Reviews from

in the past

Fantastic game, but not really my style I think. I could just be really bad at video games but even on the easiest difficulty I found Doom Eternal to be quite challenging, and I just didn't find it that fun some times, but I fully get the appeal to people who love this game. Soundtrack is fucking killer though.

Playing doom eternal on nightmarish difficulty is the same as having sex with a passive trance. It seems that you are in full control of the whole situation and you are pleased, but there is a high probability that the situation will radically change and you will already be fucked, which does not sound very pleasant. By the way, i will always love this game. God bless you, Hugo Martin.

Absolutely phenomenal video game, the set design is incredible and truly shows the love and care that went into this game. The story is perfectly executed and beautifully written, warts and all. The OST was a masterpiece and only at a select few points it mixed weirdly with the gameplay.

This game is electric. Amazing combat, dope music, cool set pieces, silent protagonist done very right. Short review for a short and, again, electric game. Rip and tear💯

Bem foda, adrenalina e testosterona pura. A formulinha de correr e atirar levada ao extremo, é até difícil imaginar pra onde a franquia irá depois daqui. Melhor que o primeiro em todos os sentidos, variedade, movimentação, inimigos e upgrades.

O level design cria essas arenas de combate cheias de oportunidade e opções, e se não fosse tão bom assim acho que o jogo sentiria muito.

O gameplay é realmente impecável, e nunca deixa de ser intenso. Geralmente, depois de cada missão, eu tinha até que tirar um tempo pra respirar, até pelo estresse que ver 50 demônios de todos os tamanhos e formatos vindo pra cima de você sem parar causa. E ô joguinho difícil hein, até no normal penei um tanto em algumas partes.

Não sei o quão necessário eram as partes de plataforma. Não me incomodaram tanto, até porque como já disse a movimentação é muito boa, mas elas dão uma boa quebrada no ritmo da ação. Também acho que a munição é um pouco escassa demais no começo do jogo.

Mas é, jogaço!

10 de 10, no entiendo como la gente prefiero el doom 2016 cuando Tenes el eternal que es lo mismo pero en esteroides y con 24 pastillas de viagra encima

fun but also brain numbing at times

Just like DOOM 2016, except every mechanic has been improved or new ones have been added. Super fun to just run and gun with plenty of replayability for collectibles, upgrades, and master levels.

One thing to be aware of though is that since each enemy has a unique way to kill them, sometimes you don't always have the correct ammo to do it, or you run out of ammo in general and can't chainsaw any enemies to get any back.

Easily the best DOOM Game- Doom 2016 gets too much credit when looking at how much of an upgrade this is. Controller support is way better and on mouse and keyboard the Heavy cannon quick scoping is way snappier. Voice acting as always is genuinely amazing. Sound track is also absolutely goated. Any Mick Gordon hate is just unwarranted bait. The mini bosses while sometimes tedious aren't hard for the sake of being hard it definitely allows for easy progression. DoomGuy best-girl. 10/10 only complaint I got is that sometimes the game bugs and does not unlock the next area even if all the mobs are cleared.

I don't understand. I love Doom 2016. This just hasn't gripped me and I find all the pop ups very immersion breaking. Plus the lore feels unnecessary? How do I explain this: less is more.

minha mae (cristã) ficaria extremamente orgulhosa de ver eu jogando isso

Peak level design peak game design peak soundtrack peak FPS experience

Meilleur défouloir existant

Didn't feel as "impactful" as 2016. too many puzzles. why did we normalize puzzles in every game?? If I wanted a puzzle i'd go to a hobby store

there's something so special about having grown up watching my dad play the original doom and then getting to come full circle as my daughter watches me play doom eternal. playing this felt especially good because of that :)

Really good. Abandoned cause felt repetitive at some point though

I don't know how you would beat this on a controller.

Game was super hard even on normal. There were so many mechanics for my brain to handle and I ran out of ammo so many times i soft locked myself twice; it made the game super stressful. But I think I liked it at the end of the day and I think I prefer Doom 2016 over this.

Who knew that sliding and slaying was just as fun as ripping and tearing...
Also i fell into pvp hell and got burnt out, never finished this one :(

Holy shit this game was good. The story was phenomenal, and it improved in its combat in every way from its predecessor. The combat is fast, smart and always evolving as you go on, introducing new enemies that force you to keep moving and switching between weapons on the fly. The Marauder is an excellently designed enemy that provides a fantastic combat challenge. It was and still is an amazing sequel.

Really makes you feel like a badass

- My favourite iteration of the doom games.
- Complex gunplay requiring thinking on the spot and is very fun to master.
- The DLC ramps up the gameplay loop and presents more challenging levels.
- Killer OST again.

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Gameplay gets repetitive but the story and graphics are amazing.

К сожалению, для меня эта часть хуже перезапуска 2016-го года. Добавили много кривоватых платформенных эпизодов, много лора в записках и катсцены от 3-го лица, что нарушило погружение. А факт продолжения и завершения сюжета в не очень-то и выдающихся сюжетных дополнениях удручает ещё больше. Но всё равно DOOM Eternal будет лучше подавляющего большинства современных ААА шутеров от первого лица