Reviews from

in the past

Bayonetta? More like Mayonetta, ‘cause this shit spread me apart!” This joke was brought to you by the legendary @QuentTheSlayer.

The Bayonetta series! One of the most acclaimed franchises I’ve seen in general that nobody ever played. Yeah, can you believe that Bayonetta 2 barely cracked 1 million copies on Switch as of 2021? That's not terrible by any means, but you’d think it’d be a lot higher, since it was practically the Wii U’s only pride and joy, and 3/4ths of the series were heavily funded and promoted by Nintendo, plus almost every DMC game has sold like hotcakes, but no. Oh, sorry to any NES Remix 2 fans out there! Apparently, it wasn't a killer app for the failing Wii U console. Shocker. But, when Bayonetta 2 launched in 2014, they also ported Bayonetta 1 to Wii U, and a few years later, Xbox One, PS4, and the PC. The PC version is the definitive way to play the game, in my opinion. It can run up to 4K resolution, and usually maintains a stable 60fps, unlike a majority of the console versions, which don’t. A shame that Bayonetta 1 has only seen a PC release, because 2 and 3 will probably always be locked to Nintendo Switch and Wii U, as those 2 were Nintendo-funded, and also receive FPS issues, more so Bayonetta 3. But hey, emulation is always free, I suppose. And for the record, in these playthroughs, I will be emulating 2 and 3, just for the best experience possible. An almost locked 60FPS is crucial for almost any modern character action game nowadays, so I just bit the bullet. And for you rare few, I have my lawyers on speed dial if you want to contest this.

Okay, jokes aside, what the hell is a “Bayonetta”? Aside from her name being a clear nod to the weapon, the Bayonet, Bayonetta herself has become an icon within the hack n’ slash genre, and also the fighting game scene. Bayonetta was birthed from the absolute legend, Hideki Kamiya, who also directed the first Devil May Cry title. Rather than a male lead, Bayonetta was designed from the ground up, as a female witch who wielded four guns at a time. Although some shade was initially thrown at the beehive hairstyle, mimicking traditional witch hats, and lacked glasses initially, eventually, they came to a witch, with a heavy focus on the attractiveness of the character. Bayonetta, from the ground up, was designed to be attractive as all get-out, if you couldn’t tell from the box art. This girl just leaves it hanging out there like it’s nobody’s business! Hell, this even floods into gameplay a little bit. The infamous torture attacks have Bayonetta seductively execute her foes, the innuendos, “Climax”, yeah. Hideki Kamiya and crew knew what they were doing, and it shows. However, in spite of the less-than-modest presentation of Bayonetta herself, I’d actually go out on a limb to say that it empowers Bayonetta as a character. In the cutscenes, we see Bayonetta doing all of this wacky shit. She’s having fun! Flirting with her enemies, dancing around them, as she aims to secure the kill. It really makes Bayonetta out as an unstoppable badass, deliberately belittling her foes as she defeats them all promptly. I'm not a woman, so I don't really want to comment on if Bayonetta is necessarily sexist or not, but personally, I never really felt that way. The opening cutscene demonstrates this, with Bayonetta, ambushed by angels while working as a nun, decimating every single Angel in her way with style and grace. And when things get dire, as the angels barely miss her, slicing her nun attire in the products, she fully awakens to her power. And then, the ICONIC song HAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, HAAAAA, AAAAAA, AAAAAAA, AAA, x6 FLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ME TO THE MOON AND LET ME PLAYYYYYYYY AMONG THE STAAAAAAAAAAARS begins at full volume. I love this fucking track. Bayonetta has a good ass soundtrack and if you contest that fact, you're subhuman. But, back to the story and character design itself, giving Bayonetta this massive reach over her enemies demonstrates to the player how powerful Bayonetta is, and how powerful the player CAN be, with the game’s COMBAT.

GOD, Bayonetta's combat makes me SWOON. Never have I ever been so addicted to the controls of a game alone. Each time I listen to Fly Me to the Moon (Infinite Climax), I just want to start Bayonetta all over again. Bayonetta’s combat is EXCELLENT. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Hell, I might even say I enjoy the gameplay loop a little more than Devil May Cry’s gameplay loop, although I’m not entirely sure. Bayonetta herself has a few simple attacks; a punch, kick, shooting, and dodging. You’ll primarily be fighting your foes face on, but that’s not to say your guns don’t get some decent use either. You have 4 guns; two on your hands, and two on your feet. By holding an attack button, you can shoot the guns to give a little extra damage out, corresponding to which attack you throw out. So, punch to shoot the hand guns, or kick to shoot the heel guns. Or, alternatively, you can shoot your hand guns on your own, if you don’t feel like punching enemies in the face. But believe me folks, it doesn’t end there. The combo system of Bayonetta goes far deeper than you may think. Bayonetta retains the delay-based systems of Devil May Cry, but given the choice of hands and guns, the combos become much, MUCH deeper than before. Your average Devil May Cry combo goes like this. Slash, slash, wait, slash, slash. Whereas an average Bayonetta combo goes like this; Punch, punch, kick, kick, wait, kick. It adds complexity, but still remains simple enough to master. Bayonetta’s other main stick is her Witch Time, and upon dodging a majority of attacks at the last second, Bayonetta will slow down time for every enemy, and yeah, it’s as satisfying as it sounds. Outside of looking and feeling really good to do, the obvious benefit of slowing down time also adds a score multiplier to each attack done in Witch Time. So there’s no real reason to not be in Witch Time as much as possible, even if you can’t land a few attacks in. It feels great to pull off each time, just getting to wail on your enemies each time feels immaculate to watch and play. Even more immaculate is the Climaxes and Executions, which have you executing enemies in just the cutest way possible, usually killing them in a single shot. So, all of this versatility sounds pretty overpowered, right? How does Bayon- Wait, I’ve already used this segway in my Repentance review. Shit.

Straight and to the point, Bayonetta is one of the most deviously difficult games that I’ve ever played. Goddamn, I wasn’t expecting to die THIS much when going in. I knew that it wouldn’t be an easy game, but FUCK the Witch Hunts, seriously. But if it isn’t one of the most consistently fair games that I’ve played, too. Every attack is cued to perfection. To avoid frustration, most attacks have a bright shine and sound cue to it. The attacks themselves hit incredibly hard, but if you can dodge them, you’ll be a master of Bayonetta. Guess which camp I fell in? I was planning on doing a no items run of Bayonetta, but at Chapter 9, I caved. The game was just too hard for me. But, that’s okay, because before that, I was only getting Stone ranks, and each use of an item counts as half of a death, so there really wasn’t much difference in my overall score. What DID have an effect on my score were the Quick Time Events, though.

God, these just need to go. Bayonetta is an amazing game and all that jazz, but MAN, these got on my nerves really quickly. My main problem is that a grand majority of them lead to an instant death for no good reason at all, and they quite literally show up out of nowhere. At the very least, at least make the failure state cause minor damage or make it repeatable, because an outright kill from something you couldn’t see coming is not fun game design. Imagine that you’re on the way to a Pure Platinum in Chapter 2. You haven’t got hit a single time, and when you finally kill the boss without damage, you set down the controller satisfyingly, only to forget the instant kill at the VERY end of the chapter. Come on, dude! Talk about cheap and frustrating design. This especially hurt as someone who has really good hand-eye coordination, and played the Steam release with a Switch Pro Controller, as the direction of buttons doesn’t line up with the prompts on screen, as inputting the wrong buttons very frequently leads to Bayonetta’s demise. And don’t input them TOO early, because that kills you, too! For some reason. Speaking of bosses, they were... somewhat of a mixed bag. None of them are outright terrible, but there’s definitely a fair share of hot air between them. Sometimes, there’s not a whole lot to do other than firing your guns at them. They also have QTEs, although most are optional, thankfully. And failing usually doesn’t kill you, thank the fucking lord. Also on the plus side, all of the Jeanne fights were AWESOME. She serves as a skill check; Witch Time and guns won’t work for a majority of attacks, and she’s among the most threatening bosses in the entire game, packing speed and some hella’ Wicked weaves. Each encounter is almost perfectly crafted, requiring the utmost mastery of skills. And that music, man. Every 10/10 game NEEDS a 10/10 soundtrack, too. It’s simply inseparable. Jeanne is essentially the Vergil of Bayonetta, and those DMC comparisons don’t stop there.

Like DMC, you can buy abilities in the shop, all of which are of great variety and utility. In fact, I’d go as far to say that Bayonetta has a greater variety of skills than a majority of Devil May Cry games (obviously disregarding DMC 2). Good GOD, the moves you can pull off are so distinctive from one another. The Beast Within moves are among the best in the entire game, the Breakdance is a great AOE attack, also useful for revealing those hidden halos and other items, man. It’s all so good! Sure, the heel stomp attack could be a little more useful, but for the most part, all of these abilities are awesome! Uhhhh. I’m out of good segways. Shit.

Okay, time to talk about the final few chapters, and WOW, these aren’t all that great, unfortunately. Chapter 14 is mostly Space Harrier that just lasts far too long. At the end, there’s a Jeanne fight, though, which is my personal favorite of the Jeanne fights, because she has the best, most difficult attacks of them all. I kind of wonder why they didn’t just split the two chapters, though. Imagine fucking up the Platinum and then having to do Space Harrier all over again. Ugh. Chapter 15 is a... boss rush. It’s not the worst thing in the world, but it’s just kind of... okay. Chapter 16, the final traditional misson, is just a boss fight, against Balder, and the fight would’ve been PERFECT, if it weren’t for the fucking camera. It’s like Jeanne; no Witch Time, no guns, just you and a fight to the death. The camera is just far too up close. But it's still a great send-off, into the EPILOUGE, of course. The FINAL final boss, Jubileus, is a solid little send off to the game, but I think it's just a bit too easy? First off though, Jubileus is fucking hot and you cannot say otherwise, but secondly, the boss herself hovers above you, slamming sword thingies down, and those shoot projectiles at you. Not too bad to dodge, you just Witch Time them, and bam. Beat their asses. She'll also end up changing the arena every now and then, one covered in lava, one in ice, and one in the middle of a tornado. You, once again, have to destroy the swords she plants down, and Witch Time is the key to success. Really, her fight is pretty straightforward. Most of her attacks are pretty slow and predictable, and the one that poses a threat is the Black Hole attack, which is a reset, but other than that… yeah. It's fun, but too easy in my opinion. But of course, this is capped off with the most awesome Climax. Bayonetta does an awesome 20 second long dance, summoning a massive hair demon with oddly feminine proportions (god this game is weird and I love it), and it beats the shit out Jubileus in one fell love tap, knocking Jubileus’s soul out of her body into the goddamn SUN. Yeah, talk about a fucking climax. Oh, you can control her soul as she falls? You know what? Fuck Jupiter, am I righ- I DIED??? …Okay, that makes sense. Anyways one dumb decision later, Jubileus’s body falls to the earth, brief lesbianism occurs, we destroy her body, Bayonetta dies, actually no, bisexualism occurs, Bayo winks, CREDIT ROLL!!!!

No hyperbole or anything, Bayonetta is one of my favorite games that I've played this year, and maybe one of my favorite games of all time. A must play for almost anybody. Sure, the game has it's low points (how the FUCK did i not mention Grace and Glory during this???), but overall, it's REALLY fucking fun, and serves as one of the best character action games ever made, andI'll for sure be returning for Hard Mode and afterwards, INFINITE CLIMAX (funny). Bayonetta is on Steam, PS4, and Xbox One for 10 bucks, and the game more than makes up for that price, I'd say. I'm not sure about Xbox 360 and PS3, but Bayonetta is also on Switch for $30, which is a bit of an eh deal, but hey, you get a $20 discount for Bayonetta 2 if you buy it. Speaking of Bayonetta 2, that's NOT up next, but rather Bayonetta: Bloody Fate. Yeah, for the first time in zeusdeegoose history, we have a cross-media review series (if you discount Isaac I guess). I'm still playing through Bayonetta 2, and it seems destined to be another banger, but hey, we'll see in the review. I don't know about Bayonetta 3 as I actually haven't even touched it, but from what I heard, there's some… opinions on it. But, once again we'll see. But, the moral of the story? Bayonetta is awesome and I like it. Go buy 15 copies of it right now, and I hope that you have an awesome day.

guy who has only played devil may cry and doesn't know it's from the same director:
"Getting a lot of devil may cry vibes with this..."

Really good hack n slash. Gameplay is fluent and fun. Story, music and art is also really good, love the gothic vibe they went for. My only complaint is that the transofrmation is two times dodge which makes the gameplay in the latter half of the game alot worse so i recommend maybe modding it to another button or smth. Really recommend it its really fun and not that long.

There are many who like to rewrite history when it comes to this game, either in a positive or negative light.
The truth is when it first released it wasn't received that well, with some fair criticism, such as the blatantly unfinished cutscenes likely due to small budget and time constraint, and many unfair ones who targeted the character of Bayonetta itself.
The reality is this, like many Platinum games, is an extremely solid game when it comes to action and gameplay, but a rather weak wherever they have cut corners, ultimately though I do recommend it.

she's about to become my whole new personality

esque c'est le jeu prefer de Julia Bayonetta, si oui dite lui que je l'aime beaucoup

Bayonetta is one of the best hack and slash games.

It`s impossible write about this game and not mention the similarities with Devil May Cry, which both games are directed by Kamiya.
Combat and characters influence by DMC, favour a lot Bayonetta experience and it's very fun to play.
DMC influences also damage the game, story is absurdly similar to DMC 4, at least, it's a lot better than DMC 4. Level design and structure are other two aspects which resemble DMC 4, good bosses but the game insists in re-use a lot of times and a bad execution of buss rush feature, a positive point about level design that the levels are more open and variable than DMC frachise.

Moreover, this game is very hard.
I loved this game, can't wait to play the other two

jogo ruim personagem feia o criadro é um viado o cachorro um puto

O jogo é muito divertido, a jogabilidade é muito satisfatória e o humor do jogo me agradou bastante também.

le dedique un par de totas a bayonetta, muy buen juego

[16 hours playtime] Crazy action! Sexy women! One of the best action games on the PS3.

EPIC AS SHIT , I love the way the game changes alot to not make me bored . Will try the other games real soon

"As long as there's music, I'll keep on dancing"

Um jogo feito pela Platinum Games, sobre uma bruxa sexy que usa pistolas nos pés e também abusa de seu cabelo para invocar demônios e que mata seres com aparências "angelicais", dirigido pelo Hideki Kamiya, criador da minha franquia favorita de Hack'n'Slash, e claro... polêmico... muito polêmico (até hoje)... tinha como dar errado?


Bayonetta é o puro suco do esmaga botão, ainda sendo feito pelo cara que praticamente popularizou... ou melhor, talvez não seja prepotente em dizer, que patenteou o gênero do Hack'n'Slash... aqui ele acerta mais uma vez em criar um combate com identidade, originalidade e gostoso de bater, talvez uma das coisas que mais atrapalha o combate é a câmera (que parece ser uma maldição recorrente do gênero que não sai nem por reza, não importa o jogo).

Falando em identidade, é algo que o jogo sustenta até o final seja em trilha sonora, direção, cenários, inimigos e obviamente, os personagens... que conseguem ser bastante carismáticos e extravagantes, principalmente se falarmos da Bayonetta, que carrega toda aquela polêmica da "sexualidade exagerada" em cima dela, porém na minha visão, existe uma função em cima dessa sexualidade... além de obviamente proporcionar cenas totalmente bizarras e cômicas... muito além de criar esse tipo de cena, essa sexualidade em volta da personagem conversa muito com a sua personalidade e seu jeito de lidar com as situações que ela enfrenta. A Bayonetta é extremamente soberba (mesmo ela sabe disso), seja no quesito força ou beleza, então ela não se importa em destacar seus pontos mais fortes, muitas das vezes pra demonstrar confiança, demonstrar que não possui fraqueza em nenhum quesito sobre si, diante de qualquer situação complicada (como ter que lidar com uma possível destruição do mundo inteiro), ademais de também querer provocar e zoar seus inimigos, então a tal da sexualização polêmica que ronda a personagem, na minha interpretação, vai muito além do que só mostrar que a personagem é sexy, tem um propósito envolvido e que funciona.

A história admito que com o passar do tempo, eu já não curtia tanto, principalmente levando em consideração quando ele tenta ter uma carga mais "dramática" perto do final... eu não acho que funciona tão bem assim, principalmente quando praticamente durante a metade inteira do jogo, a história é totalmente quase uma novela de tão escrachada, então não acho que o jogo conseguiu misturar bem essa super comédia e o tom de seriedade em alguns momentos... sem falar no recurso de roteiro safado, conveniente pra caramba, no final do jogo, que não faz sentido nenhum. Além de também alguns personagens que muitas vezes parecem não ter exatamente motivações tão claras no enredo para estarem ali.

Existem algumas missões, que MEU DEUS DO CÉU, POR QUE ELAS EXISTEM??? como a famosa missão da moto, que é horrível, ou até mesmo a missão que você controla um míssil.... são horríveis em level design e até mesmo jogabilidade.

As boss fights, são INSANAS... são muito FODAS, são bem equilibradas (uma hora os filho da puta te bate, outra hora tu apanha), mas.. durante o progresso do jogo, começa a rolar uma repetição, uma repescagem de boss fight... então o mesmo boss que tu matou na missão 4, aparece mais 3 vezes depois pra tu matar de novo, em uma versão mais nerfada... e po... é meio broxante... não sei o motivo pra essa repescagem, não sei se foi proposital, mas é zuado.

Bayonetta por muito tempo foi meu porto seguro... sempre que não tinha vontade de jogar absolutamente NADA, eu entrava na minha Steam e instalava o jogo, e sempre com a ideia de: "AGORA SIM, EU FAÇO 100% DESSA PORRA"...

Essa minha promessa durou 4 anos... de tempos em tempos (mais especificamente uma vez por ano), eu sempre jogava Bayonetta por um ou dois dias, pegava uma conquista ou outra, mas no final eu sempre acabava largando o jogo e voltava a jogar somente no próximo ano, então com o passar do tempo, eu fui fazendo 100%, porém bem aos pouquinhos... até que em pleno 2024, finalmente decidi que já era hora de terminar essa nossa relação confusa... e devo dizer, zerar isso aqui na dificuldade mais difícil, é um teste de paciência... mas valeu a pena... a platina do jogo é desafiadora, porém gostosa de fazer.

Extra: a versão "Fly me to the Moon" dessa porra é viciante e é um pecado que não tenha no Spotify.

Motivos para jogar Bayonetta:

-Bayonetta mamãe de menina
-Trilha sonora boa
-gameplay legal
-tem a bayonetta sendo amassada por um cubo e ficando igual o seu madruga amassado pelo seu barriga
-ela tem armas no salto dela, não sei como mas tem
-Black & Red
-Fly to the moon
-Mysterious Destiny
-Bayonetta tem 8 horas de gameplay, superando assim o bosta of evil remake 3
-mata todos os anjos, sendo assim a primeira protagonista ateia da história
-tem a jeanne
-Já falei que ela é mamãe de menina?

A obra-prima do camp nos anos 2000, Bayonetta é pra o videogame o equivalente ao que o Erotica foi pra o pop nos anos 90. Apenas um calvo como Kamiya teria poder suficiente pra criar algo tão gay.

Gave me more road rage than in real life, that's an absolute accomplishment

Would I have enjoyed this game more if I didn't have prideful perfectionist brain sending me back to main menu (Bayonetta~) every time I took damage on an "easy" fight, despite mostly getting a Gold combo for my cautious trouble? Yes.
Would I also have enjoyed this game more if the PC port didn't fail to load in the models of objects and characters, at best making cutscenes look more ridiculous and at worst forcing another quit to menu (Bayonetta~)? Also yes.
Centering your game's mechanics around perfect dodge slowdown is cool both in concept and execution, but as it turns out, it builds a huge crutch for when late game enemies are balanced by only having certain attacks activate Witch Time when dodged.

Run on Sentence X 3: 30 Points X Coffee Time Bonus

Aunque entendí poco la historia, igual se siente entretenido. Me gusta mucho el setting de las criaturas celestiales biblicas reimaginadas. La canción si está bien pegajosa aunque la escuché 341234 veces. El combate es muy entretenido, y si se sienten utiles muchos de los combos (aunque igual y usaba los mismos la mayoria de las veces) dificil a ratos, pero pocas veces fue realmente frustrante. Al final te dan un premio dependiendo de que tan bien lo hayas hecho, y en eso radica la dificultad. Tu mismo eliges que nivel de premio quieres llevarte. Puntos para como utiliza la sensualidad de manera muy inteligente y no como simple fa service entrometido.

Barring a few mini games that overstay their welcome, I had a good time with this.

This review contains spoilers

the point of this game is to experience what it's like to be the most stylish most camp most beautiful drag queen with the power of gun legs and infinite pussy hair and moon and turn into cat one million and it is perfect at being that. some of the parts where you have to click a button really fast were too hard. the lore and plot are inscrutable but who gives a shit thats not why im here. they should make more games that are fantasy dominatrix simulators i wish to whip and spank all manner of arcane meaty beasts. in my experience most video games of note end with you either killing your dad or killing god and this combines the two in a very satisfying manner

Bayonetta was a game that helped me overcome a very difficult moment in my life, her childish way of seeing life, how every battle is a dance for her, helped me understand that situations approached with humor are easier to solve.
Gameplay wise its a fun beat em up with a bunch of different combos and it feels like a long beautiful dance with enemies

One of the best HNS ever made

Dodge offset is incredibly simple and requires no thought it just hurts my hands to do over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over for an entire fight.

I have no idea what Platinum were smoking around their Bayonetta/Vanquish era. All I know is that we need to try and find more of it to gift to a lot of modern game studios. Great action combat and style with Gurren Lagann levels of escalation over the course of the game. It's not my favourite spectacle fighter, but it's one of the more memorable.