Reviews from

in the past

if this game has no haters i am dead why do ppl like this sm felt like i just wasted my time

I tried playing this game multiple times but it can never stick with me. It seems cute and fun but I can't help getting bored every time I play. Maybe one day

Dealing with all of life's struggles and trauma... but as a cat

Beautiful beautiful game. The ending is a bit if a shock, but thematically it does make sense even if it seems like it comes out of nowhere. I adore Mae and her friends and their journeys navigating their 20s, and I do have hope for all these fictional characters. I feel like it's just a game about caring, for your life and for others.

Amo demais a historia deste jogo, e ate a maiara gostou muito dele tbm, personagens muito marcantes e carismaticos, graficos lindos, diversas mecanicas, um dia ainda vou fazer um video sobre ele

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It's for the girlies that understand what Marx meant by "religion is the opium of the masses"

I got bored so quickly it is like walking sumilation

Unforgettable game that really tugs on the heartstrings. You grow to love these characters.

Damn, being a 20ish year old with no job or hope in life is quite relatable

i liked it! i feel like some of it isn't for me though, and i don't see myself coming back to this game to do gregg's side of things. i do, however, appreciate the messages and themes, and the atmosphere and design are top notch

Black Panther for midwesterners who will never be able to afford a house.

It's technically well-made, but I hated every single thing about it. Definitely not my kind of game.

I'm sorry but this art style will never get a sincere emotional reaction out of it, it totally undermines what they were trying to do. I'd be more forgiving if this game out in 2007, but in 2017 this "alternative-twee" aesthetic was already supremely tiresome and annoying.

This quote changed my life btw "This won't stop until I die. But when die, I want it to hurt. When my friends leave, when I have to let go when this entire town is wiped off the map, I want it to hurt. Bad. I want to lose. I want to get beaten up. I want to hold on until I'm thrown off and everything ends. And you know what? Until that happens, I want to hope again. And I want it to hurt. Because that means it meant something. It means I am something, at least... pretty amazing to be something... at least..."

I love this game to every direction of my heart, its beautiful. Rest in Peace, Alec Holowka.

It’s why my name is Mae this game has such a strong grip on me I hold it very dear

Amazing story and fantastic characters

the universe will forget you

this game will give you an existential crisis, but the message is actually quite nice

mas que un juego es una experiencia, muy recomendable

Que chill y que buena historia. Es de esos juegos que al acabarlo te apetece ver el típico video de "100 cosas que no sabias"

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Acho q acima de tudo Night in the Woods é sobre enxergar os problemas do mundo real e não fugir deles, pra mim isso fica claro quando é revelado que a Mae nn está mais na faculdade pq ela nn consegue mais distinguir o real do irreal e ela aprendendo com a Bea que as coisas reais estão lá mesmo que você não as veja.

this shit is poptropica for gay furries

I loved the autumnal atmosphere in this game so much
The art style is very unique and charming and although the story is a little confusing, especially toward the end, all other aspects of the game make up for it

A quality title, but not for me personally. Not a lot of meat on the bone in terms of gameplay, and the story is a little unclear in what it's trying to tell me. Seems like a veiled story about the disintegration of a bygone American mostly populated by factory towns and the workers there.

It’s pretty good and cozy. While also being terrifying suddenly.

this hit hard for no reason cause i was the irght age to understand this feeling

I first bought this game back in 2022, played like 15 minutes of it, then dropped it without a second thought. I really like the artstyle of this game, it's themes and soundtrack, and i really want to finish this game, i just need to stop putting it off for no good reason.

Also, i'm well aware of the controversial background and history this game has with it's creators, and i WILL NOT BE TOUCHING THAT SUBJECT WITH A KILOMETER LONG POLE, SO DON'T EVEN BOTHER ASKING ME ABOUT IT.