Reviews from

in the past

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The moment that you blow up a second moon in the sky holding a mind controlling horror creature and then not even three levels later have to fight off an unprompted alien invasion that gets all three factions fighting against said aliens was the moment I realized I was playing something truly special

I played this game on my 3DS in public and a Blood member thought I was throwing Crip signs at him; but I was just trying to juggle pressing buttons in a full 3D movement section with a flat d-pad -- while pinching my freshly dislocated thumb and index finger to hold the 3DS stylus. Blud just killed me in the middle of the street, picked up my 3DS while looting my corpse and became blind because I had the 3D toggled on and he looked into the screen at a slightly wrong angle.

they had to hold this game back by giving it stinky controls just so other 3DS games still had a chance (it's true my dad works at nintendo)

A lot of dialogue, but it's charming, not the usual nintendo game considering the time when it came out, gameplay wise, is strange, but works well

Played this when I was 6 years old, the AR cards where crazy back then, it was beautiful!

An extremely ambitious game only really held back by its often unprecise controls and how ass the weapon fusing system is.

The story's a shitpost with important events happening out of nowhere, often off-screen with barely any foreshadowing, but the characters are likable enough to offset that. The voice acting is really, really good.

You have no idea how much I need a sequel or a Switch port to this game. It has so much personality and unique ideas for gameplay, and the idea that it's gonna be a one-and-done anomaly stuck forever on the 3DS haunts me, personally. I just wanna see Pit and Palutena get up to more wacky adventures

I feel like the control issues were massively overblown, aside from being unplayable for lefties. The game is pretty fun. The different weapons don't feel super different, but at least different enough to spice things up a little.

Finished the main story, did not obtain all collectibles, will play later time from time.
+ Soundtrack: Incredible soundtrack that has many references to the original games as well, but still stands strong on its own.
+ Story: It's interesting, has many unexpected turns, and given how the straightforward was the original, it did an incredible job.
+ Art: The art is beautiful, the characters, the weapons, the surroundings, everything is drawn with such good quality.
+ Characters: The characters have a lot of personality, every god, servant, boss, all of them are distinguishable and interesting.
- Controls: I just couldn't get used to it after many hours. I have died a lot to just falling off into the void because Pit would just dash into nothing. In both air and land battles, I would fly straight into the projectiles, obstacles and enemies, because it's hard to dodge them with the 3DS stick.
- Difficulty balance: Hard to get a proper weapon with needed parameters and strength, the lower difficulties are too easy, the higher difficulties are too hard. Bosses are easy on all difficulties, but how some levels are paced, with almost no healing, it makes them really hard to play.
Overall, the game could be called one of the best on 3DS, but the controls and balance are the main downside to the game. A proper remaster on Switch would be great though.

It gave me carpal tunnel at age 12 and again at age 20 but its so charming and fun and well paced and extremely unique. The tonal balance between constant witty and humorous banter (that isnt grating) and a story that actually can surprise you at times is done really well. I still think about chapter 18 every now and then. These characters are really memorable and its impressive what they were able to do narratively and character wise with what is essentially a 3d on rails shooter. god what a fun game the only reason i wouldnt give it 5 stars is purely cause there isnt a way to play this, even with emulating, that doesnt make you feel like you should have stretched before hand

Need to play again. Make more Kid Icarus games Nintendo

Bring this game to the Switch already!!!

Este juego se merece una segunda oportunidad :(

funny and fun game! i love the banter!!

Fun game, I like the story/characters. However, I dont think my fingers will ever recover from the controls


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this and TWEWY are the quintessential DS games

Truthfully, I think it's one of the best game's ever made. All elements including the dialogue, soundtrack, narrative, and gameplay, are beautifully intertwined and cohesively work together to create a singular experience. The pacing is top-notch, and the variety of weapon's, gives a sense of individuality to each playthrough, while the adjustable difficulty that appears before every level allows for everyone to play; properly rewarding those who are willing to challenge themselves. This game feels so effortless in its delivery, it makes me wonder how we don't have 500 video games like this already, each great in their own right. Kid Icarus: Uprising is simply the perfect step-up in nearly every department a video game can have, and it knows exactly how far away it needs to be from the sun in order to be successful.

To top it all off, I think it looks flawless on the 3DS. Every piece of the environment assists in the obfuscating of hidden chests and secrets, Pit's model looks great and always stands out from everything else on the screen, while still being detailed and animated enough to capture the concept art drawn of him. The enemy design's contrast and interact with the environment well, and the green directional arrows that casually point you to where you need to go don't ruin the sense of progression. The ground combat, can seem shallow, but like I mentioned above, the variety of the weapon's, and the will to challenge yourself is the deciding factor here in your experience. It's amazing to me that this game manages to do all of this, and still casually progress the narrative of each character introduced by having God's banter about trivial and mundane things. Not a single joke feels out of place, and it's consistently enjoyable to listen to, even when you're replaying missions.

Hoping to see more Drakengard-likes in the future.

The first game I pre-ordered ahead of time and eagerly awaited for weeks on end. This game completely altered what video games could be in my eyes, delivering such diverse and rich gameplay mechanics with an immensely compelling narrative that I thought could only be conveyed through movies. On top of that the weapon fusion and addicting online multiplayer added hours to my gameplay. A masterpiece.

This game is a singular reason to buy a 3DS. If the controls are described to you, you may recoil in horror, but I promise that it's one of the most fluid and innovative control mechanisms on the platform. This game will absolutely capture you if you give it the chance.

on my death bed ill still be saying “kid icarus is so coming back”. i have that much faith.

Aussi cool que court, réveillez moi cette licence

Besides the control issues one of the best entries on the 3DS and one of nintendo's best in general. It needs a remake!