Reviews from

in the past

nothing will ever be as satisfying as blowing the bits off some poor demonic bastard with a shotgun while you're going 200 mph looking for the next keycard.

the commonality between the Fender Telecaster and DOOM is that they both got it right early on and that most attempts at recreating the magic since have just been trying to perfect what was already the standard that all following models should and would aspire to

played this a lot before but never all the way through. It's not really my thing, as far as boomer shooters go I'm more of a Quake guy, but Doom is still incredibly charming. It's easy to see how mindblowing this was in the early 90s when you compare it to Wolfenstein 3D. Very fun to play and absolutely something everybody should beat at least once. I went through on Hurt Me Plenty assuming that was "normal" difficulty but it felt pretty easy, if you're using Mouselook like I did it's probably better to bump it up to Ultra-Violence.

played this through gzdoom still a banger

Enrolei e enrolei, mas finalmente terminei esse jogo, e de fato é master peça. Doom é um jogo incrível pra sua época em praticamente tudo, desde o level designe até a trilha sonora e direção arte, o jogo possui um ritmo tão bom que não cansa, junte a isso a grande variedade de armas e você tem horas de um gun play frenético e divertido, mas história é qualquer coisa é até tratada como meme, jogo não se propõe a isso ao que ele se propõe ele faz excepcionalmente bem. Agora oque me surpreendeu de fato é o level designe incrível do jogo, vários corta caminho, cenários que inicialmente não pareciam se ligar se unem de forma orgânica, e que te faz acreditar naquele mundo. Enfim, o jogo master peça pura e faz sentido ser tão aclamado, se tornou um dos meus jogos preferidos sem dúvida.

Pretty cool to see this game and how its the beginning of so much in gaming

Não tem nada que eu fale que vá descrever perfeitamente Doom, além de claro sangue, brutalidade e muito heavy metal no ouvido.

Tive uma experiência ok com o primeiro e pra um jogo da época achei ele realmente bom, só dou uma dica aqui, se for jogar hoje POR FAVOR não encose na versão de super nintendo, ela é super travada.

Mas se tiver curioso e querer dar um desafio a mais, vai nessa.

Rip and tear. John Romero is a GOAT game designer.

If you love kill demons, if you love retro shooter, your loved this game. Daddy of FPS genre

Satisfying gameplay that still holds up

matando y desgarrando desde el 93'

For a very old game, even by today’s standards, this is very enjoyable. The engine worked surprisingly well, and the game is undoubtedly smooth as all hell. There’s really nothing out there like Doom.

One really doesn't understand how beloved and iconic a game really is until you experience it for yourself, I now truly see why DOOM is one of the most iconic games period. From its fast and addicting gameplay, to its (mostly) great level design. No wonder this was such a boom back then, I could definitely see myself replaying this for years to come.

Yes, I finally played this landmark game just a few years ago. I toyed with the sequel "Doom II" in high school and came away unimpressed, but the predecessor is far superior. There's a reason this is the FPS big daddy, and it isn't because of its shocking content. Unlike Mortal Kombat, the gore in Doom is secondary to the game design. Even with a limited texture set, the levels are memorable via spatial variety. Each foe has a distinct behavior and audio cue. And when you grab a key only to hear a trap door slide open behind you, it's a thrill to survive the literal “all hell breaks loose.”

doom é doom. é bom. as vezes é labiríntico demais mas tá valendo. o thy flesh consumed tem umas boas ideias também (em especial nas fases do romero), mesmo que eu ache ele meio roubado as vezes.

Coming from someone who has trouble getting into older games, this game aged very well and hold up to this day

Had to take a break from Zelda to play a REAL GAME!

This game is the Ocarina Of Time for school shooters.

Somewhere out there, there is a guy who is going to tell you that he thinks DOOM is overrated or didn't age well and it's our duty to make sure he is never heard

I grew up watching my dad play DOOM for years, and then took to playing it when I was a teenager and adult. I keep finding my way back to E1M1 every so often, and it brings back such amazing memories. I miss you, dad. <3

It's Doom, man. Even after so much evolution of the genre in so many directions, I think a lot of design decisions that weren't picked up by its successors set it apart and still make it worth playing today, even setting aside any curiosity for its well-deserved legacy.