Reviews from

in the past

3 individuals made this game ass

One of the best SnD style shooters ever made.

Buggy, doesn’t feel good to play, competitive experience is full of cheaters, hard to learn. Need I say more

unfortunately prolly my favourite game ever

best thing in this game is customs hate its pay2win structure so much

This is the shooter I've had the most fun with.
The problem is the company attached to it, that makes the worst decisions and got the game unplayable for me at some point, not due to the game or the meta, but their fucking login bullshit.
The meta was also kind of fucked, and they pushed a gameplay style nobody liked, I don't know if in the end this roadmap of being imbecile ended, but for those 2 or more years it was a disaster.

no me deja ponerle 0 pero sino se lo pondria, 2000 horas de mi vida desperdiciadas, sida asco sifilis gonorrea herpes

Absolutely horrible game has absolutely no redeeming qualities

This game is so hit or miss, quite literally as I get hit rejected more than swears that get said per match

פוטנציאל ענק
חרא קהילה עם כל הג'נקסי הזה

too much homework for a hero shooter

Fun with friends and when alone cool operators with cool ability's.

An absolute waste of time and energy. Coming back to this game after years of quitting was a mistake.

I don't know what to say about this, I switch between this and Fortnite, this ones way more competitive.

Love this game, just cant get matches where I live cause the servers are either broken or no one is playing.

Another live service game but I have some sort of addiction to this game as of recent. Love the changes the Devs are implementing, I love the collaborations they do (wish they did more tho), the skill ceiling for me is both a positive and a negative as jt leaves lots of room behind and front of me in terms of players and their skill and such. Overall super fun FPS game

passei bons tempos com esse jogo, sinceramente nn vejo tanta graça nesse jogo como antes
queria o reembolso dos meus elites...

Um dos melhores FPS que já joguei.
O jogo tem 1 ou 2 músicas no máximo, mas o que não tem de música, ele tem de efeito sonoro, que por sinal é muito bom. A comunidade desse jogo também não é das melhores, visto que, você é cobrado com xingamentos por todo erro que comete.
O seu rank não depende tanto da mira, então é possível ir escalando apenas jogando na maldade e na experiência.

Para dizer a verdade, é bem triste ver que o jogo recebeu diversas atualizações péssimas, que pioraram tantos os mapas quanto na dinâmica de gameplay.

Recomendo se você quiser perder algumas horas do seu dia tentando achar pixel para matar os oponentes.

The fell off a little from when I used to play it around year 2-3, but there's still plenty fun to be had. You can get pretty creative with strats and just mess around if you don't want to focus on the competitive side.

Used to be good. Not anymore.

This game is so fun and makes me want to kill myself

Um bom jogo no geral, jogo ele há muito tempo, ele possui mecânicas e personagens muito únicos, mas os bugs e os problemas relacionados aos servidores ACABAM com a experiência do jogador, além de problemas de balanceamento.

i only played operation health and bit after but man it was good.. and now idk what is going on anymore but it’s still pretty decent