Reviews from

in the past

Hikaye olarak bazı noktalarda sorunlu. Özellikle ten rengi olayını oyun gözümüze sokuyor. Şahsi fikrim o tarz bir durumda kimsenin ten rengi önemli değil. Önemli olan yaptığı iş. Bir diğer noktaysa hikayede bazı yerlerde tutarsızlık ve aşırıya kaçma var. Spoiler olmasın diye girmeyeceğim. Hikaye biraz da kendini tekrar ediyor gibi.Onun dışında yan görevler de gereksiz olmuş. Bunların dışında mis gibi oyun. Saf FPS deneyimi.

I have quite a bit of complaints about this game but to focus on the good things I'd say

The story's concept is really good. The gunplay is still great, and you kill nazis.

Everything else kinda just sucks. The difficulty sucks, you have half of your health for a solid chunk of the game. the writing took a noticeable dip in quality from the previous game. And characters feel like parodies of themselves.

I wouldn't recommend even if you liked the new order. MASSIVE disappointment overall

A little bit less gameplay focused, but honestly, I think that's fine. The set-dressing and worldbuilding make this for me alone.

I can't believe this game about killing nazis is woke

This game is just big, dumb, Tarantino-inspired, nazi-shredding fun. The graphics hold up really well today, the characters (especially the villain) are interesting and unique, and the writing is fantastic. The depiction of Hitler in this game is probably the best I've seen to date, just totally hilarious. Unfortunately the gameplay and soundtrack can't reach the lofty heights of a game like Doom Eternal, but it makes up for that with it's own unique charm and the fact that it leans hard into its ridiculous premise hard and does not let up.

pipocar nazista = goty
armas épicas

This review contains spoilers

Wolfenstein II has a really good gameplay core that is really dragged down by some other aspects, mainly for me the story and pacing.

For the gameplay, it is what we already know from its predecessor. Gunplay feels satisfying, with good feedback, where shots actually show results like gore or splintering armor.

There is a wide variety on weapons, with the ability to dual wield them and equip them with gunmods, where you can find the right weapon for every situation. For me especially the heavy weapons feel absolutely great with a real sense of power and damage, with the drawback of reduced mobility and limited ammunition.

There is also a wide variety of enemy types, where actually none of them feel really frustrating, all of them have their weakpoints, if you know where to shoot, so no real bulletsponges.

Furthermore both playstyles, stealth and aggressive, feel rewarding. Where you can avoid hordes of enemys if you get through a section stealthily but you don't get frustrated if you get cought, as shooting yourself through the aforementioned hordes is just as fun.

I also want to especially highlight the set design and worldbuilding in this game. All of the buildings and machines and enemies seem authentic and like there was alot of work put into detailing them. Something I want to highlight are the propaganda posters that are everywhere and if you can read german you get to appreciate how much work went into these.

But while we are at the topic of level design. The layout of these levels is sometimes really confusing, with not enough visual cues to give you an indication to where to go next. I got stuck several times, for a few minutes trying to find the exit into the next area of the level, as these are often times vents or holes in the floor. This can lead to slight unnecessery frustration.

The game also still suffers from bugs, even 7 years after it's release. I had cases where I simply got stuck on geometry, being thrown into the air or enemies did not register hits and were therefore invincible.

For the rest of this review I will spoil the story a bit, so be warned.

The main issue that I have with this game is, as already mentioned in the beginning, the story. I absolutely hate all the characters that we should care about outside of Anya. For me it is a bit hard to get motivated to fight for a cause, where everyone you fight for is just an asshole or a weirdo. They all seem to feel more like a caricature rather than characters. Super Sesh the weird conspiracy guy. Grace, who is just a bitch for no reason and the religious Hillbillies that you rescue from New Orleans. All of them create a tonal clash between real emotional moments, like how BJ really fears for Anya and fears to never get to see his baby twins, because he might just not make it back alive for that. Or the very real backstory of BJ's parents, where the visit back to his childhood farm really makes you empathize with William's torment that he had to go through. Or getting caught and executed by the Nazis, where you were waiting for someone or something to rescue you any second but that moment just never comes... until you get reanimated from the dead of course. But all of these great moments are kind of ruined by the complete lack of any sort of seriousness on the side of your "friends". I get that they were probably going for the comedic relieve, to not make the game too serious but as I said for me personally that creates tonal inconsistencies that were just disruptive in the enjoyment of the overall story.

Next the pacing of the whole campaign was a bit jarring. I absolutely hated to do anything in the hub world. You get to shoot your way through dozens of enemies in adrenaline pumping ways, just for you to come "home" and run around for the next 20 minutes to finish some meaningless tasks. I really, really just wanted to get back to the shooting part but no, I have to look for some other guys prosthetic arm for a few minutes, because it is so much fun to run around a hub world, where you can literally do nothing but walking.

Finally after finishing the main story, they want you to eliminate some other Oberoffiziere or whatever. Actually I don't mind them reusing some levels from the main story to create some side missions, I think these side missions are actually quite alright. What is not alright however, is the fact that you cannot complete all of these without grinding for Enigma Codes! Yes, you heard that right, they want you to farm a resource in a story driven first person shooter WOLFENSTEIN game. The game does not provide you with enough Enigma Codes during the main story and the side missions for you to unlock all other side missions, so the only way to unlock them, is to play side missions over and over again. Whose absolute briliant idea was that? When I came to the realization, that I would have to start grinding, that was the point where I quit the game, which is, again, frustrating, as I actually wouldn't have minded completing all of the remaining side missions.

All in all this game just suffers from it's lack of consistency, as in the story, as well as the pacing, as well as in technical issues. I would still recommend it for it's shooter parts but be ready to get frustrated every now and then.

This game is a sequel to Wolfenstein: The New Order and differs quite a bit from its predecessors. The atmosphere in this game is far less serious and more morbidly humorous, especially during the cutscenes (which felt like they took up a bigger portion of the game). I personally did not feel that the new characters they introduced in this game were as likeable as the first game's characters. Graphics are a huge step up from the previous games, with textures and effects looking way better. While level design is not too different from before, and some levels felt like they were rehashing or putting a new coat of paint over old concepts (Venus level), these levels seemed more enjoyable and/or memorable in comparison. Player choice exists in this game to a somewhat greater degree, more so in gameplay rather than story as you can choose between three contraptions that allow unique playstyles and abilities. The perk system has been replaced by a weapon upgrade system that requires you to find upgrade kits hidden around each level. The achievement grind in this game was brutal, culminating in the frustratingly difficult Mein Leben run (you have to complete the campaign in one life). The DLCs really didn't offer anything new, and ultimately felt very uninspired.

к сожалению гавно потому что разработчики не дают нормально настроить управление

Best FPS of the eighth generation, i love kiling fascists so much

Great game love killing nazis

way worse writing than TNO (literally everything relating to max hass comes into mind + anya has basically reduced to basically just Writer's Barely Disguised Fetish)

as for the level design it looks bland venus level looks way worse than the moon level in TNO

gunplay wise its kinda a improvement with its QOL changes (sprint reload) but its also way looser than it was in TNO

overall while i had my fun i feel like this is worse than the new order and it becomes especially apparent once you start replaying TNO (Bombate basically just reduced to being a hypersexual with sigrun and the constant bullying of max hass + that one scene where set roth lost at chess and raging because he just lost chess to a what he thinks is a braindead person in his opinion)

ولفنشتاين بالنسبة لي هي أحسن من دووم
من ناحية قصصية ف هي تضحّك
من ناحية قيم بلاي ف هي ممتعه
وخصوصاً الـ Dual-Weild

الشيء اللي ممكن مايعجبني هو الستلث

Emotional, batshit crazy, cathartic and full of heart, Wolfenstein 2 is a blast from top to bottom. Even if some of its ideas don't fully stick (i.e some new characters, tonal whiplash) it is still one of the most unique experiences I've ever had playing a game. I hope that MachineGames takes what they have learned from the last 3 games to make the ultimate experience and conclusion to this insane series.

Few works in any medium understand and achieve catharsis better. A triumph of both narrative and game design. I could write a more detailed review but to get all my thoughts about how great this game is would include too much possible overanalysis and rambling about Deleuze to at least make it into a paper of a peer-reviewed journal and it's much too late where I am right now to do that. Suffice it to say, Max Hass

I agree with the majority of people who think that Wolfenstein II does not come close to its predecessor. It seems much less polished, it has a more ridiculous and goofy tone, it has some mechanics that are improperly implemented making them seem like an afterthought, and it has some repetitive and pointless side content. However, it's still a solid FPS with fun gunplay and an entertaining story with some absolutely insane moments. Shame that we couldn't fight Hitler in this one though...

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus é um título que se destaca no gênero de jogos de tiro em primeira pessoa, oferecendo uma experiência de jogo marcante.

1. Narrativa Profunda: O jogo é aclamado por sua narrativa envolvente e personagens bem desenvolvidos. A história de BJ Blazkowicz é contada com emoção e profundidade, explorando temas sérios enquanto mantém um equilíbrio com momentos de humor.

2. Vilões Memoráveis: A antagonista, General Engel, é destacada como uma das vilãs mais memoráveis dos jogos recentes, com sua crueldade e sadismo proporcionando um forte impulso emocional para a ação do jogador.

3. Jogabilidade Dinâmica: A campanha, que dura aproximadamente 14 horas, é repleta de ação intensa e momentos de combate que incentivam tanto a abordagem furtiva quanto o confronto direto.

4. Design Visual e Áudio: Os gráficos e a trilha sonora são elogiados por capturar a atmosfera da distopia alternativa dos anos 60, com detalhes visuais e sonoros que enriquecem a experiência de jogo.

5. Desafios e Dificuldade: Alguns jogadores mencionam que a dificuldade do jogo pode ser irregular, com picos que podem ser frustrantes, mas que no geral, a jogabilidade é satisfatória e recompensadora.

Em resumo, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus é um jogo que se mantém relevante e desafiador, com uma história cativante e uma jogabilidade que honra a tradição da série Wolfenstein. É uma escolha sólida para quem busca uma experiência de jogo solo rica e cheia de ação.