Reviews from

in the past

An unexpected surprise; the city is gorgeous.

exactly what i wanted it to be: solid open world slop with a D tier story i barely paid attention too. sometimes you're just in that mood. bonus points for the cool visual stuff this game does and the combat was cool especially with the haptic feedback and stuff.

rip tango gameworks

Beaten on Hard mode

I'm very dumbfounded on how this is the same studio that made The Evil Within 2, a game which evaded the trapping of the open world genre by segmenting the world, and then making this game which falls to genre conventions.

While the game has a great concept of a supernatural Tokyo and is visually pretty, any idea that could be cool is run to the ground by the design of the open world. All the yokai you come across in the game are reduced to map icons after they've been introduced, their existence being comprised of mind numbing repetitve tasks which aren't even exclusive between eachother— most of them are based on following the yokai around or eliminating waves of enemies until you can grab them. This exhaustive mechanization turns yokais into an accesory of the map instead of adding anything substantial to the game. As much as the game tries to push the folklore aspects in the database, the game lacks any will to make of the yokais a part of the world without a mechanical incentive behind their inclusion. The paranormal becomes commodity, its nuances lost in the translation to gameplay.

The idea of recontextualizing the usual FPS weaponry into mystical arts is good, but the actual combat has too low of a ceiling for the mechanics given to traverse it. Healing items are endlessly hoarded into your inventory and money is VERY easy to come across, meaning that even if you somehow run out of resources you can always just restock while keeping a fat wallet afterwards. There is an attempt to factor this into the combat by the healing being kept to a minimum (most items heal less than half of your HP) and putting you in jeopardy, which alongside the scrambling for ammo that pushes you for finishers makes combat consistently entertaining, but the enemy design is too lackluster and lacks variety; and your kit is quite plain. I do think it's fun combat but the ceiling is so low you've pretty much seen the usual combat encounter a few hours after you've gotten the last weapon.

But what really took me off-guard was how plain the script in this game is. It's REALLY boring, the characters are very uninteresting and the story is wholly unoriginal. What shocked me about this is that it does have a cute emotional core with KK and Akito, both of them having to face and abandon their families in different ways, but everything around that core is so one dimensional its hard to really care for anything that's going on, which weirds me out because The Evil Within 2 is a game that also has a strong emotional core and sticks the landing, I really wanted to see Sebastian in taking back his family, but I really only liked Akito and KK's banter in this.

I can feel a lot of love was put into this, as I also felt in Tango's other works, but its not enough to carry this game

I feel like I kinda wasted my time beating this game, it was kinda fun, but also not really worth it.

La ambientación del juego sigue siendo su punto fuerte. Pasearse por las calles nocturnas de Tokyo es una delicia. Además, su sistema de desplazamiento es muy fluido, casi da la sensación de estar haciendo parkour, y ayuda a que no se haga pesado ciertas tareas, como la de recopilar cientos de miles de almas.

El combate es muy vistoso, y al principio alucinas con él, pero pasadas unas horas se queda muy corto. Le pasa lo mismo a los enemigos: un diseño muy chulo, pero repetitivos y sin apenas diferencias entre ellos.

De la historia y sus protagonistas no digo nada, porque es todo MUY insulso y soso. Sólo tiene un par de secuencias memorables.

Me da pena que Tango haya cerrado, porque Ghostwire no es un juego notable, pero podría ser la base de una segunda parte muchísimo mejor.

Maybe a repetitive open world, but interesting FPS mechanics and a beautiful representation of tokyo.