Reviews from

in the past

I dig this game somehow an old school 2d racing game, im pretty sure the controls are a main aspect I can play this but not the real old school ones.

Fun little racing game I got for R$10 on the E-Shop.

Gets boring after a while, and they made the game as if it had 100 hours of content when actually it's a bit repetitive, as all simple racers tend to get...

primeiro jogo que eu zerei no meu ps4
eu já tinha jogado antes no ps4 do meu irmão e então comprei de novo e zerei
então pensa num jogo bom e divertido

Muito bom, um novo respiro pra jogos casuais de corridas parecidos com top gear

vrum vrum -- bom demais e traz uma nostalgia

It must be really sad to be a filthy gringo and think this is based on OutRun and not on Top Gear.

Finalizei a campanha em volta do mundo e para mim já deu! Achei meio chato e a inteligência artificial dos adversários é injusta em vários momentos.

This is very very good, I do not understand some of the hatred I have seen in the reviews. Extremely polished and solid Outrun gameplay, it is filling its niche borderline perfectly.

Eu amo Top Gear, joguei muito.

Horizon Chase Turbo trás o que há de melhor em Top Gear, com sua gameplay de corrida diferente, ambientações e direção de arte impecáveis, trilha sonora marcante e nos entrega essa deliciosa homenagem. Muitas e muitas variedades de carro. De algo que parece ser uma Lamborghini, ao Uno de Escada, Fusca e Kombi. O trabalho de balanceamento dos veículos é sensacional e muito bem humorado. Da um orgulho e mostra o grande potencial do mercado brasileiro nessa industria.

Jogo bastante e, pra mim, melhoraram o jogo clássico e Horizon é bem melhor.

A veces sólo te apetece un arcade de carreras que va a lo que va: pura e inadulterada sensación de velocidad.
Un homenaje a clásicos de la época 16 bit con su buena dosis de dificultad pero con controles modernos.
Derrocha estilazo ochentero por los cuatro costados.

Fun throwback but crashes frequently on all three platforms I play it on semi-regularly. Getting the platinum trophy on ps4 took waaaaaaay longer than expected with the endurance tracks and crashes. Heads up, this is a frustrating grind.

Horizon Chase Turbo delivers a great sense of speed and control. You're going fast enough that you could get off the rails at any moment, but you never do, as long as you learn the ropes around it, especially how to make curves. There are a few neat tricks to learn too, like making use of someone bumping you to get a boost.

The one thing though, is that a few cars seem too overpowered, especially Minuano and Dustdriver. I thought it might be the handling that's just too good of a stat, but it seems like specific cars are just better to control and usually will make races far easier than others, even if they aren't as fast as other cars.

One of the coolest racing games around. Very fun racing game, which pays homage to top gear on SNES. Very good gameplay, with a good graphic work using polygons and a great soundtrack, fun game modes including a game mode in tribute to the legendary F1 pilot Ayrton Senna. I keep coming back to play it from time to time. Amazing game.

Juego casual muy divertido para jugar con amigos

É o que eu falei só que agora não é em versão mobile (e perdeu um pouco do estilo charmoso de ser pensado pra ser um jogo mobile)

It's playable, but length of the game is incredibly long for content in it and it's gameplay loop. If you completed world tour - than you completed 80-90% of the game, because all other DLC's and game modes is just reuse of those tracks, except SENNA dlc, which is the last 10-20% of content in the game. Adventures is terrible, you can't even see reward for this 5 pretty difficult races (ecxept car on the first place which is your reward and most of the time just recolour of your car, like darker orange on NSX, while car already have orange colour), which will waste your nerves because of the AI and level design. Races by themselves is easy, but your AI opponents and their fat asses is very annoying on the tight corners. Like... it will be okay if reward will be good, but reward (most of the time, there is a few good styles for cars too, but just a few) is RECOLOUR! Take your green audi, or dark orange NSX, yeah, definitly worth it. Also last cars unlocks for completing all tournaments, 1 car for each difficulty, and all endurance challenges, because you will get only 1 car for highest difficulty challenge and to unlock it you need to complete previous challenges))))
Game can be not that bad if you will play it on the phone or in the toilet on your steamdeck for 20-40 minutes, but it's not any capable for complete PC or console game. Poor soundtrack which starts to being annoying pretty fast, only 1 type of the race - circle for all game, and wasted potential of good tracks, there is only very grounded and ordinary tracks, not anything special or interesting. But cars are good, they feels different, have personalitys and etc. Maps and tracks (for their ordinaryty) is kinda not THAT bad (shit background and sometimes it's hard to distinguish texture borders on the track, but weather and some parts of the tracks are feels good)

Idk what to say. Want to say it's shit, but i spended on it 15 hours which feels like 100.

Played a few years ago. I didn’t enjoy it :/

Great tribute to the good old racing games. Amazing nostalgia-focused game

Jogo que relembra os clássicos de corrida de uma forma bem feita, o jogo é muito bom, ótimo pra passa o tempo, gosto bastante da trilha sonora e estilo do gráfico.

The first 3 or so hours of Horizon Chase Turbo is a pretty awesome experience. A back to basics arcade racer in the vein of games like Outrun or SNES Top Gear with tight, fun handling, a decent soundtrack and beautiful stylised 3D graphics that evoke the style of the aforementioned retro racers with a modern sheen.

The problem is that Horizon Chase Turbo is just too basic for its own good, and it starts to lose its appeal towards the end of the roughly 10 hour long campaign. You can tell that the devs tried to mitigate this with a "quantity over quality" approach as there are hundreds of race tracks in the campaign, lots of cars to unlock throughout and other modes like tournaments and a roguelike-ish endurance race mode for Tens Of Hours Of Content™. The problem is that none of this icing really makes up for the lack of meaningful content in Horizon Chase Turbo.

The other issue is the difficulty balancing. Again, this game is mechanically simple to the point where driving by itself is a pretty brainless activity, so difficulty is injected into this gameplay style with some questionable decisions, such as a plethora of gimmicky, extremely narrow tracks and stupidly aggressive rubberbanding AI for your opponents. The even more questionable thing is just how much this difficulty is eradicated towards the end when you unlock the most OP cars like the AE86 and have all of the vehicle upgrades. Seriously, India (which is just past the halfway point of the campaign) is by FAR the hardest region but everything after that goes back to being pretty easy despite the attempts to be dramatic at the end.

I'd still recommend this game to anyone else who is a fan of arcade racers, but with a more tentative recommendation than what I started out with. I would say I have high hopes for the development team Aquiris in the future but they recently got acquired by Epic Games, so we'll just have to see what that future holds in store for us.

It's a racing game. I don't know why it exists. It has no edges, nothing to talk about. Like all racing games, the main purpose is entertainment while listening to Jenny Nicholson videos.

Ne diyeyim ki yıl 2023 ve bu oyun .jar oyunlarının sadece daha iyi grafikli hali. Az da eğlenceli ama çok az.

Confession time: I played way too much of the Sonic kart racing game on the Game Gear (via Sonic Gems Collection). This is basically that game minus Sonic, and it is as bad as it sounds. The gameplay is shallow and simple, making Mario Kart seem like Deus Ex, and the graphics and color palette are eye-bleedingly ugly. Hard pass.

Gameplay - 9
Trilha Sonora - 10
Gráficos - 9
História/Campanha - 9

Nota - 9.25

gostosinho de jogar, uns modos são ridiculamente e desnecessariamente difíceis ai não é poggers, mas eu gosto do jogo

Quando o tema de Top Gear começou a tocar eu arrepiei, mas quando tocou Kleiton e Kledir eu caguei nas calças