Reviews from

in the past

Começa bem mas fica muito monótono, vazio e massante.
Podia ser muito melhor adaptada a obra de Mad Max.

I remember this game being okay 👍.

This game has great Action with how this Open World adaptation of Mad Max is constantly being filled with chaos and destruction everywhere with the Driving gameplay having you build and upgrade a beast of a vehicle to go against other enemies and the Fighting gameplay giving you scarce weapons to fight but a high blood adrenaline to beat the crap out of a bunch of enemies at once. And while exploring the Open World is cool too, the Adventure side of things can be a hit and miss here and there with the fast paced gameplay not really mixing well with a world that's trying to immerse the player. So yeah that's my review, I'm going to be giving Mad Max a Strong 7 on the recommendation scale.

Watch video:

jogo bom, mas extremamente cansativo e repetitivo, sinceramente eu não recomendo

Looked interesting and certainly was. Fighting mechanic similar to Batman and lots of car related stuff that was good as car handling was good. Done most of the first 2 areas of the map and then burned myself out for the rest of the game so just cracked on with the missions until the end. A good solid game that was maybe too big for its own good.

Açık dünyaya gir-araba fight ı at-yumruk yumruğa fight at-oyundan çık.

unique fun game, gameplay mostly great and felt fresh, did get a bit bored of the slow paced movement mechanics out of vehicles. Ended up rushing through story becuase side missions and 'stronghold building' took too long and was grindy. Decent plot, the fact it is set in an interesting post-apocalyptic world makes up for an average storyline.

Eu gosto bastante de Mad Max Fury Road, todo aquele punk, aquela podridão e brutalidade sempre me encantaram muito, e nesse jogo tudo aquilo que me encanta veio direto pra esse jogo, nesse lugar traiçoeiro com habitantes duvidosos.
O combate mano a mano é bem aos moldes de Arkham, com a diferença que aqui você é muito mais brutal, já toda a gameplay que envolve o carro é maravilhosa, realmente me sinto a 200 milhas por hora enquanto enfrento maniacos num fusca punk, o mapa é gigante, embora maioria das missões sem ser da historia principal sejam bem repetitivas.
Em geral é um ótimo jogo.

Talvez seja divertido um mundo pós-apocalíptico

um jogo muito bom, um combate simples de ataque e contra-ataque (tipo os do batman) uma historia legal porém confusa, melhorias do carro deixam a desejar, mas um jogo que me divertiu muito, um game para passar o tempo e não pensar em nada

As counterweight to recently played 4X-Strategy, i picked "Mad Max" with the approach of a easy-to-handle, chill open-world game; also wanted to synergize on the movie, while theaters showing "Furiosa - A Mad Max Story" rn.

First Impression:
- Theme and quality of the narrative and presentation is sombre and top-notch! Totally into it and Max' brain-wrenched quest for the Magnum Opus to finally find his peace (we all know: he won't).
God, i love the atmosphere and graphics. Plays really well on a 3080 with all the details and in high-res. No drops in frames though! Love it. I think it's important for it to run smoothly, in regards to the driving/racing gameplay-features.
- Which brings me to exactly that - gameplay. I like every part of it so far, especially fighting / driving....
-...but both a little to easy though.
- Scavenge scrab get's a litte annyoing because you can't collect it while driving. I know - wouldn't be realistic, but can't they build in such a QoS-Feature?
- Upgrade-mechanic(s) for Max are a litte under-explained in the beginning, because they're two-part and you don't really know, if Griffa comes back, once you spent all your points (he does, in the same area, so, worries silenced - but had to google it first.)

First Impression:

Didn't realize I'd like this as much as I did.

I expected an overall great game. It is. Combat is amazing feels like the same as Shadow of Mordor and Arkham knight. The graphics are good. The lore is actually good for a madmax game. It only lacks upgrades and benefits and improvement as time go by. The story is balanced but fun. An overall great game I suppose. I only hope they put execution with weapons making you a lethal warrior

unobtainable plat kills the drive

its fun but wasn't a huge fan of the driving

Wins the trophy for the most Underrated game that year[

Do značné míry jde o open world titul ze staré školy. Kašle totiž na postavy i dějovou linku nad rámec obezličky „jdi/jeď a vytuň si co nejvíce káru, tvého nejvíc nejlepšího přítele v tomto šíleném světě bez pravidel a morálky“. Zábavu i „příběh“ jste tedy nuceni si vytvářet sami skrze to „jak a co“ v tom světě děláte. Jde spíše o sandbox, který vám dá sto a jednu možnost, jak se vyblbnout a je pouze na vás zde toho využijete či ne. A to skrze hru, ve které není byť jen náznak originálního prvku či myšlenky. Není zde naprosto nic, co byste neviděli a nedělali v desítkách jiných titulů shodného ražení. Je to do postapo hávu přeskinovaný Shadow of Mordor; akorát bez děje a systému Nemesis (a ten by sem zrovna sednul jak prdel na hrnec).

To proč navzdory výše zmíněnému tento souhrn "copy and paste přístupu" ve výsledku tak dobře funguje je, že vše co si v Avalanche Studios vypůjčili, tak z(a)pracovali do své hry funkčně a až na výjimky i zábavně. Ano, „batmanovské“ bitky jsou poněkud jednotvárné a na druhé koleji, ale nenudí a kupříkladu epické automobilové souboje a naháněčky s konvoji se neomrzí snad nikdy. Právě v tomto je největší síla přenádherné a atmosférické postapokalyptické pustiny, kde jsou nekonečná kvanta prostoru kam až oko dohlédne. Něco takového by nešlo nabídnout v titulu, kde je na každém kroku „co dělat a na co koukat“.

Nevadí-li vám pro jednou béčkový AAA titul "druhé kategorie", který sází na prázdný svět (záměrně, v tom je jeho síla a kouzlo), neoriginalitu herních prvků, linearitu v dobývání jednotlivých základen, nulový děj a syndrom snad všech open world titulů v podobě sbírání/dobývání/boření kde čeho a všeho, abyste si to mohli odškrtnout ze seznamu, tak má Mad Max sakra co nabídnout jednoduše proto, jaká zábava je ho hrát. Pokud vám však byť jen jedna jediná z těchto výtek není po chuti, tak lépe se mu vyhnout, protože proč ztrácet čas u „pouhopouhé“ generické žánrové tuctovky, že?

PS: Největší zábavu ovšem skýtá na možnosti bohatý foto mód (stejný jako u Shadow of Mordor), jelikož zdejší nekonečné dálavy jsou prostě přenádherné (a nepotřebujete k tomu ani nijak zvlášť výkonný stroj) a vyloženě vybízí k pořizování si screenů na každém druhém kroku. Speciálně pak když to v pasážích s auty začne bouchat a lítat na vše strany.

Surprisingly solid open world game, just wish the story had been a bit less bland and the characters a bit more weird.

eu não esperava um jogo tão legal e divertido como esse,uma das melhores compras desse ano com toda certeza. Jogue.

Flawed, but fun.

One of my favourites open world games, with a world actually worth exploring. The biggest flaw of this game is the mechanic of threat level in areas. Upgrading yourself and your car with unlocks that come with lowering said threat levels, but that makes the game way easier as the enemies lessen with the level of the area. Even though it has that and a really cliché story, the combat, driving and its mechanics are stellar, one of the most hype and adrenaline inducing chases and fights. Things feel heavy, from the car rams to the punches, to the shotgun and the throwables.

The open world is justified: everything that you can see, you can explore. Every little place was made so that you can find something there, a card from the past, some bullets, a camping site, an old car, you name it. That's what an open world must feel like, not filled with buildings that you can't access and are just there to compose a landscape.

Worth the time I've spent into, loved every second of it.

elle pas belle la bagnole ?

First played this back in 2015, just pushed through the story. Revisited now in 2023, and 100%'d it; the rich lore, collectible memoirs and scrap locations rae well thought, beautifully designed and simply the best representation of post-apocalypse in media to date.
The car combat is phenomenalally intuitive, the Arkham-style ground combat is highly theraputic, and the upgrade system for both vehicle and Max leaves you coming back for just a bit more each time.
Only critique is that there's never been a sequel.

extremely underrated batman arkham style combat story is whatever the car is also a fun feature