Reviews from

in the past

Лучший опен ворлд начала нулевых.

foi o jogo que começou os gta 3d, mas ele é muito difícil, algumas missões são terríveis e o port de pc é horrível

released in 2001 and aged poorly in 2020

valorant was released in 2020 and aged poorly in 2020

envejecio para la mierda y es una chota pero en su momento fue el inicio de un cambio gaymer

Любимая Игра Детства

Por ser um dos pioneiros dos jogos mundo abertos em 3D eu respeito esse jogo ao máximo, porém infelizmente mais uma vez não tankei joga-lo até o final.

Uma experiência que ficou extremamente datada e que joga-lo hoje em dia exige um nível de paciência quase que de um monge, e eu acho que tô velho demais pra dar rage em jogo.

Se não quer passar raiva nem recomendo que jogue, porém se não for o caso, jogue essa versão de PS2, por ser a original é a que oferece a "melhor" experiência.

I distinctly remember the first time I ever saw this game at my friend's house and we took turns causing as much chaos as we possibly could and seeing how long we could evade the police and it was obvious this game was special.

Aged horribly. Janky, broken. Unfair shotguns. Story is a null. Only play for historical reasons.

It's so crazy to me how this was the first 3d gta game and Rockstar nailed it so perfectly. Liberty city is just as fun to traverse as it as in gta 4 and when mixed with memorable characters this game makes for a great time. I don't have an strong opinions on the story in gta 3, I think for their first try it's pretty good. My main criticism is that Claude doesn't talk, which for me at least makes me feel less involved in the story similar to gta online. I also feel like the story just kind of ends rather abruptly, like one minute your doing missions normally and then all of a sudden the credits are rolling. On the topic of missions, some of them in this game as just SOOOOO hard for no reason at all, I'm looking at you "grand theft auto" and "grand theft aero". The gameplay in gta 3 is also not the best, gunplay can be tricky at times and it feels like you die after 3 shots which makes the game extra hard during missions with big shootouts. Overall, gta 3 has a lot of good and a lot of bad which when put together make for a fairly solid start to the 3d gta games.

I understand the importance of GTA3, trust me I know!! but I still can't bring myself to attempt to beat the story all the way through. As a younger human, it didn't interest me that much, and now as an adult, GTA3 still does not do much for me. I can't help but think "Man I wish I was playing San Andreas, or Vice City right now." I will always recognize its importance in gaming history and pop culture as we all do.. but it just doesn't do it for me.

An absolute landmark moment for gaming. Maybe Elder Scrolls inspired it but GTA3 felt like the moment where from then on everything became an open world game

didnt age well, but almost better then 4

The atmosphere is such a depressive, ominous '90's yorkie vibe

Please don't take it as granted – I think it really adds up to Claude's psychopathic secrecy

I didn't even like it when it came out, now it is just a fossil

fun game but holy fuck the AI is terrible the police are so ruthless its quite funny

Bazı oyunlar vardır "zor"dur bazı oyunlar ise "Kanser"dir işte GTA 3 bunun için en iyi örnek. Zorluğu bir kenara bırakırsak oyun dünyasına büyük bir devrim yapmıştır yiğidi öldür hakkını yeme.

It may have been great for 2001, but GTA III really is one of the rare few games that got crumpled against the test of time. It's fun to visit for a few hours, but excessively repetitive.

Revolutionary, Outstanding, Changed the Game....I like Vice City more

Grand Theft Auto III was a revolution in the world of video games. Its transition to a fully explorable 3D environment, combined with a gripping narrative and unprecedented freedom of action, created a new standard for the open-world genre. The depth, complexity and immersion that GTA III offered were unparalleled at the time and continue to influence games to this day.

Rating: 6/10.

Pretty frustrating and janky but fun if you cheat your way through it and look for ways to cheese the missions. The story is pretty sparse, especially compared to the other games, but the atmosphere is completely on point and the game is almost unintentionally a period piece just by virtue of being 23 years old.

In 2001, this game is as groundbreaking to the video game industry as the construction of the first nuclear power plant. Nobody has seen an open world experience like this before.

For the first time ever, people on PS2 get to free roam in a huge metropolitan imitation of NYC and commit violent crimes without a care in the world. Sounds scary to your parents? That's precisely why it's so fun! The cops formula pretty much stayed unchanged in the GTA series and I suspect fighting the cops is perhaps one of the fondest memories of all GTA players out there.

As groundbreaking as the game was, however, it is unfortunately very outdated in today's standard. I couldn't give less of a fuck about the game's plotline as it is just uninteresting and pretty much irrelevant. We didn't get any iconic characters like we did in later games. Claude is perhaps the most iconic but he couldn't even mutter a single alphabet.

The controls are extremely clunky, especially for the gunplay, but that is very much understandable for the era and the console the game was release on. The clunky shooting does its job so I am not gonna beat it too much, it works. What is extremely frustrating though, is the control of the cars. It doesn't feel good at all to drive in this game. I can't tell you how many times I lost the paramedic mission because that stupid ambulance decides to flip for no fucking reason at all. The offroad cars are absolutely terrible in this game as they have no grip whatsoever and is therefore extremely prone to roll over. The driving mechanic got much improved later on in Vice City, making the GTA3's driving even more frustrating when you come back to it.

There was also a lack of interesting cars and things to do with money. In later games you have all sorts of cool cars yet in this game all the cars look worse than a Chinese copycat of Hot Wheels. Seriously? The Cheetah was supposed to be a Testarossa? In what dimension does that look like a fucking Testarossa? Also all you can do with your money is buy more guns to shoot up the cops. Before you know it, you will end up with a fortune you just can't spend.

Compared to the myriad of radio stations we get in later games, the radio stations in GTA3 is extremely limited and just simply not as good. The only radio station I listen to is chatterbox because all the other music stations are just mid. Lazlow is gold though.

The last thing I want to touch upon is the weapon system. The M16 and the shotgun is extremely busted in this game. I pretty sure 2 shotguns shots will blow up a car and a spray of M16 is just a death sentence to anything. Seriously though, the M16 is so busted surviving the 6 star is all but impossible. Don't go to St Marks after completing Portland as the Mafia will destroy your car with their shotguns. And don't get a 6 star because you will be having a very bad time with the soldiers wielding M16s.

It is nice to play the game that started it all and I can definitely see why it was revolutionary back then. However, when compared to later iterations in the series, GTA3 is just completely outclassed and doesn't age very well at all.

GTA III prova que ser um dos jogos mais revolucionários da história dos videogames, não garante que a obra será atemporal; o que no caso de GTA III, é uma triste realidade. A campanha é cheia de missões genéricas e sem graça; o dinheiro funciona muito mais como um score, não tendo utilidade efetiva além de comprar munição e armas; os veículos explodem com muito facilidade, então vocês podem imaginar o meu ódio nas missões de perseguição, considerando que nessa época estes jogos não tinha checkpoint; e a narrativa é ruim, pois em nenhum momento a história parece estar sendo conduzida por um arco maior para seu protagonista, que é só um faz-tudo da máfia, da Yakuza, e de quem mais estiver disposto a pagar. Até existe uma história de vingança aqui, mas eu mal notei que era sobre isso até chegar na missão final. Enfim, eu respeito a revolução promovida por este jogo, mas mais de 20 após seu lançamento, ele simplesmente não sobreviveu ao teste do tempo.

Didn't age to well
Since you don't have the option to view the full map it becomes a problem in some missions like the marked men and espresso 2 go since you don't know where to go
And the vehicle physics were horrible and the story was decent
The shooting was outdated
It's truly needs a remake

If you wanna fantasize about being a mafia boss. This is the game for you.

This was a super influential game. But damn do I just lose interest after a while when most of the fun is had just wrecking the sandbox.

It's one of those "Great back then, barely passable now" kind of games.