Reviews from

in the past

While this game successfully presents the Mad Max aesthetic and world elements, it completely fails at using those elements to tell any sort of meaningful story. However, it does faithfully capture the feeling of building up a cool car and driving it through the wastelands with satisfying vehicular combat to back it up. I could only recommend this game if that aspect alone is enough for you to enjoy some open-world shenanigans.

The first 3 hours or so if this game is one of the best gaming experiences ever! Unfortunately the rest of the game feels like copy and pastes that you quickly get tired of. Was really fun playing this after just watching the mad max movies

Something there, but wrapped in boring-bad combat, open world jank and too much busy work. Would honestly love to see the original linear interpretation. Made better by Furiosa which is interesting.

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This game had a slow start for me but the freeflow combat had a grip on me so I stuck it out and i'm glad I did. The story of the game was pretty good and the final chapter was definitely the best.

O grande erro desse jogo é a falta de variedade em tudo, 80% do jogo é você invadindo os mesmos lugares e enfrentando os mesmos inimigos, é um grind infinito e repetitivo.

A sorte do jogo é que a gameplay, tanto no carro, quanto a pé é muito divertida, e a história é daorinha, então dá pra relevar a maioria das falhas

The experience of driving around in a sick car with chumbucket in a big open wasteland is unmatched. In the wasteland you stumble across ruins and outposts that literally are just rusty shipwrecks giving you a glimpse of the previous civilization before the apocalypse hit earth. The gameplay is very fun and the combat is like the Arkham games except maybe a bit more violent which I think it’s great. The game can however get grindy and require you to hunt for scrap parts and etc. But I don’t mind doing it and it feels very rewarding compared to a game like the newer Assassin’s Creed games where you spend lots of time grinding really for no reason other than that the enemies have levels.

Decided to do a marathon watch with all 4 films before I saw Furiosa yesterday so I decided to also replay the game to understand the lore a lot more and the mad max franchise itself.

This game for it's time it was good story wise and also graphics were awesome especially on max settings on PC. The one thing I dislike about the game is the fact you have to do repetitive side quests to gain salvage and other useless stuff when I just want to focus on the main story. Besides that this game is honestly underrated especially for it's time and the characters, story, gameplay is smooth besides a few glitches here and there but also it stood with the films.

Oh and this game felt smoothed as hell on KBM.
Mad Max Films Ranked:
Mad Max (1979) Review:
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior Review:
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome Review:
Mad Max: Fury Road Review:
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga Review: Still logging.

extremely underrated batman arkham style combat story is whatever the car is also a fun feature

Joguei sem contexto nenhum, sem ter visto qualquer filme e numa época que estava começando a cansar de jogos de mundo aberto ou muito extensos. Me cansou rapidamente e não consegui gostar do controle do carro.

60% scrap collecting simulator 40% car go zoom

Lots of issues but if you just bang through it for the story it's essentially part 2 of the Fury Road trilogy

I really tried to like this one, but while it captures the feel of the series nicely, and the car and melee combat are satisfying in a vacuum, it's the progression that makes it so hard to complete. The grind in Just Cause 3 is much easier to stomach when it's not tied to this really slow gameplay, and Mad Max is the prime example: completing camps takes forever, there's not a lot to do when going from A to B and the story missions aren't very exciting, constantly requiring you to get resources to build determined car models that you'll swap out of instantly.

Avalanche Studios rolls worst control scheme ever, asked to leave club VIP room

Muy lejos de plasmar las persecusiones de Fury Road en un videojuego, a quien se le ocurre que haya mas combates a piñas que en los autos?

bom jogo, maaas, o final é beeem paia.

Ended up really enjoying this one. It has some obvious drawbacks in that the missions and enemy camps are pretty much the same sort of thing over and over, but I really thought the world was cool and I got addicted to upgrading the car. The story was fine, but nothing special. Mostly I just think this got the tone and atmosphere nailed, even if there could have been a little more variety in terms of gameplay. Would've been cool to see trucks too as well as just cars.

An underrated gem in my opinion.

It was a great game... i took 2 years to finally finish it

-the combat is very fun, i like the "Batman-like" combat where you can spam X and Y

- i had headaches driving, the wheels feels like f*ckin soap on the road (or is skill issue? i dunno)

- the story is a bit short, but is full of repetitive content on the map, so take your time

It was a fun game, very repetitive but fun.

As counterweight to recently played 4X-Strategy, i picked "Mad Max" with the approach of a easy-to-handle, chill open-world game; also wanted to synergize on the movie, while theaters showing "Furiosa - A Mad Max Story" rn.

First Impression:
- Theme and quality of the narrative and presentation is sombre and top-notch! Totally into it and Max' brain-wrenched quest for the Magnum Opus to finally find his peace (we all know: he won't).
God, i love the atmosphere and graphics. Plays really well on a 3080 with all the details and in high-res. No drops in frames though! Love it. I think it's important for it to run smoothly, in regards to the driving/racing gameplay-features.
- Which brings me to exactly that - gameplay. I like every part of it so far, especially fighting / driving....
-...but both a little to easy though.
- Scavenge scrab get's a litte annyoing because you can't collect it while driving. I know - wouldn't be realistic, but can't they build in such a QoS-Feature?
- Upgrade-mechanic(s) for Max are a litte under-explained in the beginning, because they're two-part and you don't really know, if Griffa comes back, once you spent all your points (he does, in the same area, so, worries silenced - but had to google it first.)

First Impression:

tiro porrada bomba e uns carros MUITO pica
nois gosta é disso

Excellent surprise.
It really felt like I was in the movie.
Car mechanics and fights are awesome.
The open world is so beautiful but its mechanics are boring.
I wish some ennemies would scream " witness ! " when fighting.

Tive uma impressão inicial bem ruim desse jogo, principalmente pela história, e apesar de aínda não gostar dela (mesmo como um fã dos filmes), minha visão sobre a gameplay mudou bastante. Visuais incríveis a parte, o combate com o carro é bruto e difícil, capturando muito bem a sensação de violência transmitida pelos filmes. Os elementos open world funcionam, mas chegam ao limite, mais um pouco e teria sido enjoativo. No geral, um jogo bem subestimado e que merece atenção

The BEST post-apocalyptic game ever!!

It's pretty obvious that this game had a troubled development. There's simultaneously too much narrative and too little connective tissue to that narrative. It plays pretend at survival mechanics and then immediately discards them in favor of lawnmowering map icons to upgrade strongholds. Every character is annoying, and Max in particular does not act at all in coherence with his movie counterpart. It doesn't really "understand" Mad Max as a series or a story.

But damn if that vehicle combat isn't bone-crunchingly satisfying. Some of the best vehicle combat outside of Russian games and giving you plenty to do on the road while motoring around feels great. It's just everything that happens when you hop out of your car that kinda stinks. Better than you've been told, worse than the promise lurking underneath the surface.

I want to see someone make a Mad Max game with the same autistic attention to detail and open world conceits of Red Dead Redemption 2 or Metal Gear Solid 5. A real car-fucker kind of game. Now that would be glorious.

Originally 100%'d on console, replaying on PC after watching Furiosa (which feels like a videogame itself, and which has Scrotus and Chumbucket, so it all comes full circle lol)

A história até q é legal, o ponto forte do jogo é a gameplay muito satisfatoria, mas é muito repetitivo e algumas coisas são muito sem alma, tipo ter o mesmo boss em todo acampamento de boss, é literalmente o mesmo cara.
Mas e bem gostoso fazer o 100% , desligue o cerebro e aproveite o ronco do motor