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Man I’m so conflicted, the game is good. Combat is great and the story at times is wonderful. But I can’t lie and say it wasn’t a slog to get through around chapter 11. The story at most times just felt stretched way too thin. Splitting the game up in 3 parts may have been a mistake. I am now super apprehensive about the next title. Hopefully they take the feedback. This title while very fun to play, is not game of the year potential.

Verwirrend. Hoffe es zahlt sich im letzten Teil aus, könnte sehr gut oder sehr schlecht werden.

Game of the year no contest 🥱🥱🥱

Genuinely one of the best gaming experiences I've had if not the best. I have so much to say about the massive scale of this game and how awesome it is in every aspect.

1. The story. FFVII revolves around a group of resistance fighters battling against a corrupt government that plans to exterminate the natural resources for selfish needs. Along with that, is a higher being who is eager to become a god after realizing his capabilities to do so. Basically, political ideologies with hints of science fiction fantasy about alternate worlds and reality.

2. The gameplay mechanics. FFVII Re series have a unique turn based RPG system where you use a variety of character abilities and spells. I am in love playing with FF7R because of this. There are so many combinations you can use and it's just so much fun to spam stopping time and play.

3. The graphics and animation. It's Unreal Engine which is very self-explanatory. Everything looks great. The visuals from character designs, cutscenes, environment, and UI are flawless.

4. The open world aspect. Although not a complete open world game where you can fly, climb, swim underwater, and do real life human stuff, it is still such a step up from the previous Remake. Exploration may sometimes feel clunky but at the end of the day, it's easy to navigate and learn.

5. The soundtrack and score. New and old soundtracks incorporated. Whatever you do and wherever in the game you do it, there is a distinct sound played.

6. The fanservice. The dating, the relationships, the outfit changes, Tifa and Aerith, Zack crumbs, Vincent Valentine and Cid Highwind teaser, the ending, and of course Cloud's personality. I won't say much except... if you know, you know.

Overall, you can really tell Square Enix put their heart and soul into this game. The expansion of one of the most beloved games of all time is well deserved. And SE did it with justice.

And just like that, like Sephiroth, I too, am waiting.

Eu não consegui esperar e comprei um PS5 só pra jogar o Rebirth kkkkkkk Felizmente foi uma experiência maravilhosa, como eu sempre sonhei de um remake de Final Fantasy 7. Seja nos momentos épicos ou nos mais simples, me emocionei mais do que eu imaginava nesses 3 meses que joguei.

Preciso falar dos mini-games: alguns poderiam ser um jogo completo de tão bem feitos! Apesar de que em alguns momentos eu senti uma "encheção de linguiça", eu nem ligava pra fazer tudo que eu podia. Como dito pela própria Square, o mundo aberto foi inspirado em jogos como The Witcher e Horizon, e as suas missões secundárias são únicas, algumas com mecânicas próprias, tornando-as interessantíssimas.

Eu sempre "brinquei" dizendo que a Square poderia fazer um dorama de FF7 e foi isso que eu recebi kkkkkkk Ao menos na minha mente. Parecia um idiota reagindo a cada mínima interação entre a Tifa e o Cloud - como eu amo eles, misericórdia. Outra coisa fenomenal foi o fato de que todos os personagens foram muito bem desenvolvidos e tiveram tempo de tela suficiente para tal. Ampliaram muito as relações e interações do grupo, além das características individuais.

A gameplay é perfeita. A Square aprimorou ainda mais o sistema anteriormente visto no remake e eu não tenho praticamente nada para reclamar. A trilha sonora está SEM COMENTÁRIOS. Me emocionei horrores naquele capítulo 12 com a apresentação da Aerith, e o que falar da emblemática One Winged Angel do Sephirot? Os visuais estão belíssimos, não cansei de admirar, ainda mais quando a Tifa estava em cena. Nunca tirei tanto print.

Não ficaria surpreso se ele ganhasse um GOTY mesmo sendo remake, porque merece, e até agora é o meu favorito de 2024. Estou ansioso pra última parte desse que é meu FF favorito, só espero não precisar comprar outro console só pra isso uhsauhsa Por favor Square, lança ainda nessa geração!

Nota Final: Tifa/Cloud 🤏🏻🥺❤️

Final Fantasy - Ranked

A game that I grow increasingly frustrated with as I look back on it. I loved how all of the main story beats were represented and fleshed out here -- but that was almost a foregone conclusion. As a kid I played FF7 over and over again, so some part of me deep down was always going to be satisfied just seeing moments from it revisited with spectacular modern production values. But in the end I'm human, I can't deny that I enjoyed seeing the game I grew up with re-imagined like this.

Everything else, though... well, I was mostly playing the game because it told me to play it, let's say. I don't think the quest design is completely banal, there were a number that I enjoyed, but in retrospect I barely remember what I was doing in this game other than going down checklists, checklists, checklists. Couple this with a battle system that is far too involved for how goddamn long the game is and by the end I was having a miserable time. I don't often turn down the difficulty in games, but in Rebirth I set it to easy towards the end simply because I wanted to get it over with. I wish I felt differently about a game that recreated part of my childhood but there's only so far nostalgia can carry you.

I wish Zack could've been more screen time, I like him. I didn't enjoy the last chapter as much as I would because it seemed rushed.

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the ending: went through at least 15 different emotions in the span of a couple of minutes, but what remained constant was me screaming. SE, this is emotional terrorism

my life will never be the same again. this game has ruined me. cloud and aerith will forever keep changing me, their relationship pierces straight into my heart and soul. the cast is beyond perfection. i couldn't breathe through the tears.

Combat and characters interaction is amazing. It's 10/10 for me until the convoluted multiverse garbage and unnecessary confused ending ruined it all. Anyway it's the best FF since XII.

Square absolutely cooked with this game. Better and way more fleshed out than FF7 Remake (even if the plot calls for it).

Story was great, world was phenomenal, and the combat was amazing. Each playable character plays so well and I enjoyed being able to switch between them during battles. Square keeps putting a lot of care into these “remakes” and I’m loving them

Only gripe is that the last section felt a bit too long and the final boss fight could’ve used some QOL touches such as being able to skip the cutscene that begins before it but overall, fantastic experience

If Disneyland was a video game

So many amazing locations, such fun characters, so many minigames… such a beautiful world that progresses the game’s themes by making me want to protect the planet. Also, any game that makes me spend over 100 hours without blinking an eye is an all-timer for me.

Now that some time has passed since I beat it, I think I can confidently say that this is my favorite Final Fantasy game to play. The combat is so extremely satisfying and responsive, and the world is an absolute joy to explore. I loved Remake 1, but it's approach to level design and extending the story made the game as a whole feel lesser than the original FF7.
This game, on the contrary is a behemoth of content. The world is vast and immersive.

The characters in this game shine brighter than they ever could have in a PS1 game. Characters I've known for years yet were only partial to (Yuffie, Cait Sith [I used to hate Cait Sith], Vincent, Cid) became loveable party members in this game. I found new love for a game I already adored.

Yes, the multiverse shit is stupid. But there's a slight chance that Remake 3 makes some of it make sense (copium). Here's to seeing in 7 years!

 Addictively fun combat, an exciting story with a cast of lovable characters, beautiful renditions of Nobuo Uematsu's genius soundtrack, and amazing graphicsーplus some changes to the story in this second remake of Final Fantasy 7.

 Just like its predecessor Remake, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth shine with its addictively fun combat and RPG elements. The mixture of moment-to-moment action with the skills and stats of an RPG make for satisfying and engrossing combat throughout this game. After Remake, I tried playing the original FF7, but it did go well going from the action packed Remake to the more traditional RPG original. (However, I would like to play it once some day.) Additions to this game are a new character upgrade system and synergy abilities. Remake's upgrades tended to just be stat increases, whereas Rebirth's also offers new abilities and skills that can be used to enhance your playstyle in battle.
 When I started playing this, I was worried that I'd need to commit myself to long, boring bouts of grinding. However, you're given bonanzas of side objectives in the field, which can range from battling rare enemies to activating control towers a la Breath of the Wild. Some of these are quite fun, while many others are pretty dull. They will essentially amount to: Find the way to Point A>Go to Point A>Complete the Quick Time Event. Then multiply this by 8 such objectives and again by 6 major regions. I'm mixed on this, because it's essentially filler, but it's filler that got me to explore the world, battle and level up, and experience more of the game. If I had just made a beeline for the end of the story, it would've been over quickly and probably been more difficult without leveling up.
 The one minigame I will praise is the in-game card game Queen's Blood. When this was first shoved on me at the beginning of the game, I was like, "Well, I'm just gonna skip that entirely." But there are multiple parts throughout the game where Queen's Blood must be played in order to progress. I eventually came to really enjoy Queen's Blood. It's a lot of fun to craft your own deck and destroy the NPCs. I'm not much of a card game guy, so maybe it doesn't compare to real ones like Hearthstone or whatever, but I enjoyed it a lot and beat the final QB boss. (...but they don't give an achievement for some reason?)
 The music and graphics of the game are gorgeous. While maintaining the catchy and familiar tunes of the original, the soundtrack of Rebirth is beautifully orchestrated and suited to fit whether you're exploring or in a battle. I'm not a fan of the games industry's shift toward atmospheric or minimalist soundtracks, so I was happy that this game's soundtrack fits the tone and got me to hum along the whole way through.
 As for the more controversial part of this remake, the story was fun to see unfold but was often hard to follow. I haven't played the original FF7, so I didn't know the story going into this or Remake. So throughout this game, I know there are changes to the story, but because I don't know, I'm constantly questioning whether or not an aspect of the story was originally intended or is an invetion for these remakes. Not knowing exactly what's different was actually really distracting for me who doesn't know what the original story is. This is kind of a shame since I will often get taken out of the game to think about what I can or can't expect. The ending of this game is majorly guilty of this. I feel it spoils a lot of goodwill this game built up for me. The story and the characters really got me immersed in what was going on, and it got me to care about each one of the main cast. However, this ending pulls the rug out from under that and doesn't feel satisfying. I can only hope that they know what they're doing in the next game.
 Lastly, I want to rant about something I felt was really idiotic in this game. Inexplicably, there's a "relationship meter" between Cloud and his teammates. If you choose the right dialogue options (BS) and complete quests with specific teammates, your relationship goes up. In chapters 8 and 12, you're able to hang out with one of your teammates, or even go on a date with them, if you're meter's high enough. This system is so bullshit. First of all, why is this system in an action RPG? Second, why is it so hard to see what the meter is? Third, why does the game automatically choose who you'll hang out with, instead of you being given the option of who to choose among those you've leveled high enough. It's a little thing and easily resolved by me just looking up the scenes on YouTube, but still.
 Yeah, but anyway good game. Looking forward to Afterbirth.

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This is one of if not the best game I've ever played. I've enjoyed games over the few years but nothing has grabbed me the way that these Final Fantasy VII Remake games have done. I loved the first part and thankfully Rebirth is a natural continuation of that game and everything that it did well but with great additions such as the open world, new characters and the new synergy battle system, while it's very similar to the first part there is enough new here to keep it fresh.

The best part of this game is simply it's characters and there relationships with each other and how this whole game really allows for them to have great interactions with each other, this is helped of course by the open world which gives the game a lot of space to tell it's story and I think it really works as a juxtaposition to the first part where Midgar could feel dark and claustrophobic, this game is bright and open, I just love how much of this game feels like a hangout game with all these great characters, and while the open world can feel a bit bloated much of the side content is really fun to do and I rarely felt bored or like I was wasting my time doing them.

There are a couple of issues I have with the game however, While yes I mentioned that I loved much of the side content I think they could do with scaling it down a bit for the next game as there is too much particularly when it came to the mini-games and how many times it wants you to play all of them to a 100% everything, I did most of the side content until the end where I did get a bit frustrated by how much more it was throwing at me and it was driving me away from the story so I decided to focus on completing the game and then possibly come back to finish everything else. My other issue with the game is I'm not entirely sure about the multiverse different timeline stuff the game has going on with it's story, this generally is a story trope that doesn't work for me and here I'm having a couple of the same problems where it feels like they don't want to commit entirely to killing Aerith off, we'll have to see what they do in the next game but I think I'd prefer that they would make a more definitive decision even if they decided to be bold and change that part of the story as while that would be a massive change from the original games story I think that decision would feel more impactful, as I don't think Aerith's death hits with the same impact in this game because of all this multiverse stuff along with the boss fight that's placed all around it. A lot of this for me more depends on how the story goes in the next part and what they decide to do, I don't have the ending here but it does leave me with quite a few questions, Up until this point however I absolutely loved the rest of the story so it doesn't change how I feel about this game as a whole.

I cannot wait until the next part of this remake and I hope that it sticks the landing as we are getting close to having the best video game trilogy ever made, this is a must play game and I struggle to see anything else topping it for game of the year and as it currently is game of the decade.

Love what they have done with the characters and story so far with REMAKE and now ReBirth, i also quite like the combat. I did not like the open world.


Gus was funny

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Final Fantast VII Rebirt was by far my most anticipated game of 2024, and overall I think is a fine addition to the series, as well as a good follow up to Final Fantasy VII Remake.

The gameplay is fantastic, being substantially better than the previous entry. It feels fast and fluid, and a lot of characters who did not feel as good to play (Aerith in particular) received some much needed upgrades. In addition, the two entirely new playable characters, Red XIII and Cait Sith, bring their own unique movesets to the table and keep the gameplay feeling fresh. In addition, the new progression system allows for greater flexibility, as well as the introduction of combo attacks which feel incredibly satisfying to pull off.

The story, much like the original, is incredibly moving, and has enough twists and turns from the original to make it feel at least somewhat new. The characterization, for Barrett in particular, is much more in depth from the previous games. The only downside about the story is that oftentimes it can be confusing to parse through, especially the sections where you play as Zack. I was hoping for some definite answers by the end of the game, and was left still confused, and I likely will be until the final installment is released.

The game has a very large open world with many side activities to do, and while it is good to have a lot of content, I feel like this game might have overdone it. There was a point in the game, around when I reached Cosmo Canyon, that I could feel myself hitting a wall. I had nearly 50 hours into the game at that point, and knowing where the end of the game was, I knew I had quite some time still until I got there.

Overall I think Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is a very good game, and certainly a technical marvel. I think if the story were cleaned up a bit, and the side content was trimmed down, it would certainly be one of the all time greats.

"Marge, I'm confused. Is this a happy ending or a sad ending?"
"It's an ending. That's enough."

bullet points since i have too much to say:
• open world aspect was done well, fun exploration + pretty environments (it’s insane when you compare it to the og visually)
• characters felt so fleshed out and full of life, their interactions were so cute
• main cast had incredible voice acting as always
• beautiful ost !!!
• sooo much extra content with side quests/protorelic missions/gathering intel
•mini games were fun but if you are a completionist it feels like too many especially cause some of them are SO difficult to master
• different chocobos for each area… need i say more
• as someone who hates card games in my
video games - queen’s blood was so much fun
• aerti costa del sol outfits <3
• also barret in his sailor suit
• gold saucer was just as whimsical as i dreamed
• chapter 13 & 14 were masterpieces
• story changes were very cool and interesting to me… also so much foreshadowing, they are cheeky af
• no playable vincent + cid is kinda evil
• i ended the game with 1800 screenshots

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This is mostly a stream of conscious since I just finished the game and have a lot of half formed opinions and things I wanna write down before I move on and don’t think about the game again, so this will probably be pretty terribly written, apologies.

I could go on and on about the myriad issues I have with this game - the terrible menus, the monotonous, brainless dungeon “puzzles,” the egregious padding in the main story (about 80% of this feels like easily cut filler), how the combat, despite being packed with new mechanics and abilities, is ultimately less enjoyable than Remake due to encounters being designed around being beat by tons of possible party combinations (probably due to the open-world nature, so designers can’t assume your party setup unless it’s a pre-determined section), the ubislop open world, the literal checklist that pops up when you finish any side activity (also, chocobo wrangling is genuinely one of the worst side activities in a triple-A game, i’d go as far as saying worse than tailing missions), the desperate attempts to try be funny almost all the time that only ever hits some of the time, the poor dialouge outside of the main cast and so on

But more than anything, the worst part of this game is how it strips the story of any thematic substance or meaning. There’s no edge to it; it’s primarily concerned with setup, more so than even Remake was. It feels like an MCU film that’s constantly setting up the broader universe rather than focusing on being a good story in its own right. All stakes are removed due to the multiverse— a prime example of this is Aerith’s death - she doesn’t die; she just exists as some sort of lifestream planet guardian to oppose Sephiroth. And even if she did die, don’t worry, there’s probably a universe where she’s alive! All of this just really neuters the emotional weight.

Also, this is the Glup Shitto-fication of the original FF7 story. It just wants you to go “wow, look at this in 4K! Remember when we only saw that on the PS1? Remember Cissnei from the PSP? She’s so cool in 4K, isn’t she! How cool would it be if Zack and Cloud teamed up to fight Sephiroth! Don’t you want to see that? What about Tifa and Aeriths toes? We spent so much time rendering them, please stare at them” It just feels so fanservice-y in a way that remake didn’t, I can’t put my finger on it. Plus, none of the emotional scenes that once hit just don’t anymore due to the reimagining. I wonder if this issue would exist if it was a straight remake? I don’t think it would because the game would just be a simple retelling, in trying to be something different but also the same it has actively made some plot points worse that were once great. Where the whole meta narrative (with the whispers) added a cool mystery to remake, here the meta narrative gets in the way of what was once great.

As a small example off the top of my head of Remake having a little more nuance, I recall when Barret calls out not only the higher-ups at Shinra but also those at the bottom, calling them complicit in Shinra’s actions just by being on their payroll, regardless of how little they contribute. This is a genuinely difficult question, especially as Remake explores the abject poverty of those who don’t work for Shinra and how being an employee means having a chance at a good life (Jessie’s story is a great example). Rebirth never asks any questions as nuanced or uncomfortable as this; it just wants you to dwell on the trite, tired multiverse and what the fuck the guy from the mobile gacha game is up to behind the scenes.

The closest this game gets to having an actual theme is within the last few chapters, starting with Aerith waffling about living in the past, and at some point the game has you reliving the crisis core Aerith date as sort of a exploration of the pointlessness of reliving past events? But this game is obsessed with the past? obsessed with legitimising and validating all the compilation of ffvii media that came before it - despite the entire ending of Remake being you defeated fate and a new journey awaits, this game follows the OG VII even closer? and then tries to take the piss out the idea of living in the past? it’s just so badly done.

I genuinely can’t stand how unserious this game is too, it never treats anything with the proper weight it deserves, everything is a joke, and when it’s serious, the game needs to shove something else down your throat in case your brain has time to sit and process what actually happened. From the death of Dyne being interrupted by cartoon character mecha frog fight to the whole Gi are aliens exposition immediately after Nanaki learns about his father. Also why does Dyne have to die in a Hollywood bombastic shooting scene? especially when cloud and co were holding down the fort. Was the suicide angle too poignant? too thoughtful?

The game is just so insincere and emotionally shallow at times man, i hate that scene with aerith as a child during her trial where she goes to ask for help and a guy gets pushed into her and he turns round and insults her, a literal child. Its such a clearly desperate attempt to try make the player sad cause the writers don’t seem to know how to actually write a sad scene. I literally rolled my eyes when it happened. This might be a stretch and a bit cynical but it does feel like it’s trying to paint poor or impoverished people in a bad light and kind of show shinra is right to be patrolling their neighbourhoods with armed personnel, cause they’re all dangerous, even towards children, except for a select few.

I dunno, my heads all over the place with this game in regard to story, all I know is I came out the other end really hating the narrative.


Queen’s Blood is so fucking good, it’s so good, it’s up there with Triple Triad, please release a standalone version I’m begging.

Really good but the moments which should have been easy slam dunks in terms of their emotional impact often fell a little flat, mostly because they were never allowed time to breathe. Great ending though and gameplay is very fun.

Not 5 stars because it is far from perfect (the open world aspect gets a bit tiring/repetitive by the end, some of the minigames were HAIR-SPLITTING to say the least, etc.) but still a very very very enjoyable second part for this remake of a game I didn't have to chance to grow up with :)

finished the game more confused than i was going into it. there wasnt as much story progression as i would have liked. most of the big moments that happen, happens at the end. i would prefer if there were more story throughout the beginning and middle. amazing combat, big improvement from remake and great characters as usual

It’s another forced game from a brand that has long been dead in terms of ideas. Final Fantasy seriously needs to disappear from the industry because it once had a beauty, but today it no longer encounters the same appeal in terms of gameplay. Unfortunately, it’s a boredom fest with gameplay mechanics from the 7th generation and a cliché story. If it weren’t exclusive to PlayStation, it would completely lose its non-existent appeal. Moreover, the fact that its technical disgrace is not being discussed is a kind of hypocrisy. We’re talking about a game where textures don’t load in performance mode, and while it should be slammed and slapped with a meta yellow if it weren’t for the brand name, they just press and pass with scores over 90. Square Enix shouldn’t cry in vain about why our games don’t sell; as long as Final Fantasy doesn’t rise to today’s level and offer a fun structure, it will remain a mediocre production that cannot go beyond a niche audience.

This game is just the perfect fictional experience. Perfect combat, perfect music, perfect characters fleshed out from the original, perfect exploration, & a perfect story that somehow surpasses the expectations set by Remake. This game has undoubtely made Aerith one of my favorite characters in all of fiction. That alone will hopefully convince you to give Remake & Rebirth the attention they deserve.

Gorgeous game with great combat, very fast paced, if you’re interested in the characters and the world, i recommend to explore the open world, this game has greatest final sequence I’ve ever played

What. a. game. Still not a fan of the story changes and the multiverse BULLSHIT, but honestly I can look past that because everything else is pretty amazing. This is one of the most fun gaming experiences I've had. I love how NOT serious the game is most of the time which makes for so many hilarious and wholesome moments. Every character gets their time to shine but they somehow made Yuffie and Cait Sith the best characters. Oh and the combat is basically remake's combat but even more improved. Yuffie was super fun to play as.

So much love was put into this game, THAT much was definitely apparent. The soundtrack probably has like 500 songs total in it. It's also one of the BIGGEST games I've ever played. 160 gigabytes, however it honestly feels justified because the open world and all of the locations are insane. One of the only $70 games that feels worth it. I'm not sure if they'll be able to top this in the third one, but I guess we shall see in like four more years. Also ngl the saddest part of the game was the end of the 7th infantry section lmao.