Reviews from

in the past

crashed a bit, but thats my problem. i have never related more to a protagonist then i have travis touchdown. game goes from the goofiest shit you've seen to rather thought provoking discussion about the idea of paradise, freedom, and power. i truly believe that everyone should play this game.

this game has a ton of charm and personality and i love it, but that doesn't save it from the actual game being kind of bad.

This game was so fun
Really fun QTE
It shines brightest when it doesn't take itself too seriously

"This game is fucking brilliant. These characters are so well written and this story is so smart." I say as I jerk off my Joycon after cutting like 20 dudes in half.

I love everything about this game except the game.

I sure hope Travis washed his hands after saving

I have so much respect for the style of No More Heroes, but I find the plot and humor a little try-hard.

It is a game that loves to go, "Isn't this crazy? Isn't this messed up? Isn't this trope weird?" without any meaningful conclusions. It had questions and observations, but nothing actually interesting to say.

Despite all that, I can tell you that I do think about the ending of the Henry Boss fight a lot for some reason. For any other game I would walk away hating it, but I still view NMH somewhat fondly.

No More Heroes is a stylish, blood-soaked action game that revels in absurdity. As the otaku assassin Travis Touchdown, you'll climb a bizarre ranking of killers armed with your trusty beam katana. The combat is satisfyingly visceral, the bosses are outlandish, and the game never takes itself seriously. While the open-world elements feel a bit dated and repetitive, No More Heroes stands out for its irreverent humor, wild visuals, and pure over-the-top action.

Humour, style and everything in the artistic depratment is great here. The controlls can be weird and some mechanics are unpolished and rather clunky, some bosses are also annoying but everything else is great in this game. The combat feels like you use the katana and i dont know why not any other series trys to be this out of box with their combat. Seriously a great game and it isnt endlessly long.

A perfect example in favour of style over substance.
At its core, this game is a buggy and repetitive mess, but consuming it as a form of art opens your eyes to all of its charm, humour and bravery. It just takes everything the developers thought was badass and mashes it together in this amazing mess.
There are 100 things that are bad about this game but the game in itself is not what this is about. The gameplay is a mere shell for the design and storytelling purposes like an unsalted nacho is a mere base for the guacamole. It has, what a lot of AAA games are missing nowadays.
Its character, hard edges, original ideas and jokes which go further than your everyday MCU puns.
Whoever played Drakengard 3 will feel a lot of similarities between those two games. Both are those weird pieces of media that just from looking at the gameplay shouldn't be rated nearly as high, but both are more than just that and keep players in love.
One of the most Iconic titles for the Wii and I still can't believe they were allowed to release this game on Nintendo's most family-friendly console to date.

Cara, mesmo com os defeitos que são o combate trucado, á repetitividade desnecessária em algumas partes, eu não consigo não achar esse jogo muito foda, historia absurda, combate bem divertido apesar de trucado, á OST é bolado e MUITA personalidade e autenticidade e usa seu propio gênero pra trabalhar temas legais, talvez seja mais do que merece essa nota mas fodase jogo é um clássico, feliz de ter jogado demais

the pc port stinks, but I had fun rubbing my sword

No More Heroes from Suda51, one of the fairly mainstream pieces from his vast creations of creatively wild games , was my first proper taste into the weirdly cool worlds that he creates . Originating on the Wii in 2007 and being a byproduct of the era and among the list of one of the first properly M-Rated violent games on the system, it is still a wickedly interesting game with bat-shit craziness , a main protagonist with a cute kitten named Jeane and an obsession with anime media and collectibles , meta elements, a power hungry race to the top , and over the top to an almost comedic extent violence; reminiscent of the likes of something that feels like Tarantino probably would’ve made it . I first played it on the Nintendo Switch during the experience of a personal drought during gaming. After seeing this ‘crazy’ violent Nintendo game , I decided to purchase it as I didn’t use my Nintendo switch as much either. I happen to regard it as one of my favorite games and I enjoyed my first play through of it , replaying it to a near finishing on Bitter difficulty. NMH is a wildly provocative hack ‘n’ slash , brimming with personality with it’s cast of rankings assassins and it’s sadistic and geeky protagonist. It’s a game with a silly premise , but it wears those violent character action elements and story on it’s sleeve and it can either be taken seriously narratively, creatively , or you can outright throw any of that deep philosophy out of a chase the girl , be number one sword slashing video game window and just laugh with it and have a great time; I happen to enjoy seeing it within both of those aspects .

No More Heroes is set in the fictional city of Santa Destroy, CA. It follows Travis Touchdown, the otaku ‘beam katana’ wielding , dingy motel living, anime girl media consuming , and to put it bluntly; a loser and pervert protagonist that becomes a ranking assassin for the UAA (United Assassins Association) with his auction won katana , after given a promising offer of revenge by a french woman named Sylvia Christel in a bar. Before No More Heroes even actually begins, Travis already adds a kill to his list of formidable foes lore wise, taking the 11th ranking spot off of an assassin named Helter Skelter, who was killed in a teaser trailer when the game was first revealed. The game actually begins on an already exhilarating footnote, with Travis leading us into his world and personally introducing us to his new life and all that is to come on the journey we will experience with him; then proceeding later on crashing his motorcycle into a mansion and slicing a guy in half. The first level in this mansion with these suited up goons serves the purpose of being the introductory, showing you the base fighting mechanics which can be somewhat easy to understand and pick up for the average player and understand from the get go without knowledge of any other advanced tech in the game. The game can be played in either handheld/with controller on the switch (My personally preferred experience; to each their own) or can be played faithfully with motion controls like the original 2007 Wii release, in which you are to use the Joycons/Nunchucks to swing your sword in the directional arrow for a sweet finishing blow , or moving your arms during combat to change between a high and low stance. Your arsenal of combat is also accompanied with a guard breaking mechanic, sick wrestling moves, charged attacks, and a plethora of other tech and features as you discover what NMH offers. The level introduces the first boss , 10th ranking Death Metal; who has a sick tatted and pierced up character design and gives Travis the first taste of the miserable and deadly world of assassins. The level ends with the humorously stupid cutscene with an exchange between Travis and Sylvia , attesting to the notion that Travis is kind of a loser virgin; but an exceptionally deadly and somewhat cool one.

This crazy of a beginning had already set a stage for the game. It only continues to flourish wildly after this, and it gets ALOT weirder. It’s a weird game for sure, It does have an understandably repetitive gameplay loop, with fittingly mundane side jobs in between the real meat of the game which can either serve as a pace breaker or in favor of it. The game shines within it’s art style being a cell shaded title with vibrant color pops and vibrant red blood, customization to create your own outfit combos , a fairly minuscule ‘open world’ , and including banger boss soundtracks. The game has it’s mundanes, but it pertains it’s fun wickedness to extremes, it makes you understand that it’s a video game and it serves those purposes. The bosses are the biggest stand outs of the game , which I personally believe is one of the reasons for why it’s such a memorable title . The combat gets repetitive at some points, and some bosses may kick your ass at first (Especially on bitter difficulty) , but it is worth it for the exposition, conflict, and the bickering between the bosses and Travis . The role of Touchdown shows what a marvel voice actor Robin Atkin Downes is when giving life to the protagonist, and makes it all that more believable on how cocky , geeky, cool, perverted, and angry the guy can get. Robin adds a great deal to the game and personally is a reason for why Travis is such a memorable protagonist for me. The soundtrack contains music director Masafumi Takada produced bangers, and an overload of remixes of the No More Heroes whistling tune. It’s an experience that shouldn’t be underestimated, and it served it’s silly and ferocious purpose with a lot more to delve into narratively and gameplay wise. Is it the best game ever at the end of the day? Maybe Not. There is probably more to be desired out of a hack ‘n’ slash title and it wouldn’t rival the likes of Devil May Cry [ ;) ] or the big character action games. This is more of just a personal and minimized recollection of the game for me, and I believe this is one of those weird titles in which I can spew and spew words out about this story and this world that was created. In spite of it all, It left quite an impression on me, and I enjoyed my time with it and continue to think about it and Suda51’s awesome worlds, and it is best experienced, rather than told .

I tried to give this game a shot since a lot of people were really excited for the third game...But I don't think this is the type of game for me.

I just didn't click with the gameplay, I didn't find it all that funny or interesting, I didn't really care for how it looks....I don't know what to tell you.

I wanted to like it, but I guess it's just not for me.

the pc port can choke on my futa cock but the wii version is very good

Premier jeux de SUDA51 que je fait, et je dirait que c'était sympa comme jeux mais j'en attend un peu plus des autres et je continue en même temps la saga No more heroes qui est une parodie humouristique avec quand même pas mal de reference sur star wars, SUDA 51 tout comme Hideo Kojima aime bien l'amérique et la culture POP


un juegazo, gracias suda, espero que te den más dinero

un hack n slash muy único pero nada recomendable, la verdad es que la mecánica de trabajar para pagar el siguiente combate clasificatorio se hace muy tedioso y repetitivo no aportando nada mas que alargar el juego artificialmente.

por esto mismo recomendaría empezar por el 2 y 3 antes de este si es que no te importa mucho el hilo argumental que sinceramente ni a suda 51 le importa.

Almost a peak game ngl but there's a lot that weighs it down.. a few lame bosses and grinding money got old but amazing combat and humor.. i fw the silliness and charm of this game heavy 🔥

Gud game just a lil dated here and there!

It's truly astonishing how for the first 2/3 of the game Suda51 made community service work more fun than committing casual genocide

من اسوء الالعاب التي لعبتها لم يعجبني شيء سوى الموسيقى التصويرية والرسم

i REALLY loved the game
the ost is fucking hard, the gameplay is amazing, i love travis, every random mf thats in the game for a single fight is atleast pretty good and the bosses are amazing.
besides all that the game still has some flaws like the story (already pretty messy), which just really starts kicking in the end or the grinding between the levels... damn i hated grinding jobs and gigs until i unlocked some that actually paid good
overall i would stil recommend the game to everyone, its an amazing experience and there arent really any games that have the charm or style of no more heroes

This game will give you lots of moe power!!!

I’m definitely partial because this is one of my absolute favourites. There’s something about the style of character action game with simple button mashing, dodging and motion controls that I genuinely love and can get behind. The story is bizarre and constantly throwing out curveballs, the boss fights interesting and memorable. There’s some lulls inbetween fights and playing this on a blank file was a little monotonous, getting Gold for every mission seemed like a decent idea when grinding was on the table. I still can’t get my head around the challenge missions where 1 hit means death.