Reviews from

in the past

Some of the best zelda dungeons imo, especially for a handheld.

incrível como a fórmula da franquia Zelda consegue ser tão boa mesmo em um jogo 2D!

a história é boa, mas nada muito surpreendente. vejo como ponto forte sua relação direta com a gameplay: a influência dos minish em várias mecânicas do jogo.

falando em gameplay, consegue ter um padrão zelda de qualidade, boa e progressiva, tanto em dificuldade quanto em exploração. apesar de que em alguns pontos fiquei travada sem saber o que fazer e me senti obrigada a pesquisar na internet, não levo isso como um ponto extremamente negativo, mas vale o adendo.

trilha sonora também segue o padrão Zelda de qualidade que vemos em outros jogos, nada a reclamar.

pixelart maravilhosa, envelheceu muito bem pra um jogo de 20 anos.

o sistema de conchas e o exagero nas kinstones são mecânicas dispensáveis do jogo, bom que dá pra ignorá-los e seguir na história. particularmente, gosto de explorar e completar o mapa, mas vejo como outro ponto que vale salientar.

no geral, gostei (e me surpreendi!) de como é um jogo relativamente grande pra um portátil limitado da época.

This game is so charming. I love the 2D Zelda games.

nintendo capcom collab

valorant players cant even collab bc ego problems lmfao

Very solid. I did not care for the ending sequence of the game but I did enjoy the head and hands boss as well as the double manta boss those two fights were great. Exploring the world as a smaller Link was a blast and the Kinstone fusions were pretty cool as well. I played this on my phone👍

fun lil zelda game. very charming visuals

First half of the game was great but the second half was RIDICULOUSLY difficult. This game is great and I bet your rating will be higher if you’re smarter than me. But overall this is definitely my favourite 2d Zelda (from what I’ve played) and is super underrated.

Très beau, bonne musique la mécanique principale est intéressante. Peu fan de la mécanique des fragments. Le boss de fin est peu intuitif.

This game got me into Zelda and i hold it in very high regards cause of that

Had a lot of fun playing this. The main game is really well rounded and then if you choose to go for 100% completion then that’s a whole second game unto itself. They made all the side-quests really interesting and found cool ways to integrate them into the lore, like including the Oracle game ladies which was really cute. I’m not quite sure if it surpasses A Link To The Past, but it comes close to say the least.

i want the cap guy in other games like i want him offering advice to me while fighting calamity ganon

GooeyScale: 80/100

May in fact be the nichest possible Zelda game to be somebody's favourite but hey. Here I am.

Very good! The puzzles and exploration was very well done I didn't find myself getting lost at all. I did miss some things form the oracle games like the compass that plays a sound when entering a room with a key and no unique mini bosses. Also I found it annoying that this game still only has two item buttons even with the extra buttons of the gba but the game seems made around this limitation most puzzles are made to be solved with only one item. More positive the bosses are really cool and memorable and use the fact link can shrink in cool ways.

i got stuck at the water temple when i was 7. i havent tried again but i should.

My first Zelda, one of the best art style on one of the best console

Zelda clásico con un ritmo perfecto y buenos coleccionables. El uso del mapa es muy bueno para la época, y aunque le faltan las típica mejoras de QoL a las que ahora estamos acostumbrados, se deja jugar muy bien.

A fun, traditional Zelda with a pretty cool gimmick, but it's nothing insane

la recta final es un poco pallí pallá pero el resto del juego es kino y visualmente es de lo más bonito que sacaron para la GBA, ojalá capcom volviera a hacer algun zelda porque todos los que hicieron son muy especiales

Yo Capcom made a few of the best and most interesting 2D Zeldas and then Nintendo never let them do it again. What the fuck. Bring back Capcom Zelda games.

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap es buenísimo. Es uno de esos juegos que es grande, pero sin abrumar. Que aun yendo a lo que va (ser un Zelda 2D tampoco muy denso) consigue sacar mucho contenido y hacer una experiencia increíble. Hay bastantes cosas de las que hablar, así que empiezo ya.

Jugablemente, estamos ante un juego que sobresale. Un mapa que si bien no es muy grande, tiene entornos de todo tipo y usa los numerosos objetos que se pueden conseguir de manera perfecta. Las mazmorras del juego me han gustado bastante. Es verdad que son mucho más lineales que las de otros juegos de la saga, pero tampoco iba con expectativas de Ocarina of Time en este aspecto.

Tiene unos jefes que son muy buenos y (menos el jefe final) no tienen nada nque envidiarle a otros de la misma saga. Y la mayor mecánica que me gusta y no a partes iguales es la de las piedras de la suerte. Para resumirla, algunos NPCs del juego pueden probar suerte contigo. Esto consiste en que tienen una mitad de una piedra y tú tienes que poner la otra mitad. Si encajan, puede pasar de todo. Desde caminos secretos y enemigos que son más difíciles pero dan mucho dinero, hasta... objetos que pueden hacer mucho más fácil el juego y misiones secundarias. Eso es lo que no me gusta. Es una mecánica tan principal y tan basada en el RNG que puede volverse hasta frustrante si no encuentras la otra mitad que necesitas. No es ni mucho menos una mala mecánica, pero está un poco desbalanceada.

Audiovisualmente, sigo sin entender como los juegos de Game Boy Advance envejecen tan bien. Visualmente, es precioso. Un pixel art muy bonito y un estilo artístico al nivel de Zelda. La OST está muy bien y tiene algunos temas que son icónicos y que se quedan grabados en la cabeza.

La historia es como un Zelda 2D, pero mejor. Incorporan a Ezero (un compañero que me encanta), los minish (que siempre vienen bien razas nuevas) y Vaati (un villano que refresca la fórmula de Ganon). Con estos elementos y una historia de fantasía normalita, hacen una narrativa muy buena, aunque no es lo mejor del juego.

En resumen, The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap es un juegazo que durando 10-15 horas, consigue hacer una experiencia al nivel de los Zeldas más grandes. Recomendadísimo

Kinda disappointing coming to this after experiencing the oracle titles. I initially was going to start with this game after coming off Banjo-Kazooie because of how charming MC's art style is and how much of a fan I am of Wind Waker's art direction and expressive animation. That said, I stopped in the middle of the first dungeon since I was vaguely interested in the Oracle titles and didn't want to experience too much whiplash going from this to the game boy titles, even if they weren't as primitive as I expected. Capcom's philosophy towards this series is interesting to engage with going from the initial duopoly as Minish Cap in all intensive purposes is a culmination of their own spin on the 2D Zelda formula while also wrapping in series elements to keep that Nintendo feel attached to it.

Much discussion around this game, and similar to the Oracle titles, is how underappreciated they are in the Zelda series and even Nintendo's lineup. Funny enough these games all released on the cusp of new successive tech being pushed that I feel overshadowed their releases. Oracle of Ages and Seasons released almost a month before the GBA made its debut in the states in June 2001 and Minish Cap dropped two months after the DS released in November 2004, so it’s not too surprising that these tiles went under the radar for a long time and still kinda are despite being re-released on Nintendo’s online service recently, though Four Swords is still missing. After playing across these titles these past two weeks, I find that there is a lot to appreciate regarding Capcom’s efforts in adding more eccentricties to the pot of 2D Zelda and where they wanted to go and experiment that I feel has at least some tangible influence on the contemporary 3D Zelda titles. The Gust Jar in this game predates the similar Gust Bellows in Skyward sword almost 7 years later so I’d be hard pressed to believe that Nintendo isn’t pulling from these titles for inspiration on where to go with Zelda going forward even if the 2D titles aren’t the ones on the menu now.

Still, Minish Cap continues the tradition of unique design in a few ways with the center piece of this being the shrinking gimmick via the Minish Portals. Link has the ability to shrink to the size of a spect of dust and explore existing areas but with new secrets, puzzles and a whole different scale of things that add depth to a beautifully dressed yet vanilla overworld. I love the detail and scale that this new mechanic brings and emphasizes in the dusty crevices, waterways, and other interconnected and out of the way paths as Minish Link as the world becomes even more alive and comical such as climbing up to the dusty support beams of houses littered with the Minish people taking residence in the cramped spaces and even going outside and walking through grass blades and puddles of water that are now treacherous oceans at this smaller size. Hyrule Town's level design in particular is even more intricate than on the surface once you can shrink down in size and explore the sewers, houses and other spaces not possible at regular size and the mechanic is incorporated to decent effect in the dungeons as well, though a part of me wanted a bit more in terms of how much you can explore as Minish Link since it is still limited and gated by obstacles like blocks of grass and even the pavement of Hyrule Town, along with the number of portals to transform; there isn't no harp of ages in the second half of Oracle of Ages.

The music and sound effects in the dungeons and across the board of MC are a huge step up from the Oracle titles. While most of the selection still contained great and memorable tracks like themes of Holocrum and Labyrnna, the selection is host to many grating sounds and repetitive themes that I turned off the sound of my 3ds at points and just kept playing; shout out to Crown Dungeon in Oracle of Ages for an especially egregious track. Minish Cap thankfully doesn’t have instances like this and the soundtrack smoothly fits the scenery of each setting pretty well and makes them vastly memorable in a good way. They revisit old sounds with tracks such as the Fairy Fountain, Hyrule Field and Dark Hyrule Castle remixing A Link to the Past’s Hyrule Castle theme that serves as a perfect final climax to the game. The soundtrack is also home to new, original tunes that elevate the regions such as the dreamy electro soundscape of the Minish Village, the Temple of Droplets’ air-y and eerie wintery mix of chains and bells, Palace of Winds’ atmospheric orchestral feel representing the tense sky traversal, and finally Hyrule Town’s jovial vibes that sounds classic to all Hyrule hubs but is very distinctive to what MC brings to the table. The mix of both classic tunes and new original material shine to make this my favorite out of the top 2D titles next to Link’s Awakening, maybe even higher.

I've teased this earlier but the overworld in MC is florissantly captivating and booming with life through the extensive animation and artwork in the settings, characters, and music that makes the Oracle titles feel dated. The area theming is very similar to what was done before but still feels new: the vast forestry and fields with familiar monsters and creatures encapsulating Hyrule Field, Hyrule Town’s festive and cozy energy with so much in motion, the rocky and enemy filled terrain of the Gorons' Mt. Crenel with falling boulders and debris, the sleepy atmosphere and haziness of the Minish Forest/Village and Lake Hylia, and the aerial bloom of the high up Cloud tops, a very unique setting for a 2D title that flexes this game’s strength and is impressive in scale for the time. Even the dungeons are sufficiently distinct in their aesthetic and don't feel too similarly visually that plagued many of the Oracle ones.

Speaking of the dungeons while I did praise the visual detail in differentiating the dungeons from one another, this collection is possibly the weakest of the 2D games in terms of puzzles and overall complexity. They emphasize more of seasons' approach with a gentle mix of combat sequences with very surface level puzzles compared to some natural ones that are found in the overworld. They never really ramp up across the small selection outside of the Palace of Winds and the Dark Hyrule Castle which feel appropriately expansive and complex in utilizing all the tools the game gives Link and hit some manner of Labyrinthine design but still more guided compared to what the best Ages had to offer. These last two exhibit an excellent sense of escalation of the game's closing hours but they feel a little too late in how middle of the road most of the journey felt. The shrinking mechanic is used to fun effect at least outside of some of the dungeon items, which I also felt were pretty forgettable, but it feels like it was the only fully fleshed of mechanic used in interesting ways as the dungeons and their puzzles really started to blend together and get a little repetitive. The simplicity itself isn’t a problem as seasons felt like this and I wouldn’t call any of these dungeons outright “bad”, but I was on autopilot for most of them and the dynamism shown visually stood in such sharp contrast to how one note the puzzle solving and exploration was. I didn’t expect this game to be pretty handhold-y as well with Ezlo spoiling some (easy) secrets and solutions to puzzles before I started engaging with them.

Exploration similarly takes a backseat in a way with Minish Cap though not completely as there is still much to find in the world with each new item unlocking new secrets and pathways if they aren’t locked behind the new coin fusion mechanic called the Kinestone to unlock the chests or other secrets in the world. Initially I was a lot more negative on this but I’ve cooled on it since it does provide a cute way of interacting with the NPCs and pets in the world and they generally are okay outside of the RNG needed to get specific pieces if going for 100% which I didn’t do. While I would have preferred that the secrets already existed on the overworld map instead of having to make them spawn by fusing together the coins, I’m fine with this compromise. What is a big disappointment is that the rewards themselves don’t amount to much outside of rupees, shells for figurines or more kinestone pieces and sometimes a piece of heart if lucky, which I ended up with a lot less of comparatively to the other games by the end game. The act of exploring is pretty milquetoast and annoying outside of how some of the dungeon items impact it like the classic flippers and new Cane of Pacci, but even Roc’s Cape is vastly underutilized outside of its dungeon use which is a far cry from the Oracle games using it for some time in the overworld for secret goodies.

For what a charming game this is, I truly feel at odds with the higher acclaim that gets attached to this game and struggle to see Minish Cap as a fundamental improvement over what the Oracle games were doing outside of the visual and music flourishes added with the jump to a whole new and powerful platform. I didn’t speak much on the narrative because while it is more involved than either of the Oracle games, it still is severely underwritten which sucks with how interesting Ezlo and Vaati both are along with the Minish and their whole civilization in Hyrule’s history. MC is representative of Capcom’s efforts on the game boy with a lot of good attached at the hip that I would kill to see the team do again on a new original 2D Zelda title, but it overall feels less inspired and interesting than what they executed before. Even then, Minish Cap can be a decent comfort game to blast through with the some of the most colorful worlds and enticing music of a 2D Zelda game that is criminally short but still sweet in dividends.