Reviews from

in the past

This game used to be my number one favorite game of all time (got like 2200 hours on this game) during Operation Burnt Horizon - Shifting Tides, it was a peak fucking game. Good cosmetics, awesome special community, no sweaty tryhards, new maps, new innovative operators, new events and etc.

But ever since the Void Edge operation the game has just gotten worse and worse with time. They removed the old scopes, introduced operators who are way too powerful and got too many abilities (it feels like they belong in Apex Legends and not a tactical shooter game), locked everything behind battlepasses (they only did it once a year before during a collection event) and buffed/nerfed the wrong things. Like for instance: which dumbass thought it was a great fucking idea to nerf Goyo, a character literally nobody plays because he's too weak?!?. The community also changed and it now feels like the only one's playing are kids coming from Fortnite who are more obsessed with kills than doing any type of teamwork. They also turnt more toxic. Also the limited time exclusive content that I grinded very hard for came back a year later just because they couldn't come up with a new event so all my grinding was for nothing and it's something I'm super pissed over. It also seems like this game is just fan service when they've added Sam Fisher (which I can understand), 2B, Lara Croft and more. They also got rid of the community challenges and the weekly weapon charms or garanteed epic alpha packs that were added as celebrations to different countries national days or traditions.

They also nerfed the terrorist hunt renown so now you gotta grind much more and longer for no reason other than that they wanna make money of you. They also stopped and removed a bunch of skins so that you would buy more alpha packs from them. They also just remake everything nowadays and do so with maps that didn't even have to be remaked.

I can go on and on but I'm just so pissed that Ubisoft killed this wonderful game because of their greed and their stupid decisions.

Fun with friends, really cool and lots of depth here but at a higher rank its just not for me.

I hate and I love this game at the same time

my lawyer has advised me to not comment

Me sorprende que este juego siga con lo normal que es

un des meilleurs fps auquel j'ai joué

Este juego es probablemente mi shooter multijugador favorito. Desde los personajes a escenarios y mecanicas, todo en este juego es accion muy guapa.
Una pena, que como en cualquier juego multijugador, si no sois todo el equipo amigos, es imposible jugar.

too much homework for a hero shooter

I don't know what to say about this, I switch between this and Fortnite, this ones way more competitive.

Love this game, just cant get matches where I live cause the servers are either broken or no one is playing.

Another live service game but I have some sort of addiction to this game as of recent. Love the changes the Devs are implementing, I love the collaborations they do (wish they did more tho), the skill ceiling for me is both a positive and a negative as jt leaves lots of room behind and front of me in terms of players and their skill and such. Overall super fun FPS game

Fun with friends and when alone cool operators with cool ability's.

my friends told me to try this so i did, but then i deleted one match in because i learned you cannot jump. L

GooeyScale: fuck you/100

I hate this game with every fiber of my existence but there really isn't anything else like it so I'll give it bonus points for being original. This game's community gives League of Legends a run for its money with toxicity.

My shooter
community and ubi suck tho
can´t (dont want to) rate pure multiplayer games

The added 120hz is great, still fucking siege though

At its peak this game was incredible. I mained Jackle and Mira and had the time of my life. However the fact that it keeps changing its maps makes this game for me inaccessible. As soon as you start to get it it changes drastically.

I'm not that great at this game but I enjoy playing with friends

An absolute waste of time and energy. Coming back to this game after years of quitting was a mistake.

unfortunately prolly my favourite game ever

best thing in this game is customs hate its pay2win structure so much

This is the shooter I've had the most fun with.
The problem is the company attached to it, that makes the worst decisions and got the game unplayable for me at some point, not due to the game or the meta, but their fucking login bullshit.
The meta was also kind of fucked, and they pushed a gameplay style nobody liked, I don't know if in the end this roadmap of being imbecile ended, but for those 2 or more years it was a disaster.

Finally, I got the platinum trophy after 6 and a half years. It's a fun and addicting game, both then and now. Basically, it's a tactical shooter that never stops surprising you. I wish it was as popular as CS2.

This game is like eating roadkill