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in the past

Kinda disappointing coming to this after experiencing the oracle titles. I initially was going to start with this game after coming off Banjo-Kazooie because of how charming MC's art style is and how much of a fan I am of Wind Waker's art direction and expressive animation. That said, I stopped in the middle of the first dungeon since I was vaguely interested in the Oracle titles and didn't want to experience too much whiplash going from this to the game boy titles, even if they weren't as primitive as I expected. Capcom's philosophy towards this series is interesting to engage with going from the initial duopoly as Minish Cap in all intensive purposes is a culmination of their own spin on the 2D Zelda formula while also wrapping in series elements to keep that Nintendo feel attached to it.

Much discussion around this game, and similar to the Oracle titles, is how underappreciated they are in the Zelda series and even Nintendo's lineup. Funny enough these games all released on the cusp of new successive tech being pushed that I feel overshadowed their releases. Oracle of Ages and Seasons released almost a month before the GBA made its debut in the states in June 2001 and Minish Cap dropped two months after the DS released in November 2004, so it’s not too surprising that these tiles went under the radar for a long time and still kinda are despite being re-released on Nintendo’s online service recently, though Four Swords is still missing. After playing across these titles these past two weeks, I find that there is a lot to appreciate regarding Capcom’s efforts in adding more eccentricties to the pot of 2D Zelda and where they wanted to go and experiment that I feel has at least some tangible influence on the contemporary 3D Zelda titles. The Gust Jar in this game predates the similar Gust Bellows in Skyward sword almost 7 years later so I’d be hard pressed to believe that Nintendo isn’t pulling from these titles for inspiration on where to go with Zelda going forward even if the 2D titles aren’t the ones on the menu now.

Still, Minish Cap continues the tradition of unique design in a few ways with the center piece of this being the shrinking gimmick via the Minish Portals. Link has the ability to shrink to the size of a spect of dust and explore existing areas but with new secrets, puzzles and a whole different scale of things that add depth to a beautifully dressed yet vanilla overworld. I love the detail and scale that this new mechanic brings and emphasizes in the dusty crevices, waterways, and other interconnected and out of the way paths as Minish Link as the world becomes even more alive and comical such as climbing up to the dusty support beams of houses littered with the Minish people taking residence in the cramped spaces and even going outside and walking through grass blades and puddles of water that are now treacherous oceans at this smaller size. Hyrule Town's level design in particular is even more intricate than on the surface once you can shrink down in size and explore the sewers, houses and other spaces not possible at regular size and the mechanic is incorporated to decent effect in the dungeons as well, though a part of me wanted a bit more in terms of how much you can explore as Minish Link since it is still limited and gated by obstacles like blocks of grass and even the pavement of Hyrule Town, along with the number of portals to transform; there isn't no harp of ages in the second half of Oracle of Ages.

The music and sound effects in the dungeons and across the board of MC are a huge step up from the Oracle titles. While most of the selection still contained great and memorable tracks like themes of Holocrum and Labyrnna, the selection is host to many grating sounds and repetitive themes that I turned off the sound of my 3ds at points and just kept playing; shout out to Crown Dungeon in Oracle of Ages for an especially egregious track. Minish Cap thankfully doesn’t have instances like this and the soundtrack smoothly fits the scenery of each setting pretty well and makes them vastly memorable in a good way. They revisit old sounds with tracks such as the Fairy Fountain, Hyrule Field and Dark Hyrule Castle remixing A Link to the Past’s Hyrule Castle theme that serves as a perfect final climax to the game. The soundtrack is also home to new, original tunes that elevate the regions such as the dreamy electro soundscape of the Minish Village, the Temple of Droplets’ air-y and eerie wintery mix of chains and bells, Palace of Winds’ atmospheric orchestral feel representing the tense sky traversal, and finally Hyrule Town’s jovial vibes that sounds classic to all Hyrule hubs but is very distinctive to what MC brings to the table. The mix of both classic tunes and new original material shine to make this my favorite out of the top 2D titles next to Link’s Awakening, maybe even higher.

I've teased this earlier but the overworld in MC is florissantly captivating and booming with life through the extensive animation and artwork in the settings, characters, and music that makes the Oracle titles feel dated. The area theming is very similar to what was done before but still feels new: the vast forestry and fields with familiar monsters and creatures encapsulating Hyrule Field, Hyrule Town’s festive and cozy energy with so much in motion, the rocky and enemy filled terrain of the Gorons' Mt. Crenel with falling boulders and debris, the sleepy atmosphere and haziness of the Minish Forest/Village and Lake Hylia, and the aerial bloom of the high up Cloud tops, a very unique setting for a 2D title that flexes this game’s strength and is impressive in scale for the time. Even the dungeons are sufficiently distinct in their aesthetic and don't feel too similarly visually that plagued many of the Oracle ones.

Speaking of the dungeons while I did praise the visual detail in differentiating the dungeons from one another, this collection is possibly the weakest of the 2D games in terms of puzzles and overall complexity. They emphasize more of seasons' approach with a gentle mix of combat sequences with very surface level puzzles compared to some natural ones that are found in the overworld. They never really ramp up across the small selection outside of the Palace of Winds and the Dark Hyrule Castle which feel appropriately expansive and complex in utilizing all the tools the game gives Link and hit some manner of Labyrinthine design but still more guided compared to what the best Ages had to offer. These last two exhibit an excellent sense of escalation of the game's closing hours but they feel a little too late in how middle of the road most of the journey felt. The shrinking mechanic is used to fun effect at least outside of some of the dungeon items, which I also felt were pretty forgettable, but it feels like it was the only fully fleshed of mechanic used in interesting ways as the dungeons and their puzzles really started to blend together and get a little repetitive. The simplicity itself isn’t a problem as seasons felt like this and I wouldn’t call any of these dungeons outright “bad”, but I was on autopilot for most of them and the dynamism shown visually stood in such sharp contrast to how one note the puzzle solving and exploration was. I didn’t expect this game to be pretty handhold-y as well with Ezlo spoiling some (easy) secrets and solutions to puzzles before I started engaging with them.

Exploration similarly takes a backseat in a way with Minish Cap though not completely as there is still much to find in the world with each new item unlocking new secrets and pathways if they aren’t locked behind the new coin fusion mechanic called the Kinestone to unlock the chests or other secrets in the world. Initially I was a lot more negative on this but I’ve cooled on it since it does provide a cute way of interacting with the NPCs and pets in the world and they generally are okay outside of the RNG needed to get specific pieces if going for 100% which I didn’t do. While I would have preferred that the secrets already existed on the overworld map instead of having to make them spawn by fusing together the coins, I’m fine with this compromise. What is a big disappointment is that the rewards themselves don’t amount to much outside of rupees, shells for figurines or more kinestone pieces and sometimes a piece of heart if lucky, which I ended up with a lot less of comparatively to the other games by the end game. The act of exploring is pretty milquetoast and annoying outside of how some of the dungeon items impact it like the classic flippers and new Cane of Pacci, but even Roc’s Cape is vastly underutilized outside of its dungeon use which is a far cry from the Oracle games using it for some time in the overworld for secret goodies.

For what a charming game this is, I truly feel at odds with the higher acclaim that gets attached to this game and struggle to see Minish Cap as a fundamental improvement over what the Oracle games were doing outside of the visual and music flourishes added with the jump to a whole new and powerful platform. I didn’t speak much on the narrative because while it is more involved than either of the Oracle games, it still is severely underwritten which sucks with how interesting Ezlo and Vaati both are along with the Minish and their whole civilization in Hyrule’s history. MC is representative of Capcom’s efforts on the game boy with a lot of good attached at the hip that I would kill to see the team do again on a new original 2D Zelda title, but it overall feels less inspired and interesting than what they executed before. Even then, Minish Cap can be a decent comfort game to blast through with the some of the most colorful worlds and enticing music of a 2D Zelda game that is criminally short but still sweet in dividends.

My experiences with the Zelda franchise has only been "Breath of the Wild".

I always saw the franchise at other friend’s homes. I never was jealous, just didn’t have anyone to tell me that it was so awesome.

I loved The Minish Cap. What a fun, insanely packed game, The difficulty of the game certainly arose from me playing an older game and not always being precise with the dpad. Lots of bosses left me cursing and wanting to end my run. I’m glad I stuck it out and finished the game. It feels good to have started my journey on the Zelda franchise. Perhaps I’ll make a list?

One of the only games I had for the GBA and I'm so grateful it was this one :')

A definite contender for most underrated Zelda game. With a great art style, cool items, some of the best dungeons in the series, and one of the best companions, this relatively smaller Zelda adventure is really a stand out.

i want the cap guy in other games like i want him offering advice to me while fighting calamity ganon

GooeyScale: 80/100

This review contains spoilers

Super spaßiges Spiel.
Die Rätsel pochhuaa super verständlich. Musste quasi nie in den Guide schauen. Nur die Bombenrätsel waren komisch.

Ich muss aber auch sagen, die Welt ist nicht wirklich zum reinfühlen gewesen, was die Charaktere angeht. Hatte bei keinem Charakter mich gefreut ihn wieder zu sehen. Aber von der Welt her konnte man sich sehr reinfühlen. Das kleiner Werden ist super cool umgesetzt und man spürt quasi, wie auf einmal die Welt riesig ist.

Der Hut war der coolste Charakter und auch der coolste Helfer. Null nervig, Sau Hilfreich und chillig.

Die Hundertprozent sind aber Schmutz. Die Figuren Quest war sau nervig und anscheinen auch nicht richtig. Und die Tingle Statue eieiei. 3-4 bin ich durch so einen alle Fragmente Guide gegangen.

Aber sonst war es cool.

didnt get too far into it
im sure ill love it whyen i beat it

Super beau, énigmes trop sympa et belle bande son gg wp

Pretty solid Zelda, I really enjoy it on a conceptual level, and I think that it deserves a remake or sequel of some kind

The Minish Cap is another strong entry in the Zelda series. The dungeons are probably where the game shines the most. All six are solid with the Temple of Droplets and Palace of Winds being particular standouts. They feel much more substantial and are certainly longer than most of the dungeons I have played in the 2D Zeldas. The bosses are hit or miss, but I did like the Palace of Winds boss and the final bosses. They also have some decent puzzles that make good use of the shrinking mechanic.

Speaking of the shrinking mechanic, it's a pretty neat gimmick that allows for some cool ways to explore the overworld and dungeons. It can get a bit annoying to have to shrink and grow all the time as it slows the game down a bit, but it creates some neat visual moments as you see the world from the size of a tiny minish. A lot of the charm of this game comes from this mechanic and the minish themselves, so I am glad it's present all things considered. I really like the minish's design, and I am kinda hoping they come back some day. The mountain minish were especially cool. The story itself is whatever. I sort of like the premise of the minish stopping by once every century, but Vati as a villain doesn't exactly give you a lot to be fired up about. It probably could have been cooler if they gave him more of a backstory with Ezlo and his minish roots.

Gameplay in between dungeons is a mixed bag in this one. I applaud these sections for typically being fairly creative and different than you're everyday zelda, but sometimes they just aren't that fun. It can also sometimes be confusing as to what you even need to do. The game does a good job of pointing you were to go but if you are missing the item you need or there was a missing step you can get a bit lost. I felt like these sections early on with mount crenal and minish village were much stronger than some of the later ones. Castor wilds pre-dungeon was especially not so good imo. Side content is probably where this game is at its weakest though. I 100%'d the game but it's not exactly a pleasant experience and I used speed up quite a bit to do it. I kinda got some fun out of it because I simply enjoy completing zelda games especially, but it's pretty brutal. Kinstone fusions is an okay idea but in execution pressing L periodically, schizophrenically on every passing sentient being gets a bit annoying. Not to mention that some of the stuff you get from these fusions aren't even worth picking up. Half of them just lead to more kinstones. Also, slowly getting every figurine is obviously a chore. The OST is decent. I really liked the minish village, minish forest, Hyrule town, and palace of winds themes but outside of that fairly mid. Also, I dig this game's visual style, just look at the parrots!

Likely the best 2D Zelda game, the game flows well without boring parts and has content to keep you playing if you want to do so after you finish it.

That last battle with Vaati was so frustrating

Minish Cap is the absolute best looking game on the GBA. Additionally, its one of the best 2D Zelda games. They had to deal with a smaller overworld because of the limitations of the handheld, so they compensated with a shrinking gimmick that allowed you to fit entire dungeons in small areas around the map. This game hooked me from the first dungeon, when the main boss was revealed to be a common chuchu that found its way into your tiny dungeon. Just incredibly charming all around.

I have officially beaten all the 2D Zeldas! (besides four swords i guess(wait does phantom hourglass count as 2D or 3D))

This was super fun! I like how they had multiple gimmicks in this game instead of just one. The cloning and the shrinking were both neat and were never frustrating. This is a more linear Zelda game that felt smaller in scale and I like that! Just a cute little romp where you get to play as Toon Link. There were also some really good dungeons and mini-dungeons. Wind Palace was sick just on the aesthetic alone.

Being the last of the 2D Zelda games I played, there just wasn't really anything groundbreakingly new for me. I've seen it all before :P Also, just like most Zelda games, there are moments of confusion where I can't figure out where to go in the overworld between dungeons, which are my favourite parts of the games.

Overall, this is still a super fun romp and severely underrated! I literally have never heard anyone talk about this game.

The best 2D Zelda imo. A charming Zelda game metrodivania vibes. A game where you explore and backtrack a lot.

First off, as usually, the game looks nice. The music is great. The story is...fine/mid. It's basic. Nothing special. It does not ware out it's welcome. Honestly the length.

Let's get into the meat of this review though. The Kinstone system is a lot of fun, if you like backtracking. This is where the metroidvania feels come from. It wants you to backtrack a lot. Most of it is optional though. You connect a kinstone with a NPC and the world changes in some way. It's a neat little gimmick.

The kinstone system does have it's flaws though. You have no idea when a npc has a kinstone quest ready. So you spend a lot of time checking npcs over and over.

The other annoying thing is that they kinstone quests can be missed. Thus you miss out on certain things without ever knowing. Hiding massively important/beneficial items behind it is imo, not fair. Considering things can be missed with no knowledge. The game does not say, "Hey there is a quest here!" So you gotta check the same npcs 10x times and hopefully you catch them when they have a quest. But also hope you have the correct piece to connect with them.

The dungeons are mostly well designed. They are fun. The items are mostly neat. The bosses however...

This game doesn't have well designed bosses. The first and third are fun. The rest are very annoying. They are either terribly signposted as in boss 4. Or they seem to require you to take damage like boss 2 or have an infuriating time doing to the intended way. Boss 5 has too much going on so you are constantly getting hit. We will talk about the final separate though.

My biggest complaint is that the game has jank hit boxes. Like very jank. Enemies and bosses have unbalanced hitboxes while you lack any invincibility frames. This game is not above stun locking you into sevaral hearts worth of damage. Contact damage is devastating due to bad hitboxes and you having zero i-frames.

The final dungeon is fun but is lazy. You fight the same mini boss a total of at least 12 times. It's just lazy. The dungeon before it although not my favorite, felt much longer and well planned out. Had many neat puzzles. The final dungeon is mostly you fighting Darknuts over and over with the occasional puzzle/new mechanic.

The game is a bit jank. Enemies can turn on a dime but once you use an item you are locked in the direction. The copy ability is neat but also very finicky. It's almost inconsistent in terms of damage. If you copies get hit physically they disappear. No damage. If they get hit by fire, the fire affect will transfer to you. Which does not make any sense. But you don't take damage, you just run around on fire. If they get hit by electricity though you get damaged and stunned as if you got hit directly. IT'S JUST STUPID DESIGN. Makes no sense.

Prior to the boss you have to run through 3 rooms meant to just take your health away. The final room being 3 Darknuts. Darknuts suck. They are not hard. The are just hard to get consistent because they are so jank and can turn on a dime to block you. You gotta do these 3 rooms and a 3 phase boss with no way to replenish things in your bottles. It's brutal.

The final boss is badly signposted and infuriating. Only 1/3 phases I feel like was well designed and fun. The first phase is infuriating as it's just meant to damage you a lot. The second phase makes a lot of sense and is generally fair. The final phase makes no sense so you gotta trial and error it. It yet again has infinite ways to damage you. It can literally just block you in ways that force you to take damage. You can even fall of the side, as if we needed another way to take damage. It almost is not very intuitive. And it can give you terrible patterns. I'm glad I used save states because I doubt I could do it without them tbh.

I know I bashed this game a lot. But exploring this world is generally fun. Becoming tiny is neat. It has a lot of charm. It's a forgiving game mostly. It drops a lot hearts. Pots are consistient in terms of what they drop. So if it drops a heart, it'll always drop a heart. So you can farm hearts and consumables if you need.

You will like this if you enjoy exploring and backtracking. It's a fantastic game with some jank and bad design.

A charming, beautiful and fun game that would have easily been a 4/5 if not for the horrible final boss fight. You can see the love, care and passion that went into this game. This is easily one of the best looking GBA games I've seen. The pixel art is gorgeous, and Hyrule really thrives in this artstyle.
The dungeons are classic fun 2-D Zelda dungeons, and they are fun. The world itself is really cool to explore, and I really like the way the Minish aspect is integrated in the world. I think its done really well. When you become small, you get to see the same world in a different light, and its really cool to navigate as a little minish.

The music is alright, nothing really got me humming other than Zelda's theme, which is funnily just the OOT End Credits theme.
I really like the items in this game. They are really cool and require you to think out of the box, especially in the overworld.
I'm not too fond of the Kinstone mechanic, since its kinda annoying to fuse kinstones and then go to a random area to get the item, but it can be interesting sometimes.

However, let me get to the final boss fight. I will not spoil anything, but nothing in this fight makes sense. Firstly, its a chore to get to the boss, and if you die, you gotta do everything again. Secondly, they really force you to use the mechanics and items of the game here even when it makes no sense. Some of the stuff you need to do to beat the boss feels so overly complicated and unnecessary that it feels like it was done either for padding or just for the sake of the main gimmick of the game. This game could really have been a 4 if not for the atrocious final boss.
But still, a great game, and a must play for a Zelda fan!

The best zelda game fuck you all people from other zelda games that aren't breath of the wild this is the peak of link this is the peak of how the world should look and feel like.

For real now, there are SO FEW games with the aesthetic of a storybook that aren't so childish that can't even be digested by literal children. This pixel art is so iconic of the GBA era and so important nowdays that I keep seeing people who recreate it over and over, and the reason is that this feels nice. Just nice. Positive, optimistic...Nice, just a pure net value gain of positive energy into your life, directly.
And that is way harder to accomplish than anything else you can portray on anything.

Very charming. Nice visuals and beautiful music as always. Fun use of classic Zelda items.

Some small oversights with display and dialogue sometimes. Minish gameplay was interesting at times, I feel like it wasn't used to it's fullest potential. As the game went on it became less and less utilized. Kinstones were similarly interesting but became quite redundant. Not much to spend Rupees on. Wish some tools could've been used more. A lot of cool stuff, maybe I rushed through the game too much but I think the game could've used more world/side storylines. The kinstones could've done this, but for the most part these are very short and not very satisfying (Percy, 3 Goddesses, Gorons, etc.).

muita ambição dos cara. queria dar uma nota alta mas é desproporcional demais um jogo desses num GBA e acaba criando um monte de problema: desde os controles apertadíssimos até coisas características da série, tipo o uso do menu (só serve pra trocar de item. nem o mapa das "dungeons" soa importante aqui. o modelo fica extremamente maçante com o decorrer do jogo)

não tem porque ficar pegando conchinha e juntando dinheirinho a não ser pela lógica "completacionista" (à essa altura do campeonato? pelo amor de deus, né?), então a mecânica das "kinstones" acaba parecendo inútil demais e maçante demais também, tirando as que são mandatórias. nem as habilidades da espada são tão úteis assim já que o jogo é extremamente fácil e simples. nem juntar todos os corações se faz necessário!! o jogo não exige isso tudo pqp!!!! desperdício de um monte de ideia muito boa, e o pior é que a maioria dos problemas não tem solução. o formato e as proporções do jogo apenas não encaixam com a plataforma. lamentável

praticamente Zerado, mas marcado como Abandonado porque larguei o jogo na última fase da última luta do último chefe: a habilidade "peril beam" é uma ideia terrível em um jogo tão fácil, é inútil como quase todas as outras e só serviu pra quebrar o "timing" da mecânica da luta. foi a gota d'água depois de já estar tão cansada de insistir num jogo lotado de "loops" sem razão de existir. terrível terrível terrível

1 estrela pelos gráficos lindos e a outra pelo potencial desperdiçado da mecânica de "minish"

Unequivocally the easiest and simplest game of the franchise, but sometimes there's nothing wrong with that. I don't think there's really any storytelling or thematical reason for the shrinking gimmick of this game, and honestly it's my only criticism of the game, is that it's a lot emptier than most of the franchise. But what it sacrifices in storytelling it very much makes up for it in gameplay. 2D Hyrule has never been easier and more fun to explore, notably with the concept of Kinstones, which are amazing. It really doesn't reach the highs of the franchise, but it's not trying to, and perhaps that's exactly what makes it so cool

A great 2D Zelda game with a fun gimmick. Wish Capcom would make another 2D Zelda game cause they didn't miss with any of em.

In terms of a game, it's fine, but it's got some Capcom Zelda quirks. But as a randomizer, holy hell, this game goes hard.

Zelda incroyable, je ne sais quoi dire. Belle aventure, le pouvoir du minish est tres bien exploité. Le début est assez "plat" mais ça monte assez vite. Les donjons deviennent assez bien avec le temps

You know when you play a game and can tell that they had so much passion and fun while making it? This is that type of game.

Vaati es mi crush de la infancia

This game is so charming. I love the 2D Zelda games.