Reviews from

in the past

every character being a smash makes this worth five stars

I think what went wrong with my playthrough was I played on the now bunked PlayStation Now game livestreaming service. I remember the controls being really bad at times, especially when aiming down the sniper sights. Don't know if that what intentional game design or not, but the controls definitely messed me up at many points.

Great in parts but it doesn't have the magic of the other MGS games to me because the baddies are quite boring in this one and Raiden and Rose's codec banter is total pigswill.

I hate this game with a passion. So much lyrical spiritual conspiracy theory dialogue, long cutscenes, and boring combat. Plus the controls are shit. I don't like MGS2 at all. It's a boring aaah game. I've tried to play it 5 times and every time I can never bring myself to finish.

Jogaço of The Porra

Não vou elaborar

Terminei faz tempo mais esqueci de escrever alguma coisa

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Raiden learns his entire existential purpose is being a mere political weapon and Snake at the end is like "nah it ok"

Everything was so perfect except for Big Shell's Level Design, I didn't like it

Kojima san, how many cutscenes and codec calls do you want in your game?
Kojima: yes.

I'd really, really love to rate MGS 2 higher, but to be honest, the game was a slog to play through. Mainly because it's not really a game. It's an interactive movie that occasionally let's you play for 5-10 minutes.
80% of the game consists of loooooooooong cutscenes and codec calls. I get that this was revolutionary in 2001, but it's kinda boring nowadays. I think MGS 1 had a better gameplay-to-cutscene ratio, which made it more entertaining. Plus, while there is some humor in MGS 2, it's missing the over- the-top, ridiculous dialogue that is in MGS 1.

The extremely samey looking environment throughout the whole game and the constant backtracking also didn't help to make the game more fun.
I also felt like the bosses were much more unique and interesting in MGS 1. Here, they were just kinda meh.

The ending and the plot twist towards the end of the game was really memorable though. It's crazy how relevant the game's message is today. That 4th wall breaking moment with colonel was downright creepy.

The game also has some really cool mechanics that were really impressive to see in a game from 2001.
For example, the way the enemies are patrolling, communicate with each other on the radio and call reinforcements. You can also disguise yourself by wearing the enemy's uniform and carrying their gun.

They also added lots of new equipment, which are really fun to use. For example, the tranquilizer gun, the microphone or the coolant spray.

There are lots of new additions in this sequel that I really appreciate, but the problem is that there is just not enough gameplay. So you don't really get to have fun with your new gear that much.

It's weird, because despite all the new additions, I still feel like this sequel was a bit of step back compared to MGS 1.

i love jack and rose’s codec calls sm 😭😭

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The first time I played this I said to myself “if anything bad happens to Emma I’m killing my self” and then the very next part was when she had to cross the bridge

everything about mgs2 is amazing and beautifully written and id happily glaze it all day long

que ambicionate historia, que increíble historia, que forma de terminar un juego, mientras más juegas quieres saber más y más, casi todos los personajes tienen un trasfondo bastante profundo, cada uno con metas e ideales, si bien tiene bastantes cutscenes, a mí es algo que no me molesta, me encantan los pelijuegos, y este es uno de los mejores que he jugado, tqm kojima

Infravaloradisima obra maestra

When I think about this game, I keep thinking that there's a lot of slow parts in it. But then I'll see a video clip or something and realize there really isn't.

An impossible sequel that subverted everyone's expectations. A mind-blowing story that is even more relevant today than it was when the game released.

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TWO MGS GAMES IN ONE MONTH??!!! Perhaps a third??? nay... .lest?
yeah this game fucks so hard and has no problems at all except i find solidus not very compelling but who tf cares its president snake in power armour
my god this game held me hostage for a week but it felt like years, in a good way. i will think back on this time when i reflect on my mgs era, i will think about the ending til i am dead, i will think about the 'TURN THE GAME CONSOLE OFF' moment and how much it made me shit myself every day til im infodumping on the poor ppl in the nursing home about it and they strangle me to shut me up and collect the insurance payout
just as campy, exciting and compelling as its predecessor with infinitely improved gameplay, flawless soundtrack, amazing and extensive voice acting. i dont quite know what else to say about it, except what i keep saying to my very patient friends; this game feels complete. it feels like they did absolutely everything they could to finish this game to the highest quality and fit everything they wanted to in it. no part feels unfinished or neglected, everything you interact with and engage with is rewarded. i would kill someone, like a nice old lady or a toddler, to be able to wipe my memory and play this again from scratch

There is nothing that I can say that really does justice to this masterpiece of a game. It is so deeply embedded in the idea of personal experience that anything that I try to pass off as objective would be doing the whole game’s meaning a disservice. I could say that the game refocuses the core gameplay back on the stealth aspect of the series from where Metal Gear Solid 1 took a more set piece focused structure; I could say that the game finally justifies itself being in 3D with how it very effectively utilizes verticality and its first person perspective; I could say how I think Kojima’s writing style really matures in this one, compared to the more blunt and in your face style that the prior games had, here being much more subtle and intricate while still holding on to that grandiose nature; and I could say that MGS2 is one of the most unique experiences I have ever had in this medium. But the entire game is built on the premise of building your own memories, and creating your own conclusions, so I feel a bit out of place in trying to chronicle my experience rather than just keeping my experience to myself. So, with that, I think I'm just going to leave this as a cop out review and let my thoughts about this game settle for a while, because there is truly a lot to digest. Though, I think that is probably the only objective thing I can say about Metal Gear Solid 2; that no matter who you are, you will undoubtedly find something deeply meaningful in this game, one way or the other.

A game that barrels past cinema into something else entirely. It's sloppiness will make it charming forever.