Reviews from

in the past

Miss the combos only 6v6 can create

It was good. Didn’t need to be changed. But ohh no. We have to make a completely redundant and pointless second game that will make everything better. Specifically by removing lootboxes and adding a fuck ton of micro transactions, Adding a bunch of shit heroes, not adding a story mode that was promised, make shit changes to heroes like Doomfist and Sombra and just make the game unbalanced as fuck. Yeah that was really needed.

I like how I can learn about certain characters on a helpful website. Mind you, your keyboard will get messy and that's kind a down side.

Seria injusto da minha parte não dar, pelo menos, 4 estrelas para esse jogo que me proporcionou horas e horas de diversão, além de ter tido grande impacto na minha vida social: fiz amizades e fortaleci alguns laços com esse jogo.

Foi, ainda, o jogo que mais me dediquei nas filas ranqueadas, pois eu genuinamente tive uma experiência saudável com elas.

Muito além do multiplayer, OW tem um universo incrível. A história e os personagens são cativantes, o que é bem único para um jogo pvp online. As cinematics lançadas pela Blizzard eram um dos pontos altos para o desenvolvimento da história, muito mais interessantes do que os eventos pve. Sem dúvidas, Overwatch foi um marco. Afinal, esse jogo até ganhou o GOTY de 2016.

Infelizmente, ele tem uma história triste, por conta de diversos fatores que a Blizzard não foi capaz de lidar.

Imagino que cada mapa, cada personagem, era um parto para ser feito, devido ao nível de detalhamento, entre outros fatores. Isso gerou o primeiro problema: o jogo foi ficando estagnado, e isso é péssimo para um multiplayer competitivo.

O segundo problema era o de balanceamento. Basicamente, o jogo nunca esteve balanceado.

O competitivo era outro problema: chato de assistir e tinha que ser levado em consideração na hora do balanceamento, o que deixou o jogo casual ainda pior.

Enfim, existem mais outros inúmeros problemas que fizeram o jogo afundar e nenhum deles parece ter sido resolvido com o tempo, tampouco com Overwatch 2.

É realmente uma tristeza o jogo ter morrido, mas, pelo menos, tive bons momentos com ele, que tem um espaço especial no meu coração.

I played this game so much hundreds of hours, I had a gold border. I played this game a lot with my friend and it was just crack, it was addicting and fun. I played a lot of Mercy, Diva, and Junkrat. I miss the times of this game and I am very sad about where it went. The events were exciting and competitive was very addicting even though kind of unfair.

how do you expect me to rate something that doesn't exist anymore?

I was never a big fan of Overwatch, and much less now.

But trying to be objective and analyzing how the game felt on release, it was quite groundbreaking.

Saved the shooter genre from being Call of Duty forever. Unfortunately, the game fell apart over time due to an obsession with pro players and competitive gameplay, despite this very much not being the kind of game that needs that.

Esse jogo foi um dos mais marcantes da minha infância, em 2017, eu ia pra escola, chegava em casa, jogava no pc do meu irmão SÓ isso das 13 até às 19 e VALEU, não me importava mais nada. E isso não ocorreu apenas pq eu era uma criança imbecil e gostava de qualquer coisa, tanto é que fiquei mais velho, meu gosto melhorou (não muito, continuo meio idiota) e continuo amando esse jogo. Recomprei no ps4 quando fiquei sem pc e gastei horas e horas nisso aqui, é com certeza um dos melhores FPS já feitos. Maldito competitivo que estragou completamente o jogo...

My rating is based on the first years of the game, especially since this game no longer exists, unfortunately.

Is there a way to rate the porn instead of the game? 5 stars to that

This game was lowkey hella fun early on, especially with friends, but it got kinda stale after a bit.

Saudade da minha ex, plz come back

I wish this game didnt exist. My high school life would have been infinitely better without a drug like this game

This.. WAS good until it was abandoned.

I was very excited about this game when it came out. I bought it and had fun with it for the first couple of months....But it really didn't last.

The way Blizzard and the OW team fumbled this game is baffling. The stupid metas, the lackluster events, the broken ass "balancing", the excessive focus on comp; too many fucking shields and too many fucking heroes that were just absolutely boring or tedious to fight as or against.

I wasted too many hours of my life trying to enjoy this game that I paid 60 dollars for, just because I wanted to re experience the same fun that I had experienced with TF2 those first few years...Needless to say, that never happened.

Yes, I am upset that Blizzard doesn't allow me to play this shitty ass game that I PAID for anymore. But this game took years off of my life that I won't get back, so I don't really care all that much.

Fuck Blizzard and fuck this game. 2 stars just cuz D.VA is hot.

this game hurt me. they took something great and ruined it over and over and over. probably the game i have the most hours in out of anything. i loved it and i hate it and thats just the way it goes sometimes

potencial puro e jogado no lixo. blizzard não soube identificar o que faz um jogo-serviço ser bom e falhou uma vez atrás da outra.

played for a week then forgot abt it ngl :)

This game...this was something special, just for a moment. I spent hundreds of hours after that moment had passed hoping the life would return to her eyes. The best of times and the worst of times.

art direction is swag but i dont dig everything else

mm yes indeed I saw this finequality product at the flea market today once more, alongside wow:tbc and Age of Conan and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter for the PS2. thatsright boys, I knew this was gonna be an all-time Great back when ActiBlizzard immediately responded to the hot precarious issue raised by one of their own astroturfers a beta tester about Traycer's modest ButT being slightly promiment in one of her victory poses, with Jeff Kaplan himself instantly posting in the forum topic in question followed by a sudden media blitz from all your favorite game-urinalist media outlets about this extremely controversial matter. member? I membA. nevermind the miserable maps that were about as fun as cp_junction if you were on the attacking team or the dogshit balance that anyone with a semblance of sense could garner on day one of the closed beta, for which they initially only invited all your favorite streamers along with some "wow:tbc arena" pvp pros so that the mätchmäking for those unpaid viral marketers wouldnt last half an hour each time. anyway myfavorite gUrl is ofcourse Mei she is almost as 'cool' as an actual pandaren frostmage and has a BigButt unlike some other characterS. thanX for reading my tumblrpost!.

ps: sosorry everyone i had to use imgurrr instead of catbox the latter doesnot work for me today!

I miss Torb armor packs and Sym sheilds :/ the good old days

Rest in peace old friend. I never thought I would miss loot boxes.

eu gostava das lootbox e sistema 6v6

It was fun when i played it for a bit