Reviews from

in the past

Fantastic game, but not really my style I think. I could just be really bad at video games but even on the easiest difficulty I found Doom Eternal to be quite challenging, and I just didn't find it that fun some times, but I fully get the appeal to people who love this game. Soundtrack is fucking killer though.

Süper akıcı sinir stres bırakmıyor adamda mükemmel bir şey

Now aware of the “Boomer Shooter” genre. Well I guess this makes me a Boomer in my mid 30’s.

é um album foda que vem com um jogo foda junto

محاكي يوم عشوراء

Absolutely phenomenal video game, the set design is incredible and truly shows the love and care that went into this game. The story is perfectly executed and beautifully written, warts and all. The OST was a masterpiece and only at a select few points it mixed weirdly with the gameplay.

- My favourite iteration of the doom games.
- Complex gunplay requiring thinking on the spot and is very fun to master.
- The DLC ramps up the gameplay loop and presents more challenging levels.
- Killer OST again.

If you're looking for the height of tight solo FPS games, this is a pretty good option.

Played this day one when it was released on the PS4 and thought it was too fast for a controller, fast forward to 2022 bought a decent PC and so bought it on PC, got all the secondary weapon upgrades, and even the Unamaykr which is a BFG that doesn't use the whole shot (can be handy), but in short this game SLAPS and the soundtrack too. In my opinion even better than 2016, its Frantic, fast-paced and really really good, but would I recommend it to everyone, not really it might be too fast for some and I understand that so I recommend 2016 in those regards.