Reviews from

in the past

Está buenazo, es peak, es jodidamente peak
Es buenísimo, lo recomiendo una putísima banda
No me importa si al final es una historia real o analogía del creador
Es excelente, está re bien pensada, es entretenida, interesante e íntima
Cuanto más avanzás en el juego, más personal se pone
En los últimos niveles por poco lloro
Juegazo realmente

Honestly I think I prefer this to The Stanley Parable because, despite not only being a meta look at games and the relation between player, game and game designer, it is also a about people and art in general. I also feel it has much more emotional depth. I can see a lot of my own flaws in Davey and the game makes me feel guilty in being complicit in what he is doing. I also see myself in Coda as well.
Even after thinking about this a lot I still feel there is layers I do not understand, and I think it works like that with each interpretation being as real as the next. A short experience but one that I will not soon forget.

tremendo aunque no me encantó el final. pero es meta, del creador de the stanley parable, y entra en mi género fav de juegos!! (indies de dos horas max que te dejan pensando o llorando)

An incredibly meaningful work that touches on aspects of the human condition, the meaning of art, its purpose, who its for, and what we owe it. Highly recommended.

"Maybe he just liked making prisons."

yeah no I barely know how to approach writing about this so I'm just not going to. what am I even supposed to say to this? I can only really respond with superlatives, like "the most I've seen myself reflected in a piece of art ever", "the most I've cried to a piece of art in forever" etc etc. Broke down weeping during the final game and I never really stopped until I hit the credits - it's an experience where I feel like it's deeply important to me, even if I don't understand how yet. fuck, man.

The story of a trans woman and the world's least healthy egg. Good luck to both of them.

I don't care about the meta aspect of Davey's games. If this game is so damn good, it's because it normalize the use and making of experimental games, which can be a major inspiration for young creators and help young players seeing far beyond the "game fun, game good", WHILE also having a vast understanding of Game Design and how to play with expectations (a thing he already did in Stanley Parable). Truly a Beginner's Guide I guess.

uma das maiores chapações que eu já tive jogando um jogo, foi uma experiência interessante e extremamente existencial, mas acho que o público alvo desse jogo seria devs, desenvolvedores de jogos porque as discussões apresentadas ali são muito nichadas, mas ainda assim, continua sendo uma grande experiência.

Da igual los años que hayan pasado desde que este juego-experiencia viera la luz, es un relato que está muy vivo y no pasa de moda. Como un buen libro que deja poso y te dan ganas de compartirlo y compartir las experiencias vividas con los demás.

Ayer estaba realmente pocha, había acabado una historia bien narrada, bien contada y sobre todo bien jugada. Su parte final te rompe en mil pedazos creándote un nudo en la garganta, esos nudos que solo aparecen cuando algo te toca profundamente.

Esta guía es la visión de un desarrollador que se vio abrumado por la crítica, un desarrollador pequeño que solo quería crear y se vio arrastrado por los problemas de producir el juego para ayer, los crunch, las bajas o nulas ventas y las criticas…

Hace mil parrafos os decia que os guardarais la pregunta de quien es CODA, mi conclusion es que puede ser el mismo Davey o puede ser cualquier Dev novato, e incluso tú, o yo mandando textos a alguien conocido y queriendo saber su opinión, la cosa se desmadre...

Es un juego para todos, no solo para que los creadores vean los problemas a los que se pueden enfrentar, sino a los jugadores o no jugadores a que no hagamos juicios precipitados. Y sobre todo de respetar la privacidad del individuo, y de escuchar, sobre todo de escuchar al otro, y de estar ahí, a su lado, dando apoyo si lo quiere y apartándonos si no, pero haciéndole saber QUE ESTAREMOS AHÍ, para cuando quiera esa persona.

El egoísmo, el yo, la visión propia… The Beginners Guide es el JUEGO, es una obra que debe ser jugada por todos, para aprender a analizar, dejar de sacar conclusiones y juicios precipitados. Y por supuesto es una obra que te ayuda a entender mejor el mundo de los Desarrolladores.

Reseña completa en mi patreon:

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I think maybe the impact of a creative work being distorted by an observer was lessened a bit by me trying to remember how to bnuuy for an hour, and getting annoyed by the invisible walls. I'm so clueless about it in source games that I didn't even realize that this is on the portal 2 engine and that source doesn't work like goldsrc at all.

There's a point in the personal narrative where (I'm very stupid) I realized that the events are not just dramatized, but complete fiction, and it sort of reset my investment in the characters, to the point I didn't care about them as much as I had, by the end.

Davey Wreden casualling solo-releasing a genuine expression of the heart that goes beyond the line of phenomenality

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From up here it just looks like dots.

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A conversation about creating lampposts when there were none to begin with. Become one with the spiraling nonsense.