This world don’t feel alright
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Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
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Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed
Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed
VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action


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Disco Elysium: The Final Cut
Disco Elysium: The Final Cut

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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward

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NieR Re[in]carnation
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Final Fantasy VI is really interesting because it doesnt check a lot of boxes that i normally need to LOVE an rpg; The antagonist is entertaining and interesting but not insanely deep and doesnt have very meaningful interactions or relationships with the main characters, there is a massive cast and there arent too many great moments showing their cohesion as a group, the gameplay while well designed and difficult gets a little repetitive, and the art direction is amazing but due to technical limitations the graphics themselves dont always reflect it the best. even with all this i dont feel lukewarm about the game at all, the world is so intricate and packed to the brim with charm and wit, the main cast despite not having as much dialogue as contemporary rpgs are all beautifully written, memorable, and unique (which is especially remarkable considering theres 14 main characters), and at times the fact that there isnt a ludicrous amount of dialogue for every character prevents it from getting annoying or repetitives like a lot of ffvis contemporaries. The main plot moves at a great and varied pace, not to mention how it only gets better and better as it continues AND it subverts a lot of typical story progressions that you would expect, even 30 years after release. idk i could talk a lot more about ffvi but i try to stay away from long winded and wordy reviews i just found the game really cool

Okay so I’ve been on a big surreality kick and the biggest thing killer7 delivers is that in droves. The levels the characters the abruptness of events happening the order of events happening the plot itself all of it is just so insanely out there but at the same time extremely well thought out and believable. I love almost all of the main cast and what they represent and they tell the story through such a cool way, a hitman syndicate comprised of an 8 person DID system, all of which with the power of clairvoyance, able to see invisible flesh automatons as well as the ghosts of their previous victims, contracted by the government to prevent nuclear war between the US and Japan all the while the God of the western world and the God of the eastern world have a metaphysical chess game that has effects on the real world??? Come on dude that’s the sickest shit ever!!!!!
The gameplay is reallly weird and I haven’t played anything like it. The closest thing I can compare it to is Snatcher, it has old point and click adventure game mechanics and puzzles but you move on rails and have first person shoot em up combat like an arcade game.
I love the aggressive cel shading used for the visuals, it’s made the graphics hold up insanely well despite the game being almost as old as me
Also as mindfucky and convoluted as the plot is the game still has a shit ton of surface level enjoyment, so much whacky insanity happens it’s impossible not to be very entertained the whole time, the dialogue is fucking perfectly crafted to be the most witty and deranged shit ever, and with a plot like killer7’s it’s impossible for insane shit not to be happening all the time
Game also nails ludonarrative resonance