Also Bowser's design goes incredibly hard. 8/10

Fun little expansion to Super Mario 3d World. One big open world map with a bunch of short missions. I hope this is a tease at what the next mario game will be like. This being built off of 3d world means it borrows its controls, and I don't think that those controls feel right for an open world. Game also has some pretty bad frame rate issues at times, mostly when bowser is doing his thing. Having shines you can only get when Bowser lets you is also annoying. Still a solid extra to a great game.

Some of the best DLC that is actually a standalone game that I've seen

this game's decent, nothing crazy memorable or anything, it had some good music tracks and i commend it for trying something different, open world doesn't fit mario in my opinion and i hope the next 3D installment doesn't try and go for it in the future. i think the problem isn't as bad as it could be though, due to the smaller map size, any bigger and it would've felt even worse than i already felt it was.

the actual levels themselves were really fun to run around in, however, and the free camera you're given opposed to the locked on camera of 3D world was great, definitely made the game feel more like a traditional 3D mario, like 64 or sunshine.

overall it wasn't anything too bad, it didn't overstay its welcome due to it just being an expansion to the far superior 3D world. music was fun and visuals were nice. :)

She Mario on my Plessie til I unleash Bowser's Fury

Negative points first. Using 3D World's controls for an open world Odyssey-style game feels restricting; while the cat and tanooki suits work fine in this environment, Mario's basic move set feels uncomfortable with much of the platforming. Bowser's fury being set on an uncontrollable timer (unless you have a Bowser Amiibo, gross) almost completely ruins the game's pacing. Since many of the shines are only obtainable during this fury state, I spent a lot of time near the end of the game just patiently waiting for the next cycle, not touching the controller. I also disliked the amount of water around the islands--in the first half of the game, when you have no means of teleportation--if you find yourself in the water, you'll be swimming in there for what feels like forever. Furthermore, it seems that you have very little control over Bowser Jr. who often feels unresponsive and glitchy.

Complaints aside, I can say that I had a lot of fun with some of those shines. The game mostly feels, as intended, like an Odyssey/3D World hybrid, but I also sensed level design inspiration from Galaxy and stylistic choices which are more aligned with Sunshine's artistic vision (in fact, I would say it's probably the closest Mario game we've got to Sunshine so far). While a bit simplistic, most shines are straight-forward and enjoyable.

Bowser's Fury is a short, rough and incomplete game, but it is also an interesting new concept which offers an interesting idea of what might be next for 3D Mario games. However, I'm glad they didn't release this game on its own. It's a fine game, but for someone who already had played 3D World on the Wii U, I feel like Bowser's Fury is most certainly not worth the big price of the bundle.

a pretty fun little 3d mario game. the integration of mario 3d world power ups was neat and most of the cat shines were pretty fun to get. i definitely agree with what a lot of other people have been saying that this just feels like the first taste of a new 3d mario game that could become something much bigger when built off of this game's concept so i'd love to see where things go from here.

for me this pretty much just felt like a lot of the good things about a mario odyssey world with fun little obstacle courses that have different levels of involvement and some of the not good things carried over like some shines not feeling super rewarding due to just being out in the open or when the game just tells you exactly where to go to find more shines after getting the first 50. i also got all 100 cat shines because i could tell it wouldn't take too long to do and to me personally it didnt feel like it amounted to a whole lot other than just checking off the box of getting 100%. even still i dont feel like that time was wasted because i had a good amount of fun the whole way through, i think i just set my expectations too high for the final reward.

Finally got around to playing this and it’s pretty fun. Almost worth the $60 price tag on its own which is good because I don’t want to play through 3D world again. I’m having a good time playing it with my wife even though co-op kinda sucks in this. Bowser Jr. seems really not fun to control. Gonna keep playing this one until we get all the shines or we don’t. My score might go up later but for now I’m feeling a decent to a light to a strong 3 and a half on this one. Oh also they really didn’t need to turn Plessie into a cat. There are some creatures in this world that do not need to also look like cats. That thing is an insult to god.

Uma espécie de DLC também pro Mario 3D World, mas tipo Miles Morales que é um jogo 😅 novamente, Nintendo não erra com Mario! Surpreendente. Algo mto bom de jogar com uma reviravolta da história bem legal. Na história, o Bowser ficou mais louco ainda e o filho dele vai pedir ajuda pro Mario pra fazer ele voltar ao normal. É muito massa, da pra jogar numa sentada pois é incrivel a criatividade que a Nintendo tem de fazer as coisas. Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury são jogos imprescindiveis pros amantes de Mario. Não vejo a hora de recuperar o tempo perdido, jogar os outros mais antigos e também o Wonder que não consegui comprar ainda por falta de moneys.

It's really run until Bowser keeps ruining it. I get that's the point of the game, but it stops being a fun platformer whenever he pops up as a giant to keep attacking you when you just want to get on with what was a fun game.

To make it worse, as you near the number of shines required he starts appearing more and eventually never goes away. The difficulty of challenges had already been ramping up and now you're stuck with this guy hovering over you all the time killing you. It eases off a bit when you "finish" the game by defeating you, and you go back to get the other half of shines for "fun" but it starts ramping up again. I can't do the difficult moving platform stuff and deal with this guy. Nah, fun over.

It's a shame as without Bowser I was having an absolute blast.

The best 3D Mario has ever been. this game combines every aspect of mario such as its exploration, progression, 3D levels and sand box platforming together so seamlessly its incredible. its more of a demo of what the perfect game could be rather than its own thing though. if the future of Mario looks like this, i'm excited.

🇬🇧 full review | 🇧🇷 resenha completa

Bowser's Fury como jogo por si só não é perfeito. Usar a engine de 3D World não foi a melhor decisão para mim, e o sistema clássico de power-ups acabou sendo chato demais pra gerenciar. A distribuição desta curta aventura também é um problema pelo seu preço, especialmente se você já jogou o jogo original no Wii U. Mas não consigo parar de elogiar Bowser's Fury como um modelo para títulos do Mario no futuro. Embora possa parecer estranho no início, esta nova forma de apresentar o jogo foi mais convidativa, interessante e intrigante até do que os reinos de Odyssey ou os planetas de Galaxy. Não consigo saber o futuro com certeza (e não tenho um tio que trabalhe na Nintendo), mas só posso esperar que o futuro do encanador italiano possa aprender mais com sua ilha de gatinhos.

This compact Mario adventure was just the thing that pushed me over the edge to re-purchase Super Mario 3D World on Switch. The platforming and obstacle-based challenges scattered across the archipelago are bite-sized enough for younger players to enjoy, while veterans will have a blast finding the bountiful secrets hiding around every corner. While some overarching elements of its design wear thin by the end, the brief runtime contributes to an “all killer, no filler” fun factor.

Full Review:

Vaya juegazo, espero que los próximos Mario en 3D sean así, es una buena evolución para lo que es un Mario "Mundo libre". Tiene unas batallas épicas, buen soundtrack y ambientación.
Expansión completada al 100%.

Sacrée friandise pleine de challenges divers et variés, c'est super agréable à manier.
Les phases de furie ont également un peu de challenge (surtout quand on essaie de récupérer des astres félin au passage)
Très bon moment dessus !

I don't love open-world gaming as much as some people; a little goes a long way. But the sheer charm of this one won me over. The mix of classic Mario platforming and open-world exploration, plus the kaiju boss fights, kept me playing for longer than I'd expected to stick with it, until I finished.