Reviews from

in the past

Really fun game and the art style makes it so that the early Doom games age really well. This is my first time completing the game and I had a really fun time, except for the bonus episode "Thy Flesh Consumed", which I found more irritating than fun and challenging. I also played the entire game without making any saves, so when I died, I had to start with only a pistol and no armor, which made the game more challenging but in a fun way. On to the next!

- Its doom.
- So much mods that you can really play this game forever and people have been.

Fun game, even if it was built in 1993 but mainly bug free and runs on low end devices with ease.
Used gzdoom.

Um clássico absoluto.

Doom é um dos jogos que me introduziu à tecnologia. Praticamente aprendi a mexer no computador só pra jogar Doom.

Apesar de hoje ser conhecido apenas por ser o pai dos boomer shooters, Doom deu início à popularização do gênero FPS, e também à comunidade de modding pela internet (há novos WADs até hoje).

Quem está acostumado com os FPS atuais pode estranhar a ausência da mira vertical e também do ADS, mas pega o jeito rapidinho e ainda é divertidíssimo!

O fator terror continua presente mesmo hoje em dia. Jogar os mapas que têm corredores escuros usando fones, é susto na certa.

A música da primeira fase é um dos melhores temas de todos, que delícia de track.

Parece que esse jogo nunca vai envelhecer.

Ah, Doom. What’s there to even say? It’s an awesome thrill ride and one of the most influential games ever made.

Doom has its flaws; some of the maps are overly simplistic or overly cryptic. That being said… shooting demons is so much fun that it barely matters. Rip and tear. Rip and tear! RIP AND TEAR!

perhaps the most impressive thing about doom is that 30+ years later, no fps has managed to make gore more satisfying than gibbing a marine with an explosive barrel.

episodes 2 and 3 are fantastic, if a smidge inconsistent. sandy peterson worked a got damn miracle with 10 weeks. don't let the haters tell you otherwise.

A true classic for me. I used to play this ALL the time, and it wasn't the base game either, but loads and loads of mods, before we even used that term! That was what made Doom for me. Playing other people's levels, mods that affected gameplay, replacement music, and more. I loved it.

Bom demais, fiquei rodando igual barata tonta até descobrir que tem mapa e matei todos os bichos com a shotgun