Reviews from

in the past

i hope i can be half as stylish as this game some day

definitely has cracks but god damn if this isnt exactly the game for me

Me perdi na grandiosidade de Suda51, é uma experiência única onde tantos cocos ( a fruta ) caíram na minha cabeça durante uma missão para arrecadar dinheiro e matar uma ninja high schooler que pude chegar aos pés de sua insanidade.

Can't believe I'm finally a cowboy

I dropped this game after getting to the third boss and realizing that I didn't like it. The missions felt repetitive, and while the combat was satisfying sometimes, it became repetitive soon as well. I also disliked how you had to do side missions to progress in the story, because that was even more repetitive. I could probably use that word to summarize the entire game. Combine that with an unmemorable hub world where you forget where everything is and a confusing map that doesn't exactly help you to find your way around the hub world, and you have a pretty bad game in your hands. The soundtrack was the reason I completed it as far as I did, because that was the only thing I really enjoyed. I wouldn't recommend this game as a whole though.

oh look bad girl fell over and is crying, now is my time to attack

A great sense of style with really great dialogue. The combat isn't great and neither is the open world stuff, but it has enough of that Suda51 charm for me to still recommend it.

Edit: After replaying it on Switch I gotta say this game would actually be a 4.5/5 if it weren't for the open world stuff. On my second playthrough I appreciated the combat a LOT more and somehow loved the writing more than I already did. The punk vibes, satirical dialogue, and ultraviolence is really something special.

man gets so horny, he slaughters thousands

Mi juego favorito de todos los tiempos. No tiene un sistema de juego muy pulido comparado con otros hack n slash, sin embargo, la manera en la que usa los controles de movimiento hacen que sea una delicia de jugar.
La historia y sus personajes venden el juego por completo, pues las peleas con los jefes son lo mejor que tiene que ofrecer este título, así como su protagonista, mucho más alejado de los clásicos héroes de acción que llevamos acostumbrados.
Recomiendo jugarlo en Nintendo Switch, ya que esta versión posee unos estables 60fps, algo que hará de la experiencia aún más disfrutable.

Has fewer dick jokes than I remember...

I'm so glad that after all this time, I was able to finally complete the game and even get the true ending.

100% a unique experience and the Switch is the best way to play it since the game has multiple controller types on Switch thus being more accessible than the Wii original.

I'd highly recommend everyone with a Switch get this game, it's very cheap and more worth it than the Switch titles that still run at $60

This is secretly a lawn-mowing simulator

A 3/5 game, but the memorable 3/5 rather than the 3/5 you play and then 15 minutes later you forget youowned it.
The combat based around high/low/guardbreaking is cool, but until bosses you can generally jsut getting around by blocking and then mashing on an enemy as long as they aren't a katana one.
The bosses are cool but I dont think any of them use high/low system at all, and they seriously all have way too much health (henry is like a 7-10 minute long fight wtf)
The story has endless charm with fun writing, memorable villain of the week style ranked fighters, and Travis is an awesome protag, but none of it really pushes itself and feels kinda empty, but it's a suda51 game so I guess it's arthouse or somethig.
The overworld is cool, and the minigames/side missions are fun the first time, but once you get into later rankings the grind for money is pretty fucking bad. Pretty sure I hit the kill for 3 minutes assassination like 5-6 times trying to get money for the last katana + rank 1 fee.
Lots of cool and inquie ideas, bogged down by weirdness.

wait, this game is on andoid? what the fuck?

Some of the bosses were a bit cheap, and grinding for money got pretty frustrating towards the end, but other than that, the game was great! Extremely, extremely memorable.

This game really nails the mixture of quirkiness and a more dark and cynical surrealness that many games can't really acheieve (even the sequel), also Travis is the only asshole protagonist i could really roll with while playing the game

haha lets laugh at the weeaboo

This game taught me proper mashing technique. Thanks, Suda!

When first starting No More Heroes, one finds himself in a fairly typical hack n slash romp, with the game wasting no time putting you in front of a bunch of thugs to slice your way through a straighfoward path to the first boss who faces you in a fast paced 1v1 sword battle. The game starts "in media res", without any context as to why you are facing these enemies or what your motivations as the main character are, a trope we are used to seeing in storytelling and that we presume will be expanded upon the further we go into the narrative. If this is your first impression of No More Heroes, then you have already fallen into it's trap.

It's not until you get further into the 2nd or 3rd mission that things start to feel a You find yourself inside plain looking corridors and empty warehouse that repeat themselves ad naseum and beating seemingly random and out of place thugs like baseball players or military troops, and between missions you will be doing extremely mundane and grounded chores and part time gigs until you have earned enough cash to be able to start a new mission. This sense of purposeless progression during gameplay and detachment from the extreme and cartoony violence that happens during combat and the cutscenes is further instigated until the game flat out starts to take away catharsis from you and mock you for it.

All of this would have been meaningless, if Suda didn't intertwine the player with the main character, Travis Touchdown, so closely together. Travis Touchdown fancies himself an over the top anime superhero, climbing his way to the top of the ranks with a Star Wars lightsaber, but in the most downbeat moments of the game one quickly discovers that Travis is just a 20 year old something addicted to videogames and anime, without a steady fullfilling job and with some romantic hang ups to boot. Suda brilliantly makes Travis' frustration and boredom our own through the act of interactivity, and as you find yourself shaking the controller in a jerk off motion to fill your sword's battery to kill the next enemy and putting the wiimote in your ear to hear Sylvia'se sexy voice speaking directly to you, the metaphor is firmly established and unavoidable.

As you reach the final hours of NMH, and the game has completely shattered the 4th wall and destroyed any possibility of a conclusive and satisfying narrative, you will know you have played something special. In an era where videogames are now so preoccupied with artistic recognition, Suda shows that much can be accomplished with so little, and that you never have to sacrifice the medium's strength, the gameplay, to explore deep thoughts and questions about why we play videogames, what we expect to take from them, and why we surrender so much of our lifetime to it.

enjoyed this game despite it's faults here and there. best in the series.

What if the real no more heroes were the friends we made along the way and deep down we're all Travis Touchdown and Consumerism is funny also bro is he jacking off his lightsaber? o.0

No More Heroes is my first Suda 51 game, and it was good ride to go through. I loved the satire throughout the plot not to mention how the ranked assassins build Travis's character. It may seem like a regular hack and slash game, but it is so much fun going through stages, combo-ing, and killing grunts. Not to mention the boss fights in this are solid and definitely make up the chunk and highlights of the gameplay/story. However, the benefits end there as going back to the overworld you're forced to play minigames and challenges with (sometimes) janky controls and annoying difficulty with time limit. Another half of your time will be spent in the barren overworld that only exists for the collectables, missions, and upgrades; I hated this overworld but loved it because it made me see the world building of Santa Destroy. Definitely give this game a try--it's very fun--but be warned about the filler in between bosses if you're not a fan of forced grinding.

This game was fucking awesome, and the switch version is such a good port to

when you're not doing the jobs that are just walking simulators or mashing simulators, this game is an absolute blast with a really fun story and hilarious, memorable characters. considering its short length (took me around 10 hrs) as well, this game is an EASY recommendation for me.

A must-play game! Play it now.

This game taught me I too can get some dick if I'm good at killing people and doing basic work for pennies.
I'm already doing that and I'm not getting any dick what the fuck Suda.