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in the past

Compared to Far Cry 1 this is better in every way. The AI is still a bit iffy and most of the voice acting is bad but the vibe this game has is very good.

Taking place in Africa this game feels very unique to the other basic FPS games. The gun-play is greatly improved with better guns and the inclusion of gun jamming which spices up the gameplay.

However, every couple of hours my game would crash (On Steam), meaning I would have to save every time I got to an objective. When I was about 90% through the story, my game crashed during a save and then deleted my save file. Bummer :-/

La propuesta perfecta que creó Ubisoft para competir directamente contra Call Of Duty. Far Cry 2 es un videojuego de acción-aventura de mundo abierto de disparos en primera persona. Seremos un agente (a elegir) cuya misión es ir a una localización en guerra en África y asesinar a un tipo llamado El Chacal, pero por una serie de acontecimientos al empezar el juego, nos convertiremos en mercenario y trabajaremos para ambos bandos de la guerra mientras estamos enfermos de malaria pero sin renunciar a nuestra misión. Las campañas de Call Of Duty son pasilleras, lineales y tenemos tan poca libertad que no podemos ni abrir una puerta, lo hacen los NPCs por nosotros. Pues bien, FarCry2 es absolutamente todo lo contrario. Tenemos 100% de libertad para hacer lo que queramos, trabajar para quién queramos en el orden que queramos e ir a donde queramos. Tenemos un enorme mapa ambientado en la sabana Africana por el que podremos movernos libremente, ya sea a pie o conduciendo. Tendremos muchas armas para comprar y mejoras para éstas. Además de las misiones de ambos bandos de la guerra y las secundarias, ayudaremos a otros mercenarios como nosotros, y podemos traicionarlos, ignorarlos, salvarlos o incluso perderlos en combate. El videojuego está lleno de decisiones que, aunque no afectan a la trama directamente, le otorga cierto encanto porque realmente, dependiendo de lo que elijamos, podemos perder o ganar mas misiones y jugar ciertos eventos de forma distinta. De hecho, hasta el estar enfermo de malaria influye, ya que necesitamos hacer misiones para negociar por nuestros medicamentos o moriremos, hecho con el que no nos debemos despistar, así que, realmente, la iniciativa del juego es brutal. Pero debido a este sistema que pretende hacernos sentir dueños de nuestra propia historia, los jugadores mas aferrados a "tramas" y "películas" en los videojuegos sentirán que es un juego compuesto por misiones secundarias, y eso está totalmente lejos de la realidad, lo que ocurre es que el argumento no sigue un ritmo cinematográfico, es simplemente un contexto, y eso no es un defecto. Aunque en las misiones relacionadas directamente con el Chacal (que son pocas) si tendrán mas peso, pudiendo incluso elegir entre un par de finales distintos. La música ambienta tan bien como el escenario, que se siente muy vivo, que reacciona a los disparos, por ejemplo, si le aciertas a un árbol las ramas caen, y si prendes fuego es una gozada ver como se extiende por la hierba seca, incluso a día de hoy es espectacular. El único defecto que le pondría es la ausencia de fauna animal, sobre todo depredadores. Hubiera estado bien.
El modo online (que hoy 12 de Marzo del 2024 sigue abierto pero muerto, al menos en PS3) es la misma propuesta que Call Of Duty, pero tienes la posibilidad de crear desde 0 tus propios escenarios, lo cual es bastante interesante.
En definitiva, un videojuego de mucha acción con propuestas atrevidas, muy completo, libre, divertido y que recomiendo. Me da mucho coraje ver como la gente que valora este juego ignora que Far Cry 3 (que es, indudablemente, el mejor de la saga) aun no existía, siendo FarCry 2 la base absoluta de éste.


I’m not sure what to say about this game. The fun play is solid, the setting drips with atmosphere, and there is a clear vision that they were going for. On the other hand, the voice actors sound like they are being held at gunpoint. I’m glad I played. I might never play it again.

pra época deve ter sido massa mas não gostei

This game has a certain thing it's going for, I can tell you that much. What that thing is I'm not entirely sure, but it's a thing alright.

Conclusion: Far Cry 2 is an overhyped, boring, terrible game that has some enjoyable moments, but overall it's a bore. This is the game for you if you can tolerate performing the same thing constantly. I can only assume that those who like this game were suffering from nostalgia or the "new bad, old good" syndrome.

The Good:
- 3.4GB Install Size.
- Price is cheap.
- The driving controls are quite solid for a 2009 game.
- The visuals and aesthetics are quite good for a 2009 game.
- AI is very aggressive and good for a 2009 game.
- The use of the African setting was excellent and highly immersive.
- The destructible vegetation is one example of how well the game pays attention to detail. A tree or bush can have its individual branches shot off. They will become flat when you drive over them. The spread of fire is another amazing system. Seeing the fire rip across the savanna is quite amazing.
- The HUD has a great replacement in the game. Your character pulls out a paper map and a GPS to locate you instead of a map menu and mini map. Vehicles also have GPS systems. The visuals on the menu resemble pages in a book that you turn to access different menu options.
- The first person animations, such as healing, weapon reloading, and jamming, are very good.
- The process of modding the game is quite simple. Simply drag and drop the mod files over the game files that have been installed.

The Bad:
- Story: The story was weak, unmemorable, and generally uninteresting; it made little effort to hold your interest. The voice acting is awful, which just serves to emphasise the writing's increasing boredom. The game begins with a unskippable boring driving in-game sequence, so have fun with that lol. 9 avatar characters or 12 with mods are available for you to select as the main character. The other non-selected avatars will show up as buddies, which are allied NPCs that engage in combat with you. Your protagonist is also silent, so enjoy a blank slate character in an already uninteresting story. Apart from your first person model with your arms, legs, and skin tone, your choice of protagonist has no effect on the game.

- Gameplay: This is, without a doubt, one of the most repetitive and boring gameplay loop you could create. It entails holding on W while driving toward the same objective while under constant gunfire and ambushes. You will have to observe an animation to exit the vehicle while losing half of your health from gunfire if you wanted to fight back. You do this because, in contrast to the new games, you can't choose to have your secondary out when driving. The problem is ten times worse in the vanilla, non-modded version of the game since enemies that you have previously defeated will keep respawning at checkpoints and outposts. In addition, there are only five locations on the map that you can fast travel between, so enjoy getting ambushed again and over again. When it comes to mission objectives, they are all essentially the same: blast this car, kill this guy, save this person, destroy this object, etc. Even if you occasionally have the option to select a different route that your buddy suggests, nothing really changes. The lack of an auto save is another nuisance. Therefore, enjoy yourself pressing the F5 button as often as possible. If not, you risk losing a significant amount of progress due to dying or encountering a game-breaking glitch. In addition, everything seems vacant; all that connects the towns and outposts are the roads and rivers, with the remaining space left empty. You will also have to deal with the malaria system, which is a time waster. It was really annoying and just unnecessary filler to extend the game time.

Now here is a list of some more criticism: There is a lack of blood and gore; You cannot complete multiple missions at the same time. Enemies will always spot you because stealth is nonexistent; Stealth is rendered even more impossible by the ability of enemies to see through dense foliage and shoot you; Machete kills are not considered as a stealth kill; There is no melee button, so you'll have to switch to the machete; I guess your character doesn't know how to whack his gun at someone; Going above 60fps can cause major issues, so keeping it at 60 is recommended; You'll need to download mods to fix several issues. The mouse sensitivity is strange and doesn't feel right; Weapon jamming does not affect enemies, but it does affect you. Malaria medicine has the same hotkey as healing, which you cannot change;

- Buggy Mess: This game contains a lot of bugs that you will run into. Though most are minor some are game breaking. For me, the breaking point came when my game decided to completely wreck itself. I encountered a game-breaking glitch that prevented me from firing my weapon at all, rendering the game absolutely unplayable. My attempt to load a previous save was unsuccessful. I restarted the game, but nothing changed. My saves are utterly screwed. I'm not sure what caused it, but the incident convinced me that I should quit playing this game.

Specs: Windows 11, 165hz 1080p Monitor, GPU: 8GB RTX 3060Ti, CPU: Intel Core i7-12700F, DDR4 3200MHz 16GB RAM, SSD.
Difficulty: Hardcore and Infamous Redux.
Mods Used: Realism+Redux.

Far Cry 2 is the perfect definition of a 6.5/10 game. It tries to be a fps with a more survivalist approach but it quickly becomes annoying with that, enemies deal ridiculous amount of damage at times, sometimes you have a hard time spotting them, you get chased to the pits of hell, it all gets annoying after a while, I installed a mod that helped with that so I had a better time with FC2 than what I would have if I had completed it without any mods. The scenery looks quite good for an almost 16 year old game! Some parts of the game are very pretty to look at. The open world itself is meh, feels too empty and a bit boring, which is a shame, it could've been used better for story purposes too. The story was okay, could've been better but it wasn't bad. Most of the characters were extremely forgettable or just okay. The gameplay is clunky and it feels weird to play even on KMB. Still, I had a mostly good experience with it. I gave the same score to FC5, which has a much better open world and gameplay, but its story and characters were very, very forgettable. FC2 at least tried to implement some stuff in the franchise, I wished the sequels tried to do that too instead of playing it safe.

Far Cry 2 es un juego que no puedo recomendar.

Tiene detalles muy buenos, una banda sonora decente y gráficamente esta muy bien para salir en 2008. Pero es bastante repetitivo, pesado y tiene mecánicas como el sigilo que no funcionan.

El juego está bien si vas rápido e interactúas más con tus colegas, la historia es un sin sentido y lo único que merece la pena es la hora final aunque es demasiado fantástica.

También tengo que mencionar que plantó una base muy buena para lo que vino después, ya que salto de un juego de niveles como era el Far Cry 1 a uno de mundo abierto con lo que más tarde llegaría Far Cry 3 y los demás en consecuencia.

El juego es interesante, se le notan bastante los años por lo repetitivo y pesado que puede llegar a ser, pero no es un experiencia horrible, es pesado pero se puede jugar.

Lo peor es que a veces crashea y que los campamentos de enemigos son una fuente infinita de enemigos que lo único que hace es entorpecer la aventura, menos mal que eso lo mejoraron bastante.

I don't remember how I played this game, but I'm sure that I did played it

One of the most annoying and aggravating experiences I've ever had with a shooter. Not hostile in a way that promotes player engagement, but in a way that seems to intentionally try to make the game unenjoyable under the guise of difficulty.

I had no idea a far cry game could be this bad, I tried for 5 hours but its just horrendous. I won't even bother to say all the things that I disliked because its not worth my time but there are many.

First Far Cry ever!!!
One of the best technically AND visually

This review contains spoilers

Far Cry 2- After Ubisoft purchased the rights for this franchise, it became an open world game instead of being a linear campaign like the first game and instead of being silly and over the top, this game goes for a more serious and realistic setting set in Africa. This installment has gained a cult following over the years just for being realistic even though the gameplay and graphics also didn’t age well like the first game.

Story- The game takes place in Africa which has become a war zone between two factions fighting over control of the area. You play as a mercenary that is assigned to kill a weapons dealer called The Jackal and you work for both factions to earn blood diamonds. There isn’t much of a story since you are mainly just doing quest for both factions which involves you killing someone or blowing up stuff and it becomes very repetitive. The characters aren’t developed or well rounded that much including the main character who never talks and The Jackal rarely appears in the game and you end up working for him instead of killing him. People say that this game has a believable story, but why would you work for someone that you don’t know and were assigned to kill?

Gameplay- The game is now open world so you can now travel across the map at your own pace. There is no fast travel in this game except for bus stops which are limited so you will spend most of the game driving around to point A to point B which can become very tiring due to lack of fast travel. People keep praising this aspect and call it an adventure even though it feels more like fetch quests since you are constantly driving around pace to place. Enemies will constantly respawn at checkpoints even if you leave the area by a few centimeters and they will constantly shoot at you and your car so you have to keep fighting them and repairing your car every time. The gunplay has a unique mechanic where your gun will jam the more you use it and if you use a crappy gun, it will be destroyed. You also get Malaria in this game and have to take pills every 45 minutes to an hour and you get more by doing side quests which can be annoying since you also have to drive around to get these pills

Overall Impressions- Far Cry 2 is prototype and tech demo for the next game in the franchise and I found the game to be very boring and repetitive even though people keep praising it for its realism. I rather take a game with good gameplay and replayability than a game that got praised for a realistic setting with replay gameplay and missions. 5 out of 10

Envelheceu muito mau, pra sua época foi um marco pra geração 360/PS3

Nice story, decent gameplay.
Overall, an improvement over the first installment.

Ah, Far Cry 2, o jogo que nos ensinou valiosas lições de vida, como a importância de um bom seguro de saúde na savana africana e que entrar numa picape em alta velocidade é a resposta para muitos problemas, inclusive para inimigos que insistem em ficar no caminho.

Neste épico situado na savana, somos transportados para um país em meio a uma guerra civil, onde as facções competem para ver quem consegue ser mais inconveniente para o protagonista. De um lado, a Frente Unida pela Libertação e Trabalho, do outro, a Aliança da Resistência Popular. E no meio, um protagonista com malária, porque a Ubisoft decidiu que a sobrevivência não seria fácil apenas por causa dos inimigos.

Vamos aos pontos, porque Far Cry 2 merece ser analisado, mesmo que seja para rir um pouco. A jogabilidade é um espetáculo, especialmente quando você decide que dirigir uma picape pela savana é o seu novo hobby. Os gráficos, para um jogo de 2008, são dignos de aplausos, porque, afinal, quem precisa de realismo quando se está ocupado evitando picadas de mosquito e crises de malária?

Os cenários são de tirar o fôlego, mas talvez seja a malária fazendo efeito. Afinal, ver tudo embaçado dá um toque especial à experiência. O áudio é imersivo, com os gritos dos inimigos se tornando uma trilha sonora reconfortante enquanto você tenta sobreviver em meio ao caos.

Agora, vamos aos contras, porque até no paraíso selvagem há espinhos. As missões podem se tornar monótonas e chatas, mas não se preocupe, a malária está lá para adicionar um toque de emoção inesperada. E bem, quem precisa de diversão quando se está ocupado tentando encontrar remédios para a malária, não é mesmo?

No geral, Far Cry 2 é um "belo game" para quem gosta de ação, adrenalina e tem vontade de morrer. Afinal, quem não quer enfrentar uma guerra civil enquanto lida com crises de malária e aprende a importância de um bom seguro automotivo na savana? A Ubisoft, com certeza, sempre inovando nas lições de vida.

muito bom quando vc n tem q andar metade do mapa pra matar 1 cara e voltar, a dopamina até sobe

farcry 2 é bom, mas o mapa é enorme

Fixed my rating from 2/5 to 4.5/5.

Peak game

not a fan of narrative structure and graphics make me feel ill..

Utterly unenjoyable to play, Far Cry 2 instead tries to impress with it's cynical intellectualizing about violence and savagery. As an entertainment product it fails with providing any fun, and as an artistic statement it dehumanizes and decontextualizes the still occuring colonial suffering on the African continent, while trying to do the opposite.

um dos farcry mais fraco que tem, a gameplay e bastante chata a gunplay e horrível anda pelo mapa e ruim a história e ruim
nao tenho vontade de joga novamente


Your friends will hate you for buying this instead of getting that last cod 4


Currently playing, the sceneries are so beautifil (although, using a mod that removes the brown filter), its a experience of its time in game, providing immersion that few games nowdays do