Reviews from

in the past

Surprisingly similar to Luigi's Mansion

I spent the last 20 minutes trying to come up with words to describe Killer7. Here's the thing, I can't.

Killer7 is something that I'd consider as one of the bastions of PS2's unique catalogue. It's an impenetrable video game that stands time, regardless of how bizarre you think the game is. Killer7 is scary, not because it's kind of a horror game, but rather this game's presentation, structure and aura is something that you'll never find amongst other games.

Killer7 will always be an itch that one would never scratch, and you'll have to accept it at that for the rest of your life.

Madame President, we found it.
The first video game that passes as art.

I dont think suda51's games can get any better than this

Its criminal how underrated this game is

𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘯, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘸𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦. 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘵 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯. 𝘕𝘰𝘸, 𝓛𝓮𝓽'𝓼 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮

ever since I completed Hotline Miami 2, I've longed for something that could recreate the feeling of experiencing that game's ending for the first time. Needless to say I've caught the Suda51 bug now.

I watched my friend play this a few years ago. I'm not gonna give it a score because I have a lot of biases so it's hard to think clearly about this game, but it has a lot of really cool aesthetics and concepts at play. Definitely a one of a kind game.

it feels like suda51 traveled back in time after the 2020s y2k nostalgia train began to make a game that would embody all the best and most stylish elements of the 6th gen of games

Eu acredito que esse jogo é impossível de ser completamente absorvido tendo o jogado apenas uma vez, e por consequência também é um jogo impossível de ser descrito ou comentado.

Killer7 é um jogo excêntrico no sentido mais extremo da palavra, sua apresentação, sua gameplay, sua atmosfera, sua narrativa e o modo que ela é contada, todos esses elementos são executados de uma maneira inteiramente única a esse jogo e que é difícil de se ver sendo replicada em qualquer outro. É facilmente um dos exemplos de jogo mais experimentais não só da sua época mas também até os dias atuais, e mesmo após tanto tempo se mantém até hoje como um tipo de experiência surrealista e extravagante que só pode ser encontrada nele.

É um jogo estranho e nada intuitivo na sua gameplay e muito menos no seu storytelling, mas quer você goste ou não dessa singularidade e bizarrice em que o jogo se escora você vai se surpreender com ele de um jeito ou de outro, pois é impossível de se discordar que Killer7 é acima de tudo um dos jogos mais únicos já feitos até hoje, e que ele é extremamente especial do seu próprio modo. Não existe nada como Killer7 e é capaz de que nunca vá existir, e esse é o seu maior charme.

this game will turn you into a suda51 worshipper TRUST SUDA51'S VISION GAMERS

i wish that people appreciated this game a lot more, i have yet to play anything as unique, interesting and cool as this; whether it comes to the characters, the insane yet mindblowing story and storytelling and the overall game design which is something that i wish other developers would also try to take as inspiration
i can understand shinji mikami's regret for this game not selling better, as it is one of the most unique and creative experiences a game could ever provide

I want whatever Suda was on when he made this

not "perfect". but it's been a refreshing and creatively rejuvenating reminder that games as a medium are capable of whatever the fuck you want them to be, and that conventions and genre expectations are there to be broken down. and this is coming from a game that - on the whole - doesn't stray too far from the kinds of design and genre tropes that we have become so familiar with.

plenty of flaws to point & laugh at but dwelling on them would be a real waste of time. there's a lot more to love than there is to hate. mainly that it looks proper Fucked in HD. cel shaded graphics and low poly models make for an insane glowup with the transition to HD resolutions. of course the game already looked great anyway, freely mixing multiple art styles, photographic textures, uncanny anime cutscenes, and the signature hyperstylized pseudo-gritty low poly look. fab. also it's like, really funny too; i was always excited to see travis' ghost so that i could catch up on whatever batty bullshit he "heard through the grapevine". same goes for iwazaru's antics and johnny gagnon's increasingly frustrated pigeon-carrier letters.

game's good as fuck so like check it out on your gamecube that you own or pick it up for a fiver on sale on steam. first three levels are kinda the best ones as you struggle to get onto the game's puzzling level, but it is worth finishing

this is kinda unique game though i can't say I loved it from start to finish 

anyway it was worth it 

the plot and characters are exploring pretty interesting themes with the art direction and music being absolutely brilliant

pure weirdcore at its finest and i loved that

suda's the best one

Okay so I’ve been on a big surreality kick and the biggest thing killer7 delivers is that in droves. The levels the characters the abruptness of events happening the order of events happening the plot itself all of it is just so insanely out there but at the same time extremely well thought out and believable. I love almost all of the main cast and what they represent and they tell the story through such a cool way, a hitman syndicate comprised of an 8 person DID system, all of which with the power of clairvoyance, able to see invisible flesh automatons as well as the ghosts of their previous victims, contracted by the government to prevent nuclear war between the US and Japan all the while the God of the western world and the God of the eastern world have a metaphysical chess game that has effects on the real world??? Come on dude that’s the sickest shit ever!!!!!
The gameplay is reallly weird and I haven’t played anything like it. The closest thing I can compare it to is Snatcher, it has old point and click adventure game mechanics and puzzles but you move on rails and have first person shoot em up combat like an arcade game.
I love the aggressive cel shading used for the visuals, it’s made the graphics hold up insanely well despite the game being almost as old as me
Also as mindfucky and convoluted as the plot is the game still has a shit ton of surface level enjoyment, so much whacky insanity happens it’s impossible not to be very entertained the whole time, the dialogue is fucking perfectly crafted to be the most witty and deranged shit ever, and with a plot like killer7’s it’s impossible for insane shit not to be happening all the time
Game also nails ludonarrative resonance

what the fuck is this game even about