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me dijeron que era una verga y esta mejor que el 1

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Halo 2 es Halo 1 puesto de hormonas hasta las trancas. Mejor gameplay, mejor historia, más cinemático, menos fases injustas (te miro a ti Warthog)... Solo se resiente un pelín al final con toda la rebelión de los "Brutes" porque son realmente tanques los cabrones y hay veces que ni un cargador entero los baja.

La división de la historia en 2, haciendo que juegues tanto como Master Chief como con Arbiter ha sido algo que no me esperaba para nada pero es que cuando se unen sus caminos DIOS SANTO QUE BÁRBARO.

Es posiblemente un juego perfecto, no le encuentro pegas y que coño me voy a dar el lujazo de darle 5 estrellas, el máximo posible.

No quiero hablar del juego, no me sale plasmar en palabras lo que ha sido este titulo porque me es imposible.

Videojuegos así hacen que te enamores mas de este medio, es imposible odiarlo.

the single best shooter campaign ever made.

enemies feel a bit spongie but the rest is halo core

I don't remember much about Halo 2. It added guns in both hands, I guess that's cool.

This rerelease is even more impressive than that of Halo CE. The cutscenes look amazing, and the game feels great. It allowed me to see that the campaign is definitely better than that of CE as well, better than any aside from Reach actually in my opinion.

It was good to see them not following the trend set by Combat Evolved of backtracking the same area multiple times. Also they really cooked with the cutscenes, the CGI/animation of the cutscenes definitely felt movie calibre. They could've actually made an animated series/movie out of those cutscenes instead of the live action Halo.The actual game looks good too but then doesn't really match the visual tone/quality set by the cutscenes, so it felt like watching 2 different things. The gameplay was really fun, had a lot of diverse setpieces/encounters but it did feel hard to navigate stuff on heroic difficulty, also frustrating at times with the poor checkpoint system and bullet sponginess. I can't really vouch for this being the best among the series, so far Reach and 3 are tied at that for me.

The visuals of getting hit by an explosive in Halo 2 with remake graphics is the closest anything has gotten in recreating what it feels like to stand up too quickly with low iron.

i want the Arbiter to be my Dad cause he's just so cool and he's played by Keith David

what's not to love??

A really great version to play I only wish they made it available besides mcc. The cutscene are drop dead gorgeous built from the ground up, the graphics and lighting blew my mind when I played it as a kid and for 2014 they still hold up amazingly. The sound effects are completely redone and sound so good. Overall it's extremely faithful to the original but I still prefer the original due to its history and charm. However there are a few issues.
I played the legendary campaign for the first time on pc and boy it sucks. It clearly wasn't play tested at all, with horrible godlike AI, that shove grenades up your ass, jackle snipers that can just instant kill you from a million miles away and completely unbalanced RNG that are never in your favor. And once the Brutes show up it gets worse. There just big bullet sponges with little to no strategy to defeat you just have to pray you have enough ammo and cover to defeat them.
The final boss Tartarus is horrible. Took me over an hour to defeat because his AI would just wander on the top and bottom platform and stay there forever and the other brutes that show up just make the fight near impossible, but that's just the legendary campaign, the normal difficulty is well balanced I just wished they fixed a lot of those issues.

Renovaron y mejoraron todo a un nivel técnico increíble
but sigue con el doblaje de dos pesos con su mítico "aaaabuelita de Batman"

stupid difficult, stupid fun, despite being unbalanced its very good

(from original post in 2021) I accidentally came across "blow me away" whilst looking for "follow in flight" on youtube and decided to switch to og graphics until i heard it in game. Glad i did

Would've reviewed it yesterday, but was getting depressed. Pretty good, my favorite so far, though I do get what people meant by an iffy ending.

I don't find it the best like everyone else. It is great but I didn't enjoy the weapons as much. I didn't play the MP too much

ive been playing this with my friend for Half A Year Now she kept putting it off but we finally finished it and it was really worth it!! great game, improves on the original in every way possible

Despite being a bit too long for a Halo campaign and suffering from balance issues Halo 2 manages to fill its second and third acts with the most compelling narrative content the series has to offer.

its better than halo 1!
way more diverse and less "where the fuck do i go" moments
also the arbiter is cool, nice change of pace and it actually made me kind of sad when i couldn't go into invisible mode when i was master chief
although i do find it funny that the arbiter is basically just some guy in plate armor
in this game, cortana has become blue (this is good)
im pretty sure the entirety of the development team ceased existence right before they could finish the ending because the game just ends
just like this!

Beautiful story telling with a half baked ending cliff hanger. Same halo gameplay we all know and love

Halo 2 campaign is all over the place in a different way to CE. While CE's 1st half is amazing and the 2nd half is only ok Halo 2 flip flops in quality level to level. Halo 2 has some of the best and some of the most forgettable missions in the franchise. The enemies also feel quite spongy in comparison to other entries. The story continues to be compelling and through the arbiter a new side of this universe is explored. The campaign lacks the strong the ending of its predessor and its successor but pumps you up to finish the fight.
The gameplay itself is much improved with the addition of dual wielding making you feel like a certified badass and new weapon types had to the sandbox brilliantly. The multiplayer sweet retains the Arcady fun of its predecessor but refines it in such a way that it's near indistinguishable from modern shooters.
While its clear that its a bit rushed the size of it's ambition is undeniable and the impact of its awesome multiplayer can still be felt all these years later

Kinda funny how this game is simultaneously more and less complete than Halo, like they ran out of money and time but in a totally different way.

Anyways this campaign is longer than the first one's, yet doesn't have as many memorable setpieces. Lots of just walking through cities/hallways and Playing Halo, which isn't bad but is missing some bigger moments to punctuate it. Weapon balance has always felt off in this one to me, melee-ing isn't satisfying anymore and all the weapons from the first game are noticeably worse than they used to be. Between dual-wielding, vehicle hijacking, and the whole wack of new weapons though (at least 2 or 3 of which are iconic) the game's mechanics feel much more "complete". And as much as the plot is kinda dumb and the game doesn't have an ending, it does have The Arbiter, so I can't complain too much.

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The introductory missions kick ass and I do love the evolution of the story and the worldbuilding. The cutscenes look fantastic even today.
But it didn't keep the strong momentum going and with it leading to a cliffhanger ending, I didn't really feel anything. However that is in some part to Halo 3 actually being the first game in the series that I played and I love that game, kinda hyped to replay it after so many years, so I lose the build up and suspense that must have been off the charts for people playing this when this had just come out, so I won't knock it for that. And it does end on a kickass line.

Those remastered cutscenes look CLEAN. Definitely worth checking it out if you have never tried out Halo. That ending left a reaction out of my face.

cortana could say some marvel quip shit like "uh oh... he's right behind me isn't he" and i would eat it up like chicken dinner yes queen you're so funny

sweet campaign. awesome graphics


the pinnacle of single player FPS campaigns. there is nothing to dislike about Halo 2, some of the closest a game has come to perfection.

Overall really great. Story is leagues more interesting than Halo CE, higher stakes now that Earth is envolves and Cortana is left in danger, the added perspective of the Arbiter is really ahead of its time for 2004 and its elevated by Blur's amazing new cutscenes that are the definitive way to experience this story. Some of the weapon balancing is quite bad though, maybe moreso than in CE. most weapons that you can dual-wield are basically useless, and the AR finds a way to be even worse than in CE too.