Reviews from

in the past

Imposible que pueda ponerle un rating al juego, simplemente lo jugue de niño y me encanto

Hubiera preferido jugar a los otros juegos de Spiderman en mi adolescencia, pero no me puedo quejar de Spider Man 3. Divertido especialmente la versión de wii donde emulaba con el wiimote el balancerme xD

De manera no irónica mejor que cualquier GTA (menos el 4, ese es excelente).

Po eu amava esse jogo, na moral, só bem depois me dei conta que a Internet detestava ele
Os gráficos me pareciam incríveis, totalmente surreais. Depois jogando me dei conta que a cidade é feia pakas com cores mortas e fumaça incessante saindo dos bueiros
No geral acho que o que mais peca no jogo são os chefões estupidamente fortes que levam quase 1 hora de pancadaria e não param por nada! Aí quando você acha que tá indo bem, começa uma quick-time event onde você tem que reagir em MENOS DE MEIO SEGUNDO em alguns botões
Ainda assim, eu tive paciêcia de ir atrás de tudo nesse jogo, e ainda jogar de novo com a roupa negra do início ao fim, eu era lelé da cuca kk

Achei bestinha e com o gráfico estranho.

Far from great like the movie but its fun and kept me entertained for hours.

this game is a true piece of shit

I remember having a fun time swinging around the city in this game, but I feel like if I ever tried to actually play through the main story, I'd probably hate it.


spiderman3 spiderman wii

é... podia ser melhor, eu acho...

Definitivamente não é o melhor jogo do Homem-Aranha, mas talvez por ter sido um dos primeiros jogos que joguei na infancia, tenho tanto carinho por essa versão.

Not as good as the first 2 ones, but the ps2 version gave me some fun back in the days.

This review contains spoilers

This game is bad, and it could have been better for what it had. The Story sometimes has moments from the movie adapted in it, until the final act when it all does, the rest of the time, just like other Spiderman games have you do side plot missions to stop other Spiderman villains as to justify an open world Spiderman game, the side missions are fun to play and add to the world and Spiderman's overall life, the story missions are not as fleshed out as the movie, but there are less filler and have less bad moments in them because of it. The Characters from the film are the same but with less time devoted to them, to focus more on gameplay, except Emo Peter who is much better since they focus more on his aggressive nature than his goofy ones, the new characters they bring are very good for what little time they have to have on screen, and you can feel for them when in trouble. The Graphics are awful, the textures look very cheap and unfinished, taking away from the atmosphere as opposed to adding to it, and the city itself feels more lifeless with little to nothing going for it, making the whole game kind of ugly to look at. The Gameplay is fun for the most part, combat and upgrades for Spiderman are done fine, and the city gang system of wiping them out, well they also sometimes spread to others is a fun clearing system to try out, even if it can get repetitive very quickly, the black suit system of having to change back sometimes also works as a deviation from just being in the new suit the whole time of the second act of the game, removing bombs is decent, boss fights are fun to complete, but the swinging is bad with it feeling to heavy when playing, not as free as the 2nd game, and you can swing from empty space in certain areas. The Music is hit or miss, sometimes it fits for what it needs to do, and sometimes it can feel distracting and take you out of it. Spiderman 3 for the PS2 had the ability to be better than the movie, but in the process, felt rushed and undone really brings that dream down from what could have been.
(Since this site won't let me review both games, here is also my review of the PS3 version, with stars underneath)
This game is very bad, the better version is the PS2 version, which says a lot. The Story is like the PS2, the movie moments happen sometimes with new side plots of fighting villains happen mostly, but 1 side plot from the PS2 version with Morbius is removed and replaced with trying to remove Kingpin's mind control over Scorpion, and it even better than the fun Morbius plotline, so it's not too bad it's not in this game. The Characters are the same as the film, but with less time devoted to them, and are the same as the PS2 version, the new characters not in the PS2 version are very good alternates though. The Graphics are awful, they don't look as unfinished, and lifeless as the PS2 version, but the textures and animations feel uncomplete when it comes to what happens on screen, with textures not hitting the right spot sometimes, the symbols during mission objectives look too cartoony for what is based on a live action movie and distract from the tone of the game, and still look bad overall. The Gameplay is actually not fun and feels bland compared to even the PS2 version, despite more to do with the new villains and details in some side missions, combat doesn't the same music and atmosphere in it, the QTE's are annoying, and upgrades feels pointless with the boring feel of combat, and the city gang system is gone, the black suit doesn't appear until much later in the game now, swinging is bad in how heavy it is when playing, but now it feels even less free than the PS2 version, and you can still swing from empty space in certain areas. Music is bad, the good tracks from the PS2 in missions are mostly removed, and the ones that are there are boring to hear and very forgettable. Spiderman 3 on the PS3 is a downgrade from the less detailed PS2 version, and I'm shocked as to how they could possibly do that. I GIVE IT 1/5 STARS

İkinci oyunun çok altında kalan bir film oyunu. At çöpe çok daha iyileri var.

The gameplay is really unique and you got a lot of options of traveling and attacking! Story is meh, the difficulty is hardcore and you also can't adjust it.

your experience will depend heavily on which version you play. most of them are dogshit, but the ps2 one's not too shabby

péssimo, mas mesmo assim zerei

"Hey we should make a game based on spider-man 3-"

Black suit theme cues in

Hilarious game. Also very bad. Tobey I love you.

Pues es un juego algo monotono y aburrido en esta version, no se compara a su anterior entrega para la misma consola

PS3 version is better just to hear Toby curse and say stuff he would never say in the movies lol

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Dad got me the wrong Web of Shadows

Not good but the scene where he falls and the grandma explodes is on the Mt Rushmore of gaming moments.

Çocukken oynadığım ikinci açık dünya Spider-Man oyunuydu nostalji hatırına.