Reviews from

in the past

I didn’t care much about the story but the art direction was stunning

This review contains spoilers

General concerns:

one of the best walking simulators with captivating story.

"Платиновый список" ушло 11 часов.

Люблю писать про минусы, так понятнее, что за игра, нежели облизывать ее, но минусов Я пока не нашел.
Одно из лучших, во что Я играл. Тут хорошо все: не напряжный геймплэй, без монстров, стелса и беготни, сюжет, внятное объяснение происходящего, картинка, звук...
Сюжет. За ним реально интересно следить. Что происходит вообще? Зачем капитан нам помогает? Почему он темнит? Что нужно враждующей фракции? И с каждым ответом, добавляются новые вопросы из-за чего интерес не угасает.
Всем советую!

solid story/walking sim game, but i can't say it's worth 30$...

После прохождения могу сказать, что для меня теперь одна из самых страшных вещей вообще — это оставаться одному на планете или оказаться в подобной ситуации, когда ты один и рядом не души. Ведь сочетание страха перед неизвестным и безудержной активности человеческого разума может представлять собой очень пугающую комбинацию. «The Invincible» — одна из таких историй с очень давящей атмосферой, которая отлично погружает, даря отличную пищу для размышлений за счет поднятых тем.

Начинается все это дело медленно и может показаться типичным космическим приключением и ничем больше, но по мере прохождения история становится все мрачнее и мрачнее. Здесь именно упор на изящные диалоги, в них идет развитие персонажей, объяснений происходящего и о том, как именно устроена планета, на которой мы находимся.

Большая часть диалогов происходит между Янсой и другим членом экипажа на ее корабле. И благодаря этому дуэту, в этой истории так много взлетов и падений в эмоциональном плане, когда ваша борьба за выживание отходит на второй план по сравнению с более важными моментами, вплоть до спасения цивилизации, а великолепные, как я выше сказал, диалоги помогают погрузиться во все происходящее.

Ну а вообще:
Села мошка на ладошку
Посиди ещё немножко
Посиди не улетай
Улетела! Ай!

pros: Very nice presentation, very good voice-acting, interesting plot (getting weaker, the closer to the end it gets),
cons: very slow pace, because of very low walking speed (and limited run), even in vechicle moving is slow, exploration is not very rewarded, so better stay on track and push forward straight to the goal

I played The Invincible as a sci-fi fan, although I've never read the original novel. The narrative was interesting, and the plot engaging, which is a great start for a walking simulator.
The art style was also sublime, being able to transmit to the player the retro sci-fi vibe of its time. The landscapes are pretty, but not fantastic, and the exploration is passable at best.
But, unfortunately, the gameplay in itself is insanely frustrating, to the point I almost turned on a walkthrough for the game halfway. Performance is shoddy, FOV is narrow, there's a stamina system, and, most notably, voices frequently get clipped. The last issue is the worst offender, since it makes the player artificially wait for dialog in what is already essentially a movie on wheels.
As always with sci-fi stories, the concept and ideas win me over, but while I found it interesting, it is definitely not without its drawbacks.

I honestly loved The Invincible, it was a fascinating journey through a retro sci-fi lens, and I’m a pretty huge fan of retro sci-fi. The game features an intriguing story, beautiful alien landscapes, a great soundtrack, interesting characters and much more. If you’re a fan of walking sims, like myself, then you’ll no doubt enjoy this game.

Firewatch in space is a good short explainer.
Has the same problems and the same benefits.
I had fun with it, and it made me want to read the book, which is something!

The Invincible is a first person visual novel. It plainly states right there what its based on and plays as contemplatively as you'd expect for the kind of story its telling. I'd almost put it in the same kind of philosophizing as The Talos Principle games or Firewatch, but there aren't really any deep puzzles in The Invincible. You walk around, you find points of interest using a magnification scope or a metal detector and you talk to someone over a radio. You're given a good number of dialog choices throughout the story and when I play this game again in maybe a year and a few patches I'll be very interested to see the variations in dialog and events that might occur, though I hear its not super variant.

Its a great story I think, as slow as it proceeds. Good mystery and really good big Sci-Fi. If you found Starfield lacking in ponderous thought as I did this is filled to the brim with it. If you enjoyed Firewatch then you'll probably enjoy this too.
The Invincible is gorgeous, full of immense pondering about life, and stacked with great old school sci-fi aesthetics.

Looking forward to what Starward Industries make next.

***Reposted from my Steam review.

P.S. Good rover

I'm a sucker for a walking simulator where a male and female talk on a walkie. AKA - I love Firewatch.

It's reductive to say that Invincible is the same, but they do share a lot of traits. What it lacks in charm and originality, it makes up for in deep good sci-fi and little nuggets of horror. Unfortunately, I am still going to compare it to Firewatch in my head as the leader in this genera of game - and it falls a bit short of that very high bar.

Beautiful, just one of the best walking sim/narrative game I've played in recent years

im sorry. im weak to retrofuturism.

Pintaba bastante bien pero en su momento no me llegó a cautivar como para terminármelo. Le debo una segunda oportunidad.

The Invicible est un magnifique hommage rendu à Stanislas Lem, un auteur qui figure de loin parmi mes préférés tous genres confondus.
L'adaptation de Starward Industries possède toutes les qualités d'une grande oeuvre que le cinéma pourrait produire aujourd'hui : un scénario judicieux, une réalisation impeccable, un jeu d'acteur de qualité et des musiques sur mesure invitant à la contemplation et à la réflexion.

The Invicible n'est pas réellement un jeu mais plutôt une aventure narrative interactive.
De nombreux choix sont proposés tout au long de l'aventure. Ces derniers auront une influence sur le court de l'histoire et la fin du jeu (il y en a plusieurs).
Les actions à mener sont en revanche assez réduites: QTE, conduite de véhicule.

L'essentiel de l'aventure se résume à l'exploration et la découverte de Régis III et de ses mystères. Et il faut reconnaître qu'il y a fort à faire tant au niveau de l'intrigue que des panoramas.

Régis III est telle que l'on peut l'imaginer à la lecture du roman. Peut-être même encore mieux. Quel plaisir de fouler cette terre après les nombreuses lectures du roman ; d'autant plus qu'une adaptation en jeu vidéo était pour moi complètement inespérée. Et quelle adaptation ! Le voyage est dépaysant, saisissant. Je tire mon chapeau au studio pour le travail effectué.

En ce qui concerne le scénario et son intrigue, sans me risquer à spoiler, le studio a fait un choix qui permet d'intéresser tout à la fois les lecteurs de l'oeuvre originale que les autres.

Alors est-il nécessaire d'avoir lu le roman pour apprécier le jeu ? Assurément non. Toutefois, l'avoir lu peut renforcer l'expérience.
Je m'explique : certains passages, certaines actions, sont développés inégalement, et avoir le roman en tête permet à l'imagination qui s'en est nourrie d'ajouter ce que le jeu développe moins ou à choisis d'esquisser seulement.

Toujours étant, découvrir le roman de S. Lem ainsi que sa pensée via cette oeuvre vidéoludique ne peut être une mauvaise idée...
Deux expériences qui sont totalement différentes et impossibles pour un individu à expérimenter, profitez donc pleinement de la vôtre !

Wonderful love letter to Stanislas Lem's works.

Not really a "game" but a beautiful narrative adventure. Storytelling, ambiance, art direction, music, landscapes...all in all, I find no weak points.
Really worth a try for those who likes solid and clever S-F story. Absolutely need to play for anyone who likes the books of Stanislas Lem.

Maybe the videogame experience could be even better if you have read the book before.
It's was so unexpected for me to land on Regis III after all this years since the first reading. Having the novel in mind as background had strengthened many parts of the game for me.
On the other hand, discover Lem's novel with this excellent game cannot be a bad choice anyway.

Without a doubt two completely different experiences that one is unable to experiment.

Fully enjoy yours !

Jogos do gênero walking simulator sempre me despertam curiosidade pela forma distinta como cada jogo conta sua história, o apenas andar é um mero detalhe quando jogos como The Invencible conseguem te manter presos num ambiente chamativo, especialmente quando a sua história é repleta de um suspense intrigante, personagens muito bem construídos e um belo suspense.

A qualquer pessoa que aprecia Death Stranding, Heavy Rain, Firewatch ou qualquer jogo com um ótimo mistério vai amar The invencible.

if you haven't read the original book, play it.
if you have, play it either way

it tells the same exact story from the book, but from a different point of view which I think is even better, which is why, if you know nothing about Regis III, I recommend it over the original.

also worthy of note is that the game is absolutely beautiful. even the most "simple" desert-like landscapes are breathtaking. not to say the most... "complex" ones.

the only thing i feel can make other people not like this as much is the gameplay, which is a bit slow. Not that i cared, i love this sort of slow, immersive and atmospheric games and always have, but I could understand if some people didn't like it. At the end of the day, it's a walking simulator with a few fun mechanics every once in a while.

Kind of a walking sim, but the sets and environment and atomfuture setting is awesome.

played it back in 2023
Loved the story, but my god walking in this game so janky

Ao mesmo tempo que The Invincible tem diversos acertos, ele tem falhas marcantes. A história é cativante, a narrativa tem um ritmo equilibrado, os visuais são belíssimos, a trilha sonora é envolvente e a atuação de todo o elenco é ótima.
Porém, com o passar do jogo, sofri muito com quedas de quadro absurdas e constantes, coisa de 100 quadros de diferença sem motivo aparente. As telas de carregamento são, com todas as letras, safada, deixando a tela escura como se fosse um olho fechando. Eu entendo que ele é um jogo bem linear, mas há uma quantidade bem grande de paredes invisíveis e pequenas mudanças no terreno que tornam a exploração inviável. E, por fim, temos o encerramento da trama.
Há mais de um final no jogo. Eu fiz um e vi em um vídeo no YouTube outro e posso dizer que ambos são extremamente anticlimáticos e decepcionantes.

Admito que eu queria ter gostado mais de The Invincible, mas não posso dizer que não me diverti. Quem sabe o livro me agrade mais que o jogo.

It takes heavy inspiration from Firewatch when it comes to the dialogue, which some might frown upon but I only see it as a good thing. It's incredible how impactful the conversations you make are on what's going to happen.
Also, I guess I have a new book to read now.

I must admit, I haven't been super interested to these story-driven "walking sim" games in the past few years. But this game just absolutely grabbed me. I was particularly intrigued by the so-called Atompunk aesthetics and the quality of writing shown by the trailers. Now, I'm glad to say that I'm very satisfied with it, as somebody who is not familiar at all with the source material.

For the most part, the game is very technically sound, which a lot of walking sims don't get to say. The art direction is just mesmerizing sometimes, lots of beautiful natural sceneries and retro-futuristic structures to take in (or to take pictures of. Pretty good photo mode!). The lighting in many of the environments are just spot on. The music/soundtrack doesn't stand out as much but it does its job of helping to set individual moods.

Gameplay is obviously basic, mostly involving simple exploration actions and dialogue choices. But it never got in the way, and there's barely any frustrating/uneccessary gameplay sections that usually would sour the experience on these kind of games. The minimalist UI and restrained handholding techniques achieved a good balance of giving you pointers for progression, but still maintain a high sense of immersion. I also liked the weighty-ness of the movement, it translates the feeling of being in a space suit well enough.

The story is definitely the best part. Its themes of facing insurmountable odds works out great, as the main two characters are constantly in a race to save as much of themselves (and others) as they can. The writing is solid, and the voice acting is great (especially for the main character, really loved her as a character overall). The pacing is pretty much spotless, I was scared of feeling too bored (I forgive it a bit, because you know, it's normal to feel at least a tiny bit bored exploring an empty planet by yourself) but it never got close to that point. Every new bit of story felt exciting, which are again helped by the writing and VO. Looking at the hidden trophies, there seems to be a decent amount of story branching as well. The ending I got is absolutely trippy, in a good way.

And that's it! This is a polished, well made story experience that successfully presents the most interesting parts of itself in a elegant manner. I know nothing about the novel, but this makes me want to read it, which I count as a success for the game.

This is basically Firewatch in space, this one is great especially cause of it's setting and atmosphere. I loved both of those things and kinda want to read the book now just to see what the cannon choices were for Yasna. If you don't mind a walking simulator this game is fantastic, you can truly get immersed in it's world.

As for the game polish itself, you can obviously tell that it's indie and not super polished BUT... it's still incredible. I really hope there's more of this world in the novel that I can discover.


The Polish view on human existentialism and the evolution of robots.

The Invincible is a walking sim through and through. It's pretty to look at and the performances of Yasna and Novik are well-performed and endearing. Not much else to say; I think with the advent of AI entering the consumer market, this game came out at the right time. It was fun to reflect on this sci-fi adventure with the real world.