Reviews from

in the past

Finally you did something with your life HENRY

Lindo, simplesmente. Ótimo em todos os aspectos, mesmo que curto, do início ao fim. Pra quem gosta de gatos é uma experiência obrigatória.
Obrigado, Annapurna <3

post-apocalyptic car adventure

i think i expected more movement freedom in this game but i ended up kinda liking the linearity of it? makes for a more consistent gameplay with less possible glitches with cat movement and more freedom for the animators to make this cat look and move really good. i love this cat

it's an interesting game lore-wise as well. i think they did something really interesting with robots and whatnot that i rarely see in media. also i'm often driven away by cyberpunk stuff with japanese elements bc as a japanese person this kinda stuff is often reeaaally racist GSDHFH but they weren't too weird with this one. which is a relief

in general hmmm could've been a lot more optimised. it was certainly an unreal engine moment for my computer. but i could say that about so many games at this point

Cat. amazing ambiance, very nice game to play on a rainy day.

a little cat game with great gramphics and decent grameplay. check it out.

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(still playing!)

+ I think my favourite detail / aspect about Stray is the idea of ai maintenance robots mimic human culture and rituals to just stay happy and be less lonely. It's such a unique and refreshing idea, robots that function on technical and logical thinking replicating silly human traditions just for love and fun. So sweet and heartbreaking!!!

+ (as with every game - thanks esmé ;( ) I love the soundtrack and think it perfectly compliments the game, similar to the Last of us it perfectly sits along side / behind the gameplay, it never takes the focus and distracts you but always elevates and immerses you within the atmosphere.

+ I like the concept of zurks, a manmade bacteria that grew beyond control, it makes sense for this world and that they're not evil they just consume whatever they can and grow exponentially

- I don't mind? interacting with zurk's. I think they could have more variants like the Last of us and be generally more fleshed out, but I also like them for the reason I said before, for the story and world I think they're a great threat

The cat behaviour and perspective is fun and cute, but the world and atmosphere is incredible to me.

genuinely the worst game ever made i have played many many shit games that have done terrible things to mankind and i truly stand by the sentiment this is worse than any of them. FUCK THIS GAME this isnt a joke if you like this game you should feel bad about yourself

Un juego con un set up y un gameplay muy chulo pero con un mundo más o menos vacío y un final que decepciona.

You can roll around in the trash and meow at robots after scaling a rooftop

A simple game, but not in a bad way. The world building is fun and the gameplay is fun! Plus cute cat.

Beautiful, cute and very sad game. Loved being a kitty exploring the cyber future cities with my little robot friend but I did find the game too short.

I will finish this game eventually I'm just not on my silly billy shit I'm too depressed but one day like when I played this game it was with a friend and we was just doing funny ass voices for the robots shit was hella fun but yeah I liked the world and the robots designs and allat I was just and I took a break but like I will finish it soon wallahi the cat will no longer be stray I promise 🙏

I could play as a cat in this game, and I didn’t need much more convincing to try it. The gameplay itself wasn’t anything special, just a lot of prompted platforming and simple puzzles that included some adorable feline mischief. I must admit, my enjoyment of Stray was entirely derived from my love for cats. The moments I cherished most had little to do with gameplay: having a little cat nap while my guitarist friend played a new tune, scratching the shit out of everyone’s carpet like a proper cat should, and knocking bottles off ledges for no good reason.

Stray didn’t completely lack gamey moments, there were a few action and stealth sequences to inject some excitement into an otherwise relaxed adventure. All of it was very simplified, but I didn’t think that was a negative for the game. Maybe I would’ve been more engaged if the platforming involved more skill, but that would’ve also pushed away a lot of the current audience. This game has introduced the joys of gaming and its narrative potential to many people who had never played a video game before. Even for experienced players who find little challenge in the mechanics, Stray can still provide a chill, wholesome adventure. I was certainly happy to just explore the beautiful cyberpunk world, finding various napping spots and ways to trip people.

It is such a lovely game! Spent almost 6 hours enjoying it and still gonna come back to 100% the game for sure.

It can get too long, but it's still a nice and at times solid thing in terms of the story and the world presented.

Game just reminded me what state america is in right now and Like i just hate my fucking life dude I dont know what to do


Full of emotional and poignant, seamless storytelling from start to finish. The game resonated with me through the displays of companionship, perseverance, loss and life. It was genuinely beautiful and bittersweet. While it was quite a departure from the games I'm used to, I would love to see more games carry this level of hope and optimism.

I thought the gameplay was pretty good. There was a nice blend of platforming, combat, exploration and stealth. Maybe the game would've benefitted from honing in on one specific genre, but the way things were done certainly made it feel like more of a journey. There's not much I would change - mainly just trimming down on the fetchquests in favour of more player engagement.

When it comes to the score, this game was majestic. The ambient, nostalgic tunes complemented the cyberpunk atmosphere very well. Some stunning music to go alongside the enchanting visuals.

When it comes to creativity, this game does not disappoint. I know it's the cat owner within me speaking, but it was such a delight to utilise all the things that make cats special for me. From meowing to scratching to hiding. I honestly think I've come out of this game appreciating my cat even more.

Overall, I thought this game was very good. It has its issues, but delivers a touching experience within the few hours that it lasts. Really, I just wish there was more to it, but I'm sure a potential sequel is more than capable of doing that.

I give Stray a 7.5/10.

No, putting a cat won't let me keep playing the game

Eu peguei Stray quase cego, a única informação que eu tinha da obra era "Gatos", o que foi o suficiente para me fazer comprá-lo para jogar com minha namorada.

O que eu não esperava é que além de gatos esse jogo possuía uma civilização inteira de robôs abandonados, que sonhavam em chegar ao mundo exterior. Uma doença mortal que dizimou os humanos e que eu gostaria do jogo muito mais do que minha namorada.

Ultimamente eu estou me ligando mais à jogos que tentem explorar sua interação com o mundo para além dos combates. E Stray chegou no momento ideal pra isso.

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