Reviews from

in the past

A legend is not as such since the very start of ita journey, and kust like that Megaman 1 is not the best start of the Blue Bomber

But if we have to consider Megaman 1 is a vacuum... yeah it is janky but it is a cool janky. It introduce the concept of a run-e.-shoot game but with the ability to select the level you want to do next, something that alone makes it incredibly replayable. This, along side the idea of the different bosses having weaknesses, makes it a really charming idea.. in concept.

In realization, the gameplay is not really the most refined thing in the world: I imagine the devs tried to made it as fluid as possible (the reason why megaman is blue is even to add less "weight" to the hardware). but this doesn't make the game any less janky. Not to mention that the level design of megaman 1 feels kinda empty, and while has some decent ideas in some parts, it is mostly carried by the music (which is a banger since the first game).

This would have made it a kind meh but also not 100% horrible experience... until you reach the Wily castle. Once you arrive at these levels (I think wily castle 2 specifically), you find out that the game just.... presents you a literal wall. how do you approach or climb the wall? You legit cannot, unless you got the super secret powerup in Elec Man stage.... that you can only access if you got the guts powerup, that most of the time feels useless. This basically mean tha tthe game presents you with the premise of "make the levels in the orders you want", only to it you with "there was a specific order from Guts Man to Elec Man that you didn't made, so here a huge block you force on you".
The levels are already hard and frustrating to navigate as they are, so having also this huge "SCREW YOU" sign n top of it really bothered me.
Not to mention that the rest of the game is nothing that eceptional either

Again, not a horrible game, but definitely the little mega boy did a better job in later installments

Also I know the boxart has been done literally in like.... a day, but I will never forgive it for being the thing behind megaman in street fighter X tekken (even tho legitimately that was not even the fault of the SFxT fans)

Cute novelty but has too many bullshit for a really good score

The classic Mega Man series is what I'd personally classify as the quintessential old school 2D platformer series. They're usually fast and kinetic, while also being challenging, but fair. All while having just enough bouncy cartoony flair to appeal to my personal sensibilities. Unfortunately though, Mega Man 1 is definitely a game that suffers from "1st game syndrome", as a lot of it is very unpolished. There's a STUPID amount of glitches, tons of sprite flickering, and generally just extremely unfair and even bullshit level design. I know ancient ass NES games like this are now notorious for being extremely difficult but JESUS TAP DANCING CHRIST there are certain enemies and even BOSSES here that really test my patience. Of course, there's still merit to this first entry,. I still had an okay time playing it and, just like every game in this series, the soundtrack is really good at least. They were definitely onto something with this first one though, as each subsequent game in the classic Mega Man series improved (and sometimes nearly perfected) the formula that this one established.

Yeah, Mega Man 1 has first game syndrome, but that doesn't automatically make it bad. There's still some fun to be had here despite it being really, REALLY rough around the edges

fuck this game its so fucking hard what the actual fucking shit fuck man

Ahhhh o primeiro Mega Man, uma franquia que me frusta muito, eu nem consigo zerar o X até hoje, mas zerei esse! (com auxilio de save states e strategy wiki mas esquece que eu disse isso)

Ele é muito interessante para epoca! nao tinha plataformers com pulo e tiro preciso como esse (e eu sei disso, eu joguei varios jogos merda de Nes), o desafio de mega man so me fez querer mais jogar o jogo, e aos poucos eu fui ficando melhor no jogo, e destrui todos os robôs mestres do Dr Willy, Yeah!

Its surprising how much they got right on the first game. However this is a rough game to come back to. The controls are slippy with precise level design and cheap enemy design. Other games have improve on the controls and cheap enemy design.

Its still quite charming but not my go to for mega man. Only replayed it cause I wanna replay them all, which I think is one of the only reasons to go back.

Did not like this. The difficulty is obnoxious with enemies frequently flying around your head and generally in ways that make them hard to hit. Silly bugs where enemies that go off screen can just get deleted from the game (like the evil roomba thing in that one long block puzzle in ice mans level). The aforementioned block puzzles that arent hard but just plain obnoxious, especially without coyote time (yeah I said the c-word, fight me Kayin). Lots of slowdown. And bosses can be very hard, borderline impossible without the right weapon, since exploiting weaknesses does ludicrous amounts of damage. Some bosses are tough even with them, like flame man's shots going so fast that I could never dodge them all, or Ice mans being very close together and requiring precise jumping. I doubt I'll play again, but I'm glad I gave it a shot.

Jogo muito difícil q se torna uma dificuldade injusta, meio travado mas com músicas incríveis, personagens icônicos e uma excelente ideia de pegar as habilidades dos chefes.

Nota: 4/10 (★★) - Ruim

the first time i beat this game was on the 3ds and it was just as bad then as it is now.

Zerado 100%, isso incluí:
- Todos os Bosses
- Todos os Itens

Jogo ótimo para começo de franquia, porém bem cru e básico, com exceção do Yellow Devil e uma trilha sonora que tem um estilo próprio e que se prolonga e melhora até o fim da franquia. Apesar de ser cru, é acima da média para os padrões NES, nota 6

While the megaman formula is here on display for the first time i cant help but feel that its easily one of the worst without being actually bad? NES game syndrome I think.

Mega Man is an old game, and you can tell through the way that the gameplay is very unpolished, the way Mega Man is super stiff and one moment and sliding through the floor at another, and the way the game's scenarios are pretty bland looking.

Normally I'd think this is a bad game, but the fact that this is the first of its kind and the first to allow you to choose your own path in maybe all of videogames history, makes it more of an... interest thing to look back on, but not an enjoyable experience most of the time.

РОКМЭН. Не Мега Мэн. Согласно Википедии, приставка Мега нашла своё место в названии на гайдзинском рынке только потому что какой-то хуй в Capcom посчитал оригинальное название тупым. Гг зовут Рок, так же есть робот домохозяйка Ролл, что как бы по задумке формирует Rock n Roll. Акститесь, мегаёбы!
А теперь о самой игре. На самом деле очень трудно собраться с мыслями, ибо это та ещё материя. Ознакомился я с первой частью посредством Legacy переиздания, а следовательно наш любимый сейвскам и перемотки прилагаются. Но ведь это только ознакомление, первое впечатление, а значит можно себе и позволить. И знаете? Я без этого держался вплоть до многоуровневой стадии финального босса. Но там уже просто атас. Правда, об этом попозже. Похвально, что по истечении жизней игра не откатывает весь твой прогресс в целое ничего, а даёт выбор либо начать текущий уровень заново, либо сменить его на другой. Игрока даже балуют чекпоинтами в середине и конце уровня. Прохождение здесь нелинейное, порядок побоищ предоставлен в наши руки, и это очень смелое и продуманное решение. Авторы продумали для игры своеобразную систему Камень Ножницы Бумага, в которой босс каждого уровня имеет уникальную способность, контратакующую способность другого босса, а так как Рокмэн крадёт их по завершению каждой битвы, то остаётся только гадать или обдумывать, на кого идти в какой последовательности с новообретёнными силами. Наперёд ты ничего этого не знаешь, но по ходу прохождения осознание приходит само по себе. Да и ничто не мешает затормозив на одном боссе просто отложить его на потом и перейти к другому. Вся эта система с вариативным присваиванием новых способностей и дальнейшим их применением гениальна, как по мне. Особенно весело всё это разнообразие полным комплектом эксплуатировать на НГ+, когда никакая местная погань уже не помеха.
В основе геймплея лежит местами весьма дрочный платформинг и линейное продвижение с вполне эффективной рукой-пушкой сквозь полчища крайне разных противников. У каждого NPC в игре уникальная статистика HP и урона, и нет такого, что игра нашпигована однотипными болванчиками и грушами для битья. На твоём пути каждый оппонент, каждое препятствие со своей индивидуальностью, и это реально круто. Многих из них можно просто танчить, ибо и у самого Рокмэна не стандартные единичные сердечки, а конкретное количество жизни во внутриигровых цифрах. Особенно больно делают разве что боссы. До летального исхода моментально приводят только пропасти, шипы и им подобные элементы окружения, вовсе не прощающие ошибки неосторожного паркура.
Радует, что игра не лишена собственной идентичности. С дизайном сеттинга и его наполнением, как живым, так и неодушевлённым, потрудились на славу. Каждый босс здесь наименован, и они буквально первое, что вы видите в игре, попадая на экран выбора уровня. Простенький и адекватный внешний вид, перерисовать который не составит труда и ребёнку. А следовательно это хорошо продаваемые образы, что весьма кстати для репутации игры и хороших продаж копий. Отдельно хочется похвалить Манами Мацумаэ и её саундтрек, который как минимум мелодичен и не режет слух, что для той эпохи уже достижение.
Ладно. Я оттягивал это как мог, просто потому что проникся искренней симпатией к сему творению почти 40-летней давности и всем его заслугам. Финал игры - полный пиздец. В отличие от остальных боссов, финальному главарю, Доктору Вайли, посвятили аж несколько уровней, и каждый из них увековечен какой-то адской тварью. Начинается эта феерия говна Жёлтым Дьяволом, чей урон сокрушителен, а хитбоксы зажимают в считанное пиксельной пространство. Чтобы честно пройти такую тварь понадобится минимум попыток 20 подряд, но у вас будет не больше трёх, а дальше только топать к мудаку от самого начала уровня. Продолжается шествие клонами всех боссов подряд, на что у вас банально может не хватить жизни из раза в раз. Окончанием парада мусора является, конечно, сам сэр дед. На самом деле он отпечатался в памяти у меня меньше всего, ибо добравшись до конца я ни разу не чурался перемоток при каждой оплошности, и никак этого не стыжусь. Игра мне действительно запала в душу, но финальные боссы чересчур усложнены, и на их "честное" прохождение могут потребоваться минимум пара дней усидчивого траинга, ведь до них ещё и добраться надо, экономя как можно больше дополнительных шансов и HP. Возможно, когда-нибудь я этим и сам займусь, но для начала рад, что хотя бы в полной мере познакомился с лицом серии, и уже знаю, с чем имею дело.

Well. I have to say, this game didn't really age well, and the graphics leave a lot to be desired. That said, it did act as the basis for what would become one of the best series on the NES, so it deserves some respect in that regard.
I don't feel like giving my thoughts on a stage-by-stage basis, but I'll make some comments here and there.
Guts Man's stage has a pretty cool aesthetic, the construction crew vibe it gives makes it stand out well. Fire Man's stage having special interactions with the Ice Slasher is a very neat touch.
That said, there's a lot of questionable design decisions. Why are some jumps literally impossible and pixel perfect? Why are the Guts Man platforms so finicky? I feel bad for saying this, but there's a reason those children weren't touching those CRTs with Mega Man on them.
I liked some of the Wily Stage bosses, I went back to fight Yellow Devil and learning the pattern is kind of fun; Copy Robot is really fun once you learn the spots where it fires.
Though there is one big issue I have.

Colorblindness Rating: C-
CWU-01P is horrible. If you don't know who I'm talking about, it's one of the Wily Stage bosses, the bubble machine one.
Having a color-coded pattern is already horrible, but I don't know what speed it's going to come out at when I can't tell the color it is, which I think depicts how fast it's going to come out. Is it brown? Red? Orange? Does it even repeat? According to the wiki it doesn't, but I had no idea the colors didn't repeat because they blended in together for me, which led me to believing that maybe the color was corresponding to your weapons (I mean, come on. 7 CWU-01Ps and 7 weapons, can you blame me?). Trying to then rack my head around trying to remember the colors of the Robot Masters made it even more awful, because I could not remember the colors of the Robot Masters. Finding out the color meant nothing just frustrated me even more. Why would you change the color of the boss if it means nothing? What the hell?
And as I stated in my Megaman 2 Review, opening the menu to switch weapons doesn't label the weapons like the later games do. Instead, in order to tell what weapon you're using, you're given a letter (which isn't very helpful considering P somehow stands for the BUSTER), or... the COLOR of the Robot Master you defeated for it. I think you can see the issue.

All-in-all, I think this game made for an incredibly rocky start for the series. Hell of a lot better than the Gameboy version though, I will say.

Played for RetroAchievements. It probably helps that this is the first Mega Man I've touched in a couple years, but it's definitely one of the worst of the original series. The controls are weirdly slippery and there's no slide, there's tons of lag and the weapons are not that fun to use. The pointless score orbs clog up the enemy drops so you hurt for health and ammo more than you should.

Despite all that it's still a good game. Just not by the standards the series later set. I had fun.

-Beat it before ages ago probably using save states. Beat it legitimately this time.
-Was able to beat all bosses except for Elecman with just the normal buster.
-Learning the Yellow Devil's pattern probably took the most time.
-All the levels were fun and it was cool to see how certain weapons could make them easier.

This is pretty good, kinda rough in some spots but I had fun.

Most of the time the challenge feels genuine, other times it just feels like the design of it holding it back.

Mega Man is a little stiff and a little hard to control the movement of sometimes, he can absolutely turn into the brick the same way the Belmonts do.

The way they made the Magnet Beam "optional" is kinda shitty but at least the manual mentions it (Old games helped you out too, you just had to seek em out lol)

Apart from's pretty fun mostly, I don't know what to tell you. There isn't much to say about things that have already been said about this game.

Choosing the order is pretty damn innovative for it's time, music is great, I dig the anime style...uhh...yeah

I cheesed the Yellow Devil and even the repeat bosses and Mega Man clone cuz I couldn't just bother lol

Fuck those randomly floating things, give em a pattern goddammit.

I love how this game places some pickups to intentionally fuck with you.

I used Save States to save after each state since game has no passwords and a useless score system that doesn't even give you extra health or lives after a certain point.
Also on the disappearing blocks and the random flying patternless fucks and the repeat bosses and clone Man cuz fuck 'em and I can't be bothered....and also just to not having to fight them again after dying to Wily and finally after beating his first phase after a couple of tries. I'm not ashamed of it, this game is a little rough and can definitely get tediously repetitive at times.

Game can be quite generous too though, it has checkpoints if you have the lives and it has infinite could easily not do either and I'm glad they at least did this

Overall, nice start to a franchise

Played on the Japanese version with a hack that turns "Rockman" title screen and name to "Megaman" since the game is already in English in Japan (How did Japanese players never complain about this?...or did they?)

I did it in the guide order mostly:
Bombman > Cutman > Gutsman > Elecman > Iceman > Fireman

surprisingly really bad actually

This game actually blows incredibly hard outside of bosses (even then yellow devil could suck a fat one), music, and visuals. The level design is actually so intolerable and at times it’s really frustrating. The fact this game spawned an entire series of games and spinoffs is a miracle and for that megaman 1 has my respect.

Insanely difficult game, however it has some amasing themes

Fun game for how old it is tbh, got pretty far without using save states but started using them around Elec Man. I thought the weakness mechanic was interesting, even if it's a little sadistic to hide that from the players by letting them choose whatever level they want. I'm so sorry to whoever tries to do Elec Man's level without knowing they can use Cut Man's weapon to kill those killer robot mops.

Like I said It's fun, but then it came... the fucking Yellow Devil, holy shit. It's not even difficult per se, but it's so slow and tedious that you're bound to make a mistake by how long the fight is. Can't really push myself to beat it, but had fun for the most part. Take that thing out of the game, and I'll give it a 2 and a half stars.

(Finished it. Thanks to @MyGameOpinions for showing me the pause trick for Yellow Devil.)

a good start to a stupidly difficult series of games

a rough start. iceman's stage is really what makes this game 'ass' instead of just 'ok'. recommended for contrarians.

Beat this as a child and honestly forgot how it went. One day, we'd like to replay it, but we remember it being alright--nothing great, but definitely not as terrible like many retrospectives treat it as. 'Til then, we'll refrain from a review.

This game is so hard. That yellow devil fight will be the bane of my existence.

Como o grande mestre Gebirge já disse "Mega Man 1 é mais bugado que difícil"

Eu já sabia como lidar com algumas situações do jogo pelos vídeos que eu vi sobre ele, então já sabia a maioria das fraquezas do bosses e sobre a arma que cria chão, bom deixar isso claro.

As 6 primeiras fases foram desafiadoras, principalmente as do iceman, elecman e gutsman, com seus desafios de plataforma questionáveis. Mas, no geral foram até que bem divertidas. Achei as fases do Willy bem mais complicadas, tanto pelo posicionamento traiçoeiro de alguns inimigos, quanto pelos desafios de plataforma e os chefes dessas fases. Mas o destaque da vez vai pra última fase, rapaz, 4 bosses seguidos sem cura mais um final boss com duas fases é dureza, só consegui zerar fazendo o esquema de pausar pro chefe perder a invencibilidade e tomar dano do mesmo tiro, porque sem isso é estresse.

Sobre o visual, ele é bem simples, mas agradável, gosto dos sprites e falta de fundos nas fases não me incomoda. A ost é daorinha, bem animada e tudo, com umas músicas que grudam na cabeça.

A história é aquele feijão com arroz dos jogos de NES, cara mal é do mal faz coisa mal e você cara do bem matar cara mal e deixar tudo bem.

No geral é um jogo legal que eu achava que seria mais difícil, foi também o primeiro jogo dessa franquia que estou descobrindo agora e me divertindo bastante.

*Both replays of Mega Man 1 was played through the Legacy Collection.

Mega Man 1 is a solid foundation to an iconic series. The basics are there: jump, shoot, going through levels, beating up robot masters, and getting their abilities. The elements that formulate every Mega Man game came from here. Music is excellent and the visuals are classic, though the backgrounds are pretty basic by NES standards. Only flaws I have is Mega Man's stiff movement through jumps, the Wily Castle bosses, and some enemy placements were cheap. Overall, a solid game that gets beaten out by its sequels.

Mega Man is one of the greatest franchises in gaming history but this first entry has definitely not aged well. The graphics and gameplay are bare bones and basic compared to future entries. The music is still good but the difficulty is way too high in this first game. I do not recommend this game mostly because other Mega Man games have handled the concept much better.