Reviews from

in the past

The most fun thing about this game is playing it over and over again to get as few deaths as possible. Music is great too.

Classic of the genre. Simple but effective, and great music too.

3288 Flips e 1181 mortes, sala mais difícil com 227 mortes.
trilha sonora boa pra caralho

Got this on 3DS as a kid and never was able to beat it. Finally got it here and it's a blast. Old fashioned fun and tough platforming.

Cool little game with some interesting mechanics. "Do try harder" is stupid and took up 10% of my deaths alone.

there will never be another vvvvvv

My history with this game goes way back to 2014 or so when I was working at the activity center at the local YMCA. My job was to supervise kids playing video games, but they gave me a computer, and this game was available in browser, so what are you gonna do?

This is probably the game I've played the most in my life because it's just so fun, and it's super short. I proved earlier this year that I still have the muscle memory to do Veni Vidi Vici fairly flawlessly. Needless to say, this game will probably pop up again on my list when I'm feeling bored.

Goede game die je snel kan uitspelen. Zeker de 5 euro waard (die regelmatig wordt afgeprijsd)

Second time was a little worse cuz I already knew some stuff

A boiled down metroidvania, with progression coming from individual mechanics being introduced by the environment rather than some new powers. Nice and bite sized too.

VVVVVV is a dead simple game with a dead simple spin on the platformer genre; removing the ability to jump in place of the ability to reverse gravity. Around this simple premise, everything is designed. There is not a single concept in this game that is not in the pursuit of testing the player's ability to flip and control their movement with precision and speed. In short, VVVVVV is an incredibly low-stakes operation. The story, while occasionally humourous, is ultimately meaningless outside of its ability to compel the player from point A to point B.

VVVVVV is the epitome of "if you can't do it right, then don't do it at all". Nothing is here that doesn't need to be, and everything that is here is polished to a shine.

Thank you, VVVVVV. Thank you for never letting me down once.