Reviews from

in the past

I had to learn to love Katamari Damacy, to be honest. It’s a fun game, but it absolutely has an adjustment period.

The controls are gonna make or break the game for someone, in my opinion. They’re… unique, unlike most games you’ll play. I didn’t like them at first, I couldn’t get the hang of them, but I grew adjusted eventually and found them fun. Never got the hang of the dash-esque move though, it felt too awkward to execute. The main game itself is fun, it’s really satisfying to build up your katamari and see both it and the variety of items that can be picked up expand.

The style of the game is charming. The graphics are cute, with a nostalgic and simple feeling to them. The music is iconic (though Lonely Rolling Star is still the best one to me and probably the only one I’d listen to on my own), and it genuinely does a lot to enhance the gameplay by building onto its pre-existing style.

Though honestly, it can get a little repetitive. There aren’t a lot of unique gimmicks, and even then not every level is a hit for me (Gemini, I didn’t like Gemini). The main formula works, and it's still fun, but I wish the game did a little more than it does now. And yeah, the controls are weird and take getting used to. I don’t think its entirely a bad thing, and they’re what makes Katamari Damacy what it is, but man do they feel clumsy at first (and to an extent they still do). That said, the game is still fun, and it's worth giving it a shot if you’re considering it.

Very charming little game with a unique set of controls that take some time to get the hang of, but once you do everything just kinda clicks. Banger soundtrack, alongside a super unique art style that continued to draw me into the game. For anyone who wants to experience this game with any sort of controller, make sure you use one that has a symmetrical stick layout, otherwise you'll be making the game much harder for yourself (At least this was my case).

this videogame screams "videogame" and i love it

When my partner and I met, we bullied each other into buying nintendo switches. Then we both bought and played this game, sometimes simultaneously over the phone, until we fell in love. “I know you love me, I wanna wad you up into my life. Let’s roll up to be a single star in the sky”

rolling on the go? to die for. i've seen people complain about feeling motion sick while playing this in handheld, but as long as you're strong and true to yourself there shouldn't be any issues. this playthrough was NOT 100%.

This cute little game features a soundtrack with jazz, bossa nova and techno tracks?! I just wanna roll forever with my headphones on!

Es todo tan estúpido y feliz que no puedo evitar sonreir cuando veo que mi pequeña bola del tamaño de un ratón ahora es del tamaño de un rascacielos y absorbe todo como un agujero negro.

I had wanted to play this game for 19 years. Finally did. It did not live up to my expectations, unfortunately. The most disappointing part of this game was finding out that all the things I liked about it didn't require me to actually play it.

The gameplay is whelming.

a great port/remaster though there are some slight downsides, such as changing the princes eyes to the modern takahashi style and the removal of wanda wanda from the games levels. still, if this is for some reason your only way to play the greatest game ever made, please do so. it's very good that they require a 100% collection in order to get the plat for this game- something WLKRR cannot say.

Rejugado de principio a fin por primera vez en 4 años y sigue siendo uno de mis juegos favoritos

This game is so fucking gas.

The controls are hard to get used to but it allows for you to enter the zone and fly through everything once you get the hang of it. Picking up everything around you is incredibly satisfying, and figuring out the best routes to get bigger faster is super fun! It's arcadey style allows for an infinitely replayable video game.

The artstyle is incredibly charming and the music is some of the best I have ever heard coming from a video game. It all comes together into an amazing package that is unlike any other video game that I have ever played. It is weird and it loves that it's weird, you can tell that the developers had an absolute blast making it!

This game is hilarious, fun, and satisfying. I can see myself going back to this game over and over again to have a great time. The only thing keeping it from a perfect score is how tedious some of the levels can be, but that might change if I replay it in the future.

Pure gaming man, pure gaming. Go play it you won't regret it.

first time i played this i was getting covid as i played and the police noises were making me lose my mind, but i learned the any% speedrun and achieved sub 30 shoutout shamana for putting me on

i enjoy how random the game is and the graphics are really cool. a bit short if your arent after a completion but still amazing. liked.

Keita Takahashi makes games that feel like "play". He doesn't really tell stories or ask you to invest in a world. Instead, he focuses on a central gameplay mechanic that's inherently unique and fun and crafting a unique aesthetic around it that enhances how irreverent and fun his concept is. It's all the strength of gaming as an interactive medium.

I could nitpick how some of the constellation levels are tedious, but that misses the point. Rolling a Katamari around and collecting ever-bigger objects is a joyful bit of interaction that no other game can capture. And it's backed by one of the best visual and audio aesthetics in the medium.

this game is extremely welcome given how weird emulating the original ps2 game can be. doesn't do much other than almost directly port the original game which is extremely welcome. the new prince+cousin models don't look too weird compared to the rest of the game

it's a shame how they did not handle the 30 fps lock in the pc version too well though. ui at 60 with gameplay at 30 made me dizzy. everything at 30 on the switch felt a lot better

one small change would've been welcome though, which is autosaving... i was pretty used to manually saving the game on the ps2, but on the switch i never really felt like i had to do it bc every other switch game does not require it

Such a unique classic. In terms of creativity alone, no game comes close to being as fantastic as this.

The controls are so much fun. And for how strange the control scheme would seem on paper, it just works perfectly. Rolling up stuff to be the biggest I could possibly be is so fun that it can become very addicting for me.

This game's vibrant and colorful artstyle with it's eclectic soundtrack varying from strange and quirky electronic beats to the most beautiful jazz you've heard in your life, make this the most pleasant experience you can have playing a game.

The ongoing thing of the katamari being a driving force of bringing people on Earth happiness and joy is also a neat artistic touch that I love so much.

All and all a fantastic game.

YOOOOOO--- yagate hikari kagayaku, seiza to nare~

If you asked me to list off my top 5 favorite games this game is a contender for the number 1 position, coming par with long form RPGs that left me changed fundamentally as a person, a la Trails from Zero&Trails to Azure, or short, fantastic experiences like LIVE A LIVE, Hotline Miami 2, or Katana ZERO. At this point this review has been written and rewritten entirely two times just so that I can try to convey what this game is to me.

This game is a masterpiece and possibly one of the most artistically sound games ever released. There is no other game like Katamari Damacy, and there will never be another game like Katamari Damacy. There /can/ never be another game like Katamari Damacy. I actually get emotional every time I play this game. I cannot make it through the credits without tearing up. I almost make it, too, but when I hear that line, "YOOOOOO--- yagate hikari kagayaku, seiza to nare~" something just takes me over. The spirit of this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ clump just wells up in me and I lose it. I trip on my words. I laugh. I cry. I send messages to my friends to tell them I love them. And then I play the whole damn game over again.

This game is beautiful. This game is made with love and kindness and hope all rolled into one. If more people could play this game, and really sit down and understand what it truly means, to see each other for who we really are, and recognize that the only thing that truly divides us are the walls we ourselves build, then... I think we could all become beautiful shining stars.

looks really fun but i struggle with skills for this game :c

Such a special little game. i will hold it dear to me forever, also the ost is incredible.

I can see the charm oozing from this game from a mile away so I understand this is entirely a me thing, but it just didn't click with me. The gameplay loop seems fun, but it doesn't seem variable enough to last a whole game.

A game doesn't have to make sense to be fun.

Saw this game used in a lot of videos and stuff and it looked like it would be fun. Once I tried it, it was a bit of a let down. The controls were super weird and unintuitive, making the game feel clunky and unsatisfying to play.

Rolling into things to collect them only gets fun near the end of the levels when you are big enough to collect almost anything. But until that point, it is just constant bumping into things too big to collect and missing things I can collect since it is kind of hard to see where I am going with the huge ball in my way. Nothing really changes from level to level, so it gets kind of boring after a few levels of doing the same thing.

rolling the balls. Making bigger balls. Life is good