Reviews from

in the past

(Played on Nightmare, mods used: Original TAG1, AI Restoration, Fixed Immora)

Doom Eternal feels like it should be the greatest single-player FPS ever for me, and I really admire its ideas and ambitions, but instead it's just a pretty good game. Why?

My main problem is that most of the encounters have a "soupy consistency": they feel similar despite me ostensibly making different decisions in the moment. I am still not sure what precisely is causing this, but I think most of the complaints about this game aren't getting at the core issues, so I'm just gonna throw out a bunch of things that I think are primarily contributing.

Movement in Doom Eternal is just ridiculous. For comparison: Quake allows for building momentum and doing crazy jumps, but this is very geometry dependent and difficult to execute while in combat. Doom's movement is more straightforwardly fast, but enemies have large hitboxes which easily bodyblock you, and the vertical axis is off-limits. Halo (and many other FPS) simply have slow movespeed that forces you to commit to positioning. DE has fast immediate movement + easy height and momentum boosting with meathook and ballista + 2 dash charges that cancel momentum and can go any direction. Faced with this kit, enemies have an extremely difficult time contesting you, especially in the air, and it's more likely that you'll get clipped by some random projectile than from misjudging a situation per se.

The level design is exacerbating this problem! Almost all the arenas you fight in are huge spaces filled with monkey bars/jump pads/ledges/etc which allow you to easily run in big circles, flee when threatened, and glide over enemies' heads. Cooldowns incentivize this too! TAG1 and the Master Levels try to combat this somewhat by using more environmental hazards, shrinking arena sizes, and placing major encounters in the comparatively cramped areas between arenas.

In the former context, the enemy roster generally struggles to pressure you. This is a real shame, because in many basic ways they are quite well-designed and differentiated (some writeups here, here). The Marauder has strong (and annoying) defense that demands you hold specific spacing, but even then it's not all that hard to just run away and ignore him. Most everyone else will let you flit around whatever range you want to be at and fire away, as opposed to the melee-oriented action games that Doom Eternal is drawing on, which require spacing and attack commitment.

There are a few exceptions. Carcasses subvert the issue by hiding and spawning energy shields at a distance which can abruptly block your path, i.e. actually contest your offense. Blood Makyrs reuse the annoying traffic light mechanic to prevent you from bursting them, but shoot massive, fast, movespeed-reducing projectiles that are dangerous and predictable enough to warrant playing proactively around. Cyber-Mancubi at least incentivize closing into melee range, where they can easily deal damage to you (unless you use the very silly chaingun shield).

The Spirit, in fittingly maximalist fashion, brute-forces the issue by just cranking up the health and speed of possessed enemies. Suddenly ranged enemies are difficult to dodge without cover, and melee enemies become relentless harassers that can actually keep up with you. On top of that, you need to make sure that you have ammo + time + space to kill the ghost itself, or let it possess something else. I wouldn't say it totally fixes the aforementioned problems, but it helps.

I say this about almost all fast FPS but this game really needed an enemy similar to Doom 2's Archvile or Quake's Shambler, something that can control space without the player just reactively dodging. Obvious, persistent homing missiles like Doom 2's Revenant or Quake's Vore might have helped complicate movement too, and the Glory Kill iframes couild even be used to avoid these big attacks (see: Ninja Gaiden incendiary shurikens).

Watching high-level play of DE is kind of weird, because of how ridiculously powerful weapon switching is. Nonstop swapping between ballista/rocket/precision bolt/SSG dilutes their individual characteristics as tools and turns them into one giant DPS hose. Almost all enemies can be bursted down near-instantly, especially with the various swap glitches that have been discovered over time, and meathook + ballista boosting to create sightlines quickly. Most players of course won't reach this level, but even for me I could feel the echoes of this playstyle when tackling the hardest content.

This game has a weird relationship with difficulty in general. Not being able to scale intensity isn't a critical flaw IMO (arguably original RE4 is like this). But I don't generally find Doom Eternal most compelling when the fights are easy, for reasons mentioned above, and trying to make the game extremely difficult presents issues. Because enemies move and fire so erratically:

* Initial placement is generally unimportant, and cannot be used as a design lever

* Single enemies struggle to exert pressure, but if the mapper places too many enemies at once, it becomes difficult to discern order from the chaos, and generic "just keep moving" strategies will dominate

Environmental hazards and AOE spam can work, but don't always feel like they change your decisionmaking that much, and feel vaguely annoying for many people, including myself at times. Limiting access to your tools, as seen in the Classic Mode for Master Levels, certainly does, but this is rarely used so far, and certainly not to the level of e.g. Doom maps.

Sometimes though I think that everything I wrote above actually doesn't matter that much, and the real problem is some difficult to pin down game feel issue. The game feels vaguely "floaty," in a way that makes it less satisfying to move around and fight. Sadly I can't identify exactly why this is, but it really does matter, even for a game near-exclusively focused on combat depth. For example, even after putting thousands of hours into Monster Hunter, the way the classic games control still feels viscerally enjoyable to me, and hurts my experience with the new games in comparison.

I found this game very difficult to analyze, so forgive any shortcomings. Check out Durandal's writeups here and here to hopefully fill in some of the gaps. Hopefully this team's next game can somehow overcome these issues and fulfill the potential of this style of design.

"Hi, before you begin we're contractually obligated to force you into making a Bethesda account before playing our game."
Turns on airplane mode
"... I guess that works too..."
Yeah that's a baffling thing for Doom, of all games, to have but if there's a workaround then I ain't going too complain much. Especially considering how fun the game itself is.

Doom Eternal is all about resource management. You need to be mindful of your health, your armor (more or less a second health bar), and your ammo. Even with max upgrades it's very easy to run out of ammo. You'll need to either scour the arenas for ammo, or more commonly chainsaw a demon for a shower of ammo drops. Your chainsaw fuel is limited, but recharges a single tank overtime. But having three fuel at once will allow you to instakill a larger demon for free, so now you have to choose whether you want ammo now or save it to immediately remove a demon off the board. For armor you can shoot a flamethrower to ignite enemies that will drop armor on hit, and even more upon death; bearing in mind that they don't stay on fire for long. To be as efficient as possible you could try to lure many weak demons into a big crowd, ignite them, then blow them all up with a grenade or blood punch. Alternatively you could also use it on enemies that are close to death to reap the bonus armor immediately if you desperately need some now. Health is arguably the hardest resource to manage as you can only recover (excluding pickups) from glory kills, which is when you finish off a enemy near death, an upgrade ice grenade that are also incredible tools to immobilize and/or finish off powerful demons so you may not always have one available, or if you are close to death defeated enemies will drop some health as a sort of dynamic difficulty. You can also freeze and ignite enemies at the same time (cause video games) for armor and health drops simultaneously, but now both those options are on cooldown so hope you are good at dodging.
This isn't even getting to all the weapons and the many, many roles and functions they serve. Certain weapons can more easily break parts of demons to disable dangerous attacks, some can more easily falter specific demons in which their actions are interrupted, maybe the gun can destroy armor or shields more easily, or they can lock on to a particularly mobile demon, and so forth. Doom Eternal would be a strategy game if it weren't for how fast and frantic this game is. Demons are absolutely relentless. Most are very good at chasing you across the arena, making hard to break line of sight from long range enemies or if you move away from a close range demon then you can guarantee that they'll be back in your face again before long. So many demons have specific strengths and more importantly weaknesses. It's a ton to juggle in your head all the times.
Maybe too much for some. While Doom Eternal doesn't throw all these systems at the player straight away (unless you, for whatever insane reason, play the DLC first) it does expect you to pickup these lessons fast, because the next new mechanic is right around the corner. Doom Eternal will rewire your brain to the point that all these mechanics will become natural. It won't ever become a question of "what do I do" it'll become "how do I do it". You start making decisions on what enemies and resources to prioritize without any hesitancy. You immediately identify demons of higher danger but of course you almost never fight just one dangerous demon alone but several at once. The moments that stick with me though will always be the "oh shit!" moments. The times that I miss my grenades on the flying meatballs to glory kill them, the times I get too trigger happy with a particular weapon and now I have no ammo for the demon whose weak to that very gun, when I get to careless and find myself desperately in need of health and armor with missiles flying at me, the dread realizing there's not one but two Tyrants at once, maybe I hear a the Marauder's sound cue right behind me, or worst of all I see the translucent demons being summoned by the Archville and now I'm panicing looking for that asshole.
Doom Eternal is consistently a thrill ride from beginning to... mostly the end. I found the bosses to be a low point, including DLC. Some were better then others, but they can really pushed the boundaries of fairness where I felt the game was expecting me too much of my attention with the boss and the infinitely respawning enemies. And these enemies aren't always the easy fodder kind. They'll be spamming projectiles while your looking at what the boss is doing but it's harder to justify killing them if they're going to respawn anyway and... it's not impossible by any means and there are certainly ways to make it easier, it's more that I didn't feel it was a satisfying challenge like the most of the game already was. And lastly this isn't a issue, but I actually had to take breaks in the middle of levels because my mind and hands were working up a storm of inputs and decision makings. Was having a blast the whole time but goddamn I didn't want to go into the next high intensity fight with my brain completely drained.

So glad I finally played Doom Eternal after its been on my wishlist for so long. It demands a lot from you but it'll give so much dopamine in return.

Those ghosts that possess demons in the DLC can go suck Satan taint though

Sem duvidas um dos melhores FPS já feitos, tudo nesse jogo é realizado com excelência, a gameplay tem um monte de mecânicas fodas e ainda que simples, podem ser usadas de maneiras inteligentes e complexas, nada no seu arsenal é inútil e você vai percebendo isso conforme avança no jogo e os demônios se tornam mais variados, demônios esses que são marcantes pra caralho a propósito, alguns injustamente fortes, mas em geral todos são uma adição interessante a gameplay (menos a carcaça e a Whiplash, esses 2 tem que se foder)

As fases são divertidas pra caramba e são cheias de segredos, ainda que algumas sejam desnecessariamente longas, o cenário é extremamente bem pensado, com recursos bem posicionados, inimigos em todas as direções, e elementos das arenas como: Plataformas de pulo, barris explosivos e barras de escalada pra te ajudar a ser o mais letal e rápido possível.

A Trilha sonora é perfeita como sempre (Mick Gordon gênio) e a estética, ainda que bem colorida, combina muito com o tema do jogo, a hud é meio feia, mas não é nada estilo Re6 graças a deus.

Em conclusão, Doom Eternal excede em qualidade em tudo que se propõe a fazer, sendo a prova de que você pode alterar vários componentes de uma franquia e ainda manter a essência, e que jogos não deviam ter medo de fazer isso.
(Não jogue o Ultra-Pesadelo aliás, essa dificuldade me custou 5 meses, perma-death tem que ser banido de jogos como Doom)

NOTA: 8,25

Que jogo FODA! Doom Eternal proporciona uma gameplay frenética, violenta e de excelente ritmo, oferecendo não tantas opções de armamento ou upgrade porém fazendo excelente uso de tudo que o jogo propõe. Um dos melhores e mais divertidos shooters que eu joguei, a atmosfera é sensacional e a trilha sonora caracteriza a desafiadora campanha já na dificuldade Ultra Violence.

Controlando um slayer que tem como objetivo recuperar a terra dos demônios e interromper os planos de Khan Maykr, o resto dos detalhes da história ficam armazenados no menu, quase sem diálogos ou cutscenes, o jogo busca o total foco na ação, deixando esse aspecto bem superficial.

As boss fights demoram um pouco para aparecer, porém quando aparecem, são bem interessantes, embora eu acho que elas deveriam ser um pouco mais fiéis ao uso do arsenal disponível ( usar uma arma específica para cada boss ou algo assim) A maioria deles se tornam inimigos normais pelo fim desenvolvendo uma ótima progressão, as duas boss fights da campanha inicial dos momentos finais são sensacionais.

Sobre exploração, os capítulos variam bastante a respeito do tamanho do mapa, mas seus segredos não são tão intuitivos, recompensadores e nem fáceis de encontrar , ainda mais sem upá-la através do traje, o que acabou fazendo com que eu deixasse um pouco de lado. Alguns trechos de plataforma/ parkour ou mini puzzles variam a gameplay, porém sinto que dão uma leve quebrada no ritmo.

Percebi alguns problemas com a hitbox do protagonista parecer meio imprecisa em alguns momentos e a do inimigo também principalmente ao usar a serra elétrica.

Disponível pelo gamepass, Doom Eternal sem dúvidas esbanja qualidade atingindo diferentes perfis de gamers, seja querendo uma gameplay mais casual ( ainda sim, frenética) Ou a que exige reflexos e decisões rápidas, recomendo demais, como eu não conhecia a franquia em relação a gameplay, me surpreendi.

this game is the equivalent to a beer batter-fried bacon wrap 8 layer patty nacho cheese crab n chicken burger with double glaz- yeah you get the point

Probably the best single player arena/movement shooter ever conceived. An absolute master class in game design that will be very hard for ID Software to live up to in the future.

Doom eternal was pretty awesome, many games can only hope to be as optimised as this game. The first thing I noticed was just how smooth and well formed the gameplay is, and I'd be insulted if it wasn't to be honest, as this is Doom. It's an incredibly addictive game. Once you get that rhythm going, it's hard not to fall into the zone.

I did prefer Doom (2016) as I found Eternal to be too geared towards its other features. I feel this game doesn't have the most replayability.

The game looks fantastic, the whole Mars sequence and subsequent set pieces are just fantastic. Overall, Doom eternal is great.

Pra quem gosta de FPS frenético, Doom Eternal é diversão pura do início ao fim. No começo eu estranhei um pouco a proposta geral do jogo, com quantidade limitada de munição e cada arma tendo sua peculiaridade, mas depois que entendi que o jogo exige que você alterne as armas, utilize bem suas mecânicas pra repor munição, armadura e vida, o jogo clica demais e matar hordas e mais hordas de capetas vira a coisa mais prazerosa do mundo!

O level design das arenas é muito bom, lhe permitindo adotar estratégias variadas para cada encontro com hordas de demônios, e a variedade de armas e upgrades torna a progressão do jogo extremamente satisfatória. Além do óbvio aumento de saúde e dano à medida em que você desbloqueia os pontos necessários, também tem a progressão por "conhecimento" de cada tipo de demônio. Isso faz com que o aumento de dificuldade a cada fase não seja "injusto" de nenhuma forma.

O único porém é esse modelo "game as a service", que aparentemente todo jogo moderno precisa ter pra agradar empresários e acionistas, mas até que não macula tanto a campanha singleplayer. Também não gostei de alguns lugares secretos que escodem apenas coletáveis inúteis, como os brinquedinhos em miniatura dos demônios, mas também são bem poucos e os segredos são bem legais de se descobrir e recompensam bem, no geral. Não cheguei a testar o multiplayer, que todos falam mal, mas sinceramente pra mim não faz a menor diferença. Jogão!

On par with Doom 2016 in terms of quality and gameplay, if a bit bloated, but it lacks the great environmental storytelling. I'm well aware most people don't care for story in FPS games. But the environmental storytelling in something like the first Doom, Doom 3 and Doom 2016 adds a great layer of immersion that improves the game.

The "chosen one, God slayer" story this game has is not only written poorly, has no emotional impact and slows down the pace but it actively detracts from the experience. It's downright embarrassing at times how much they try to sell the Doom Slayer as a cool dude everyone is afraid of. The games I mentioned prior make him seem cool without trying hard to, in a very organic way.

Apesar de muitos afirmarem, Doom Eternal não é perfeito, eu joguei o Doom de 2016 e fui direto para este, e sinto que este jogo teve grandes mudanças desnecessárias. A jogabilidade do jogo deu uma guinada, seja na movimentação ou no uso das armas. Em Doom de 2016, você podia usar a arma que preferisse e não se via obrigado a utilizar uma em particular. No entanto, aqui, o jogo OBRIGA você a usar o lança-chamas e a motosserra o tempo todo para recuperar armadura e munição. Isso é feito para compensar duas mudanças bizonhas neste jogo: o dano triplicado dos monstros e a extrema limitação de munição.

Sinceramente, não gosto do equilíbrio de algumas armas, já que algumas ficaram horríveis. Destaco a escopeta de cano duplo que foi prejudicada pelo balanceamento. Uma das críticas comuns a este jogo são os quebra-cabeças e os elementos de plataforma, mas eu não reclamo, pois acredito que isso é melhor do que tornar o jogo monótono a longo prazo.

A coisa mais estranha neste jogo para mim foi o design dos níveis das batalhas. Sinceramente, morri várias vezes devido a problemas de colisão do Doom, com meu personagem preso em uma parede enquanto enfrentava 30 monstros à minha frente. Muitas vezes você morre devido a problemas técnicos, e não por causa da dificuldade, o que é bastante frustrante.

No geral, eu prefiro o Doom de 2016 em relação à jogabilidade, design de níveis, história e trilha sonora. No entanto, Doom Eternal é muito mais desafiador, e a intensidade das batalhas faz valer a pena. É um ótimo jogo, mas tem alguns problemas que precisam ser resolvidos no futuro."

shit and cum until it is done

The more I played this game the better it got. First impression was quite negative, game felt a bit too restricted compared to Doom (2016) like the game was saying "it's either my way or the highway -to hell" ammo was scarce, max capacity low, the game kept dumping new skills, upgrades and equipment, more buttons to press during each fight, everything was more colorful and brighter there was more platforming, and in general things felt overdesigned even bloated.

But it kept me going, the satisfying movement, engaging primary gameplay loop, the well animated glory kills, the steady drip feed of new demons and weapons and of course the superb soundtrack. It all just started coming together and when it's firing on all cylinders Doom Eternal is glorious to witness.

Doom Eternal me empoderou com uma curva de dificuldade que complementa sua narrativa me transformando em uma maquina de trucidar demonios, é um excelente exemplo de ludonarrativa por mais que pontualmente ocorram deslizes, segue sendo até o final um otimo power fantasy.

Very dynamic and bloody game. Love this

Just replayed it. This game still rocks. Time for DLC.

rip and tear (featuring underwhelming puzzles)


Clearing My Backlog #12

“Rip and tear, until it is done!”

DOOM Eternal fucking rocks. id Software manages to seamlessly blend so many different genres together, with the exhilarating— almost puzzle-like FPS gameplay, the simple— yet refreshing platforming segments, and the out-of-place but welcome boss fights. All of these different components work in tandem to create some truly ever-changing gameplay; and I for one, loved every fucking bit of it.

This might very well be the best FPS of all time. I played nightmare on my first try, and it’s one of the most challenging, but fun and rewarding FPS’ ever made. It never felt like the game was unfair or undoable, there was always something that I wasn’t effectively using that stopped me from completing an arena— a part of the puzzle that I was missing… which is the exact reason I love the shooting in DOOM Eternal. Every problem has a solution; want to take out the heavy hitters first? Destroy their weapons so they don’t bother you as much. Need health? Use the flame belch on a group of zombies and then throw down a grenade to blow them up at once and get full health. Need ammo or time to think? Use the chainsaw on an Imp and decide what your next move will be. Need space? Use the Meat Hook to quickly get to the other side of the map and go from there. You’ll get to the point where you’re utilizing all of these different methods and tactics to your advantage, and it’ll turn into one of the most chaotic and hectic games you’ll ever play— it certainly did for me. Part of this is due to how many weapons there are, and in the ways you can use each one; the puzzle comparison is reinforced even more thanks to how the game incentivizes you to use each weapon for specific demons, not to say that you can’t mindlessly shoot every enemy with whichever gun you want— because you can, but only if you want the gameplay to feel slow and dull.

The gameplay loop doesn’t even get a chance to become boring, as the game is perfectly paced with new mechanics, enemies, and weapons constantly being introduced in almost every single level throughout all 13 levels. The enemy variety alone keeps it fresh and interesting, and I’m one of those people who has no issue with The Marauder. To many he’s seen as something that doesn’t represent or belong in the franchise; I disagree, and hear me out… he fits in perfectly. You almost have to treat the fight with him like a dance— dashing away or towards depending on what he does, and shooting accordingly. You can manipulate his behaviour by being at a midrange distance from him, so that he doesn’t spam ranged attacks but instead goes in for melee hits, which is when you can attack him. It’s still just another puzzle to figure out, and I love that. All of these great mechanics are covered in a beautiful coat of paint too, which is the dismemberment/flesh system. I’m a sucker for flesh systems in games, I just love the idea of certain body parts and limbs dynamically reacting to your actions, it’s always cool seeing a piece of Arachnotron’s brain getting blown up, or a big chunk of a demon’s chest getting exposed to the point where you can see their bones and organs; and I’m glad more games are starting to do this sort of thing, Dead Island 2 in particular seems to have an even better version of the flesh system which is one of the many reasons I wanna get around to playing that game.

The aforementioned platforming is a huge part of DOOM Eternal, as it acts as a sort of break in between the huge arena battles and the lore dumps. It doesn’t outstay its welcome as they’re always relatively short and act as a chance to look at the gorgeous, hellish vistas— occasionally seeing demon kaiju's walking across the horizons; the spectacle of it all is enamouring. The actual point of platforming is exploring the levels, which are filled with neat collectibles; some of these are comprised of albums from other games, cheat codes (which add replay value), toys, upgrades, bonus rooms, etc. It feels extremely rewarding and I loved doing it, even if I never really listened to the music, or looked at the toys, or used the cheats, it’s still just fun. Part of the fun is seeing how all of these levels are designed, I’ve noticed that the game never tries to waste your time with pointless backtracking, since every room and area is interconnected. For example, you’ll randomly go off the beaten path to collect something that caught your eye, and instead of having to come all the way back, a door just opens in the same spot that you were at before, so all you have to do is continue progressing; all of the levels are full of these little intricacies and smart ways that they loop around themselves. The only negative thing I’ll say regarding the level design is that the Fortress of DOOM isn’t that good of a hub world and is a bit annoying to explore, and I’d argue that it isn’t even needed. If they wanted to make a hub world that badly they could’ve designed a better one and had a more coherent layout for it.

Unlike DOOM (2016), Eternal takes a more cinematic approach to its story— or its attempt at one. I know the story isn’t exactly the main thing people play these games for, but it was fairly standard and generic regardless. I liked all of the new first person cutscenes though, I found them entertaining, and it was badass whenever DOOM Slayer did something cool. I’m also mixed with how much they show Slayer’s face in this, it kind of removes the mystery behind his presence and makes him less terrifying, I much preferred 2016’s take on his character— suit and all.

Let’s talk about the technical side of DOOM Eternal. The game is fucking beautiful. It’s so incredibly detailed, whether it’s the environments, the backdrops, the enemies, the guns, the effects, everything is outstanding— and it runs great too (for the most part), even with ray tracing enabled; although to be fair only the reflections are included with the option. I encountered a few bugs, all of which were minor ones and nothing that distracted me too much. Overall, it didn’t have too many issues, which is refreshing to see because most games today seem to release broken and unfinished.

And how could I forget the best part of the game, which is the multiplayer! I’m kidding of course, because it’s pretty bad. It offers almost no replay value whatsoever because there’s not much there to begin with, sure you can play as six different demons and also the Slayer, but that doesn’t change the gameplay up in any meaningful ways. There’s just not much there to do, you’ll probably get bored of it in a couple of hours. 2016’s multiplayer was way better, and even that was fairly basic TDM type schlock that most multiplayer games were spewing out in the early 2010’s. I honestly don’t even know why these games have multiplayer.

Some notes:
- The soundtrack FUCKS. Although it’s sad to hear how Mick Gordon was treated, and I would’ve loved to see the OST be a bit more polished had he actually been given the time to edit and refine it.
- I’m a really big fan of the HUD/UI change here, I didn’t like the muted tech-y style of 2016’s version. There’s so much colour and life (ha) in the UI in Eternal and it’s great.
- Horde mode is a very enjoyable post-game piece of content that is basically the best part of the base game.

“The only thing they fear is you”

Playtime: 31.5 hours

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
Clearing My Backlog
2020 - Ranked

after playing doom I was 100% convinced the next thing I was gonna play had to be doom eternal I feel like these games has some sort of drugs into them its impossible to explain to be honest if you give some rehab people this game they're gonna be free from addiction in like a week I can assure you I study psychology that's how it works I swear

doom 2016 was already an incredible game the amount of artillery and the different enemies and the fast paced gameplay was something so addicting I could not put it down for like 10 hours in a row

now doom eternal should ideally improve on that and it sure did but somehow I ended up enjoying the first game more for some reasons unknown to me maybe its actually the fact that it was a nuance for me or maybe the fact that I played them back to back and I grew tired of it after a while but whatever this game is still a damn good time

the story was never the main point of the game but its still possible that I liked the first ones lore more I don't fully enjoy the direction they went with this one I preferred the streamlined journey instead of mini missions for the hero of the week doom slayer and I mean that's still fine because that's the focus

weapons still have a wide arrange of mods and stuff and shit some weapons came back directly from the first game some others are entirely new and make for some variety in the gameplay and they still do have upgrades to make and different quirks so thats still pretty fun

still there's some other stuff coming back like the upgrade for the suits and challenges for each levels and secrets and most of the demons and like the weird humor that actually made me smile sometimes here too

the game undoubtedly looks gorgeous maybe even more than the first game BUT I do think doom 2016 still has a lot more cohesion in the different environments and art design of the places you're going through this one with different micro missions so of course the places range a lot and honestly ? the floating city and maybe mars again are very interesting places to roam and explore they really do a damn good job with these I want to see the concept arts so bad

demons now have some kind of weakness so you can streamline the killing to your favor and they added some more weapons and accessories to help you through and also to clear the stage like the green ultra bomb that kills everything in front of you

I don't mind demons weaknesses they're fine but sometimes I felt like if you didnt have the right ammo to exploit that weakness the demon would be a fucking burden to kill so idk what that would mean in game design terms

more on game design is the fact that the absolutely stunning ui is back and thriving and I kid you not every time I got a new weapon and saw how its particular gunsight design I was gonna cum as in the videos you see on Instagram lately with the guys saying I'm gonna cum im gonna cum yeah that was basically me though the fact that the entirety of the game is way more flashy means that the color schemes for weapons ammo and health items is a lot more confused in the stage . the red of Mars against the fluorescent colors of the items was a great contrast in the original

now umh the osts still are hard metal and still bop a fucking lot unfortunately I can't say a lot about them since I haven't year listened to the album in full and they all sounded like good metal and thats it

achilles heel is probably the boss battles which ranged from decent to absolutely unbearable I have no idea who thought that final boss was a good idea but It definitely wasn't I didn't see a lot of people complain about it on the reviews so it's possible that I just suck big time and thats to be expected im not that fond of FPSs anyway people in the room

whatever great game can't believe doom is this good yet again probably gonna play ancient gods back to back because I need to free these fucking 100 GBs from my pc for the love of god

fodastico, provavelmente o melhor shooter que já joguei, a gameplay é uma evolução enorme em comparação ao 2016, cada inimigo tem um ponto fraco, o jogo te força a mudar de arma constantemente, vc não pode ficar parado basicamente nunca e todo seu arsenal tem utilidade, até a motosserra q eu achei meio inútil no 2016.

os gráficos são lindissimos, os cenários são extremamente bem feitos e o jogo é bem leve, tbm não tive nenhum crash igual no 2016, único probleminha foi uma missão q eu voltei o checkpoint pq os inimigos não tavam spawnando. a história é bem maneira e expandiu demais o universo de doom, sem contar o tanto de conteúdo relacionado a lore no códice e falando nisso o jogo tem diversos coletáveis e desbloqueáveis bem maneiros.

um puta jogo no geral, de início ele é meio complicado por ser 10x mais difícil que o 2016, mas quando vc pega o jeito fica simplesmente do caralho, e finalmente o ícone do pecado deixou de ser uma parede pra ser uma luta contra chefe foda

Se você achava que "Doom" (2016) já tinha atingido o auge da jogabilidade no estilo "boomer shooter", pense novamente, porque "Doom Eternal" eleva a carnificina a um novo patamar. Doom Eternal aprimorou ainda mais sua jogabilidade, se assemelhando quase a um Hack and Slash em primeira pessoa, este novo capítulo mantém a essência brutal e sem rodeios de seu antecessor, mas adiciona camadas de profundidade à jogabilidade, tornando-a uma experiência ainda mais emocionante e desafiadora.

A mecânica de combate foi refinada e expandida, exigindo ainda mais habilidade e estratégia do jogador. Agora, além de simplesmente atirar em tudo que se move, você deve dominar novas habilidades de movimento, como o gancho de combate, que permite navegar rapidamente pelo campo de batalha, desviando de ataques inimigos e encontrando novas oportunidades para infligir dor aos demônios.

A variedade de inimigos também foi ampliada, apresentando novos tipos de demônios com padrões de ataque únicos e desafiadores. Cada encontro traz um novo desafio, onde você deve usar todas as suas habilidades e armas disponíveis para sobreviver. E falando em armas, "Doom Eternal" não decepciona, oferecendo um arsenal ainda mais diversificado e poderoso para despedaçar seus inimigos.

Além da ação frenética, "Doom Eternal" também se destaca pela sua narrativa intrigante, que expande o lore da franquia e mergulha mais fundo no passado do Doom Slayer e na história do conflito com os demônios. Os visuais são deslumbrantes, com ambientes infernais detalhados e efeitos visuais impressionantes que intensificam a sensação de caos e destruição.

E assim como seu antecessor, "Doom Eternal" recompensa a exploração, escondendo segredos e colecionáveis em cada canto do jogo. Descobrir esses oferece recompensas valiosas, como upgrades para suas armas e habilidades, bem como colecionáveis ou trapaças para jogatinas posteriores.

"Doom Eternal" é uma obra-prima do gênero FPS, oferecendo uma experiência de jogo inigualável para os fãs da franquia e para os amantes da ação desenfreada. Com sua jogabilidade refinada, narrativa envolvente (Sim, em Doom) e visuais impressionantes, "Doom Eternal" é uma verdadeira celebração da violência gráfica em sua forma mais pura, e uma pura carta de amor para os fãs da franquia.

im all for difficulty but good god. I played on normal and i didnt even know what was on my screen half the time let alone comprehened the specific weaknesses of the demons and at what range is most effective to fight them and when to parry the marauder guy while jumping around and boosting to make sure nothing is behind me so i dont get caught in a stagger loop because the muscly jumpy demon likes to leap across the arena to get on my nerves while i run out of armor so i have to think whether its R or L ctrl for the flame thrower so i end up pressing both anyway and since the weird brain guy is frozen now i may as well pull out my machine gun but hold on i have the missiles equipped instead of the scope so i cant shoot his weird blaster thing off wait a second nevermind i have to pull out my plasma rifle instead cause this four legged cyborg wants to put up shields i got to take him out to but dont forget about the little grunts hopping around make sure to glory kill them to maintain your health oh wait up just one second theres a guy spawning other guys got to take him out holy shit hes got a lot of health oh hold on nevermind theres a buffing totem somewhere so now ive got to find that and oh my god how is this normal difficulty

This game is masterful I don’t have any complaints on it. It has some of the best platforming and gunplay in gaming. It fr has better platforming than a lot of Mario games! I just wanna say that I disagree with the two common complaints about this game, the first being that it’s somehow not good on controller. I played 2016 on joycons and loved it. I played this game on an Xbox controller and it was even more amazing. Thinking this game is bad on controller is lowkey a skill issue. It’s amazing regardless of how you play it. Another common complaint I disagree with is that this game overstays it’s welcome. I thought the length of the game was great and I honestly wouldn’t have minded if it was longer. I guess that’s what the dlc is for. Amazing game 9/10 😁

me when I catch Ronald Reagan the second I land in hell

Alright, I'm just gonna lead with it. I don't like new doom, but I particularly didn't care for Doom Eternal at all. Where Doom (2016) [ugh] felt at least like it kept some of the spirit and simplicity of Doom at its core, Doom Eternal adds so many new elements that it really dilutes the actual experience for me. Yes, I know, "you control the buttons you press" or whatever dumb meme people always share, but that also neglects the fact the entire fucking game is balanced around your use of these abilities and powers, not using them is something that lessens the experience and feels like it adds unnecessary challenge without really adding much fun.

The gameplay itself is still tight, still feels good, there's just simply a bit too many new added elements for my taste. When I think doom I think simple quick fun, I think of hordes of enemies for me to shoot down and beat back. I do not think of an arena shooter where I have to manage every single one of my many different resources and secondary weapons and trying to keep in my head what button does what. The experience while fun was just really not all that interesting to me and while I know most people prefer this type of gameplay, it really just made me miss the simplicity of the original. Maybe I'm crazy, but I uninstalled it before I completely finished it out of boredom and then played through the entirety of Doom 1 & 2 in its stead and had a much better experience.

Doom 2016 feels mean, and I like that a lot. Its comedy feels cruel and its violence is unapologetic. I think a lot of the arcade feeling and new sense of humor in Eternal is toned down to a certain extent, which isn't a bad thing but sometimes comes off like taking your kid sibling to the arcade and they think the fatalities in Mortal Kombat are the funniest thing in the world and you're like "right on man that's pretty cool."
The jokes are a way more forefront here, and I'm not entirely sure the mood benefits from that. It's not bad, but it feels like maybe they weren't sure if they wanted to commit to being edgy or goofy and couldn't find a compromise. If Doom 2016 is like Evil Dead or Army of Darkness, Eternal is way more like Ash vs Evil Dead.
As a shooter, it's definitely a shooter! It's a lot of fun and the setpieces are cool enough, for sure. I just never found myself thinking about it too much after shutting it off, as opposed to Doom 2016 occupying a ton of my brainspace with its fresh take on the series formula.
I'm placing it next to Metro Exodus as a game I really like in theory but just doesn't click for some reason, I'll probably replay it later and see if I have any better criticism or if it works this time.

I’m gonna warn you right now my bias is insane.

Anyway Doom Eternal is probably one of the best games ever made, an absolute masterpiece of an FPS that ID poured all their years of game crafting into.

Firstly I will discuss two major criticisms I’ve seen.

People think the game is too “video gamey”. What does this mean? Basically pickups float around waiting for you to grab them, there’s random monkey bars and climbable walls around, things are brighter and glow a bit to highlight where to go and what to do. I personally don’t really see the problem in this at all. While the game may not be as “realistic” as Doom 2016 I think I really do prefer this more colorful and fictional style. It really makes enemies, weapons, and the levels pop, and I really appreciate how weapons and enemies were slightly redesigned to maintain their classic looks.

I’ve seen complaints about the story. It’s absolutely true that Doom Eternal has a lot of cutscenes, some can definitely drag on for a bit. But most of them can be skipped completely, rendering this complaint nonsensical. The story is enjoyable too, not sure why you would even want to skip.

Anyway back to gushing, Eternal takes the gameplay of Doom 2016 and makes it much faster. The game adds things like the dash and blood punch along with frag and ice grenades and a “flame belch” as well. These attachments, working with the glory kill system and chainsaw, give you the ability to get all the tools you need at any time. Armor, health, breathing room, and ammo.

Enemy variety is stellar. From aggressive and fast imps, to walking tanks like the mancubus, to the DPS shredding doom hunters, you will need to target different weak points and constantly swap weapons to deal with threats.

On top of all of that the levels are crafted beautifully. Some of the most gorgeous and creative environments I’ve ever seen in any game. They’re so much fun to fight and explore in, and explore you will since there are tons of secrets scattered around.

The base game is pretty much perfect, most of my genuine criticism lies in the after-release attention this game received. Firstly battle mode was a complete blunder. I don’t know a single person that played it, and I genuinely think they wasted resources even working on it at all.

The two DLCs were also incredibly in many ways but they have confusing difficulty. AG1 is arguably much harder than AG2 for the most part.

Finally the master levels, only about 5 or so were actually made. I’m disappointed since they seemed to put way more effort into the final few and I don’t think they should have bothered. If they just focused on making harder versions without all the challenges and bonus modes tacked on, I really think they would have finished all of them.

Hoard mode was also disappointing. A very confusing system where you randomly gain weapons, and a scoring system that completely ignores comboing kills, preferring extra lives instead.

Despite those complaints, I’ve replayed this game about 20 times already and it’s still one of my absolute favorites. Play it. Experience perfection.

Comecei jogando um pouco do Doom (2016) e por algum motivo eu resolvi pular pra esse para ver como é, e simplesmente me surpreendi e zerei ele primeiro que o Doom (2016).

Não sei agora como vou voltar para o outro depois de ter jogado esse, pois a gameplay aqui é muito melhor e muito mais frenética! Simplesmente é super satisfatório atirar e dilacerar demônios nesse jogo.

Já que joguei no Switch, acho válido ressaltar que esse port faz um ótimo trabalho e deve ser usado de exemplo de como otimizar um jogo em plataformas mais fracas!

Zerei na dificuldade “Um tapinha não dói” pois achei esse jogo MUITO difícil, mas até que consegui me virar.

Recomendadíssimos pros fãs de FPS

The greatest FPS of the 21st century has been buried under an avalanche of functionless bloat and baffling game design choices so great, that I don't know how big of a shovel we'd need to get it out.

i have nothing of value to add (this game didn't either) but i must admit that my favorite part of this game was when i was at a local alcohol consumption zone with many arcade games attached (they really should be separate imo) and went to go put chief keef on the Internet Jukebox after that shit was blasting this game's soundtrack to cleanse my spirit from the detrimental effects of listening to Hardcore Gaming Djent once a-fucking-gain, distracting me from important Gameming Tasks such as playing tempest (a good game) after a brief modelo time. (the modelo time was in the parking lot, a true burgerpunk moment)

Fantastic game, but not really my style I think. I could just be really bad at video games but even on the easiest difficulty I found Doom Eternal to be quite challenging, and I just didn't find it that fun some times, but I fully get the appeal to people who love this game. Soundtrack is fucking killer though.