Reviews from

in the past

Well. I have to say, this game didn't really age well, and the graphics leave a lot to be desired. That said, it did act as the basis for what would become one of the best series on the NES, so it deserves some respect in that regard.
I don't feel like giving my thoughts on a stage-by-stage basis, but I'll make some comments here and there.
Guts Man's stage has a pretty cool aesthetic, the construction crew vibe it gives makes it stand out well. Fire Man's stage having special interactions with the Ice Slasher is a very neat touch.
That said, there's a lot of questionable design decisions. Why are some jumps literally impossible and pixel perfect? Why are the Guts Man platforms so finicky? I feel bad for saying this, but there's a reason those children weren't touching those CRTs with Mega Man on them.
I liked some of the Wily Stage bosses, I went back to fight Yellow Devil and learning the pattern is kind of fun; Copy Robot is really fun once you learn the spots where it fires.
Though there is one big issue I have.

Colorblindness Rating: C-
CWU-01P is horrible. If you don't know who I'm talking about, it's one of the Wily Stage bosses, the bubble machine one.
Having a color-coded pattern is already horrible, but I don't know what speed it's going to come out at when I can't tell the color it is, which I think depicts how fast it's going to come out. Is it brown? Red? Orange? Does it even repeat? According to the wiki it doesn't, but I had no idea the colors didn't repeat because they blended in together for me, which led me to believing that maybe the color was corresponding to your weapons (I mean, come on. 7 CWU-01Ps and 7 weapons, can you blame me?). Trying to then rack my head around trying to remember the colors of the Robot Masters made it even more awful, because I could not remember the colors of the Robot Masters. Finding out the color meant nothing just frustrated me even more. Why would you change the color of the boss if it means nothing? What the hell?
And as I stated in my Megaman 2 Review, opening the menu to switch weapons doesn't label the weapons like the later games do. Instead, in order to tell what weapon you're using, you're given a letter (which isn't very helpful considering P somehow stands for the BUSTER), or... the COLOR of the Robot Master you defeated for it. I think you can see the issue.

All-in-all, I think this game made for an incredibly rocky start for the series. Hell of a lot better than the Gameboy version though, I will say.

Played for RetroAchievements. It probably helps that this is the first Mega Man I've touched in a couple years, but it's definitely one of the worst of the original series. The controls are weirdly slippery and there's no slide, there's tons of lag and the weapons are not that fun to use. The pointless score orbs clog up the enemy drops so you hurt for health and ammo more than you should.

Despite all that it's still a good game. Just not by the standards the series later set. I had fun.

Mega man e um bom jogo apesar de não ser perfeito, ele tem seus defeitos que pode fazer algumas pessoas desistirem de zerar mas eu diria que mega man e um jogo baseado nos erros e acertos pois quanto mais você erra mais vai melhorando pois você vai memorizando as fases e conseguindo ate mesmo concluir uma delas sem danos, apensar disso ser muito dificil de se fazer eu diria que qualquer um consegue, mega man e uma das minhas franquias favoritas e eu acompanho ela desde os 6 anos de idade e infelizmente e triste ver que a capcom não ira mais fazer nenhum jogo novo mas quem sabe algum dia ela decida retornar com os classicos mega mans ou ate mesmo as series X/ZX, dito tudo isto vamos iniciar a analise.

Ja vamos começar falando da historia do jogo pois algo que não pretendo fazer nas analises dos jogos de mega man e ficar falando da historia já que ela não muda praticamente em quase nada, a historia e basicamente o seguinte, dr. light criou 6 robos para ajudar as pessoas em varias areas de trabalho, porem em um certo dia o dr. willy rouba e modifica esses robos para ao inves deles fazerem o bem e ajudar as pessoas começarem a fazer o mal e destruir a cidade, então dr. light modifica um dos seus robos ajudantes para que ele possa destruir os 6 robos e derrotar dr. willy e assim salvar o mundo, essa historia infelizmente se repete em todos os jogos e isso acontece ate mesmo na serie X, eles ate mudam uma coisa ali e aqui mas e tão razo que não faz diferença nenhuma.

A gameplay de mega man e bem basica, você tem os botões de andar, pular, atirar e tambem possui uma das melhores ideias do mundo que e sempre que você derrotar um chefe você simplismente ganha o poder dele e isso e insano demais pois o jogo funciona igual a um pedra papel e tesoura, pois as fraquezas de cada chefe e o poder de algum deles, e se as lutas ficarem muito facil recomendo você usar apenas a buster pois a maioria dos chefes recebem 1 de dano com ela equipada.

As fases do primeiro jogo infelizmente não são tao interessantes, elas são fracas em level desing e com algumas texturas e obstaculos muito nada haver, não são todas as fases que são ruins porem uma boa parcela não me agradou, tipo a fase do guts man que e boa em certas partes, ela inicia em uma pedreira mas logo de inicio a gente tem umas plataformas meio nada haver para o inicio de uma fase mas ao decorrer dela o tema de pedreira volta e em algumas partes parece que a gente esta descendo por vigas de um pedio em construição ou coisa assim e tudo isso faz sentido ja que o guts man e um robo feito para trabalhos pesados em lugares como esse, mas ai você pega a fase do cut man e meu deus do céu o que era pra ser aquela fase? ela não tem nada haver com o personagem, cut man foi feito para ajudar em cortar madeira mas você vai jogar a fase e não tem nenhuma arvore so uns blocos e algo parecido com um predio, se você pegar essa fase e colocar em algum zelda daria facilmente para falar que aquilo são ruinas de um templo perdido pois e o que parece mesmo.

Agora sobre as musicas do jogo que são de certa forma muito boas mesmo, eu adoro as musicas desse jogo elas são muito bem feitas, as musicas das 6 primeiras fases principais são excelentes e sendo a do elec man a minha favorita ate hoje, porem as musicas finais ali não me agradam muito fazendo elas serem muito enjoativas e fazendo com que eu ate mute o jogo pois você começa a sentir mais raiva da musica do que da quantidade de vezes que esta morrendo.

Agora pra finalizar vou falar dos chefes que na minha opnião e o ponto alto de todos os jogos, eles são muito dificeis de se derrotar porem com a tatica de usar o poder do chefe anterior facilita mas tem alguns que são muito apeloes tipo o guts man aonde você tem que pular no time certo pra não ser atordoado e evitar a pedra gigantesca que ele joga em você causando um dano bem grande, eu diria que apesar deles serem dificeis são bem divertidos de se enfrentar, obviamente não da pra enfrentar eles freneticamente e nem como um mario da vida mas usando estrategias apos cada tentativa e muito divertido pois você aprende mais sobre o chefe que esta enfrentando e como funciona as skills dele assim fazendo você ter uma batalha quase que perfeita e sem danos.

Mega man não pode ser um jogo tão bom mas que da para se divertir com ele em bastante momentos, a dificuldade elevada ate da para passar um pano ja que nessa epoca a grande maioria dos jogos era extremamente dificeis para ter mais tempo de jogo mas nos dias de hoje você zera em alguns minutos ou horas como foi meu caso, eu diria que mega man e um otimo jogo para você que esta procurando desafio ou alguma coisa diferente.

Nota: 6

o design é daorinha, mas vai ser dificil assim la na pqp

We love mashing Select on Yellow Devil, yes we do!

Just not fun. I like a challenge when the challenge is fair, but this is not fair. Too much randomness to dangers makes taking damage unavoidable. The core mechanics are fun and the graphics (for the time) and music are great.

Hoping the rest of the series improves.

Cara, esse jogo é bom e divertido, mas tem seus problemas como level design esquisito de vez em quando e a escolha de fases ser meio inútil pois é quase impossível passar de certas fases se caso você não tiver passado e pego o item de outra, mas como eu tomei spoiler de monte de coisas nada me surpreendeu muito. :v

i love mega man 1 and i have played through it sooo many times. the graphics may not be as advanced as later games in the series, and it may not have as many stages as later games in the series, but i just cant help but love all that is here. the enemy and boss patterns in this game are pretty simple but that simplicity makes it actually possible for someone like me to master, unlike later mega man games which sometimes went crazy with certain boss designs (shadow man from mega man 3 and slash man from mega man 7 are some examples). 4 of the 6 robot master weapons you get in this game are pretty useful in a lot of situations, while 2 of them are much more situational. this is a good balance in my opinion. the magnet beam is one of the best movement items in a mega man game to me, up there with mega man 3 rush jet. also, i think ice man is a cutie pie :)

Played a ROM hack that adds in RushJet1’s VRC6 soundtrack and I can confirm it enhances the vibes greatly.

If you look up "needs refinement" you'll certainly find the bizarre US boxart of the original Mega Man staring at you with his cold dead eyes.
The game's controls are both too heavy and too slippery, Mega Man himself takes a moment to either go or stop, and some of the level design is actual butt cheeks. Lookin' at you, Elec Man.
But you do see the trappings of brilliance underneath the poor controls and level design. Getting new powers is fun, the sound track is solid, and the graphics are great for 1987.
Mega Man is a solid enough game, but it's not the one I'd recommend you start the series with. Especially given the lack of healing items and poor control compared to later entries.

This game is charming but kind of unpolished and bad.

I love that it has a score system that it doesn't even save. Did people really take photos of their score to brag about or something???

*Both replays of Mega Man 1 was played through the Legacy Collection.

Mega Man 1 is a solid foundation to an iconic series. The basics are there: jump, shoot, going through levels, beating up robot masters, and getting their abilities. The elements that formulate every Mega Man game came from here. Music is excellent and the visuals are classic, though the backgrounds are pretty basic by NES standards. Only flaws I have is Mega Man's stiff movement through jumps, the Wily Castle bosses, and some enemy placements were cheap. Overall, a solid game that gets beaten out by its sequels.

Mega Man is one of the greatest franchises in gaming history but this first entry has definitely not aged well. The graphics and gameplay are bare bones and basic compared to future entries. The music is still good but the difficulty is way too high in this first game. I do not recommend this game mostly because other Mega Man games have handled the concept much better.

Very stiff feeling and some of the bosses are rough but definitely a good time.
It can give a pretty harsh first impression so if youre playing this and not enjoying it I'd recommend skipping straight to 2 and coming back to this one later as the games after this one control a lot nicer.

Played through the Mega Man Collection on PS2

Really enjoyed the robot masters, half of the abilities are niche/kinda suck but are good overall. Yellow devil made me go through all 5 stages of grief and loss. Definitely worth playing but MAN it can be tricky.

It wasn't good but somehow it was enough so we can blame this crap for giving us X7 when you think about it.

it’s fine. the stages themselves were okay i guess. a little frustrating in some areas but overall i enjoyed them enough. the bosses themselves are pretty bad though. just don’t feel nice to fight at all to me. usually either too easy, unsatisfying, or frustrating. final boss is a joke, had more trouble on fireman. worth playing if you want to experience mega man right from the beginning (like me), but i’d imagine it’s probably a skippable entry in the series.

I actually like this game quite a bit more than most people I know but god damn it's probably really fuckin annoying if you miss the elec beam
Also mega man is like weirdly a tiny bit slippery in this game as well as in 2 and it's really annoying

A rought start to the series. It already has a lot of the elements that make the series so great but doesn't execute them well yet. The first Mega Man is honestly not a good game. Platforming and gameplay feel janky, enemy designs are lazy and just annoying which makes the whole game difficult in a way that just isn't fun. At least the soundtrack is already great!
It will only get better from here.

Mega Man é um jogo muito bom se você usar e abusar do Save State, se não tu vai se irritar muito facilmente de quão difícil esse jogo pode se tornar, usando a fraqueza contra os bosses fica bem fácil de ganhar, mas quando chegar o Boss Rush o jogo se torna insuportável de difícil, a trilha sonora e a arte do jogo é bem ok, não tem muito oq elogiar, mas não quer dizer que seja bom também.

Jank as all hell but laid the foundations for an absolutely incredible franchise.

The jank also makes it a hell of a fun speedrun, if you're into that

It's just an "ok" game, it's not awful but it's not the best game in existence. Most of the series aged poorly if im being honest, if you want to play the games it's ok and you can have some fun, but just play Megaman 6 if you want the best Megaman for the NES

Desnecessariamente difícil, além do seu level design ser extremamente simplório, a sua dificuldade excessiva mais os controles totalmente travados resultam em uma gameplay chata e estressante

Yellow Devil, eu te odeio.

Played this on the legacy collection, honestly pretty fun! I love the classic Mega Man formula so much, it's simple yet challenging. Probably the one i remember the most about.

For a 1987 platforming side-scroller Mega Man hits the lofty heights of Super Mario Bros. and Castlevania. The game oozes personality with a cutesy aesthetic similar to Osamu Tezuka's Astro Boy.

Mega Man also has a great level select formula with boss fights that benefit from Mega Man's ability to utilise enemy weapons upon defeat - just like a game of Scissors, Paper, Rock.

I feel the original is unfairly pitted against Mega Man 2 and 3 which yes, greatly streamline the experience and build the real gauntlet of Wily Stages as well as Robot Master Gauntlets (it exists here, but is fairly relaxed).