Reviews from

in the past

Eu particularmente nunca gostei tanto desse jogo, ele não foi tão legal na época, e nem depois quando tentei novamente, até tinha umas mecanicas legais, mas o jogo parece que foi feito com má vontade, foi lançado no mesmo ano que Silent hill 2, DMC, Halo, e não parece ter sido feito no mesmo ano, de tão antiquado que parece.

Played some of the mobile version but not the console version.

GTA's transition to 3D was great, and obviously compared to the games that followed after it like Vice City or San Andreas, it is rougher and still retains the essence of being more arcadey like the 2D GTA games. Here the missions are hard af, all the gangs wants you dead, and police cars are fast as shit. Also don't expect much from the story, it's not a big deal.
Besides, I also have a lot of love for the game because it was the first GTA I played (I played the PS2 port when I was a kid).

La nuova era partì da qui. Ci ho ricavato un nickname dalla cutscene della missione di Asuka.

This is definitely the first 3D GTA alright. It's an okay time, sound track is cool, I like the visuals, and even though the vehicle physics are awful, I actually enjoy driving around listening to the music. The missions are nothing special and imo are only hard due to design choices (likely due to limitations at the time), so much so that I couldn't help but think about how easy some of them would be in a modern GTA. Story kept me engagedish, I guess, not enough to finish the game tho, more on that later. Cops are pretty fucking annoying and the way you have to lose them is pretty annoying, you have to memorize where things are yourself, or pull up a map on the side. I ended up just using cheats to make my life easier and lose them as soon as it got too much. At best missions are eh, at worst they're tedious and annoying.

Which is why I abandoned this title, my game tweaked out and crashed causing me to lose like 3 hours of progress, and with all the above in mind it was not worth it to me to go thru it again for more mediocre gameplay when there's 4 other 3D GTAs for me to go through.

Esse é definitivamente um dos GTA já feitos.

O jogo é antigo e é bom pra época, mas hoje é frustrante jogar isso.

A classic game that I played as kid but never actually beat until now that I picked up the Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy for Xbox. Its flawed but man do later games get exponentially better.

23 years old and still has a better open world then some games nowadays

also vividly remember the kid at my elementary school who told me about the word "shit" loving the Shit out of this game back around 2003 and i was fascinated by his descriptions of what could take place in it. probably better than most Sony Computer Entertainment Incorporated Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC works from the past 6-7 or so years, which are just barely-evolved versions of what DMA design was cooking up here and a little bit earlier with space station silicon valley on the n64. i usually get pretty bored about halfway in every time i've played, and just end up driving around liberty city listening to some mad tunes from the legendary moving shadow records or some dubs mixed by the scientist over at king tubby's (rip) studio. that's pretty much the case with every subsequent game in this series, but with different music, actually.

Had this on PS2 back in 2020. No waypoints, aiming is shit, and the radio stations suck ass. Didn't care 4 it. also rampage missions were boring

A sensação de jogar GTA 3 pela primeira vez é fascinante. Fascinação pelo mundo aberto revolucionário da época que a Rockstar conseguiu proporcionar, um mundo aberto que, apesar de muito simples, consegue ser envolvente.

Situado nas ruas movimentadas de Liberty City, GTA 3 faz você se sentir como Robert de Niro em Taxi Driver. A liberdade de explorar, completar missões e causar estragos é incomparável, tornando cada jogo uma aventura única.

Entretanto, GTA 3 não envelheceu muito bem. Apesar de ser meu jogo favorito da franquia, seus erros são indiscutíveis. A história do jogo não é tão cativante assim, e muito da IA deste jogo é apenas estranha.

O fator nostalgia e a jogabilidade atemporal são o que garantem que GTA III continue sendo um jogo obrigatório para qualquer jogador que queira experimentar um verdadeiro clássico.

While I do respect the revolutionary legacy of this game, it doesn't save it from being a frustrating nightmare that ruined my experience.

Lack of checkpoints when dying.
Fragile and hard to control vehicles.
Insufferable brutal police AI.
Bad to straight up unfair mission design.
Forgettable story and characters.

Thank God I played Vice City and San Andreas first.

fun but frustrating to play nowadays

Impossível negar o impacto desse jogo na indústria, mas, infelizmente, jogá-lo atualmente é um grande teste de paciência que não recompensa o suficiente.

This was a strong candidate to 4.5 stars until i played the paramedic missions and it opened my eyes to some of the worst vehicle physics of any videogame i ever played. Even on the XBOX version with analog triggers it's impossible.
Still my favorite GTA in terms of map design, aesthetics and setting though.

Story 4.3 | Gameplay 3.8 | Audio 4 | Visual 2.7 | Details 4.5 | Entertainment 5 | Open World 3.5

Total 4

La revolución de los sand-box, que a día de hoy puede que se quede un poco corto respecto a contenido o las cosas que puedes hacer, pero aun así, es maravilloso

When I played this game, there was no going back.

100% культовая и важная для индустрии игра, но абсолютно не прошедшая проверку временем

i played this game when i was way too young to play it but my vehicle kept flipping over and exploding in the tutorial and id keep failing and it made me so upset that i turned it off

My first entry in to the series and I loved killing the triads. 10/10 memories

GTA is GTA, and it's always is going to be good there's no question in that. GTA III was the first GTA to go 3D and it really revolutionized the gaming industry. It innovated so much and laid the ground work for what a GTA game can be today. Considering that this game released 23 years ago at this point, it's really amazing that it is still a somewhat fun game to play.

I say somewhat because it did become a chore for me to get through. Not counting the 2D games, I think personally that this is the worst GTA. While I can appreciate what the game achieved in it's time and kickstarted the franchise like we know it, it's a very tedious game to play. The physics that they could achieve at the time are in 2024 frustrating to work with. Outside of the frustrating controls and behavior of cars, the story wasn't that interesting either. So the gameplay isn't that great and the story isn't either. Point being that I didn't really enjoy the whole experience. The problem is that it has really started to age and compared to modern games it is tough to connect with. I don't have a nostalgia factor with this game either.

It just got boring after a while. I finished the story but I did not complete all side activities because I couldn't be bothered anymore.
While I did not fully enjoy this game, I can appreciate what it achieved and I can appreciate the iconic moments that it brought.

Dated by now but you have to respect the standard this game set for everything Rockstar, and other developers, have done after with third-person open world games.

But some of these missions are just 😤😤!

Ну на самом деле я думал будет намнооого душнее часть, а нет, вроде как то пролетела игрулька с кайфом))
Есть всё таки некий приятный вайб у трёшки. Атмосфера такая, будто тебе сейчас 7 лет, времени за компом осталось 30 минут, завтра рано в школу вставать на Правописание, и ты катаешься себе и катаешься...

Первая трёхмерная GTA, перевернувшая геймдев, и в наши дни смотрится достойно.
Рекомендую купить это легендарное творение даже за полную стоимость. Прошёл два раза. Оба — с преогромным наслаждением