Reviews from

in the past

They made a perfect videogame and then let you play as Darth Maul and Wolverine in it.

This is where the game came into its' prime. It runs buttery smooth, and the addition of reverts unlocks the potential that simply wasn't there in the other two to make endless combos. It's got the essentials down pat alongside the arcadey 2000s skate culture charm that made this series great, and I would recommend it as a starting point to just about anyone.

The first truly amazing game of the franchise I personally loved. Great levels, soundtrack and even more new tricks and combo extenders. The graphics have also been boosted since the previous game

The third installment, THPS 3, should not work as the series' formula was already perfected, but it instead perfects perfection. The great roster and variety of avatars, decks, and unlockables leave the game having replay value. The now larger and endlessly creative environments, highly difficult and rewarding Career Campaign, and actively accesible gameplay make the game perfect. The even larger soundtrack leaves every track stuck in the player's head (in a good way) and the game mixes the best of it's predecessors with a realistic grounded THPS and over-the-top fun nature of THPS 2, combining the best of both worlds to be the definitive Tony Hawk experience.

Just another great skating game. Extremely replayable and addictive.

Sometimes I still dream I'm grinding some rails in a random thps map

played this when i was as kid and the foundry level scared me

Basically a straight upgrade from 1 and 2, big combos are much more achievable, the controls are smoother, the levels are a little more lively and flow together really nicely. The goals are just a bit harder than previous games which is nice because it gives you more incentive to replay levels and execute good runs, and once you tighten up and get better, banging out multiple or all goals in a run is a great hit of dopamine. Soundtrack's great of course, as it is with most of these games.

My personal favorite of all the THPS games. Best soundtrack, great level designs, fun guest characters and reverts.

From the perspective of the time it was released, Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 is a game that perfects a formula that that had been iteratively built upon at a yearly rate. It's levels are dynamic and full of secret areas, the moves have been expanded. Levels are full of life and edgy 2000's era skater punk charm, with music to match. The young teenager found somewhere deep within me relishes in all of this. A genuine video gaming experience.

From the perspective of a future man's hindsight, it can be a bit rough to control. Character control is not as refined as it could be. I find myself missing moves like the sticker plant to extend my combos further. From my end, my Dualshock 3 controller frequently makes me misinput moves I want to do, causing moves to be thrown out haphazardly, which in turn drops Mr. Hawk directly onto his ass. My PS2 disc often freezes when attempting to enter certain levels (only sometimes, other times it just decides to work), which can be a pain as well. This may be coloring a bit of the experience, but I do believe the core of the game feel is perfected in the remake of THPS 1+2. The game loop, however, is still as addicting as nicotine, and that's what makes THPS as a franchise so refreshing. In a sea of modern AAA titles, nothing has quite grabbed me like THPS has. Nothing has been so brash, so stupid, so loud, so much dumb fun. It reminds me of what I've been missing out from the entire skateboard craze of yesteryear, and what we stand to lose if we're not shredding as freely as the Hawk himself. Video games rule, and so does THPS 3.

You can now skate with you buddy Tony in Standard Definition

open Freddie Dredd and play

The most notable development of THPS literacy: combos are more fluid, graphics are a monumental step up, levels feel much more 'skateable' (not that they weren't before, but these are way more complex), reverts are one of the most crucial inclusions in the history of the series, the UI is night-and-day better, and this essentially served as the core template for all of the games moving forward. Its soundtrack shreds (BER NER NER NER), the maps here are all unforgettable (Foundry, Airport, Rio, Tokyo, etc.), and you can skate as the two coolest people on Earth - Darth Maul and Bam Margera. That being said, it's also significantly brief - something later entries would improve upon by adding, to be frank, more fleshed-out content. The formula here is as smooth as butter and knocking out these missions is still fun as can be, but beyond minute-to-minute gameplay there just isn't a lot that brings me back to this one for more than a couple days at a time (superb as that gameplay might be) without it feeling repetitive. Far from the best entry imo - despite arguably being the most revolutionary - but still righteous for what it is.

THPS3 sits in the perfect spot as far as the franchise and other skateboarding games. It improved several aspects over the first two games by naturally being released in the next generation of systems versus its predecessors (such as graphics, sound, and presentation) and by introducing key gameplay components such as adding the revert move to chain vertical tricks and combos into manuals and horizontal/street tricks. While it's true that TH games that followed introduced new gameplay components, ideas, and improved graphically and presentation-wise, THPS3 found the perfect balance between gameplay, presentation, and level design making this my favorite game of the series by far.

Would have been perfect if it weren't for Tokyo

the perfection of the formula, this is my favorite one in the series

not much improvement in gameplay but the soundtrack is probably one of the greatest of all time.

Best Tony Hawk game, the tricks feel intuitive and satisfying, Gamer

This is one of my favorite games of all time. This could just be nostalgia talking here since I would go home from school, play this game, eat dinner, play this game, go to bed, but I could play this game for the rest of my life and never get tired of it.

Unlocked Darth Maul and used to skate past npc characters with my lightsaber ignited and my imagination soared from there

Eu jurava que o segundo jogo era o meu favorito mas isso era mentira. Foi o Homem-Aranha e o botão de Revert no remake que me fizeram acreditar nessa falácia. Aliás, o botão de Revert é tudo pra mim, um menino muito especial.

I must confess, I have not actually played THPS1 or THPS2 in their original incarnations (loud booing.wav) yeah I know, FAKE FAN!! But listen, hear me out, <even louder revert noises.> Yeah, didn't think you had an answer to that.

Every once in a blue moon I boot THPS3 up for various reasons, whether for a bit of nostalgia escapism (something I normally strongly avoid doing bcus I believe it to be unhealthy), or to simply refresh myself on one of the tightest series of games ever made at their peak.
Everyone's got a different favorite in these, but most agree 3 is the best (on a mechanical level) to play long-term; even over something like the relatively recent 1+2 remake, because while those levels are iconic for bringing skateboarding back into public consciousness and largely credited even for skateboarding having a place today at the Olympics, 3 is where they'd perfect the series mechanically. In the documentary "Pretending I'm a Superman", Tony Hawk mostly talks about THPS1 and THPS3, because while 2 was the gangbusters critical darling and the natural evolution of the surprising smash hit of THPS1, they somehow did it again with THPS3, and there he talks about leaning into a more arcadey approach (not that the previous titles weren't, but this basically triples the length of your average combo).

Something I think is lost in THPS1+2 is the readability of stages. Don't get me wrong, it certainly has presentation still and I'd argue it's decent, but the choice to use very heavy baked in lighting and drop shadows clashes with the direction of these games. Multiple times I was left scouring maps looking for a random circle on a wall because it blends into the shadows; this was never a problem in THPS1 through 4 except maybe finding the skate decks on maps with dark ceilings.

I'm not very fluent in being a vibe scribe, I cannot accurately relay how pure and hollistic the presentation is in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. I was there age 11-12 with a skateboard in hand because of this game, at the only skatepark I was aware of in a 50 mile radius, where some 20-something tried his damndest to teach me to ollie while never laughing at me, all because of this game. Maybe I'll pick up a board again and learn how these punks make slabs of wood orbit their body through telekinesis, but in the meantime I'll just have to settle for this.

Update: I hit 4.6m


The quintessential Skater Game Music Experience, in game form.

I sunk way more time into this game than I should’ve.
I just really enjoyed it. The soundtrack is rockin’ too.

More Tony Hawk greatness. These were the prime years and if you enjoyed his game's back then, you just had to pick up the new TH release.

It was also great to see the jump from PS1 to PS2.