Reviews from

in the past

Creative killing from a bald man and a fish

I know the layout of hokkaido better than I know most of my extended family

pulei todas as cutscenes c pa q perdi a historia
mas a gameplay é insana

played through World of Assassination

hitman's been something ive been intrigued by for quite a while now, so much so World of Assassination is on my high priority . it sounded really cool, like that game i imagined as a kid but never existed(except it did just not to this scale lol), and as a mobile gamer for most of my childhood. kinda like metal gear in a way, except being an assassin instead of a super spy. this comparison between metal gear comes up again later. ive only played the first one, though, from 1987.

so the gameplay is honestly... it's a bit disappointing honestly. i had this image built up of a super sim where you can do literally anything and itll go. like for instance i imagined i could talk to a service person and ask him to come to my room, then pummel him to death and take his clothes and impersonate him. talking to npcs- wait, for the record i know i could talk to people if i do the "canon" route of completing shit but i didnt wanna do that cuz id then be compelled to do that and i didnt want that when i could choose a morbillion other ways. okay, with that cleared up, continuing. talking to npcs is a feature i figured they'd have the way the game is advertised as a morbillion ways to do shit. like i could get super close with my target and assimilate into his personal room attendant through dialogue alone, and then murder him with no one in sight. that would have been really cool.

so idk, i feel like a lot is missing from the "sim" aspect. if some dude walks into a room and you walk out wearing his clothes(esp if the dude got different hair) and he doesnt come back out, i feel like thge whole map should go into lockdown, if they were seen entering that room. its like... the game just kinda... forgets, like i killed some dudes and left em in the open, they bring out the body bag and all that, but afterwards the deed is forgotten.

if i were running a compound with very important people closeby and found a body, you know what id do? id line up every single person and ask for an alibi! id lock the entire compound down, too. imagine how cool it would be if you had to give an alibi based on your disguise, or you could try and avoid this lineup thingy and if you get found thereafter you're arrested immediately if you dont have an even better alibi. idk, im just spitballing but the world/ simulation leaves a lot to be desired. i i figured it would be much more dynamic. id assume more things get added in h2 and h3, though.

another thing is that most missions give you a silenced pistol and if you're quick enough you can kill the targets without any "fun stuff". i know replayability and sandbox is the name of the game but usually i dont roll that way, so i just do what i see and sometimes the quickest option is a silent shot from da bushes

what is here though is fantastic. it's such a rush sneaking around locations across the globe, disguising yourself, tracking target's patterns and picking off their inner circle before finally you're alone in a room with them, commit the deed, and then exit like nothing happened. it's really fucking badass to exit a scene when everyon'es like "oh my god wtf wtf", especially if you're inches away from being spotted. i killed that jordan cross dude with a pistol in the music booth and left the scene, was really fucking awesome. oh and killing that dude who was there for heart transplant after i knocked out a surgeon in plain daylight, stole his clothes and went around, acting as lead surgeon and then draining his blood out with the machine. oh and that one time where i fucking destroyed that super virus and then afterwards the head scientist lady came down without guards and i fucking murdered her in the hallway and shoved her in a locker, and proceeded to kill the main dude after watching him golf for 30 minutes straight. just a blast to play through.

the story is very reminiscent of metal gear 1987, in the way that it takes itself incredibly seriously but the plot sounds like something a kid would make up when needing to make a super cool assassin story with their toys and stuff. its not the deepest, or the most substantial but its pretty cool and charming in the same way mg1's story was. im excited to see where it goes in h2.

in a closing note that i kept thinking about over my time with this game, i was talking to my mom recently about games and stuff, the kinda "schedule" i have for myself, like playing p2 or xenoblade at such and such time, and she responded with something that really stuck with me. she was like "oh i thought gaming was all about spontaneity, that seems like a chore." and idk man i see her point. i promised id play mg2 before the week ends but i have no desire honestly after i started the hitman trilogy , often feels like people are stalking my playing tab when in reality no one pays attention to it that closely, and if i forced myself to play it thats kinda is a chore. kinda easy to lose track of the fact its a hobby especially on this site, even further when you write reviews. often found myself trying to think of a review well playing and thats just not something i really want. i should just play what i want in da moment.

overall i really liked this game and was glad i got the trilogy for 20 bucks. ill definitely be checking h2 out asap but idk if the burnout will strike before i can finish h3. i might bump to a 9 idk

check out this song

A história é genuinamente interessante?

They were begging for that Bond game lmao.

i was OBSESSED with this game in 2018

Revitalised the Hitman franchise with a high quality reboot. I follow the missions as I want to see the optimum / intended routes, but would like to go back in raw and try some different methods out. 7/10, not a fan of the initial episode by episode format.

Didn't like it at first because it didnt give me the power fantasy promised immediately. But once it clicked, i loved it instantly, will definitely revisit

a verdadeira graça desse jogo é fazer tudo errado, completar a missão mesmo assim, e sair como se nada tivesse acontecido

For a game that gives you a lot of freedom, it feels intent on holding your hand.

Each level is incredibly detailed, a true spectacle of level design and a veritable assassins playground, but I guess it's indicative of modern games in that it never wants to let go of the players hand and risk alienating them.

You can turn the opportunities off, and I highly recommend doing that otherwise the game becomes a paint-by-numbers challenge. But even with that off you get the NPCs playing Extras just waiting for 47 to walk by so they can loudly announce the targets achilles heel.

It's a let down but it doesn't diminish the quality of the game, everything from the design, art, to the voices are immaculate, if you can look past why citizens in Paris sound eerily similar to the ones in Marrakesh.

Hitman is a wonderful entry into the series, I just wish they would make it a bit more of a challenge, and push players outside their comfort zones rather than letting them follow a linear path, especially when they've designed such a rich series of levels to explore.

Kinda morbidly fun for like three missions but then I got bored with the repetitiveness and annoyed with getting lost all the time and just started gunning down the targets in broad daylight and seeing if I could get away with it, the answer was usually a resounding yes.

It's hilarious to me that these evil billionaires you have to kill won't ever notice you following them no matter how long you do it or how ridiculous the disguise you're wearing is but if you're dressed in a scientist costume and happen to run into another scientist they'll instantly bring the entire security force down on your ass

Great Reboot, did nothing but improve.

glad to see io interactive come back to its basic and make hitman into an actual social stealth game.
Major conflict for this imo is that the freedom interferes with its tone and the soundtrack just doesnt feel like its hitman, more james bond than hitman.
Wish for a darker tone in the future installments post world of assassination and hopefully a return of jesper kyd

nao tava esperando nada mas por enquanto achando foda

I enjoy the hitman games way too much and it concerns me.


Though you can't get this game anymore, it seems, I'll share with you all my feelings about this game anyway as I did really enjoy it!

I remember this game being released and they wanted to create it in a "Live Service" kind of way where you bought the game and there'd be a subscription for each and every season, however, only one season was done for this game! Beyond that, they did make some fun side missions and challenges too, but I'll get into that later.

You play as Agent 47, of course, doing training to see if he's eligible to join this group to carry out missions that will be handed to him via his handler. The first few missions are to make certain you get the hold of the mechanics and such until you go for your final test mission where you take everything you've learnt and then apply it to the simulation where you need to assassinate someone being protected by the Russian army and after that, the real missions start.

As typical in the early Hitman games, you have a target and they must be eliminated, but as the missions get more complex you have to do things like destroy someone's project or arrange for their death to be accidental. Something like that.

The missions can be fairly short, depending on how you approach a situation and how you sneak up on your target to dispatch them the best way! There's only a certain number of levels, however, why I love is the ability to track opportunities, especially with my memory and attention span being so terrible it really helps. The more opportunities you do, the more your mastery of a stage goes up and as you achieve a new level of mastery, you unlock something to make the mission more interesting like a new starting location, the ability to bring in a selection of weapons into designated locations or even whole new weapons! Some of the best I found were the concealable baton so you can knock people out quickly and it's never found when you get frisked. Unlike what I remember of some of the earlier games, you don't unlock new weapons and thing just by picking it up and carrying it out, but through this mastery system, which I like because it can be fun seeing different ways for the targets to be killed. Especially as often these are people who angered the wrong people be being a nasty or dangerous individual.

After the main game there's a selection of side missions and such that came in the form of DLC and the original idea of this game was to be a live service and be updated with seasons one after another, but we only got the first season with this one. I've yet to give the other two a go as I have been going mad trying to get all the achievements on this, however, I may lose interest. We'll see.

The story itself is interesting and has some links to 47s past, however, I don't want to give you spoilers and want you to find that out for yourself! ;)

I loved all of the hitman games. All of them were so fun to play for the interesting storyline and missions.

jogo muito bom e segue a mesma formula de seus antecessores e muito bom

Oh my gosh! He’s bald! He’s bald and he’s torturing people who have hair!

It's pretty good, and a great start to the newer versions of Hitman

Gotta love how everyone in the Hitman universe either has a British or American accent no matter where they're from. Why does the man with the most Swedish name ever have an American accent? Well, why wouldn't he?

It's insane how good this game is

It's fun when it's stupid but it's stupid when it's not fun

I like it, I never played a hitman game before trilogy so I think this was a good introduction for me, though I don’t think it’s the best part of the trilogy. Some targets, particularly the side targets in certain missions like ken morgan, felt a bit like “filler,” but a lot of the main targets were pretty good, Jordan Cross being one of the best in the trilogy. Also some maps look a little worse when compared to the rest of the trilogy but they actually kinda grew on me when I replayed these levels for certain gear.
Overall, yeah I like it.

Fuck the Colorado map though

First time completing an entry in this series and I had an absolute blast. Despite each map always having one or two design choices to gripe about, they're all super replayable and memorable in their own way. Sapienza specifically stands out to me above the rest. I felt like I could stay on that map forever and never want to leave.