Reviews from

in the past

why would you bring back an uninteresting villain from a dlc (who is basically dead in the ending) to the first game as a main villain in your direct sequel?

Uma ótima sequência, expande e aprimora praticamente todos aspectos de seu antecessor, ao mesmo tempo que acha um espaço pra mostrar seus diferenciais. A história segue a mesma estrutura do primeiro jogo, mas serve seu propósito.

Seguramente más redondo que el 1. Diseño de niveles increíble.

I remember it having that really kool time jump tool where you could jump between realities or the past and present i forget which one it was and it had a little glass window that showed the other reality you weren't currently in.

Gran acción pero hay muy poco incentivo para jugar en sigilo más allá de la historia. Es como que es mas divertido ser un enfermo.

No me pude comprometer por alguna razón, no me atrapo.

A solid sequel given the fact that the first game performed so well and had such a good story already. The story in this game was not as great, but the gameplay made up for this by providing way more nonlethal options to take down enemies and powers that weren't seen in the first game. Another thing I think this game improves upon is level design, having some of the most memorable levels in the franchise like the Clockwork Mansion that literally transforms in front of your very eyes, and Stilton Manor with one of the most innovative gameplay devices I have seen across my gaming experience until now. The new game engine it runs on allows the art style to pop out even more, and allows for so much detail in every room you enter. There are many more endings you can get in this game compared to the first, which depend on the choices you make relating to key characters in the story. Pursuing the nonlethal and silent path was once again very satisfying.

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Я не очень люблю дизонорды.

Абсолютно вторичная игра, сиквел в котором практически ноль развития. Вот еще пара абилок, вот еще идиотские сегменты с осами чтобы растянуть геймплей. Все хорошего что есть в игре - пара необычных уровней. В ядре все еще хорошо работающая(даже если в этом ноль ее заслуг) игра поэтому не могу поставить оценку ниже, а хотел бы.

Masterpiece. Awesome and unique art style, fantastic worldbuilding, so much variety in how you can complete your objectives, and some of the most memorable and innovative level design from a game that I have ever played.

Felt like it did not understand what made the first game tick. Bad writing.

Why would you let me play this game stealthy when you already made killing people so fun?

Oh it's Dishonored 2(better than the first one hot take alert)

all my respect for arkane studiosm given how good their track record is

if riot games die i'll just say RIP BOZO

I can forgive this game for the chaos system (which was drastically improved here, but anyway), I can forgive this game for the plot, which, imo, is worse than in the first game, and I forgive it all just because of the gameplay.

Just holy moly, it was so great to get back to Dishonored 2 while revisting the series. This game feels like a helluva improvement of Dishonored 1 — the game, which already plays great, and It took me so many years to finally understand that. It has more secrets and techniques than the first game, it has better gameplay than the first game, it's... Just way more cool than the first game. In every aspect, except the plot and atmosphere, I guess. Dishonored 1 is way too cool to be overpassed in such things.

After the current playtrough I've realised that I finally started to like the seuqel more than the original. And this love didn't come from nothing, no.

Dishonored 2 for me is one of these games which I want to play a lot, trying to find every damn secret it's got. It's a perfect immersive sim to me, on a par with Gloomwood and Thief: TBP.

I fucking love Arkane. Too sad this game has sold badly... It deserves more love and attention.

Not a bad game at all, but it was very difficult to follow up the first game, with an unmatchable atmosphere and a very immersive world, I was not as engulfed by the second game as I was the first BUT ITS NOT BAD I JUST LIKE THE FIRST GAME MORE

Gameplay is improved in every regard. World, music, and art design are top notch. Story and characters don't always deliver

Everything is perfect, I Need A Second One

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Forgot how fun this game feels, incredible replayability between the powers unique Emily and Corvo, and playing with the chaos system. I still find low chaos to be my favourite way to play. Can't believe you can just straight up solve Jindosh's riddle and skip Dust District, I love the options this game offers.

love the fact you can play with 2 different move sets and the missions feel fully realized.

amazing game, also completed it without having powers, was very fun

No esta mal. Empeora un poco respecto al primero en los mapas y la historia. En lo demas es igual. Ojala 60 fps. He intentado retomarlo varias veces y ns por q pero no puedo. Vere

Mi juego favorito. Esta cosa mejora tantos aspectos respecto al primer juego. Los mapas son mucho más variados y diferentes entre sí, los poderes de Emily son suficientemente diferentes a los de Corvo, pero sin eliminar una buena parte de las libertades que ese set tenía. La historia es igual de interesante, pero está presentada de una forma bastante más bonita. El juego no es perfecto, pero destaca demasiado en varios aspectos técnicos que terminan haciendo una experiencia por lo menos satisfactoria y fluida.

História muito boa, jogo bonito, gameplay melhorada do primeiro jogo. Pena que fecharam a Arkane.

A solid improvement from the first Dishonored game. Chaos system is far more fleshed out with more leniency towards a brute force approach. Level design and maps are just as interesting as the first, and the non-lethal approaches to eliminating targets are more involved and interesting, an improvement upon the first game.

And unlike the original, I found no mission unenjoyable or a slog. No "The Flooded District" in this one, which was a relief to me. However, that constant looming urge to quicksave persists from the first game. If you are gunning for a good ending, you'll find yourself constantly saving and loading to aim for the perfect setup. And with the annoying 20/20 vision of many enemies, resorting to this is almost inevitable.

Story is not as in-depth as the first, a pretty standard too. But it doesn't bother me too much, as I never play Dishonored games for the story. Emily is a great protagonist though, and I enjoyed my playthrough playing as her over Korvo.

Still, Dishonored 2 is an amazing game that improves upon the first where it mattered.

I love this game. Not as much as the first, but I love it very dearly.

Better than the first in every way EXCEPT for the story. The story in this game is somewhat passable.
Sad they nerfed dark on orange?? really???

Seria uma puta desonestidade minha fazer uma review piadola desse jogo, então prepara que lá vem texto.

Bixo, primeiro que sem discussão esse jogo como antecessor surra aspectos de gameplay do primeiro. Não só o sistema inteiro de stealth é completamente aprimorado, mas como sua liberdade pra experimentar e tentar coisas novas é dobrada. Isso por si só já torna ele melhor que o primeiro, mas até na estrutura de história (que é bem parecida) esse jogo consegue aprimorar.

Jogar de Corvo aqui na primeira vez nem deveria ser opção, por que não faz sentido nenhum pra história geral (e isso sai como ponto negativo na minha visão). Mas não só isso, como um pucado o jeito que você maneja suas habilidades, já que a Emily tem um set de poderes diferente do seu pai.

Enfim eu não vou enrolar, puta jogo bonito e imersivo do kacete, só queria ter rodado ele melhor na minha batata que chamo de PC.

Let me preface by saying that this is a really really great game... However, this game has (kind of) disappointed me on so many aspects that I just cannot say that this is a better game than the first one. First off, this game runs on a really really bad engine, making performance problems and bugs more prevalent than ever. Second, something feels very very off about the movement and combat in this game, everything feels to slippery and erratic compared to how controlled and great the first felt. Now that the technical gripes are out of the way, the biggest negative I would say is how bloated this game is in terms of the upgrade tree. I don't get why I have to spend 10 runes across 4 upgrades to get something I would get within 5 runes and 2 upgrades in the first. Its way too bloated for a game as short as the last and the only way you could possibly get to a fun power level is to run the game in ng+. Despite all of that, the creativity in the lore, art, and level design is enough to warrant a recommendation.