Reviews from

in the past

A game that doesn’t get enough love in the grand scheme of Capcom games. A really underrated zombie apocalypse story with baller music and characters. Frank Wright is in my top 5 protagonist for how well handled he is in this game, I would be basically him emotionally if I was stuck in Colorado

My main complaint, and one of the main reasons I need this game to get a remake is the gameplay and collision, as it can be pretty slow and buggy at times. Also once I figured out the chainsaw and 5 orange juice strat it became dummy easy

This game is kind of a sore spot for me but I like it. The idea was kinda wild back then and tbh the whole premise of it, even now, is pretty unique. I'd still recommend it, all things considered.

There's just some unique feeling to being on the clock and having these timed events but also being in this mall that's like, weirdly calm? Those moments where there are no zombies around and you can just chill without being a safe zone, I don't know. Something about it. Game's fun.

Dead Rising is one of the most, if not most unique zombie game around. It has a Japanese feel to its characters, story, music, and gameplay thats unmatched. It really does feel like a game that came out during the transitional period from the PS2/Xbox consoles to the Xbox 360. While I adore this game plenty, it does show its age here and there. While I can deal with the controls fine I can see how some players might dislike them.

The most annoying thing about this game is without a doubt the AI. It has to be the worst AI that I have ever seen. I want to beat myself to death just thinking about it. This issue might be the main reason why new players just stop. Its just beyond puke inducing.

Besides that, a very enjoyable, unique game. Dead Rising 2 in some cases expands upon, tweaks/fixes aspects from the DR1 formula. However there is just a special charm that only Dead Rising can do. Or maybe thats the 10 year nostalgia talking.

The game that fundamentally changed the way I looked at shops and the items within them. What were once items to consume and pay for suddenly became weapons to defend myself against hordes, if that ever happened.

The save system, lack of difficulty adjustment, and tank controls make those game so unplayable.

It shocks me to this day that Dead Rising 1 still feels absurdly fun to play. If you can get past the purposefully clunky combat, you'll find a game dipped head to toe in perfect open world horror design, with a fun and well enough written story and psychotic characters to match.

I've spent a lot of time with this game and really enjoyed it. I honestly can't stand time limits but there's something about this game. Some of the achievements make you use different metas while others are just time consuming. This game was crazy when it came out and you could play the demo indefinitely.

De niño me parecía increíble, una vez que lo jugué ya de grande, me desesperé jajajaja. Odio, odio con mi todo mi ser que si tardas en una misión o simplemente quieres explorar, las misiones activas valgan verga, los sobrevivientes mueran, no mames que puta lata. Lo abandoné y hasta la fecha no me he arrepentido.

Probably one of the last times a game actually felt "next-gen" other than wow, graphics! Old game design sensibilities with modern technology. A finely crafted timed experience that shows that timed games can work if you put the effort into it, and the mall has an insane attention to detail. "The little things" is what makes a great game fantastic, and this game is chock full of them. If only the survivor pathing could be fixed, but alas.

While i got the ending b, i can say i sorta finished Dead Rising 1 and got a gist of it at the very least. I really enjoyed this game, truly one of the most unique games i've played. Gameplay is as advertised: you really get to use anything in the environment against the zombies, plus slaying them has never been more fun. Also the time management aspect added an interesting aspect where i had to manage whether to save someone or focus on the story. Game's without its annoying moments for sure tho, since there were instances of frustrasting bosses so i resorted to minichainsaws for those encounters, and the iconic dumb survivors are as dumb as they say. Also the zombie numbers is outright insane how the hell they pulled this off i'll never know.
Either way, game absolutely earns its replay value plus the knowledge of the layout of the shopping mall will come in handy for future playthroughs. Very fun game.

UPDATE: Got the true ending and thoughts still stand, didnt care for the final boss but Overtime mode was certainly interesting but i will stick with 72hour mode for now.