Reviews from

in the past

This is the best game in the franchise by a large margin. It fights for the top spot of "my favorite game of all time".

Back in 2018, when Monster Hunter: World (MHW) was launched, I discovered the series and was amazed by the gameplay and customization of builds. I loved that every piece of gear changed the appearance of the character. I had always wanted a game that integrated this type of development in customization but had never heard about this game before. My first thought was to search for ways to play MHW, and that’s when I found out about the series. I picked up my PSP that was lying around, and this was the start of my love for Monster Hunter. Since then, it has become my favorite game series of all time.

This game will beat you up, dumpster you, disrespect you, yet it would bring out the best out of you.

And when you are on your best, the game decides, "nah", and then it beats you up, dumpsters you, disrespects you and even nails the coffin conveniently for you.

Jank and clunk made out and decided to have their first offspring with Monster Hunter in 2004. Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is Monster Hunter's grandson, teaching you the ways of a hunter.

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite teaches you that there is fun in inconvenience, and requires you to grasp even an inch of its system to enjoy it somewhat.

This game would not stand on modern-industry standards, and yet, here I am, glad that I've experienced and enjoyed such a monstrous force of nature of a video game.

"Monster Hunter Freedom Unite" stands as the pinnacle of the Monster Hunter series during its time, although it was eventually surpassed by "MH4U." It was truly ahead of its time, offering a vast amount of content to explore and enjoy. The game provided countless hours of gameplay, with an abundance of monsters to hunt and quests to complete.

However, the control scheme, particularly on the PSP, could be a bit janky at times. The lack of a second analog stick made long play sessions tiring, as players had to rely on the PSP's cumbersome controls. Despite this drawback, "Monster Hunter Freedom Unite" remains a nostalgic and enjoyable experience, especially for those looking to revisit the roots of the Monster Hunter series. If you're craving a dose of old-school Monster Hunter action, this game comes highly recommended.

This is the only monster hunter I can respect, as it is obtusely attempting to be as insanely disfunctional as possible.
There is no bait about if this is or isn't a timesink, this is a timesink, this is going to suck the hours out of your life, and it states it's intent from the very beggining.
Also the cats can throw bombs at you and fuck you up whenever they please, and you can't desactivate it. It's the worst companion in the history of videogames and I love 'em.