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Eu amo muito o mapa desse jogo. O nível de detalhe dele é ABSURDO, parece que tu tá em Tokyo mesmo. O sistema de batalha é um pouco repetitivo mas não chega a ser cansativo, e a história é decente. Recomendo

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Honestly wish there were more enemies to fight in the open world. Playing on Normal felt way too easy I advise anyone else to play on Hard if you've played games before. The bosses were a bit underwhelming, I think I spent more time fighting the mermaids than the actual final Boss. In the end, if you like games where you have to collect stuff this is definitely your cup of tea with all the things they got. Can't lie though the story didn't really pull me in so I skipped 99% of the cutscenes but rip KK I'll miss you.

With Evil Within, Tango Gameworks made a great jumpscare simulator. With Hi-Fi Rush, they made a rhythm game I could enjoy. With this, they made an Ubisoft open world, and I cheered. Shove all these landmarks, all these skill branches, all these side quests up my asshole, whose tightness applies to the world design. AA studios keep winning I swear, ok we'd be fine without the deluxe edition of cosmetics but they said "you shan't be starved of those and emotes" like they're announcing the return of a wrestler live and his name is Tupac-chan. Speaking of, honorifics aren't kept post-translation here unlike the Yakuza series. Figured you deserve to know.

You play as siscon icon Akito, who didn't know the parable of the hare and the tortoise, resulting in checks notes using his body as a vessel for one mf whose name is one letter short from changing the game's rating (bro name is KK huuuuh figure that one out). The story isn't strong or explored in any way, backseating the gameplay by molding new mechanics and situations at a moment's notice. It's coherent enough to not cause eyebrow raise emoji spam. The clap of my buttcheeks keep alerting the Japanese inquisition AMA.

I'll leave that side unexplored. I've explored my fair share already behind the scenes, you know it's the Unlock The Map With New TP Points mechanic shit. You're not Spider-Man, despite what the free update's moniker would have you believe, but aerial control is prevalent. Sometimes you have to climb apartment stairs for what seems like forever to indulge in the activity. First skill I took was aerial takedown in fact, not an ounce of regret it's dumb and fun. What I wish I would have gotten earlier is faster crouch speed. It's a thing that looks very handy at first glance and further glances prove that yup it's very handy.

This doesn't get stale and happens to have a few surprises in it. Now, the combat. I have a few qualms with it, but I didn't feel the critics about its linearity and repetitivity sticking to me when experiencing it. You have to be aware of your surroundings: enemies and unfortunate layout, lest you incur the wrath of a mob beating. I've struggled with sometimes taking hits I thought I was out of the range of, but the overall experience is really cool. If I charge shots, I save ammo and can land more damage if they all hit, but I'm vulnerable and it's possible to have that Duck Hunt ahh aim. When the enemy runs out of HP, I have to bait other enemy attacks and dodge before I can safely take care of its vulnerable state, or crouch where no ghosts can reach me with their big balls before making their ghost friend kiss the sun goodbye. One of my boldest ratings yet and I'm owning up to it.

PS: I have been informed a month after making this review.... of the sudden demise of one of the greatest AA studios I've seen. I hope the talent will be able to find their way to stable jobs where they can express their creativity once more. This shit fucking sucks I'm so tired boss

Me lo jugué un poco antes de que se anunciase el cierre de Tango y vaya, menuda pérdida.

Juego simple en ejecución, pero eso es por lo que brilla. Sistema de combate que funciona con lo justo, y que podría haber invitado a hacer el uso de otras magias, pero que se podría haber pulido en una continuación.

Pero lo mejor es que visualmente es increíble y ver Tokio a oscuras bañada por las luces de neón o las farolas de barrios pequeños no tiene precio.

Una pena que la codicia de Microsoft y Xbox me vaya a impedir de ansiar una continuación...

Es un mundo extremadamente entretenido de explorar: es Tokio actual paranormal. Tiene un sistema de shooter, pero con poderes místicos de naturaleza. En lugar de tener una escopeta, tienes el poder del agua o en lugar de una bazuca tienes un poder de fuego. Pero, manejan el mismo principio.

El protagonista y la historia principal son el principal detrimento del juego, carece de encanto y personalidad. Cosa que no sucede con las misiones secundarias, es donde se encuentran las mejores misiones y dónde el juego se da permiso de experimentar modificando el ambiente y mezclando a la perfección terror y acción japonés.

Entiendo que para muchas personas puede ser repetitivo el gameplay o nada motivante la historia, pero el mundo y las misiones secundarias siento que son lo bastante llamativas para que sí valga la pena probarlo.

Es un juego CHAFIBUENO!

Amazing for virtual tourism. Gameplay, however, started to feel very tedious after some time due to its repetitiveness and focus on collectibles.

É um jogo legal, mas meio perdido, ele tenta se encontrar como jogo de ação, mas tenta ser terror em certos momentos, ao mesmo tempo que está entre um mundo aberto com um mapa cativante mas atividades fulas, um combate simples porém divertido, um texto que tem uma base cativante (sobre perda) porém meio perdido. Sinceramente eu acho que o vilão poderia ter sido melhor explorado, ele tem um objetivo que até daria pra se identificar se fosse melhor escrito. Além de que o jogo fica meio perdido no meio da narrativa, pelo menos foi a impressão que eu tive

Amazing world but lacking in combat and story.

I love the atmosphere, environment and visuals of this game. Probably one of my favorites in gaming. It hits the mark on Japanese specific horror elements that makes you feel you’re actually watching an old horror film.
The urban landscape is fun to explore and yet very eerie at the same time, given how there’s no people only the sound of the sounds of weather, animals, replaying speakers and the occasional ghost laughing or groaning.

However there’s lots to pick at with this game. Firstly a personal gripe is how the static is locked to only come out of the controller speaker and the overuse of static. “TuRn iT oFf” I would if that wasn’t the only way to tell that there’s enemies near by without using the vision ability.

The combat feels a bit wonky and some abilities or arrows miss when they clearly should’ve hit.

Most of the enemies are fine but that spinning umbrella guy is dumb, stupid and annoying . Shouldn’t be in the game.

As for the story, not much is really explained. Sure there might be some hints with some hidden notes stashed away in the corner of the map but let’s be honest, no one wants to go looking for essays to explain a games lore. A lots of stuff that’s left unexplained by the end of the game.

I'm kinda into this game. It's not scary, and it's very collecty, but it's also a cool world to be in, and it's got some great visual designs.

- Interesting game set in Japan with a focus on Japanese mythology.
- The gameplay is open world finish the objective reminiscent of far cry, sadly even with the setting the gameplay is bland.
- The plot is not really memorable at all, its serviceable but could have been interesting which is disappointing.

it gets repetitive after some time

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Cool animations.
Boring gameplay and story.

My partner and I played the main story and side missions all together while afterwards, I adventured into the collectable clean up.
So, is Ghostwire: Tokyo any good?
First off, my favourite part of the entire game is how good it nails Japan. You can tell the team at Tango Gameworks is a Japanese company and they threw every ounce of folklore into this magnificent game while creating a fantastic modern day Shibuya mixed with that sweet hint of old Japanese horror tales.
It really does make you feel like you are walking in a Japanese town that had everyone spirited away.
Which leads into the story and crux of the game. You are Akito, the only living person left in Shibuya and sharing your body is KK, a yokai hunting detective who is clinging to life to fight the villian at work as you try to save your sister from their clutches.
It's a fantastic premise and as much as I love the characters, I do think the story they fill is basic and is the weakest aspect of the game.
Akito and KK's relationship is awesome and goes against the typical "we're forced to be together, so deal with it" butting heads. Instead, they know they need each other and I adore that.
I just wish the story had more to grasp me. It had me curious enough until the end, but in the end, is more of a background setting for the much stronger elements of the game.
Which is why I love and have to gush about the gameplay. Think of this game as first person Jujutsu Kaisen. You sling sorcery and use talismans to destroy spirits that want to rip you in half. You always feel like such a bad ass when you fling a wind sorcery followed with water and then you tug on their cores via strings and rip the enemies asunder.
It's so much fun and the gameplay never got tiring for me. It was constantly engaging and rewarding every time.
Overall, this game is a pretty standard open world collectathon that features a huge Japanese tone that isn't rivalled by anything I've played before. It feels like a Japanese history lesson on folklore.
Sporting some awesome side missions and ways to upgrade, you get a really enjoyable game that misses on some story beats.

Un bel gioco, molto lungo con tutti i collezionabili da ottenere. Mi è piaciuto il DLC gratis roguelite.

très répétitif en terme de gameplay, mais bon le jeu est beau

Isso aqui é ruim meu deus.

Tu dispara poder com as mãos numa gameplay MUITO lenta e sem muito feeling. Não gostei e não recomendo.

repetitive gameplay, but the flashiness and how cool i feel makes up for it, plus loveable characters, would play again

This was truly wonderful. Perfect length. Perfect gameplay loop

A time capsule from 2010 was unearthed too early by accident and they found Ghostwire: Tokyo in it. A barren collectathon wasteland in which both the main and side mission have you fight a wide range of supernatural entities like checks notes a bald faceless guy in a suit, a fat bald faceless guy with a suit, a faceless woman in a suit, a headless child in a school uniform (a kind of suit) and a blanket with holes in it for eyes. Sometimes a big woman in a trench coat tries to gut you wide open with scissors.

I can’t really hate on it too much though. What it lacks in gameplay it makes up in soul. It has a unique atmosphere I can’t say I’ve seen anywhere else. Neon lit Tokyo night streets are sombre and beautiful, inhabited primarily by floating ghosts that have forgotten who they are. Passing beside them, you'll often hear them plead for help: ‘’Did I leave the stove on ?’’ or ‘’ I have to feed my cat’’. I enjoyed that. If you can stomach the brain-dead gameplay and you have a knack for digital tourism give it a chance.

While this game isn't groundbreaking by any metric, it was a fun open-world FPS that hooked me with an addictive exploration/collection/upgrade loop.

Não sou lá um grande fã da pespectiva de primeira pessoa, mas o que me atraiu no jogo foi a temática do folclore japonês e me surpreendi com a representação da cidade de Tokyo.

Its an ok game. Tango gameworks did a really good job depicting this dark and spooky Tokyio in this game. The combat is simple but good and the game lenght is on point more than that and game would become tedius.

gameplay meio clunky mas a ambientação e arte do jogo são sensacionais, a história é okay e te mantem ali pelo menos.
vale a pena pra quem curte japan

Underrated imo, loved the vibe.. bit long tho

Tango Gamework have proven to be a great studio making bangers that somehow come by severely underappreciated, and this one is no exception.

Ghostwire: Tokyo is an action-adventure, open-world game released by Bethesda Softworks in 2022.

You're playing Akito Izuki, a boy living only with his sister Mari since their parents died. Before the main event occurs, Mari finishes in hospital after a fire strikes their house and Mari doesn't leave it in time.
After she ended up in the hospital, Akito was driving towards it, when a mysterious fog spread all over Tokyo. Before the fog engulfed him, the spirit of KK possessed him, saving him from the effects of the fog. The fog turned everyone except Akito from their physical form into a spirit. Behind all that fog was a man in a Hannya mask, who wanted to use Mari as a vessel to connect the world of the living and the underworld.
Your job is to save Mari and defeat the Hannya. Fortunately, even if the world feels lonely since you're the only one alive, KK will always be with you (KK was part of a team of investigators who tried to stop Hannya but failed). The reason why you survived the fog is because of KK's special powers that use ether found around to create spells. You can use three elements, both of them have a light, heavy and special attack. There are also talismans that you buy along the way and they are similar to element attacks. You also have a bow to use, which is quite helpful and strong, which I ended up discovering too late in the game. I recommend playing this on harder difficulty, it's much more enjoyable, especially later in the game, when, after unlocking many skills, you will be powerful enough to defeat all enemy types without any problems.
Along your journey, you will be able to help spirits that didn't yet pass on. Those side quests aren't long and even though they all have different ideas and background stories, they just feel repetitive sometimes. Fortunately, Spyder's Thread update not only gave us a new rogue-lite mode (which I didn't try since I was satisfied with the main game enough) but also new side quests and new enemy types. The best side quest is "Fear for the Children", which is also the scariest one. The game isn't scary, you will probably have a few small jumpscares at the beginning when you end up encountering a new enemy type, but after that, only the already mentioned side quest will be scary.
I loved the graphics, and the colours they used to represent how colourful Tokyo was before the fog. The rain that falls most of the time. The yokai found all over the city, where each type of yokai will give you a different and short side activity to complete to absorb their power.

All in all, I loved almost everything in this game. The only thing that bothers me, apart from the sometimes repetitive side content, is that we didn't end up getting an output of what we achieved after we cleared the fog, The game doesn't show you what you've achieved. We got the credits too soon, in my opinion. I also didn't enjoy how the story ended, but not every story must have a happy ending.

القيم بلاي : تقريبا ما استمتعت غير بنهاية اللعبة.. بداية اللعبة كانت عبارة عن كاتسينز طويلة وفارغة ومملة.. القتال حسيت فكرتة جميلة لكنة سيء الطلقات محدودة وتجميعها ممل والهيلث تقريبا ما يخلص الاعداء مكررين ومملين خصوصا يلي هيلثهم عالي تمنيت لو يكافئونا بدمج اعلى وقت نضربهم بنقطة محددة والبوسز مملين واللعبة مليانة امور مملة للتجميع على رأسها الارواح يلي منتشرة بكل مكان بشكل مزعج والمهام عبارة عن تكرار وامور مملة المتعة الوحيدة كانت وقت ادخل بيت فية خدع بصرية
القصة : بدايتها كانت سيئة واستمرت على سوئها وصولا لاخر جزئية من اللعبة وقتها صارت جميلة جدا لكن البداية كلها ملل فـ ملل
الجرافكس : مبدئيا الجرافكس بالمدينة سيء ما حبيتة احسة فارغ ومكرر وغير ممتع بصريا على عكس الامكان يلي بداخل المباني كانت جميلة وخصوصا وقت يعملون خدعهم البصرية ذا اكثر شي اثار اعجابي باللعبة واتمنى اشوف العاب اكثر تعمل نفس الشي.. تصميم الاعداء والبوسز عظيم انميشن الضرب والقتال جميل ايضا
الموسيقى : موسيقى اللعبة جميلة تقريبا موسيقى متوسطة
تقييمي : حبيت ثيم اللعبة وحبيت غرابة تصميمهم للاعداء والغرف والامور الغريبة يلي تصير الانميشن فـ اللعبة جدا جميل لكن اللعب ما حسيتة ممتع والقصة ما استمتعت فيها والقتال كان ممل اتمنى جدا اشوف لعبة بفكرة ثانية فيها نفس الاعداء والخدع البصرية لكن تكون ممتعة وخطية.. بصورة عامة اللعبة ما كانت ممتعة ولا مملة

O jogo é bom, vou ser sincero que não prestei muita atenção na historia... mas a jogabilidade é bem gostosa...