Reviews from

in the past

The best game in the AC series for me, surpassing even the originals. What a beautiful rendition of the Mediterranean and historical Greece. Perks were fun, gameplay was engaging, even sailing was a good time. Quests and side quests alike were both compelling. This is the only AC game I've reached 100% completion on.

i'd take ubislop than riot doghist anyday

While some complained about the direction the new AC games were heading, some praised the innovation. I may not like Ubisoft as a company, but that won’t stop the fact that I could not put the controller down when playing this game. The stunning visuals and the breathtaking audio design make this already vibrant setting of ancient greece even more impressive. Whilst the combat isn’t the greatest i’ve ever seen, its certainly better then AC mirages attempt at it. Will I recommend this game to anyone today? Probably not, but I don’t look back at this game like I didn’t get anything out of it.

awesome, if you like history, you literally get to meet Socrates and young Plato :D I really liked the story and the humour in the game, but it has no proper ending unless you buy an dlc, hence not 5/5

I want Kassandra to crush my head like a watermelon, with her massive thighs.

AMÉ la reconstrucción d TODO no falla es todo precioso m da igual la historia el mapa es increible mejores experiencias 100%

As i describe in short to a friend: it's like Zelda botw and Skyrim, with greeks, and you can be greek gay

achei o mais sem tempero de todos. Mais do mesmo e odiei a mecanica de navio. Talvez algum dia eu volte

i LOVE this game . it is kind of a slog to get through a lot of the time

Não consegui zerar até hoje

completed, to do 100%(ubisoft)

literally what the fuck happened with the game design here. the most overwhelming, overstimulating but at the same time themost underwhelming game of all time. you can be bisexual tho

O jogo é legal porem é muito maçante, a partir de muitas horas de gameplay, as missões começam a ficar chatas e repetitivas, e o maior problema é que você é obrigado a fazer essas missões pra continuar a campanha no nível requisitado.

The fact that the story has such an unsatisfying ending and that you need DLC to actually see the proper endings for these characters is a MASSIVE drawback for this game

Eu vivo tentando voltar pra esse, mas simplesmente não tem nada que me segure. A exploração do jogo tem recompensas satisfatórias, uma gameplay fluída e divertida com uma narrativa bem legal e é um jogo que te prende fácil no começo, mas quanto mais você avança e explora o mundo mais você percebe o quanto esse mundo imenso é vazio. Objetivos repetidos, mapas desnecessariamente grandes, a moeda do jogo acho que eu só usei pra pagar a recompensa de procurado, pois sempre achava equipamentos bons. Enfim, o jogo durante 40horas pra mim foi um eterno looping de corre, esconde, mata, luta. Eu joguei no difícil e eu senti que não era difícil porque os inimigos eram inteligentes ou tinham habilidades melhores, mas porque eu levava 10horas pra matar um urso branco.

underrated kassandra is babygirl

I bought this game a month ago and everyday I've passed by it, thought about playing it then remembered the download time and kept it shoving to boot up P5R. Lol

I very rarely if ever use this word. But this is open world ubisoft slop and I would rather play drake of the 99 dragons then ever boot this POS game up ever again. At least DOTNND is funny bad, this is take my money bad.

Story: 0/10 doesn't even deserve a negative rating, the travelers from genshin did the whole twins seperated thing better and I hate genshin

Gameplay: 5/10 I kick a guy off a mountain and instead of dying from the 1000ft drop I just tossed him off of he takes 378 damage then 3 shots me. Skill issue? probably

Ублюдочный интерфейс стал меньшей из проблем

As the first stop on a journey to plat every Assassin's Creed game in Chronological order... what a long game to start with 😅

I dropped it for about 6 months after feeling the burnout mid DLC but coming back it I had a good time, it's probably realistically a 7/10 but I just love the setting of ancient Greece

I hated this game when it first came out as it wasn't the assassins creed I loved and vowed never to play any future games after this. but then mirage happend and everyting changed....

so here we are 5 years later and I loved every moment of getting the platinum for this game. i still dont think its the best of the series but we move on, the DLC perfectly continues on the story of the game. i actully got all 94 trophies as i did the main game and 100% the DLC trophies too.

i will forever love assassins creed.

This is the farthest thing from an Assassin's Creed game ever but any game that allows me to be a bisexual horndog idiot and explore a GORGEOUS open world was always bound to be pretty entertaining lmao

Also Kassandra is the hottest character in the entire series, I love her so much

I adore this game. Kassandra, who is brilliantly acted by Melissanthi Mahut, is just incredible and one of my favourite AC protagonists. The game offsets its mostly humorous tone with surprisingly deep, emotional moments that let Kassandra really shine. While you can play as Alexios, I wouldn’t recommend it the game is clearly designed with her being the hero, with Alexios being the villain.

Ubisoft’s depiction of Greece is as incredible as ever with their historical detail, interacting with amazing Greek legends such as Pericles, Brasidas and many more. Some even join you more often, such as Socrates and your trusty adviser, Herodotos. The game also features some great boss fights with mythical creatures like the Minotaur and Medusa. Combat is fast-paced and the best out of the three RPG games, with skill trees that let you experience different playstyles, and a loadout feature that allows for much more variety. And I’ve not even mentioned the amazing cultist system.

actually pretty decent, but ultimately too long for me to spend anymore time on