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Se você é uma pessoa apaixonada por felinos (como eu), o jogo Stray já te conquistará de primeira com movimentos e comportamentos iguais à um gato (seu personagem), possibilitando arranhar carpetes e portas, ronronar, pular em lugares altos e passar por pequenas frestas, até mesmo jogar objetos no chão, e, claro, miar.

O gráfico é espetacularmente lindo e bem trabalhado, e quando pensar que já viu tudo, ainda pode dar zoom e reparar que esse jogo não deixa passar nenhum detalhe.

O conceito distópico de Stray nos leva à diferentes emoções, que variam de forma suave ao passar das fases, e, também, nos apresenta personagens que interagem de maneira objetiva e bem caracterizada como robôs. É fácil se apegar aos personagens que vem e vão, a maior parte, com suas histórias contadas e, que muitas vzes acrescentam em relação à historia ou a sua propria visão e conclusões sobre ela.
Os cenários são todos interativos e bem divertidos de se explorar.

Em questão de jogabilidade, é um jogo simples e sem muitas dificuldades de comandos. Em grande parte, analisar os cenários, resolver alguns puzzles simples, e, de vez em quando pensar como um próprio gatinho é o necessário para chegar ao seu objetivo.

É incrível a maneira como a historia do jogo te possibilita teorizar e imaginar diversos cenários para tais situações apresentadas.

Stray é um jogo tranquilo e fácil de jogar até para aqueles que não jogam com frequência (o meu caso) ou que começaram no mundos dos jogos recentemente.

Una experiencia extremadamente sobrevalorada, y cuyo único punto a favor vendría a ser la ambientación decadente que nos encontramos.

amei a experiencia e o estilo cyberpunk, miei bastante udushdhsud. Muito fofinho :3

I was late to the party. I knew about this game as soon as it came out because I saw that Jacksepticeye played it and everyone was talking about it. However, my dumbass had the impression that the cat died at the end so I avoided this game. People dying? No problem. Animals dying? I hate you. CATS dying? I hate everything and I’m sobbing.

So I finally got it because it was on sale and this is literally the BEST purchase I have made in 28 years of life. The game starts out with two of my absolute favorite things – rain and cats. This is my dream game, bro, I get to be a cat that can destroy pottery and mahjong games and go around meowing every half second. This is literally the best game ever created.

If you wanna see how my playthrough went, you can check out the playlist here. There’s no commentary and I’m still uploading the episodes c:

By the way, this review will be filled with my favorite screenshots on my blog which you can check out by clicking the link on my profile c:

I was surprised by the futuristic/sci-fi themes. I usually don’t like these but this was really interesting and cool. I love how he formed a bond with B12 to try and find his way home. And the little details, bro! The way he reacts when the jacket is first put on him, the little footprints when he walks through paint… they’re so small and most people wouldn’t notice them but I appreciate them sooo much.

For the most part, this game is pretty chill. There’s no giant bosses you need to outsmart or enemies to fight, but there are enemies you need to run away from – mainly those bastard zurks. They’re like these weird half-maggot half-spider things that eat EVERYTHING. And if you’re going for the plat, you have to spare them in the sewers and at the start of the game you can’t be grabbed by them – this trophy made me want to commit die. It was terrible and took multiple hours to finally get it. This is the only terrible trophy imo.

The rest of the trophies are easy and another detail I really enjoyed was that when you collect all of B12s memories, his jacket changes from black to this colorful chromatic jacket and IT’S SO COOL. I love it and wish I could have wore it in my second playthrough.

Speaking of playthroughs, my first playthrough was nearly 8 hours long because I was exploring everything – and still somehow missed a few memories lmao I talked to every robot, too, though most of them didn’t have much to say. Because of this, I thought there was NO WAY I could get the speed trophy, which requires you to play the game in under 2 hours.
I made so many mistakes even following a guide and I died a bunch of times, but I still had plenty of time left by the time I reached the end. It’s really forgiving, which I’m thankful for. With that, I was able to make this beautiful game my first platinum of 2023.

I think they really got the cat to act perfectly. He reacts just like a cat would and I just love it so much. I like to imagine what my cats would do in an apocalyptic world filled with robots. Honestly, I doubt they’d care lmao One thing I am confused on is the story, but that might just be because I’m slow.

I don’t understand what happened to the humans or what those creepy ass eyeballs are in the sewer. Where did the zurks come from? What about the robots? How did they gain sentience?

I just wanna pat him on the head and tell him he did a great job.

I love how the robots interact with him, too. Like, they are scared of him at first because they think he’s a zurk but they’re so nice to him afterward. When Momo patted the stool beside him and then patted his head when he jumped up and the guardian patting him are so precious!

This baby deserves all the pats in the world. He’s the best cat ever. Give this baby some damn cat food!

Also, RIP every carpet in this game.

Also also, Seamus best boi. Just look at how happy he is to – well, I was gonna say something but I think it might be a spoiler so I’ll let you just imagine why he’s so happy 😉 We need a DLC featuring Seamus, come on lol

(spoiler incoming)

Also, I’m not quite happy with the ending. I love the ending shot where he finally returns to the outside, it’s a beautiful shot. And the little screen that lights up giving us hope that B12 is still alive – which I didn’t notice until my second playthrough.

However, HE DIDN’T FIND HIS FRIENDS. That was the whole point, reuniting him with his family and it was a let down that that didn’t happen. I’m holding out hope that there will be a Stray 2 where we have to navigate the outside world to try and find them!

(spoiler end)

Overall, I’m really happy with this game and have no real complaints aside from the ending. It’s a beautiful story, a rich world with interesting characters. The world is beautiful and you just wanna run around and explore while also causing havoc by knocking over everything in sight and making robots drop paint lmao

In my opinion, this should have been game of the year, but I also don’t like Elden Ring and God of War is okay. I’m totally biased toward this game and I’m glad it won best Indie. This will forever be one of my absolute favorite games and I would love to be able to experience it for the first time again.

Please play Stray ❤ It’s a beautiful game that deserves all the love in the world. Like, come on, you can be DJ Cat for feck’s sake! How can you say no to that?

I added the trophy pop over a screenshot from the beginning of the game because my platinum trophy screenshot is just the black loading screen 😦 Plus, the sleeping kitty seems like the perfect ending shot even though it’s from the beginning of the game haha It’s like he’s resting after his grand adventure.



คะแนน: 10/10
ไม่ได้ให้แบบอวยเพราะเป็นทาสแมวหรืออะไร แต่พิจารณาจากความบันเทิงที่ได้รับ ความสัมพันธ์ของขนาดเกมกับเนื้อหา ก็คือไม่ได้มีจุดติ

เป็นเกมสั้นที่ทำได้ดีมาก เล่าเท่าที่อยากจะเล่าแต่ในระยะเวลาไม่นานก็สามารถทำให้เข้าใจความเป็นไปเป็นมาของโลกได้ เนื้อเรื่องดีแบบสมควรมีภาคต่อ ๆ หรือจะจบแค่นี้ก็ไม่ขี้เหร่ สมบูรณ์ในตัว ไม่สั้นเกินจนไม่อิน ไม่ยาวเกินจนรู้สึกเบื่อ

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เพลงประกอบก็ใช้ได้ (แม้จะจำไม่ค่อยได้ โทษที) รวม ๆ แล้วคือเป็นประสบการณ์ที่ดี อิ่มเอม

ใครที่เป็นทาสแมวสมควรเล่นเพื่อสัมผัสชีวิตแมวที่ทำออกมาได้เหมือนจนน่าเอ็นดู แต่สายเกมที่อยากพักจากเกมใหญ่ ๆ มาลองแนวอินดี้ก็ควรลองอยู่ดี

Super en tout point juste un peu court

This review contains spoilers

This game is so close to being a masterpiece. The first 30 minutes are bloody magical, and then half the fun of the game is thrown in the garbage when B12 the exposition robot decides to barf out the game's plot to you in excruciating detail. And then the game begs for your sympathy when B12 heroically sacrifices itself at the end of the game? That is just despicable.

Otherwise, this game is quite good. In the chapters where B12 is less involved, it's a lot of fun.

Começo fofo e cativante, foi um dos primeiros jogos a sair exclusivamente nas novas gerações.
Porém, conforme ia se passando a história, ficava repetitivo e não entendia muito bem o contexto, talvez tenha só sido uma primeira experiência ruim, talvez eu tente jogar novamente.

Loved the atmosphere and relatively low-key gameplay. Plot sort of dropped on the floor half-way through, but picked up near the end.

legalzinho, porem achei a gameplay cansativa

This was so much fun and cinematic.

Foi uma experiência contemplativa magica pra mim, eu estava querendo um jogo para reparar nos detalhes de como aquele universo foi criado, de como é bonito ver as coisas de outra forma, amei o jogo

Maybe not for everyone, but definitely a fun short experience. Story got a good pace, wasn't too intricate but never got boring, sometimes even thoughtfully surprising. controls were pretty good and soundtrack was actually not that bad. Puzzles and discovery were always engaging, sometimes is just a bit clunky. Considering this a first project for the studio, this is an amazing well done piece of work.

LOVEEEEE! my only qualm really about this game is that it should have been longer! completed a full play through in about 7 hours, could have done it far quicker but i like to explore every crevice & get as many achievements as i can. this was gorgeous though, the simplicity of just being a wee cat with a robot friend exploring this colourful and exciting cyberpunk esque world. the stupid zurks sucked though like for such a sweet game they were unexpectedly annoying to outrun omfg. overall though vibes were 10/10, will play again absolutely. minus half a star for the zurks and the fact i was left wanting so much more game

Mediocre walking simulator that people only elevated because it had a cat on the cover.

Kinda torn on this one. While I enjoyed it, I can clearly see all of its shortcomings and why people were so disappointed by it. Granted, the game didn't promise much and was overhyped, but there were so many little things that could've been improved. Exploring the environments is the best part of the game and yet it's so brief, while the more game-y sequences (mostly engaging with the Headcr-I mean, Zurks) overstay its welcome and are simply not fun. It's a walking simulator that reminds me of Uncharted at times, intermissioning narrative/exploration with action, but nowhere near as fun.

And rather than "Blade Runner cat", as it was sold by people who think all cyberpunk is either reminiscent of blade runner or neuromancer or gits, this game felt way more like Fallen Angels/Chungking Express meets a Cronenberg nightmare. Most of the time it doesn't even feel futuristic.

Simple but visually stunnnig, this feline adventure game strikes a good balance between cosy exploration and more action filled segments. Really liked the worldbuilding as well.

I love cats but this game is boring as shit

meow . meow meow meow, meow meow. meow! meow/meow.

I don't care if the protagonist is another 40 year old straight white man. Give me the dedicated meow button in every game. Now.

This review contains spoilers

Such mixed feelings for this game... Don't get me wrong I loved the gameplay and atmosphere in this game but I definitely expected a little more. The ending especially left me feeling empty and with many questions. I was on the last chapter of the game and it didn't even know I was based on how the story was going... Also I hate how this cat never had a reunion with his family, his friend died, and how we didnt get to see the robots reactions for seeing the world being open and in their face essentially. I will say the game is stunning and I loved exploring the different parts of the cities and interacting with the other robot citizens. Would I recommend this? Maybe on sale honestly but full price not really worth it imo.